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TCS Lesson Plan Template

Name: ____Richard Arenal-Mullen______

Focus Plan:
Assist students with the applications of algebra to real-world scenarios
Grade Leel!Content:
Grade Math
Primar$ Standard:
Learnin( Tar(et: )at least *+
I can simpli,$ an al(e-raic e.pression so that it is easier to understand%
I can sole an al(e-raic e.pression once it has -een simpli/ed0 (ien the alue o, a aria-le%
I can sole 1ord-pro-lems usin( al(e-raic concepts%
I can use m$ understandin( o, al(e-ra to appl$ the concepts to real-1orld scenarios%
&ssential 2uestion )#34 Leel+:
5o1 can I use arithmetic to simpli,$ al(e-raic e.pressions6
5o1 can al(e-ra ma7e solin( 1ord pro-lems easier6
Actiatin( Strate($! Lesson 5oo7:
Students 1ill continue their stud$ o, al(e-raic e.pressions 1ith a reie1 o, preious materials%
Cell App
PhotoMath App
!"ernote App
Math Book
#riting Materials
SMART8oard Access
Math 8oo7
Cell$ App
PhotoMath App
&ernote App
Tier * Content
Term, Variable, Coefficient,
Equation, Expression.
Tier : Academic
Solve, Compute,
Subtract, Add, Plus,
Minus, Multiply, Divide,
Figure, Reason, Explain.
9oca-ular$ Instructional Strate(ies
Students will be introduced to each word while using the s$ills
re%uired to perform the action associated with the word& In this
wa' students will' in a sense' understand the meaning of the word
before the actuall $now what the word is& Students will perform
the act' be as$ed to e(plain their actions' disco"er the word through
e(ploration and peer-sharing' and then come up with their own
definition& The teacher will help students along the wa to ensure
that the are on trac$&
Assessment Tas7s
Formatie Assessment Tas7s )Tied to Learnin( Tar(et+:
Students will be gi"en)
#armup Re"iew
Tic$et out the door
3ne-on-one con,erencin(
Instructional Process
Students 1ill -e (ien a set o, sample pro-lems to prepare them ,or the assi(nment% Students 1ill
-e practicin( identi,$in( li7e terms and per,ormin( arithmetic operations%
The teacher 1ill e.plain the plan ,or the da$ to the students% The students 1ill -e per,ormin( a tas7
that 1ill re;uire students to 1or7 in (roups 1hile determinin( 1hat the li7e terms are and the
operations that need to -e per,ormed to simpli,$ the e.pressions% Students 1ill -e (ien a set o,
al(e-raic e.pressions to simpli,$ as 1ell as al(e-raic e;uations to sole% Students 1ill need to use
their smartphones and hae alread$ do1nloaded the Cell$ App0 SmartMath App0 and &ernote App
)all ,ree+% The teacher 1ill instruct students throu(h demonstration and mirrorin( o, his deice on
the SMART8oard% First0 the teacher 1ill use the &ernote app to 1rite do1n and sole the pro-lem0
step -$ step% Follo1in(0 the teacher 1ill chec7 his 1or7 usin( the SmartMath App% Follo1in( that0
the teacher 1ill use Cell$ to post the ans1er to the class home1or7 (roup%
Students 1ill ,ollo1 a similar pattern% The students 1ill -e split into (roups and assi(ned a particular
set o, pro-lems to sole% All students 1ill complete all pro-lems0 -ut each (roup 1ill -e responsi-le
,or postin( the ans1ers and 1or7 ,rom a particular set o, pro-lems% 8$ usin( &ernote0 students 1ill
not lose trac7 o, their 1or7 and can ta7e pictures o, the 1or70 <ust in case% =sin( PhotoMath0 the
students 1ill -e a-le to see i, their 1or7 is correct and ,ollo1 the on-screen steps to chec7 1here
the$ ma$ hae made a mista7e% The PhotoMath app uses AR technolo($ and the -uilt-in camera on
most phones to sole math pro-lems% Then0 usin( Cell$ ,or the 1hole-class -oard0 students can
chec7 their ans1ers ,or the remainin( pro-lems and loo7 at 1hat steps the$ ma$ hae missed as
posted -$ other students on &ernote%
Closin( Actiit$:
Students 1ill each contri-ute an operation and aria-le to the class discussion -oard on Cell$% Then0
the teacher 1ill compile these into one pro-lem to post on the discussion ,or all students to sole%
3nce students hae soled the pro-lem and -eliee it to -e correct0 the$ 1ill post the ans1er to the
T3T# -oard on the 1a$ out%
#i>erentiation Strate(ies
A-oe Leel: Students 1ill -e as7ed to create more comple. pro-lems and determine a 1a$ to sole the
pro-lems (ien a alue ,or the aria-les used in their pro-lems%
Leel: Students 1ill complete the assin(ment as descri-ed a-oe%
8elo1 Leel: Students 1ill receie peer tutorin( and pre,erential (roupin(% The students 1ill also -e (ien e.tra
assistance -$ the teacher%

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