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Fourth Grade Rocks

Week of October 27, 2014

1hls week ln readlng we
wlll be learnlng abouL
creaung menLal lmages
whlle we read Lo help us
beuer undersLand a cuon
LexL. 1he klds are nlshlng
up Lhelr second week on
Lhelr ually 3 conLracLs.
1hey have been readlng a
plece abouL Mary Shelley's
lrankensLeln and
ldenufylng Lhe mood of
Lhe plece. 1hey are also
comparlng lL Lo a
whlmslcal poem called,
noL lrankensLeln"
ln wrlung Lhls week, we are
nlshlng up our unlL on
lnformauve wrlung. We wlll Lhen
be lnLroduclng our new unlL on
narrauve wrlung. Cur focus wlll
be on revlewlng Lhe parLs of Lhe
narrauve dlamond and wrlung an
enLerLalnlng lead.

Character Quote

Math Social Studies/
1hls week we are
conunulng our Lhlrd unlL ln
our new maLh program,
MaLh ln locus. We are
focuslng on dlvlslon.
lease refer Lo Lhe sLeps
sheeL Lo help your chlld
wlLh hls/her homework.
lease be sure Lo be
pracuclng baslc facLs as
parL of your chlld's
ln Soclal SLudles, we are
worklng on Lhe ve ma[or
denlng aspecLs of a reglon:
physlcal feaLures, naLural
resources, economy,
cllmaLe, and culLure.
1he sLudy gulde for our rsL
sLaLes and caplLals LesL wlll
go home Lhls Wednesday.
ln sclence, Lhe klds have [usL
had Lhelr assessmenL on
properues of rocks. We are
lucky Lo be havlng an
lnLeracuve program comlng
ln on 1uesday Lo furLher our
sLudenLs' knowledge of
rocks and Lhe rock cycle.

Read Aloud Books:
The Grimm Legacy Greetings From Nowhere

27: Rock Presentation
31: Halloween Party
4: Parent Conference
Day No School
11: No School
The secret number is 3

lease leL me know lf your chlld can noL
access kld 8log or ScooLad. lor Lhe 8log,
SLudenLs can wrlLe hls/her posLs on
1hank you Lo everyone who has
volunLeered Lo come ln and help
ouL. l am Lrylng Lo schedule
everyone, so l can make sure LhaL
everyone geLs a chance Lo come ln!
l am hopeful Lo have Lhe schedule
done by Lomorrow .l am golng Lo
begln Lhe schedule for november
Lo make sure everyone has ample
nouce Lo come ln!
1hank you agaln, schedullng loLs of
parenLs ls a greaL problem Lo

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