Strategic Plan

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A Vision for our Future


Team Unicorn Paradox
Jane Billinger
Alicia Houston
Christine Jones
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Table of Contents i
Table of Contents
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 1
Strategic Initiative 1: Increased Resources for Immigrants .............................................. 1
Strategic Initiative 2: Create Inclusive Outreach Programs ............................................... 1
Strategic Initiative 3: Rebranding and Marketing .................................................................. 1
Organizational Profile ............................................................................................................. 2
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 2
History of the DACL ....................................................................................................................... 2
About Diagon Alley ......................................................................................................................... 2
The Organization .................................................................................................................................. 4
Current Organizational Chart .................................................................................................... 4
Areas of Interest ................................................................................................................................... 5
Guiding Values ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Vision ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Mission Statement .......................................................................................................................... 5
Preparation/Planning ............................................................................................................. 6
Library Management Team ............................................................................................................. 6
Planning Factors ................................................................................................................................... 6
Current Reality ........................................................................................................................... 7
Environmental Scan ............................................................................................................................ 7
SWOT Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Organizational Performance ........................................................................................................... 9
Gap Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 9
New Priorities ............................................................................................................................. 9
Strategic Profile .................................................................................................................................... 9
Future Vision ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Strategic Initiatives .......................................................................................................................... 10
Action Plan ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Strategic Initiative 1: Increased Resources for Immigrants ...................................... 12
Strategic Initiative 2: Creation of Inclusive Programs .................................................. 14
Strategic Initiative 3: Create a Rebranding & Marketing Campaign ....................... 16
Budgeting ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Performance Management ............................................................................................................ 18
Synergies between our Action Plans ................................................................................... 18
Handling Conflict among Action Plans ................................................................................ 18
Monitoring and Correcting the Action Plans. ................................................................... 18
Contingencies ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................................. 20
References ................................................................................................................................. 21
Strategic Plan Team Retrospective .................................................................................... A
Team Narrative ..................................................................................................................................... A
Forming ............................................................................................................................................... A
Storming ............................................................................................................................................. A
Norming .............................................................................................................................................. B
Performing ......................................................................................................................................... B
Meeting Minutes ................................................................................................................................... C
February 15, 2014 Intial Meeting ......................................................................................... C
February 27, 2014 .......................................................................................................................... D
March 13, 2014 ................................................................................................................................ E
March 27, 2014 ................................................................................................................................ F
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Executive Summary 1
Executive Summary
Post-war Diagon Alley is in the still process of recovery. Economic downturn, budget cuts,
low employment and an influx of new residents are changes the community is facing. The
Unicorn Branch of the Diagon Alley Community Library (DACL) has developed a strategic
plan to aid the community in the recovery process by implementing changes to its
organization that would be beneficial to both its patrons and the continued success of the
This strategic plan spans a three year period and will implement strategic initiatives that
will focus on outreach to new residents, expand programing to benefit all patrons and
rebrand the library to provide an updated image as the community recovers from the
Second Wizarding War.
Post-war Diagon Alley has experienced a large influx of immigration. Increasing resources
to immigrants is an essential goal in this strategic plan. The DACL will increase and
enhance ESL and immigration information resources within its collection.
Community outreach is always essential in library strategic planning. Outreach for the next
three years will be essential to ensuring the library meets the needs of all of its patrons.
The strategic initiatives will strive for increasing current patron participation in the library
while working to establish a patron base with the immigrants new to the community.
The DACL needs to improve our brand recognition and increase our marketing efforts to
the public with the initiatives to reach-out to immigrant/refugees and increased
programming for patrons. By rebranding the Library and establishing a new marketing
campaign, we can inform the public of the DACLs new strategic efforts and remind patrons
and potential patrons of what the Library offers them.

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Organizational Profile 2
Organizational Profile
The Diagon Alley community has undergone significant changes in the last several years.
Our community has gone through significant turmoil because of the Second Wizarding War.
The impacts of the war caused the reallocation of monies from significant funding sources,
the Ministry of Magic. Our Library also lost a major champion with the death of beloved
leader and former Hogwarts Headmaster Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian
Dumbledore. Along with the ramifications of the Second Wizarding War and the loss of
Dumbledore, the Diagon Alley community has experienced a significant increase of
Bulgarian immigrants due to political and social upheaval within the county of Bulgaria.
These issues combined mean it is time for the DACLs Unicorn Branch, which is located
in London, England, review, reflect and plan for the future of our Library and the Diagon
Alley community as a whole. Creating a three-year strategic plan for 2015-2017
provides us with insight and opportunity to ensure the DACL remains relevant and
progressive along with meeting the needs of our growing and changing community.
History of the DACL
Gideon Lockhart opened the Unicorn Branch of the DACL in
1703. A civic minded and industrious individual, Mr. Lockhart
organized his massive personal collection in space once used to
manufacture brooms. The large space allowed room to divide
the collection along with creating nooks and crannies for
reading and meeting rooms. Interested in literacy and
education, Mr. Lockhart opened the DACL to the community
along with residents throughout the country and students
attending the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.
In 1755, the DACL fell under the purview of the Ministry of
Magic following the death of Mr. Lockhart. By this time, the
DACL had become an institution and area community members
along with scholars and students made frequent use of its
collection, which included out-of-print and difficult to find
tomes. Throughout the years, the DACL has continued to grow and thrive through generous
financial contributions and donations of private collections.
About Diagon Alley
A street in London accessible only to the wizarding world, Diagon alley is the economic
center of the area. Diagon Alley is hidden from non-magical people (Muggles) unless
accompanied by their magically inclined children. People in the wiazrding world know
Diagon Alley for offering all things magic related.
Library Founder Gideon Lockhart
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Organizational Profile 3
The Unicorn Branch of the DACL is located in the heart of London, England. Serving
approximately 2,000 area residents, the Unicorn Branch also receives a number of
visitors from surrounding communities on the daily basis. Diagon Alley is an economic
hub of the wizarding community and in addition to permanent residents receives a high
volume of visitors from throughout the country.
Geography and Climate. Diagon Alley is accessible through a pub in London,
England called the Leaky Cauldron. Diagon Alley covers approximately two square
kilometers with approximately 1,500 people per square kilometer. Diagon Alley
received less than 601 mm of precipitation per year and receives snow four or five
times per year. Temperature averages 8 degrees in the winter Celsius and averages
24 degrees Celsius in the summer.
Population. Approximately 2,000 as of 2012, estimated 3,000 in 2013 after mass
migration from Bulgaria
Ethnicity. Diagon Alley is comprised of people possessing magical abilities or
Muggles accompanying their Muggle-born children who have magical abilities.
Bulgarian immigrants are also magically abled though they are known to be
accepting of Dark Magic.
Education. Historically a highly educated populace, Diagon Alley now houses
people from a diverse educational background. People aged 26-36 are
overwhelmingly undereducated because of the Wizard War.
Culture. Residents of Diagon Alley engage in witch and wizardry culture. Crime
rates have been steadily low although many tweens have been found guilty of
underage magic. There are laws regulating ages when magic can be practiced and
what environments are permitted.
Economy. Diagon Alley is mainly comprised of businesses related to magic; this
specialization of goods and services has made Diagon Alley a wizarding center in
London. The Gringotts bank is the foundation of the economy in Diagon Alley.
Established in 382 B.C. Ollivander's Wand Shop is the oldest business in the area.
Tourism plays a significant role in the local economy as people of magic from
neighboring areas frequent Diagon Alley.
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Organizational Profile 4
The Unicorn Branch of the DACL is located in the heart of London, England. Serving approximately 2,000 area residents, the
Unicorn Branch also receives a number of visitors from surrounding communities on the daily basis. Diagon Alley is an
economic hub of the wizarding community and in addition to permanent residents receives a high volume of visitors from
throughout the country. The organization chart below provides an overview of the DACL system along with roles and
Current Organizational Chart
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Organizational Profile 5
Currently the Unicorn Branch of Diagon Alley focuses on general wizarding and community
interests. The current collection divides as follows:
Adult Fiction
Adult Nonfiction
Health and Home Remedies
The Lockhart Rare Book Collection
The Adult Fiction, Business, and Health and Home Remedies collection are our most widely
circulated collections. As the Unicorn Branch serves the Diagon Alley business district, up-
to-date resources are maintained for the benefit of the area small business owners. In past
years, the Health and Home Remedies collection has had decreased circulation due to the
increase prominence of St. Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries community
The DACL will create a place where everyone can actively engage, learn, and participate
with our diverse community.
Our strategic plan will seek to uphold the three main points of our vision: Engage, Learn,
Participate, and strive to make each aspect more visible and applicable to the community.
The stakeholders in the venture are not only the Library Board of Directors and the Diagon
Alley Council, but also our staff and patrons. Everyone this strategic plan targets has
something to gain or lose due to the effectiveness of our plan and, thus, the community will
hold us responsible.
The DACL will create a place where everyone can actively engage, learn, and participate
with our diverse community.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the DACL is to provide resources that will respond to community interests
and needs, enrich the lives of our patrons, and create a community of lifelong learners.
In the past, the Unicorn Branch of Diagon Alley has focused mostly on the availability of the
printed word and traditional resources. As our community growth was static over the past
several centuries, there was no cause to change it. In recent years, our community has
changed and so the mission of the DACL must change as well. Our new mission will
correlate with our vision of a community of engagement, learning, and participation and
help move the DACL from an information warehouse into a community resource.
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Preparation/Planning 6
In order to ensure success and buy in throughout our staff and the community, our
Strategic Plan will include members of library management along with some community
members. Our team will include the following.
Collection Services Manager. This professional will determine the materials in the
collection will serve the needs of all patrons of the DACL. If deficiencies are identified in
the collection the collection services manager will provide recommendations of what
materials are needed to satisfy the needs of the patrons
Community Outreach Director. The Community Outreach Director will evaluate
current outreach programs, identify new programs that can benefit new patrons of the
DACL as well as outreach programs to promote inclusiveness among the patrons
Administrative Director. This director will provide staff training. Staff training will
include cultural training and language training to help staff with interactions with
Library Board Member. A library board member will evaluate the strategic plan to
ensure the DACLs mission and vision are included in this three-year plan. The library
board member will also ensure that strategic plan is consistent with the citys business
plan and that the strategic plan follows the guidelines set forth by the library
Durmstrang Liaison. A representative of the Durmstrang Institute, an education group
with a high volume of Bulgarian students, who will assist in making sure needs of
immigrant patrons are not overlooked.
Financial restrictions are a concern in the 2015-2017 budgets. An influx of new residents
with financial means differing from our previous patron base has prompted a reevaluation
of our budget. This strategic plan includes low or cost free ideas that will help the DACL
achieve its goals and stay within the parameters of its mission. Many of the strategic
initiatives will rely on donated goods and services from local businesses. Though many
libraries in London are subscription based, the DACL will be dependent on tax revenue.
Operating with tax revenue will assist in ensuring the needs of all patrons are being met.
Financial assistance will not be a factor for patrons who do not have the financial means to
pay for a subscription thereby making the DACL more accessible to all Diagon Alley
DACL will work with the non-profit group Friends of Libraries to supplement tax revenue
and increase programming opportunities. Friends of Libraries will assist in fundraising,
advocacy, public awareness campaigns, literacy programs and volunteerism.
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Current Reality 7
Continued support of Hermione Granger in her role as a DACL Board Member will also be
essential in the success of integrating the Bulgarian refugees with the current patron base.
Among her many qualifications is her work for better treatment of house-elves when she
was employed with the Ministry of Magic. This experience provides Ms. Granger with the
skills needed to help ensure the needs of the patrons of DACL are being met. Ms. Granger's
philosophy of "when in doubt, go to the library" is the ideal we want to instill in our entire
patron base at DACL.
Current Reality
According to Varheim (2014), libraries traditionally have been considered trustworthy
organizations. However, within immigrant populations, trust is very hard to establish. A
specific concern for the staff of the DACL will be how to best assist and reach out to people
who are in Diagon Alley illegally, without trust it will be very difficult to help people who
are not documented. Libraries are government institutions and can be intimidating to
people trying to avoid the government. Libraries can be an ideal setting to provide
government resources without an invasive approach that could encourage people who are
not trusting of the government to stay away.
One goal of the DACL is to promote outreach programs that will establish equal treatment
of all patrons. The hope is that through equal treatment trust will be established and
immigrants to the DACL will become comfortable relying on DACL as a resource. The
current staff and resources available to the DACL will not present an ideal setting for the
new immigrant population. Staff members are not properly trained; materials are mostly
and in English and will probably not satisfy the needs of the immigrant population and no
staff members speak Bulgarian.
The demographics of the patrons who frequented the DACL prior to the influx of
immigrants were mainly highly educated and primarily used the library for checking out
materials. Programs offered were not heavily attended and the reference area pales in
comparison to the reference area available at the local school. The low volume of patrons
coming into the DACL created more of a book warehouse than a library atmosphere.
Another goal of this strategic plan is to encourage higher attendance among all patrons.
Over the past several years, the demographics of our community has changed. Diagon Alley
has moved from a predominantly white, well-educated neighborhood with most of our
families native to England into a community that is a healthy mix of British citizens and
immigrants from continental Europe with varying levels of education. Similar to the
demographic changes in Muggle London, Diagon Alley is experiencing a continual influx of
immigrants into our community. Due to political unrest in the wizarding communities in
Romania, Bulgaria and other eastern European settlements, Diagon Alley has seen an
increase in the number of Bulgarian immigrants over the past several years.
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Current Reality 8
Additionally, another phenomenon our community is experiencing is the increasing level of
adults who have not received high school diplomas or collegiate degrees. This stems from
the temporary disruption and closure of the areas main school, Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. When the school year was disrupted and cancelled for several
years starting in 1997, several Hogwarts students either dropped out or received
incomplete and inadequate school. This has led to the development of an educational gap in
adults ages 26-36 who are uneducated and unprepared for the work force.
A major recent trend that is affecting our library is the current heightened interest in equal
rights for all magical creatures. Our patrons are frequently requesting us to include more
programs, collections, and resources that focus on different groups of magical creatures,
notably goblins, house elves, and giants. Collections that are available in different languages
such as elfish or Gobbledegook (goblins native language), as well as eastern European
languages such as Bulgarian, Armenian, and Slovak have been demanded by our patrons
and community in order to accommodate our new community.
Our organization is driven by the need to help everyone, regardless of their personal
background, find the information and resources that they need to successfully live their
day-to-day lives. Thus, the change in demographics for our area is motivating DACL staff to
find new ways to accommodate our patrons. If the Unicorn Branch of the DACL continues to
ignore the changes in our community, DACL will become nothing more than a collection of
irrelevant tomes quickly collecting dust. If we continue as is, then we risk our patrons no
longer seeing us as a viable resource.
Educated and motivated staff focused on
Robust and extensive collection of information
Access to a variety of technologies
Increase in population due to immigration to the
Community Relations along with
Outreach/Education staff working together to
improve awareness
Difficulty assisting English as a Second
Language patrons
Lack of outreach to special populations
Absence of programming for teens and adults
Collection needs weeding
Lack of outreach has caused people to forget
what the DACL offers

Hiring a liaison can assist with improving outreach
to area immigrants
Area bookstores may be interested in developing
cross-promotional programming
Increase funding through a book sale of weeded
Improve programming for teens and adult by
hosting special events and continued education
Work with Hogwarts to create special programs for
children and Hogwarts students
Adults may be interested in continued
education through other programs
Funding from the Ministry of Magic likely will
continue to remain as is or possibly cut
Lack of support from business community
Lack of awareness of the offerings of the
DACL in terms of collection
Lack of interest of new programming from

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 9
The DACL Unicorn Branch presently offers a variety of activities. However, we lack suitable
outreach and validation to make our performance targets and results meaningful. As a
result, we will strive to take attendance consistently. Doing so will allow us the opportunity
to gauge if we should increase the frequency of our activities. As it stands, the DACL offers
the following.
Story Time 1 per week Ten (10) children on average
Craft Programs 1 per week Fifteen (15) children on average
Computer Classes 2 per month Five (5) adults on average each class
Book Club 2 per month Twelve (12) adults on average each meeting
Skills Enrichment Classes 2 per month Six (6) adults per month each class
Tutoring Services Daily Three (3) patrons per day
In addition to increasing attendance to our current programs, we will be implementing the
following to increase participation in library programs and educational opportunities:
The participation projects for 2015-2017 are as follows:
Increasing story time participation to an average of 15 per session
Adding a bilingual story time for non-English speaking children
Increasing craft programs to two (2) per week with an average of 15 participants
Increase computer class participation to an average of eight (8) participants
Train staff on how to resolve computer issues so they can assist patrons between
Add another book club per month, each club representing a different genre of
literature with an average of 12 participants at each meeting
Add a teen book club with activities related to the current title with an average of ten
(10) participants
Increase skills enrichment classes to weekly with an average of six (6) adults per class
Provide bilingual tutoring for non-English speaking patrons
Increase volunteer participation at the DACL to offset the increase in programs being
New Priorities
Jason Jennings (2012) wrote Change and reinvention are intentional and dont happen
magically. Embracing change and reinvention must be vital components of the
organizations culture (p. 27).
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 10
While we find elements of the DACL Unicorn Branch to be magical, we agree with this
statement. This is the purpose of our Strategic Plan at this time and why we are striving to
improve our services offered and outreach to our community.
The DACL is committed to providing an environment where patrons can enrich their lives.
Diversification is the primary focus of the DACL in the next three year. Through
diversification, the DACL will meet the communitys interests and needs. Currently, the
DACL acts as a warehouse for collection materials. This strategic plan will allow the DACL
to become more utilitarian over the next three years. We will create a more dynamic
institution by eliminating the storage facet of our branch by employing information
resources we currently possess and supplementing the materials we are lacking in our
This strategic plan will provide more education and programming opportunities for
patrons. Many of these opportunities will be low cost or cost free and contribute to the
DACLs community outreach efforts. Encouraging patrons to visit the DACL for education
and programming opportunities will satisfy the DACLs mission to provide resources that
will respond to the community interests and needs, enrich the lives of patrons and create a
community of lifelong learners.
Walt Disney once said, You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in
the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality (Smith, 2001, p. 77). We want
the DACL to be place embraced by the community and serve as a location where ideas and
thoughts patrons can learn and share in an open and positive manner. Through this and
our vast information resources, we see opportunity to enrich the lives of our patrons and
create a community of lifelong learners who want to explore, discover, and understand.
We will endeavor to turn the DACL Unicorn Branch into a wonderful place by ensuring its
use by our diverse and growing community. We will fulfill the vision of our Library to
serve as a place where everyone can actively engage, learn, and participate.
We are aware that one of the few constants in life is change. Our society has experienced a
great deal of adjustment in the previous years as result of war and strife that has ravaged
our community. We would be remiss if we did not take stock of our communitys needs
and look for way that the DACL can fill gaps. As a result, we will undertake the following
Strategic Initiatives.
Strategic Initiative 1: Increased Resources for Immigrants
The Diagon Alley community experienced a 20 percent increase in population in the past
year because of Bulgarian immigrants seeking asylum. While unforeseeable, it is
imperative that the DACL improve services for our new community members. To do this,
we have set the following goals.
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 11
Goal 1.1 Make citizenship resources readily available
Provides an opportunity to converse and welcome patrons
Goal 1.2 Provide ESL services to patrons
Allows for time within the DACL and find out what other services the library offers
Goal 1.3 Provide living in Diagon Alley resources in a variety of languages for patrons
Provides insight about the community along with where other life resources may
be located
Strategic Initiative 2: Create Inclusive Programs
DACL provides programming at a limited level at this time. In order to change the view of
how the DACL plays a role within Diagon Alley, we must increase this and emphasize this
effort. As a result, we are committed to doing the following.
Goal 2.1: Create Educational and Program Opportunities for Students
Allows children to interact in a setting outside of home and school
Improves opportunity for them to see the DACL as a place of learning and
community and not just books and studying
Goal 2.2: Create Educational and Program Opportunities for Older Teens and Adults
Allows teens and adults who may have missed educational opportunities during
the Wizarding War to fill in information gaps
Provides opportunity to meet and socialize with others who may have similar
Builds relationship between the DACL and the community
Goal 2.3: Create Educational and Program Opportunities for Families
Provides opportunity to meet and socialize with families in the community
Builds relationships between the DACL and families
Goal 2.4: Create Educational and Program Opportunities for Seniors
Allows for socializing among seniors within the community
Provides safe, clean setting to participate in book discussions
Opportunity to research and review history of the community
Strategic Initiative 3: Create a Rebranding & Marketing Campaign
The DACL needs to improve our brand recognition and increase our marketing efforts to
the public with the initiatives to reach-out to immigrant/refugees and increased
programming for patrons. By rebranding and establishing a new marketing campaign, we
can inform the public of the DACLs new strategic efforts. This also allows us to remind
patrons and potential patrons of what the DACL offers.
Goal 3.1 Rebrand the DACL using elements of our vision statement Engage. Learn.
Provides an opportunity to better understand the role of the DACL
Allows patrons to keep the DACL in mind when a need or question arises
Goal 3.2 Establish a marketing campaign emphasizing new initiatives
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 12
Informs the public about new programming in a consolidated and cohesive
Strategic Initiative 1: Increased Resources for Immigrants
Rationale. A large number of refugees has moved to Diagon Alley. Most are not citizens but wish
to become citizens.
Action Steps
Keep citizenship information on display in the DACL
Add citizenship information to the DACL website
Train staff in how to locate citizenship resources and aid patrons in using them
Resources Needed
Staff time
Printed citizenship forms
A weblink to citizenship forms and government agencies

Rationale. Many Bulgarian refugees do not speak English. Providing English as a Second
Language classes and resources will assist refugees in acclimating to their new environment.
Action Steps
Create ESL programs that are frequent and held at various times to encourage participation
Have movie nights when movies will be shown with subtitles in English
Train staff in basic Bulgarian so that they can communicate and assist patrons in learning the
English phrase they are seeking
Work with Friends of Libraries to find volunteers to assist patrons with tutoring
Find programs such as Rosetta Stone to help with Bulgarian to English lessons
Resources Needed
Staff time and volunteer tutors
Bulgarian movies with English subtitles and English movies with Bulgarian subtitles
Bulgarian to English dictionaries and phrasebooks
Rosetta Stone or another language program

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 13

Rationale. New residents will need to learn about their new community and the resources it
offers. Providing assistance at the DACL through outreach will aid the new patrons and local
businesses and organizations alike.
Action Steps
Partner with local businesses and organizations to create a job bank for patrons
Create a job sharing bulletin board where people can post job openings or services that are
Create a support group for people seeking employment and provide help with resumes and
Collaborate with local businesses and organizations to promote resources that will benefit
patrons. An example would be 2nd Hand Broom would have coupons or sales ads available at
the circulation desk.
Partner with local businesses and organizations to provide classes that will benefit patrons, for
example Quality Quidditch Supplies can host a Quidditch class or tournament or viewing party
Have a community bulletin board for information sharing
Update events on social media, email and text message, encourage all patrons to accept
Provide traveling in Diagon Alley resources to patrons who are unfamiliar with the local
Resources Needed
Staff time
Volunteers to review resumes and help with applications
Local businesses and organizations to partner with
Bulletin board

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 14
Strategic Initiative 2: Creation of Inclusive Programs
Rationale. All patrons of the DACL will benefit from having more educational and programing
opportunities available.
Action Steps
Create educational opportunities in conjunction with the curriculum of Durmstrang and
Hogwarts schools to supplement lessons learned in school
Host events that would be familiar to current and new children residents such as a Quidditch
relay race
Host events where older children can display their skills, a magic show for example
Host practical crafting events such as broom stick making or cape sewing
Host a cool critters party to familiarize children with animals, monsters and fantastic beasts
native to the area
Host potions making classes for different age groups; Harry Potters foam, Hermione
Grangers gel, Draco Malfoys bubbling potion, Ron Weasleys warhead fizz are some well-
known potions children may be interested in learning how to make
Host Read to Magical Creature parties to encourage literacy in children
Resources Needed
Staff time
Volunteers to assist at events
Website and social media notifications of events
Community volunteers to demonstrate or supply materials

Rationale. To achieve the mission of promoting lifelong learning and providing community
outreach opportunities successfully, the DACL will host events to encourage adult participation at
the DACL.
Action Steps
Host activities that will promote diversity in Diagon Alley, a class on Understanding the Dark
Arts and Practical Application for example
Courses to refresh or update skills such as Astronomy
Herbology courses could be taught by local business owners for teens and adults interested in
growing their own magical plants and fungi
Resources Needed
Staff time
Community volunteers to demonstrate or supply materials

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 15
Rationale. In the spirit of lifelong learning, we strive to create programs that foster family
togetherness. Children will live by the example their parents set and offering family programs is a
good way to promote a desire to achieve lifelong learning.
Action Steps
Create educational programs where children can foster basic educational skills and their
parents can assist them in learning, programs like Mommy and Me Arithmancy for example
Host programs that teach or refresh skills for the entire family, Care of Magical Creatures for
Host Mothers Day or Fathers Day Transfiguration events where children learn how to
change objects into gifts for their parents or grandparents
Promote health and disease management programs for families
Resources Needed
Staff time

Rationale. Lifelong learning needs to span the entire life of a person. Promoting programs for
seniors will help achieve the mission of encouraging lifelong learning in patrons.
Action Steps
Develop events to refresh or update skills for seniors, Divination in the 21st Century or
Introduction to Microsoft Office for example
Offer practical craft courses such as Broom Restoration
Offer genealogy and History of Magic workshops so seniors can learn research methods and
how to organize their research
Resources Needed
Staff time
Access to computers and internet lab

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 16
Strategic Initiative 3: Create a Rebranding & Marketing Campaign
Rationale. Rebranding provides an opportunity to communicate our vision for the DACLs role in
the community. It also allows for the potential for patrons to keep the DACL in mind.
Action Steps
Create material
Announce the rebranding in The Daily Prophet, the community newspaper
Present the rebranding efforts to citizens/patrons through various meetings held by civic
organizations and
Resources Needed
Staff time
Community volunteers

Rationale. By creating a marketing campaign, we can roll out the DACLs new branding and
emphasize the new initiatives and programming available to the public
Action Steps
Create material
Send press releases to area media to provide information regarding new programs and
Work with The Daily Prophet to receive in-kind advertising to remind readers about
upcoming programs at the DACL
Use social media to announce and remind users of various programs
Resources Needed
Staff time
Community volunteers

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 17
The DACL serves approximately 2,000 area residents as well as patrons from
surrounding areas on a daily basis. Many businesses located in Diagon Alley rely
on DACL for business materials and resources.
Tax Revenue 289,047 291,937 294,856 296,445
Fines 2,520 2,646 2,778 2,917
Subtotal 291,567 294,583 297,634 298,362
Full-Time Employees 153,200 157,796 162,530 165,781
37,400 38,522 39,678 40,472
Employee Benefits 42,012 42,432 42,856 43,284
Subtotal 232,612 238,750 245,064 249,537
Books 16,000 14,000 13,000 10,500
Periodicals 4,000 4,500 4,500 5,500
19,870 22,000 22,000 17,000
Subtotal 39,870 40,500 39,500 33,000
Equipment and
7,482 2,840 2,840 5,000
Interlibrary Loan 7,657 8,040 8,442 8,864
Postage 252 248 244 240
Maintenance and
1,019 1,029 1,039 1,049
Telephone and
172 180 188 196
Subtotal 16,582 12,337 12,753 15,349
Total Revenue after
2,503 2,996 317 476

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 18
While many issues are at hand for the DACL staff to manage, our Strategic
Initiatives are a priority. We continually will monitor and review our day-to-day
task to see if they coincide or have elements that fold into our Strategic
Initiatives. The following outlines:
Synergies between our Action Plans
Handling Conflict among Action Plans
Monitoring and Correcting the Action Plans.
Synergies between our Action Plans
Our three Strategic Initiatives (1) Increased Resources for Immigrants, (2)
Creation of Inclusive Programs and (3) Create Rebranding & Marketing
Campaign blend well. Since we are striving for improved programming and a
sense of inclusion at the DACL, these Strategic Initiatives overlap allowing for a
great deal of synergy. For example, we can offer programs to long-time residents
to learn more about our new Bulgarian residents. It would then make sense that
we would want to ensure people are aware of the programs and the new vision
of the DACL. This is why we intend to roll out rebranding efforts and marketing
With our first initiative, staff and volunteers will be able to have active
interaction with immigrants seeking services at the DACL. This allows
opportunities to inform them of other resources and programs the DACL offers
that may be of interest and provide them opportunities to acclimate to their new
Handling Conflict among Action Plans
As noted in our Action Plans, we will need staff and volunteers to implement the
various goals tied to our programs. This could cause staff and volunteers to
become overwhelmed. As a result, we will strive to divide work tied to them as
equally as possible among staff and volunteers.
We will appoint two Staff Champions to each initiative. This will provide staff
and volunteers with points of contact when questions or issues arise. Having two
champions on each initiative potentially will allow improved insight and options
as to how to handle the problems.
Finally, we will hold monthly meetings to discuss any issues and progress
surrounding the initiatives.
Monitoring and Correcting the Action Plans.
As previously noted, we will hold monthly meetings to review the initiatives.
These meetings will provide us with an opportunity to ensure that we are
meeting goals and expectations along with budgets and schedules.
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | New Priorities 19
If the goals of the initiatives are not met, we will evaluate the situation and
consider what other actions we can take or if the goals of the initiatives need to
be reworked.
Several issues could be a threat to the successful implementation of initiatives
tied to our Strategic Plan. Through various discussions, we see the following as
the main threats to our plan and consider them all of as harmful Budget Cuts,
Lack of Business Support, and Community Resistance. Below, we address these
issues in more detail along with the following:
Likelihood of the threats occurring
Option(s) to address the threats
Budget Cuts
The likelihood of this threat occurring is high. DACL already encountered a cut in
funding from the Ministry of Magic and with the need to rebuild our community
following the Wizarding War; this will continue to be a threat. In order to
prevent further cuts, we will persistently review our budgets and spending to
ensure our monies allocated to the betterment of the DACL.
We will implement procedures to evaluate return on investment (ROI) social
return on investment (SROI) to enhance accountability of the use funds allocated
toward the Library and specifically for our Initiatives. Doing this, we intend to
provide justification for our budget. Additionally, we will look for public/private
partnerships and grants that could enhance the funding we have.
Lack of Business Support
Many elements of our initiatives require support from area businesses. This
includes a willingness to donate time and supplies for programs. Should
businesses not be amenable to these efforts, various programs quickly could be
eliminated. We will address this by using our resources through our Friends of
Libraries and our staff who have connections to area businesses. We also will
become part of the Diagon Alley Business Alliance (DABA). We intend to present
material regarding our new initiatives to the DABA as a way to keep area
business owners informed and gain buy-in from the business community.
Community Resistance
While our review of the community brought us to the conclusion that
community members will have a positive response to our initiatives, the
possibility exists that citizens will not be interested. Additionally, long-time
patrons may be alienated with the increase in programming and the outreach to
refugees. However, we think this is a risk worth taking. We also will strive to
select a Durmstrang liaison who Diagon Alley residents and refugees will receive
2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | Concluding Remarks 20
well. One potential candidate is international Quidditch star Viktor Krum, who
has indicated his interest in helping the DACL.
We recognize a period of adjust will happen. We feel that, overall, the residents
will be pleased with the changes and the increased programming.
Concluding Remarks
The purpose and vision of the Unicorn Branch of the DACL is to create a place within our
community that everyone can use to engage and interact. For several decades, DACL was
able to fulfill that mission. However, in recent years, with cultural, social, and economic
changes within our community, DACL has been unable to continue to serve the needs of our
patrons. Implementing the strategic plan will help DACL return to the community resource
it once was. Accepting the fact that our community is different now from it was 15 years
ago is critical to our survival. Our world has changed, and DACL must change with it. Our
strategic plan team is prepared to take on the challenges and implement the changes that
we need. All members of the action team had a hand in evaluating our communitys needs
and will have a hand in acting upon those needs.
Our community has gone through significant strife over the past three decades. We
experienced two brutal wars with a brief period of social unrest between the wars. DACL
was able to remain open and serve its community throughout that difficult period, and we
will continue to serve our patrons in whatever form they need. We understand that
circumstances may change in the future, just as they have in the past, and we are prepared
to face those uncertainties. The Unicorn Branch of the DACL serves the community, and
through this strategic plan, we hope to improve our service to the community.

2015-2017 Strategic Plan | A VISION FOR OUR FUTURE

UNICORN PARADOX | References 21
Jennings, J. (2012). The reinventors: How extraordinary companies pursue radical continuous
change. New York, NY: Portfolio / Penguin.
The London Library (2011). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from
Smith, D. (2001). The quotable Walt Disney. New York, NY: Disney Enterprises.
Rowling, J. K., Rowling, J. K., Rowling, J. K., Rowling, J. K., Rowling, J. K., Rowling, J. K., . . .
Rowling, J. K. (2007). The complete Harry Potter collection. New York: Arthur A.
Levine Books.
Varheim, A. (2014). rust and the role of the public library in the integration of refugees: The
case of a Northern Norwegian city. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science,
46(1), 62-69. doi:10.1177/0961000614523636

Strategic Plan Team
LI 805XR Management and Information Organizations
April 9, 2014

Team Unicorn Paradox
Jane Billinger
Alicia Houston
Christine Jones
LI805XR Management and Information Organizations | STRATEGIC PLAN TEAM RETROSPECTIVE

UNICORN PARADOX | Strategic Plan Team Retrospective A
Strategic Plan Team Retrospective
The Unicorn Paradox was composed of a team selected by Dr. Rajesh Singh to facilitate this
Strategic Plan. Each team member contributed ideas throughout the planning process,
communicated to one another their progress, maintained a professional and respectful
decorum and ultimately worked very well in a team setting. The DACLs Unicorn Branch
was inspired by J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter Series (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005,
2007) and real-world libraries we researched. We enjoyed creating a plan for a library
branch that combined challenges in both fiction and a real library setting.
Our first official team meeting was held on February 15 during our face-to-face class. At
this time we began the initial planning process where we:
Created our Team Agreement which was unanimously agreed upon
Brainstormed and agreed on the type of library we would construct a strategic plan for
Brainstormed potential issues we would need to resolve
Agreed to utilize Trello to share research and Google Docs for the writing process
Agreed to meet as needed and at least bi-weekly via Google Hangouts on Thursdays at
Agreed to alternate responsibilities of team secretary, facilitator and editor for each
Agreed to set an agenda and goals prior to each meeting
Agreed to provide one another with good communication throughout the process
Exchanged contact information
Agreed to meet all agreed upon deadlines which were to be prior to official class
deadlines so all team members could review materials before submitting them
Most of our initial brainstorming had been completed during our initial meeting. Our
agenda for each meeting was shared on Google Docs giving each team member the
opportunity to add discussion points prior to our meetings. This shared document allowed
team members to prepare for the upcoming discussion and complete whatever research
necessary to contribute to the topic at hand. Through the storming process, we concluded
that we would:
Create a small library that was publically funded
Would face the challenges of a new population during an economic downturn as a result
of war
Expand our outreach programs, immigrant resources availability and rebrand our
Incorporate elements from the Harry Potter (1997) series into our branch
Name our team The Unicorn Paradox
LI805XR Management and Information Organizations | STRATEGIC PLAN TEAM RETROSPECTIVE

UNICORN PARADOX | Strategic Plan Team Retrospective B
During the planning phase Unicorn Paradox met six times to share information and decide
on how we would proceed. The meetings all proceeded without problems, each team
member attended all meetings, came prepared to achieve predetermined goals and actively
participated. Each team member continued research throughout the entire planning
process and shared new findings with the other team members. Team Unicorn Paradox had
an overlap of the storming and norming phase as new tasks came up throughout the
planning process. No conflicts emerged during the planning process because everyone was
eager to share ideas and work together to accomplish our task.
All team members shared the responsibility of leading the team resulting in a shared goal
of creating a Strategic Plan that would be sustainable in a real world library. All team
members took control of their own contributions to the plan and other team members
enthusiastically approved of all additions. To achieve a successful performing phase Team
Unicorn Paradox :
Updated our shared Google Doc, color coding new additions to make them easier for
other members to identify
Completed tasks in the agreed upon time frame
Divided sections between team members to eliminate overlap
Met to discuss the presentation part of the assignment and plan how to make the
presentation successful

LI805XR Management and Information Organizations | STRATEGIC PLAN TEAM RETROSPECTIVE

UNICORN PARADOX | Strategic Plan Team Retrospective C
February 15, 2014 Initial Meeting
Present: Jane Billinger, Alicia Houston, Christine Jones
Absent: N/A

Facilitator: Christine Jones
Secretary: Alicia Houston

Team Goals
Type of Library - Public
Major Focus of Strategic Plan - Public Outreach and Programming to circulation, use of
resources, visitors, etc.
This will be a three-year strategic plan.
Deeper Focus: Outreach specifically to Bulgarian population and House Elves, Lifelong
learning for the magically and not so magically inclined
Team Name: Unicorn Paradox
Team Roles: We will rotate roles so everyone has the opportunity to be a facilitator. Additionally,
each one of us will serve as a leader of portions of the project. We will ensure that responsibilities
are divvied up among us based on our strengths and interests to ensure the best product.
Team Norms: Decisions - We will make decisions during our meetings and via email. Many of these
ideas will be workshopped allowing all of us to listen and provide input on the idea.
Meeting Times: We will meet at 7:30 p.m. every other Thursday. If needs be we will add meetings
or opt to cancel a meeting should schedules require it or enough progress has been made not to
warrant it. Meetings will be held via Google Hangout.
Attendance: Legitimate reasons for missing meetings include family emergencies or illness. Team
members will be required to send their information or updates on assignments and alert the team
of their absence.
Communication: We encourage open communication via email and will check and respond at least
once a day should it be warranted.
Conversational Etiquette: We have an open door on conversations. Should someone disagree with
an idea, she should state why and provide an alternative.
Meeting Agendas & Minutes: We will rotate the roles of facilitator and secretary. The team will set
the agenda for the next meeting based on the tasks assigned at the prior meeting.
Enforcement: The team will enforce the rules and/or norms openly if there is an issue or if
someone is not following the rules.
Resources: We will review and consider how mid-size metropolitan libraries conduct public
outreach and review their strategic plan. These libraries include, but are not limited to, Kansas City
Public Library, Denver, St. Louis, and Hennepin County.
We will use Google Docs to work on assignments. We will store documents related to our topic and
work via Trello.

LI805XR Management and Information Organizations | STRATEGIC PLAN TEAM RETROSPECTIVE

UNICORN PARADOX | Strategic Plan Team Retrospective D
February 27, 2014
Present: Jane Billinger, Alicia Houston, Christine Jones
Absent: N/A

Facilitator: Alicia Houston
Secretary: Jane Billinger

Progress Update:
Everyone is fine with what Alicia has completed so far. Jane and Christine stated that nothing
needed to be added to it. Alicia is cleared to submit the assignment.

Strategic Plan Format:
Alicia will make a general format to start with in Google Drive. The working document will be on
Google Drive and will be moved to Word once completed. If anyone has anything to add or take
away from the format, that is ok. The format is open for discussion.

Everyone can start to add things to the Google Doc. If the inspiration is felt, the inspiration should
be followed. There are no bad ideas at this point!

Examples taken from real world libraries, examples and links to strategic plans, mission and vision
statements are on the Trello board.
The statements should emphasize on creating a community of learners
Jane will draft Mission and Vision Statements
-Jane will work on the draft statements this weekend (2/28-3/2)
-Jane will post the drafted statements in the Strategic Plan document and alert Alicia and Christine
once completed.

Focus of Strategic Plan:
These were discussed as a group during Class Weekend. After a brief discussion, it was decided that
the three broad areas of focus will be:
Public Outreach
Educational Development
Cultural Development
Methods and plans of action discussed during the first class weekend will fall under one of the three
main areas

Strategic Plan:
Organization Background
Christine will work on the background and the demographics of the library
Jane and Alicia will work on the Overview

Next Meeting: March 13, 2014, 7:30pm, Google Hangout

LI805XR Management and Information Organizations | STRATEGIC PLAN TEAM RETROSPECTIVE

UNICORN PARADOX | Strategic Plan Team Retrospective E
March 13, 2014
Present: Jane Bilinger, Alicia Houston, Christine Jones
Absent: N/A

Facilitator: Jane Billinger
Secretary: Christine Jones

Agenda Item I. Information in Overview
Alicia used Denver Public Library's plan as an example
Includes our agreed upon Main Points
o Public Outreach
o Educational Development
o Cultural Development
Already added to Strategic Plan Document
Agenda Item II. Review Mission and Vision Statements
Jane used research we shared on Trello for inspiration
We need to check the statements to make sure they hit on all of the points required
Already added to Strategic Plan Document
Agenda Item III. Brainstorm the following areas:
Current reality
o Jane has posted several articles in Trello about refugees to help us identify possible problem
o Unicorn Branch is used to having a type A population and has to adapt to the immigrant
o Library is not as diverse as it needs to be, composition of patron base is changing
o After current reality is completed Alicia will do SWOT analysis
New Priorities
o Strategic profile
o New Vision
Strengthen public outreach
Need cultural development
Other items discussed:
o Library Management Team
Someone from Durmstrang Institute to act as a liaison or consultant
Collection services
community outreach
Administrative (provide training)
Library board member, possibly Hermione Granger
o Planning factors
We discussed whether to have the Unicorn Branch be subscription based or taxpayer
based, decided on taxpayer based because that would help ensure the needs of the
community were being met and would be more inclusive
New Priorities
o Strategic Profile
For Unicorn Branch to become an information utility rather than a book warehouse as it
now seems to be
Provide more education and programming opportunities to all patrons
Next Meeting: March 27, 2014, 7:30pm, Google Hangout
Goals for that meeting: Have Preparation/Planning and Current Reality completed
LI805XR Management and Information Organizations | STRATEGIC PLAN TEAM RETROSPECTIVE

UNICORN PARADOX | Strategic Plan Team Retrospective F
March 27, 2014
Present: Jane Billinger, Alicia Houston, Christine Jones
Absent: N/A

Facilitator: Christine Jones
Secretary: Jane Billinger

I. Review Preparation/Planning and Current Reality
Everything is filling out nicely. Need work on few sections
Alicia will work on SWOT Analysis and hammer out other areas
Christine gets a KUDOS for the great Action Plan
II. Discuss New Priorities
Rough Draft should be completed by next meeting
Christine will work on Line Item Budget for Appendix
Alicia will work on Format for plan
Concluding Remarks will be saved for when the Rough Draft is completed

Next meeting is next Thursday, April 3, at 7:30PM

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