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Pitfall of the character: Emotion??

Inability to manage her emotions properly. She was controlled by her emotions rather than her
controlling her emotions

Misconception with Emotions
Being emotional is bad
emotional display is generally low among lawyers, who are taught to suspend emotions.
As a result, emotions are often suppressed and ignored in legal environments
Showing emotions is a sign of weakness
The truth:
Emotions are a fact of life for lawyers. Our clients have emotions. Our partners and counter-
parts have emotions. And we have emotions. Research now confirms that ignoring emotions is
often impossible and destructive, and working with them effectively can lead to greater
professional success and personal satisfaction.
Law is human interaction in emotionally evocative climates. Any lawyer who can understand what
emotions are present and why
is at a tremendous advantage.
Peter Salovey, President of Yale College and original Yale researcher on emotional intelligence
If it is important then we should manage emotions
EI involves
recognizing your own and others emotions,
accessing the appropriate emotions at the appropriate time,
understanding how emotions affect behavior, and
knowing the best strategies for managing emotional situations.

Specifically, lawyers are generally low on the social side of EI when compared to the general population
(Bradberry et al., 2009).
Stress among law students is 96%, compared to 70% in med students and 43% in graduate students.
Entering law school, law students have a psychological profile similar to that of the general public.
After law school, 20-40% have a psychological dysfunction.
Lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to suffer from depression than non-lawyers
The ABA estimates that 15-20 percent of all U.S. lawyers suffer from alcoholism or substance abuse.

Management of emotions:
Environment affects our emotions
But we also have the ability to affect our emotion or to create the way we feel

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