How Might Technology Be Used To Enhance Instruction-Edu225-Sonya Berges

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Darlene M.

Url link http://
Ms. Jackson's Kindergarten Class
October 26
, 2014
Multimedia Presentation

How miht !echnolo" be used to #acilitate and $nhance %nstruction in the &lassroom'
(hen the thouht o) interatin technolo" in the classroom comes into *lace, %
would resort to research. !echnolo" used within the class settin with use o) com*uter
learnin allows )or the use o) e+ercises ,
classroom_ebook_7e.php -. .tudents that demonstrate or e+hibit di))erent de/elo*mental
beha/ior *atterns can also bene)it )rom this wa" o) learnin. #or e+am*le, smart board
usae in the classroom creates an en/ironment where students enae and e+chane ideas ,
and-digital-media-in-the-classroom_ebook_7e.php-. (ith this in mind this hel*s students to use
acti/e thinkin *rocesses and it o*ens u* channels o) communication amonst classmates.
!oether with the method o) diital media it allows students to connect and collaborate
throuh use o) distance learnin ,www.iste.or0docs0*d)s0201142%.!$2.tandards1.1
PD#.*d)-. Howe/er with technoloical ad/ances students are able to learn and a**l" the
new ae literac" skills in their learnin en/ironment.
$3uall" im*ortant as teachers it is our 4ob to trans*ire student learnin throuh creati/it"
with lesson *lans. Moreo/er students are more in tune with material that is
a**ealin to the senses. .tudents learn di))erentl" and retain in)ormation at
di))erent *eaks. .o with this in mind, with the use o) assisti/e technolo" students5
de/elo* inde*endence and learn to communicate with *eers durin com*letion o)
class work
6dditionall" with the use o) technolo" inside the classroom, students are more
eared to learnin new e+*eriences in a di))erent )ormat. 6s a result the" are able to think

criticall", come u* with *ossible solutions, and anal"7e in/estiate ideas and conclude with
their )indins durin research ,www.iste.or0docs0*d)s0201142%.!$2.tandards1.2PD#.*d)-.
!hrouh research students learn how to ada*t and a**l" the necessar" skills needed to
learn in distance learnin. !eachers also bene)it )rom student learnin because the" are able
to channel in on how the student is accessin and retainin in)ormation. 6s a result
students learn how to become com*uter sa/".
%n the same manner students can ac3uire the necessar" skills to do *ro4ects throuh
the use o) thinkin and *roblem1sol/in ,www.iste.or0docs0*d)s0201142%.!$2.tandards1
.2PD#.*d)-. 8ikewise students ain an arra" o) skills such as but not limited to )ine motor,
writin, and mobilit". !oether with technoloical ad/ancements o) s*eech1to1te+t1so)tware
enables that o) s*oken words into written te+t, hel*s to aid students that ha/e
lanuae0written *ro)icienc" disorders ac3uirin
,"numerac"0ins*ire0research0what(orks.html-. #urthermore
this is a bi moti/ational )actor because it i/es students an outlet o) ho*e to ac3uirin the
needed skills to )unction in the class realm. 6n e+am*le would be how students are able to
learn how to ration the skill o) becomin inde*endent throuh )ine motor coordination and
orani7ation skills. %n )act students are able to *rocess in)ormation in a manner, which
constitutes su**ort )or literac" acti/ities. 6lon with teacher uidance and )amiliarit" with
*roram so)tware students retain the necessar" in)ormation *ertinent to aid in learnin
de/elo*ment. !o re*eat an e+am*le o) assisti/e so)tware is 9ur7weil, it encouraes students
learnin *ro)icienc" throuh use o) multimodal e+*erience, which hel*s out with the
translation o) letters, sounds, and words throuh te+t that is read aloud
,"numerac"0ins*ire0research0what(orks.html-. (ith this
mind, it is im*ortant )or the teacher to know how to uide students, so that

e3ui*ment0so)tware can be an e))ecti/e learnin tool. 6ccordinl" assisti/e technolo" can
be used to e))ecti/el" enhance student learnin but has to be tauht in a *ro*er manner
,"numerac"0ins*ire0research0what(orks.html-. :e/er the less
with education on the rise, students must be o*en to new challenes. !he" must also ha/e
com*uter accessibilit", and i) the" aren5t )amiliar with the *rorammin, com*uter
instructional so)tware can be *ro/ided. !here is so much learnin takin *lace in distance
learnin. %t allows )or students to become in/ol/ed in online communities and new ae
literac" de/elo*ment. %n conclusion students are able to *rocess, retain, e+hibit, and
demonstrate the ac3uired skills to e+cel in an online communit".

2. &ommunication and collaboration
.tudents use diital media and en/ironments to
communicate and work collaborati/el", includin
at a distance, to su**ort indi/idual learnin and
contribute to the learnin o) others.
4. &ritical thinkin, *roblem sol/in,
and decision makin
.tudents use critical thinkin skills to *lan
and conduct research, manae *ro4ects, sol/e
*roblems, and make in)ormed decisions usin
a**ro*riate diital tools and resources."numerac"0ins*ire0research0what(orks.html
One wa" that teachers can su**ort the learnin needs o) a rane
o) students is throuh assisti/e technolo", which enhances students5 abilit"
to *er)orm and com*lete tasks with e))icienc" and
inde*endence.1.9ur7weil,)ore+am*le,which con/erts scanned te+t to com*uter1
enerated s*eech, is a wonder)ul tool )or
students who learn more e))ecti/el" and e))icientl" throuh a multimodal
e+*erience that su**orts decodin letters, sounds and words b" listenin to te+t read aloud.

6 /ariet" o) *rorams and de/ices are a/ailable that su**ort readin and
writin )luenc" throuh the de/elo*ment o) related skills < includin
orani7ation, )ine motor coordination, mobilit" and ke"boardin < and,
thus, inde*endence.
= #urther, assisti/e
technolo" can su**ort both students5 enaement in the classroom and their
inde*endence in com*letin class acti/ities and assinments.


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