Torts Definition Dist

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1. Quasi delict JOIDA
a. elements JOIDA
b. nature and liability of tortfeasors JOIDA
c. proximate cause JOIDA
d. foreseeability test JOIDA

e. natural and probable consequence test ANNA
f. cause-in-fact test ANNA
g. but for test ANNA
h. policy test ANNA
i. concurrent causes ANNA

j. Intervening Cause SHEERA
k. remote cause SHEERA
2. Distinguish Torts from other obligations SHEERA
3. Abuse of Rights SHEERA

4. Unjust Enrichment PATRICK
5. Accion in Rem Verso PATRICK
6. Solution Indebiti PATRICK
7. Damnun Absque Injuria PATRICK
8. Liability without fault PATRICK

9. Strict Liability NILO
10. Acts contrary to Law NILO
11. Acts contra bonus mores NILO

12. Kinds of Torts ROLEX
a. Negligent Torts ROLEX
b. Intentional Torts ROLEX
c. Strict Liability ROLEX
d. Constituional Torts ROLEX

13. What must be proven in a tort case? KRISLYN
14. Tortfeasor KRISLYN
a. Direct Tortfeasor KRISLYN
b. Persons made responsible for others KRISLYN

15. Res Ipsa Loquitor BING
16. Defenses BING
a. Contributory Negligence BING
b. Concurrent Negligence BING
d. Doctrine of Last Clear Chance BING

e. Emergency Rule SHIE
f. Doctrine of Assumption of Risk SHIE
g. Due Diligence SHIE
h. Fortuitous Event SHIE
i. Damnun absque injuria SHIE
j. Good Father of a Family SHIE

17. Doctrine of Attractive Nuisance ARLAN
18. What are the special torts? ARLAN

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