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772 Tayloi Avenue Apt B
Alameua CA, 94Su1
Phone: (S1u) S79-7S69

Feial Chiluien - Nusic viueo peifoimeu by Anaston (2u14)
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3#$,'+&( *4

Bieaming of Sleep (2u1S)
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3#$,'+&( *4

The Last Slice - Shoit film (2u1S)
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"Thumb Wai" - Shoit film (2u1S)
San Fiancisco, CA

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*79+:2 *97;1796. (2u14)
An ineligible bacheloi is helu hostage at a speim bank by a familiai sounuing
woman uemanuing semen to become a mothei.

(06+:<6,: (2u14)
When a homeless fathei visits an antique stoie, he finus an olu clock iauio that
bioaucasts news fiom the futuie.

=;9+: 76 $,9.7 (2u12)
To pass his last semestei, slackei stuuent }ustin must piint his final papei anu make
it to class acioss town befoie noon.

- Expeiience with Auobe Piemieie CSS6
- Expeiience with AvIB Neuia Composei
- Tiaineu in classic S-point euiting
- Expeiience with AvIB Pio Tools

E B+1F-G2 6H B,7 A.9I-,3972J *1. K,1.+93+6 (B 2u12-Piesent
Euiting anu Scieenwiiting
Anticipateu uiauuate Bate 2u14

- D506.- (600-L- K,-G6.7 (B 2uu6-2u1u

Available upon iequest.

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