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laDefending the

Defending the New Nation:

Who was the last active Continental Navy officer and the first U.S. Navy commissioned
John Barry
Why were the border lakes between the U.S. and Canada of strategic importance
during the War of 11!?
The Americans planned to win the war by conquering Canada and needed control
of the lakes to do so.
Which of the following was N"# an innovation in naval warfare introduced by the U.S.
between 1$$% and 11%?
Who fought at anchor in &lattsburg 'ay to nullify (oyal Navy long guns and ma)imi*e
+merican carronades, and won the most strategic naval victory of the War of 11!?
Thomas Macdonough
-uring the War for independence, which countries came to the assistance of +merica
with their navies?
France !pain and the "etherlands
.ow did the frigate &hiladelphia complicate the Navy/s task in the War with #ripoli?
The crew was captured after the frigate ran aground in Tripoli #arbor and the
$asha of Tripoli demanded ransom for its three hundred sailors taken as
prisoners of war.
0n 1$12, Congress authori*ed the president to create a naval force of 3 frigates in
response to 44444444444444444444.
the threat from the Barbary $owers of Africa%s Mediterranean coast
!ailing in &istant 'aters(
Which of following changes in the naval service did N"# pertain to enlisted Sailors in
the era before the Civil War?
)stablishment of a retirement system
0n what years did the Second Seminole War take place?
'etween the War of 11! and the Civil War, the Navy had a variety of missions. #hese
included 44444444444444444444.
All of these answers are correct
0n the years before the Civil War, U.S. S5uadrons established a regular presence in
the Mediterranean off Africa and !outh America in the $acific and in Asia
Which of the following tasks did the Navy N"# undertake in the 6e)ican War?
Blockade the coast of Cuba
What tactical advantage did steam power have over sail power in naval warfare?
!team power enabled a warship to operate independent of the wind when
engaged in battle.
44444444444444444444 designed a steam engine that was 278 more efficient, half the
si*e, and significantly cheaper than standard steam engines.
Ben1amin Franklin 2sherwood
Which war left the U.S. with two seacoasts to defend, and propelled the U.S. into &acific
The Me3ican 'ar
!elect True or False( #o encourage temperance onboard vessels, in 191 the Navy
allowed Sailors to receive money in lieu of the spirit, or :grog; ration.
44444444444444444444 commanded the South Sea <)ploring <)pedition from 19 to
12!. #his si)=vessel e)pedition surveyed South &acific islands, charted continental
coastlines, proved +ntarctica is a continent, and collected natural history and
ethnological specimens that formed the basis of the Smithsonian 0nstitution>s
Charles 'ilkes
Which +ntebellum Navy leader earned the title :&athfinder of the Seas; for his
contributions to ocean science?
Matthew F. Maury
What was the main advantage of the :bottle=shape; of the -ahlgren gun?
2t kept the gun lighter by remo4ing metal where it was not needed.
Which of the following accomplishments was N"# 6atthew ?ontaine 6aury/s?
$ro4ed Antarctica is a continent.
What was the significance of 6atthew C. &erry/s e)pedition to @apan?
The Japanese opened their ports to American ships.
The Ci4il 'ar and its Aftermath(
What did the Union naval blockade of the Confederacy accomplish?.
2t captured transport 4essels creating acute supply shortages.
Which of the following best characteri*es the Navy between 133 and 17?
&ecreasing in si5e and deteriorating with old and outmoded ships.
#he Naval War College was established in 12A
To pro4ide officers the opportunity to study na4al tactics strategy and policy.
What international developments stimulated resurgence of +merican naval power in the
)uropean nations competing and building large na4ies to defend their empires.
44444444444444was in charge of Upper 6ississippi (iver forces that participated in the
captures of ?ort .enry, #ennessee, ?ort -onelson, #ennessee, and 0sland Number #en,
in the 6ississippi (iver.
Andrew #ull Foote
444444444444 made his first of several e)peditions in 13 that placed him in the
vanguard of +rctic e)plorers.
6obert )dwin $eary
What did the Confederate raiders accomplish?
They dro4e the carrying of trade to foreign ships hurting the 7.!. Merchant
Marine fleet.
!elect True or False( Union forces controlled the western rivers, dividing the
Confederacy and stopping #e)as supplies from reaching Confederate troops, a strategic
advantage that resulted in greater mobility for Union troops.
!elect True or False( +fter the Civil War the U.S. Navy fell into neglect, while navies of
other countries moderni*ed. 0n the 17>s, the U.S. Navy was moderni*ed and Boined
the ranks of maBor world powers
0n @anuary 13%, the last Confederate port open to blockade=runners fell. Where was
this port located?.
'ilmington "orth Carolina
?or what is -avid W. #aylor known?
Which distinguished Civil War officer commanded the North +tlantic 'lockading
S5uadron and led naval forces in the 132 and 13% assaults against ?ort ?isher, North
&a4id &. $orter
What did Union control of the 6ississippi (iver accomplish?
2t pre4ented Te3as supplies from reaching Confederate troops.
The "a4y on a 8lobal !tage(
!elect True or False( 0n 11, eleven nations had warship fleets larger than that of the
United States, but less than two decades later only the 'ritish (oyal Navy was larger
than the U.S. Navy.
What organi*ation did the Navy establish to institutionali*e the contribution of female
medical personnel?
"a4y "urse Corps
Who was the strategic thinker and Naval War College professor who developed the
#heory of Sea &ower?
Alfred T. Mahan
What two new weapons systems of the early !7
century enabled the Navy to fight over
and under the surface of the ocean?
The airplane and the submarine
#he dawn of undersea warfare dates from 1177 with the launch of the
7!! #olland
+s a result of the Washington Naval #reaty of 11!!, the United States and the other
victorious +llied powers 444444444444.
drastically reduced their battle fleets hoping to stop the arms race and pre4ent
another global conflict.
''22 in the Atlantic and )uropean 'aters(
!elect True or False( #o man its tens of thousands of naval vessels, aircraft, and shore
bases, the Navy enlisted over 9 million Sailors.
#he breakdown of pre=war barriers to the enlistment of +frican +mericans and women
was due to wartime necessity and 44444444444444444444.
the growing American support for social equality
.ow many +llied merchantmen and warships did Cerman and 0talian submarines sink
during the war?
#he cipher machine used by the Cermans for radio communication security was called
the 44444444444444444444.
So the U.S. and 'ritish armed forces could synchroni*e not only their +tlantic but global
operations and speak with one voice about the need for convoy escort vessels,
amphibious landing craft, and similar materiel, in 112! the two nations established an
organi*ation named the 44444444444444.
Combined Chiefs of !taff
<arly in World War 00, which country proved especially effective in signals intelligenceD
the interception, decryption, and reading of enemy radio signals?
8reat Britain
Significant social changes in the Navy during World War 00 had the greatest impact on
which of the following +merican minority groups?
'omen and African Americans
What U.S. Naval leader took steps to standardi*e anti=submarine training and tactics?
Admiral 6oyal ). 2ngersoll
?or a year after the United States entered the war, Cerman U=boats successfully
operated throughout the 44444444444444444444.
Atlantic Caribbean and Mediterranean
What name was given to the escort carriers used to protect convoys and attack Cerman
Jeep carrier
What name was given to the escort carriers used to protect convoys and attack Cerman
''22 in the $acific(
"n what @apanese island did U.S. 6arines raise :"ld Clory; in ?ebruary 112%?
2wo Jima
Which battle marked the turning point of the &acific campaign and was considered the
most decisive naval battle of WW 00?
!elect True or False( +lthough the 'attle of "kinawa was the last maBor operation of
WW00, the U.S. Navy beat their @apanese adversaries with very few casualties.
What U.S. naval assets became primary striking assets after the morning of -ec $,
!ubmarines and aircraft carriers
!elect True or False( 0mprovements in the Navy/s logistical capabilities played a
significant role in victories of the &acific campaign.
What key technical system helped U.S. naval forces locate and track enemy surface
and air naval forces?
+ugust 112! marked the start of a bloody si)=month struggle for control of what island?
What two naval vessel types did the @apanese N"# destroy during the &earl .arbor
!ubmarines and aircraft carriers
The Cold 'ar(
What was the first maBor armed conflict of the Cold War?
:orean 'ar
Creater than 1%8 of supplies and logistical support for troops in Eietnam came from this
Military !ealift Command ;M!C<
Which fleet improvements were introduced in the Navy in the later Cold War years?
Ticonderoga.class cruisers and Los Angeles.class submarines
0n what way did the U.S. Navy contribute to the successful resolution of the Cuban
6issile Crisis of 113!?
"a4y ships blocked the deli4ery of !o4iet missiles to Communist Cuba.
What was the U.S. strategy in the early period of the Cold War for dealing with the
Soviet Union and its allies?
Containment !trategy
#he Navy>s Cold War mission was to enforce containment of the USS( and its allies
Maintenance of sea control in the world%s oceans
Forward deployment of na4al forces to the periphery of Communist bloc nations
&eployment at sea of nuclear.armed submarines to deter !o4iet nuclear attack
Navy=wide directives, or :F=grams,; that were issued to improve the life of enlisted
Sailors were the inspiration of what +dmiral?
Admiral )lmo 6. =umwalt Jr.
+t the clima) of the Cold War 111, the S<CN+E had generated enough support to
build the si*e of the Navy to almost 44444444444444444444 ships.
Why is the North Eietnamese naval attack on the USS Maddox in +ugust 1132
2t prompted Congress to pass the Tonkin 8ulf resolution which authori5ed 7.!.
military operations in the ?ietnam Conflict.
What naval vessel types did the Navy deploy during the Cold War to discourage Soviet
nuclear attacks on the United States?
!ubmarines armed with nuclear ballistic missiles
Which attack submarine was lost at sea with her entire crew while returning from
operations in the 6editerranean Sea during the Cold War?
7!! !korpion
Who were the first +frican +merican and female officers promoted to flag rank?
!amuel @. 8ra4ely and Alene B. &uerk
#he clima) of the Cold War was marked by U.S. Naval involvement in conflicts such as
"a4al forces deployed to 8renada and $anama
@ittoral Aperations(
"ne of the most significant changes in the Navy in the mid=1117s was a transition from
a blue water navy to a navy that would 4444444444444444444.
pro1ect power ashore in the littoral regions of the world
#he UN=sponsored intervention in Somalia in the mid=1117s resulted in
What two U.S. ships did 0ra5i mines damage in 1111
7!! $rinceton and 7!! Tripoli
What was the name of the 11$=11 &ersian Culf operation where U.S. naval units
escorted Guwaiti oil tankers through the &ersian Culf?
Aperation )arnest 'ill
What is the name of the conflict in the &ersian Culf during 11$ and 11 in which U.S.
naval forces protected Guwaiti oil tankers?
Tanker 'ar
Which ship was damaged by an 0ranian mine and was the catalyst for launching
"peration &raying 6antis?
7!! Samuel B. Roberts
?rom which +frican nation did +merican forces withdraw when the UN=sponsored
intervention failed?
#he &ersian Culf War was instrumental in opening up many opportunities for women in
the following areasA
Combat air squadrons
All ma1or warships
!hore commands
8lobal 'ar on Terrorism(
!elect True or False( #he destruction of terrorist cells following 1H11 was primarily
confined to the 6iddle=<ast
+l Iaeda had established a training comple) in 44444444444444444444, from which it
supported terrorist activities worldwide.
!elect True or False( #he United States, United Nations JUNK, world governments, and
international financial institutions Boined to identify and destroy terrorist groups and their
sources of funding immediately following 1H11.
What was the Navy/s primary focus immediately after the 1H11 attacks?
#omeland security
Which U.S. led offensive was launched in "ctober !771 against +l Iaeda and #aliban
forces in +fghanistan?
Aperation )nduring Freedom
Which command delivered large amounts of the tanks, vehicles, and supplies needed
for "peration 0ra5i ?reedom to staging areas in Guwait?
Military !ealift Command
"peration 0ra5i ?reedom was launched toA
@iberate the 2raqi people
$romote democracy in 2raq
Military Formations(
+s a leader, you can only command Sailors to the position of parade rest, from what
#raditionally, awards are handed out in what manner?
From most senior award to most 1unior
Sailors are in a 44444444444444444, when placed in formation one behind the other?
Who is known as the :-rillmaster of the +merican (evolution;?
Baron 4on !teuben
-rill instills discipline and fosters what kind of habits?
$recision and automatic response
+s a leader, which situation would cause you to e)pect a personnel inspection of your
$rior to the seasonal uniform change
Military 7niforms Customs and Courtesies(
What should you do when the national anthem of a friendly foreign country is played?
What +rmy rank is associated with the <=3 pay grade?
!taff !ergeant
What does #itle 17, U.S. Code mandate with respect to uniforms?
The requirement to generate maintain and update the uniform regulations
+t what distance do you begin your salute when approaching an officer?
At si3 paces or closest point of approach
#he +ir ?orce rank associated with its highest enlisted pay grade is that of
Chief Master !ergeant
What is meant by :under arms;?
'hen wearing a side arm or carrying a weapon
What is the U.S. +rmy/s highest enlisted pay grade?
!ergeant Ma1or
What is the definition of :prescribable items;?
7niform items which may be directed or authori5ed for wear with the basic
uniform. 2tems may be worn with basic uniform at the indi4idualBs discretion
unless otherwise directed
Fleet 6esponse $lan(
When is a CSC considered surge ready?
'hen they ha4e completed integrated phase training
When is a ship, sub, or s5uadron considered routine deployable?
After successfully completing all necessary capabilities training including
completion of underway C2? sustainment phase training and certification of the
unit for forward deployed operations
+t its core, the ?leet (esponse &lan is 44444444444444444.
a mission dri4en capabilities.based response plan
Which report issued a mandate for the U.S. military to transform leading to adoption of
099* Cuadrennial &efense 6e4iew
:&resence with a purpose; provides what?
6outine deployments in support of specific combatant commander ob1ecti4es or
on shorter DpulseE employment periods
#he ?leet (esponse &lan places a carrier strike group in these four categoriesA
emergency surge surge ready routine deployable deployed
Which Sea &ower !1 initiative changed the way the U.S. Navy deploys and trains the
!ea Basing
What does the 3 L ! plan provide?
> C!8s a4ailable to deploy within ,9 days plus 0 C!8s a4ailable to deploy within
F9 days
#he ?leet (esponse &lan calls for how many carrier strike groups to be deployable
within 97 days?
Who did +dmiral Eern Clark task with developing a plan to replace the 1=month inter=
deployment training cycle J0-#CK?
Commander Fleet Forces Command
#he fle)ible deployment concept allows units that have attained high readiness to
embark on deployments in support of specific national priorities such as
homeland defense multi.national e3ercises security cooperation e4ents
deterrent operations or prosecution of the 8lobal 'ar on Terrorism
Chief $etty Afficer #istory(
0n the early 1177/s Sailors of all rates were promoted to fill what first?
?oids in critical "a4y billets normally in their own command
Eoids in critical Navy billets, normally in their own command
!trengthen chief petty officer standards
+ccording to the 111 BlueJackets Manual, two roles of a chief petty officer were
Technical e3pert and e3ample setter
#he only article of the C&" uniform described in the 11$ Uniform (egulations was the
hat de4ice
"n !9 6ay, 11$, the CN" approved new roles and responsibilities for a chief petty
officer. Which of the following was a defined role?
The top technical authority and e3pert within a rating
"n ! +pril 113$, 444444444444 became the first 6aster Chief &etty "fficer of the
8MCM &elbert Black
Manpower Management(
#??6S provide access to current manpower data for 4444444444444444.
resource sponsors
Changes to the +6- can come from what factors?
Changes in mission or equipmentGsystems added or deleted from the platform
Which statement defines &roBected "perational <nvironment J&"<K?
)n4ironment in which a command is e3pected to operate
Which document provides the present and future enlisted manning of a command?
)nlisted &istribution and ?erification 6eport ;)&?6<
0n manpower management, commands are responsible for what?
!ubmitting requests to re4ise add or delete requirements
6anpower management determines manpower authori*ation priorities based on
available funding and 4444444444444444444444.
personal in4entory
#?66S 6icro 6anpower Change +pplication J#66C+K allows a command to
initiate AM& change requests
&lacement is an advocate for44444444 and detailers are advocates for4444444444.
commands !ailors
"&N+E0NS# 1977.1%, Navy 6ilitary &ersonnel +ssignment &olicy, states Navy policy is
to make only permanent change of station J&CSK moves necessary for
national security andGor to ensure equitable treatment of !ailors
#he +6- is a single source document that provides 4444444444444444.
quantitati4e and qualitati4e manpower requirements
"a4al Customs(
0n general terms, what did the Continental Navy accomplish during the course of the
War of 0ndependence?
All the answers are correct
#he author of :+nchors +weigh,; Charles +dam Fimmerman, received what sort of
recognition by the midshipmen
All the answers are correct
#he 'attle of 6idway is considered important for what reason?
7ntil that point the Japanese "a4y was on the offensi4e and this battle was a
ma1or turning point in fa4or of the 7nited !tates
+dvocates for a Navy in 1$$%, led by @ohn +dams, proposed that a Navy was
necessary for what purposeJsK?
All answers are correct
Which of these statements is true regarding :+nchors +weigh;?
2t is played today at many athletic e4ents and parades
#wo days each year are designated specifically to celebrate the U.S. Navy/s heritage.
#hese days are 44444444444444444444.
Midway "ight ;about / June< and the "a4yBs Birthday ;*, Actober<
Which of the following statements is true regarding the :Navy .ymn;?
All the answers are correct
Why was the song :+nchors +weigh; written?
To inspire 7.!. "a4al Academy midshipmen at an Army."a4y football game in
4444444444 proclaimed the Navy 'irthday as a day for reflection on Naval .eritage.
Chief of "a4al Aperations Admiral Jay @. Johnson
6idway Night has been observed since !777. What activities are considered
appropriate to commemorate that World War 00 battle?
All the answers are correct
What was the obBective of the @apanese attack on 6idway?
The Japanese hoped to lure the 7.!. $acific Fleet into a battle where they could
destroy it.
Customs and Traditions(
Sailors who have not crossed the e5uator are called 44444444444444444444.
?ormal dinners promote 44444444444444444444.
all the answers are correct
0nitiation rites that include ha*ing are 44444444444444444444.
a 4iolation of !)C"A? 2nstructions
Which of the following Jis aKHare titleJsK given to those who cross the e5uator at a
significant line of longitude?
Which statement is true concerning morning colors?
#onors to foreign ensigns may be rendered by the playing of appropriate foreign
national anthems
Which of these rules of eti5uette apply to conduct within the boat?
A4oid walking on 4arnished areas
#he conduct of a -ining=0n is defined by 44444444444444444444.
A$"A? 2nstruction *H*9.H
#he following certificate denotes Sailors who have crossed the +rctic Circle
Blue "ose
What event resulted in the shift of the center of the Navy social life from aboard ship to
Alcohol was banned from 7.!. "a4y 4essels in *F*/.
6orning and evening colors have been governed by Navy regulations since
since the mid *F
#he oldest of all seafaring traditions is 4444444.
the burial at sea
SecNav 0nstruction 1317.!+ concerns 444444444444.
#he title given to Sailors who have sailed around the southern tip of South +merica
JCape .ornK is 44444444444444444444.
+ Bunior officer serving as boat officer when hisHher ship is at anchor
should o4errule the decisions of the co3swain only in emergency
!hipBs Customs and Traditions(
'efore commissioning, a ship must 44444444444444444444.
complete and pass a series of !ea Trials
#oday/s :(eturning .ome &ennant; 44444444444444444444.
all the answers are correct
What is the tradition of the 5uarterdeck?
All the answers are correct
+ll of these activities are forbidden on the 5uarterdeck <MC<&#
walking on the port side
Nou are standing watch at night as the ""- on board a ship at anchor as a small boat
approaches. Nou call out :'oat ahoyO; and the boat/s co)swain replies, :@ohn &aul
@onesO; .e is 44444444444444444444.
announcing that the Captain of the John Paul Jones is on board his boat
Ships in the U.S. Navy 44444444444444444444.
are typically commissioned in public ceremonies with the shipBs sponsor and
other prominent guests in attendance
While on watch, the "fficer of the -eck J""-K 44444444444444444444.
All of these answers are correct
+ll of these actions take place at the commissioning ceremony of a new ship <MC<&#
the Chief of "a4al Aperations reads the commissioning directi4e
'oat hailing protocols became necessary 44444444444444444444.
in the days prior to ''22 when large ships usually anchored or moored and
boating was required
#he Navy/s battle streamers 44444444444444444444.
span the period from the 6e4olutionary 'ar to :oso4ospan the period from the
6e4olutionary 'ar to :oso4o
"n modern ships, the 5uarterdeck 4444444444444444444.
is designated by the Commanding Afficer
While a ship is at anchor or at a pier, 44444444444444444444.
the AA& stands watch on the quarterdeck
#he :(eturning .ome &ennant; 44444444444444444444.
is distributed to the Commanding Afficer officers and crew upon arri4al in port
#he sloop Concord is notable because 44444444444444444444.
it was the first "a4y 4essel christened by a woman
#onors and Ceremonies(
&assing honors are 44444444444444444444.
All the answers are correct
#here are three national holidays, including ceremonies involving a !1=gun salute at
noon, which receive special remembrance by the U.S. Navy. #hese three are
'ashingtonBs Birthday 2ndependence &ay and Memorial &ay
+t the end of their careers, all Sailors may 44444444444444444444.
all the answers are correct
0nstructions for planning a retirement ceremony are contained in
M2@$)6!MA" *+99.9*9
.alf=masting the national ensign 44444444444444444444.
is a symbol of mourning and respect
Cun salutes were considered a sign of good faith because 44444444444444444444.
in the days of sail firing left the ship 4ulnerable
Military )thics A4er4iew(
Select the result of ethical failures by military personnel.
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( #he character=based system of ethics argues right choices come
from pursuing the :greatest happiness for the greatest number.;
!elect True or False( 0n the view of the rule=based system of ethics, there is the notion
there are absolute truths and moral standards that are true at all times in all places for
all people and all situations.
?reedom=based ethics focus on 444444444444444444.
decisions arri4ed at based on self.interests or impulses
#houghts such asA :life has no purpose or meaning,; :truth can not be known,; and
:what 0 do doesn>t matter; best typify which one of the following?
+n ethical person is 444444444444444444.
someone who chooses to li4e the life people ought to li4e
Utilitarianism is sometimes considered to be a subset of 444444444444444444.
#houghts such asA :0 do whatever 0 want,; :no one can stop me,; and :0 take what 0 want
and harm anyone who gets in my way; best typify which one of the following?
!elect True or False( Some relativists would 5uestion whether reality can be accurately
assessed or measured.
+ristotelian virtue, stoicism, and E+-6 Stockdale/s leadership were founded upon the
ethical approach of 444444444444444444.
character.based ethics
+ supposition that some mi) of common sense and scientific in5uiry will always lead to
a conclusion that is true typifies 444444444444444444.
a reason.based approach to truth and 1ustice
)thics in the $rofession of Arms(
What differentiates a mercenary from a military professional?
The military professional e3hibits a moral dimension earning the trust of society.
6oral development re5uires certain conditions to occurP people must be morally
All the answers are correct
6oral development theory tells us that there are se5uential levels of moral reasoning.
What is the ideal toward which moral development leads?
2t is the path to becoming a person of character
<ven with moral awareness, moral reasoning, and moral courage, is it still possible to
act ineffectively?
#he key distinctionJsK between a profession, craft, and art, isHare
All the answers are correct.
#he ability, right, and 44444444444444444444 of self=regulation are part of what
transforms an association into a profession.
Which oneJsK of the following constituteJsK the body of moral principles or values
governing military professionals?
All of the answers are correct.
:+n e)pert with speciali*ed knowledge and skill in a significant field of human endeavor;
best defines 44444444444444444444.
A professional
44444444444444444444 is a common bond all military professionals share based on
the mutual accountability that comes with self=regulation.
6oral development is a life=long process, with the obBective of achieving
6oral 44444444444444444444 is the comprehensive ability to bring together all of
one/s knowledge, skills, and values in order to accomplish the intended action.
!elect True or False( + military professional must utili*e any means necessary to
contribute to the common good.
6oral 44444444444444444444 enables a person to work through a logical and
obBective process for determining and articulating reasons that distinguish right from
)thics and the 'arfighter(
!elect True or False( #he Code of Conduct only applies if the detaining country
adheres to the Ceneva Convention.
Which of the following statements is N"# part of the Code of Conduct?
2 will not make an attempt to escape nor aid others in their attempt to escape.
Which of the following is N"# true regarding professional oaths?
$rofessional oath allows for 4alue 1udgments to be based on relati4e truths.
#he Ceneva Convention provides legal protection for 44444444444444444444.
$risoners of war
!elect True or False( + demonstration of moral courage is indicative of the ability to
demonstrate physical courage, and vice=versa.
#he "ath of <nlistement is significant in the &rofession of +rms because it
clearly states a !ailorBs duty from the moment of enlistment
Just 'ar Tradition(
#he proportionality principle of jus in bello re5uires 44444444444444444444.
that the harm done to ci4ilians and non.combatants in a military operation not
outweigh the good accomplished by the operation
!elect True or False( 0n order for a war to be considered Bust, it must meet a maBority of
the criteria of jus ad bellum.
#he jus ad bellum criterion of Bust cause has traditionally included
self.defense and defense of an innocent third party under attack
#he Bust war tradition incorporates historical principles of 44444444444444444444.
theology philosophy and law
#he moral burden of jus ad bellum falls primarily on 44444444444444444444.
$olitical leaders
!elect True or False( +ll members of the U.S. military are bound by the Qaw of +rmed
Conflict and the Ceneva Conventions.
!elect True or False( While the moral burden of jus in bello falls primarily on military
leaders, political leaders often play a key role in establishing targeting policy, approving
specific targets, and developing rules of engagement.
#he jus ad bellum criterion of probability of success re5uires 44444444444444444444.
reasonable hope of accomplishing the intended good
!elect True or False( #he jus ad bellum criterion of proper authority limits the decision=
making authority to go to war to the most senior military commanders.
#he moral principles of the @ust War #radition 44444444444444444444.
help to set the military professional apart
!elect True or False( Jus ad bellum and jus in bello govern all aspects of war.
#he two key criteria jus in bello criteria are 44444444444444444444.
discrimination and proportionality
!elect True or False( #he @ust War #radition is the informal name of the Qaws of
+rmed Conflict.
#he following military personnel are considered to be non=combatantsA
Chaplains and medical personnel.
Military Justice !ystem(
Which of the following is true?
A general court.martial is composed of a military 1udge a defense counsel a
prosecutor and at least fi4e members.
+rticle 19 of the Uniform Code of 6ilitary @ustice 4444444444.
pro4ides a ser4ice member the opportunity to file a complaint of wrongs against
his or her commanding officer
#he Constitution 4444444444444444444444.
all of the answers are correct
#he ma)imum punishment which may be given at a special court=martial is limited to
one year confinement three months of hard labor without confinement
forfeitures of two.thirds pay for not more than one year reduction to paygrade
).* and bad conduct discharge
NonBudicial punishment, as provided for by +rticle 1% of the Uniform Code of 6ilitary
@ustice, is also known as 4444444444444.
CaptainBs Mast
+ member of a general court=martial 44444444444444444.
is the military equi4alent of a ci4ilian 1uror
Which of the following is N"# true?
Because Congress has the Constitutional authority to regulate the military the
&epartment of &efense is part of the legislati4e branch of the federal
+ convening authority is responsible for 44444444444.
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following is true?
Congress is limited by the Constitution to enact only those laws that relate to the
authority of the federal go4ernment.
+ service member 4444444444444.
does not ha4e the protection of the rules of e4idence at CaptainBs Mast
Conduct and 8o4ernment )thics(
Which of the following would be prohibited?
The commanding officer of a ship is gi4en a pen worth JF.99 by an )nsign ;the
shipBs communicationBs officer< as a Christmas present. Two months later the
commanding officer is gi4en a framed picture of the ship worth JH.-9 by the
)nsign as a birthday present. Two months later the )nsign gi4es the
commanding officer a stuffed animal for his daughter as an )aster present
worth J+.99.
Which statement is N"# true?
)ach agency within the e3ecuti4e branch of the Federal go4ernment has its own
unique ethical code.
Which of the following actions is most likely to be prohibited?
The maintenance officer of a FGA *+ squadron is offered J0999.99 to write a
maga5ine article concerning the maintenance scheduling procedures he was
introducing into his squadron.
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
The !tandards of Conduct apply only to &epartment of &efense ci4ilian
employees. Military personnel are go4erned solely by the 7niform Code of
Military Justice.
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
The !tandards of Conduct only prohibit actual abuses.
#he Commanding "fficer of an aircraft carrier is retiring. Which giftJsK, if accepted by the
Commanding "fficer would most likely N"# be prohibited?
Ane of the carrierBs di4isions pitch in J0.99 per sailor and buys the Commanding
Afficer a framed picture of the ship 4alued at appro3imately JF9.99. Another
di4ision collects J*.99 per sailor and presents the Commanding Afficer with a
brass bell 4alued at appro3imately JH-.99. The ChiefBs Mess presents the
Commanding Afficer with a sword 4alued at appro3imately J099.99.
$ri4acy Act(
!elect True or False( #he &rivacy +ct provides that citi*ens are permitted to access
records maintained by the government and re5uest amendments to erroneous
information that may be contained in those records.
!elect True or False( #he person who is the subBect of a record which falls under the
protection provided by the &rivacy +ct, has the right to access all records held by the
government that pertains to him or her.
What is a common way for con artists and thieves to obtain someone>s personal data?
All of the answers are correct
+ record is 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.
any collection grouping or item of information about an indi4idual maintained by
an agency
#he purpose of the &rivacy +ct is to control the collection, maintenance, and use of
personal information, as well as to
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 .
All of the answers are correct.
#he records the Covernment is not re5uired to release to the re5uester are referred to
as 44444444444444444.
#he release of protected information to a third party, without the consent of the
individual of concern, include situations where
the information is needed for use in a census or statistical research
!elect True or False( #he &rivacy +ct doesn>t permit the subBect of the record to
access his or her information.
@awful and 7nlawful Arders(
+ service member is accused of violating a general order issued by the base
commander. Which of the following is true?
The ser4ice member is most likely being prosecuted for 4iolating Article F0 of the
7niform Code of Military Justice.
Which of the following is N"# true?
"a4y 6egulations Chapter *9 paragraph *9,F pro4ides that flag officers are only
required to obey orders from a military police officer if the military police
officer is a warrant or commissioned officer.
+ commissioned officer may be found guilty violating all of the following e)cept
Article F* of the 7niform Code of Military Justice
+ Navy Q# is accused of willfully disobeying a lawful order given to him by a 6arine
maBor. +t the time the order was given, the Q# had never seen the maBor before, the
maBor was not in uniform and did not have his military 0- with him. #he Q# did not obey
the given order. Which of the following is true?
The @T might be not guilty of 4iolating article F9 of the 7CMJ if he did not know
that the indi4idual gi4ing him the order was a Marine ma1or.
+ Q# orders a group of enlisted sailors to cease what they are doing in order to help load
a truck with supplies so that the supplies can get to the airfield in time to be loaded on a
plane headed for 0ra5. #he sailors inform the Q# that their commanding officer Jwho is
also the Q#/s commanding officerK had ordered them to finish testing the unit/s radios in
preparation for an inspection the following day. #he Q# then directs the sailors to help
with loading the truck and then return to the radios. #he sailors then head over to help
load the truck. Which of the following statements is true?
"a4y 6egulations Chapter *9 $aragraph *90/ requires the @T to immediately
report his actions to his commanding officer and e3plain the necessity of
di4erting the sailors from the task the commanding officer ordered them to
Which of the following statements is true?
An order that contradicts an earlier order gi4en by an officer senior to the one
gi4ing the contradicting order may be a lawful order.
Which of the following is true?
A !eaman that willfully disobeys a lawful order issued by a Third Class $etty
Afficer may be prosecuted under Article F* of the 7niform Code of Military
What is the proper action for a service member to take when given an order that is
obviously illegal?
6efuse the order and report to higher authority.
+n officer JQ#K receives an order from a superior JC-(K which annuls an order received
from another superior JC+&#K. #he Q# protests this new order and shows the C-( the
orders from the C+&#. #he Q# even represents the facts in writing to the C-(. #he C-(
insists that his order be followed. What should the Q# do?
Follow the order issued by the C&6 and report the circumstances of the case to
the CA$T.
4444444 provides instruction on when a Bunior service member may issue orders to a
military senior.
"a4y 6egulations Chapter *9 $aragraph*9,F
6oles Missions and Functions of &A"(
Currently, 4444 contains the service=specific statements that outline the basic purpose
of each of the armed forces.
Title *9 7.!. Code
4444444444 are those tasks assigned to the unified and specified combatant
commanders by the &resident of the United States or the Secretary of -efense.
!elect True or False( 'y Congressional statute, the -epartment of the Navy includes
the operating forces of the U.S. 6aritime +dministration and U.S. Coast Cuard,
including the U.S. Coast Cuard/s reserve component.
+s defined by @oint &ublication 1=7!, the primary purpose of an amphibious operation is
2ntroduce a land force ashore from ships or craft.
!elect True or False( 'y Congressional statute, the -epartment of the Navy includes
the operating forces of the U.S. 6aritime +dministration and U.S. Coast Cuard,
including the U.S. Coast Cuard/s reserve component.
#he list of service=specific :functions; continues to evolve over time. 0nitially authored in
<)ecutive "rder 1$$, the term :functions; in this conte)t refers toA
Those 4arious acti4ities operations and capabilities for which the ser4ices are
Which of the following has been assigned the task of managing strategic sea lift in the
@oint arena?
The 7.!. "a4y and the 7.!. Maritime Administration.
Which service is the only one whose minimum force structure is codified in law?
The 7.!. Marine Corps
6aritime power proBection includesA
All of these answers are correct.
#he functions specified for the -epartment of the Navy by -epartment of -efense
directive %177.1 authori*es the -epartment of the Navy to develop force structure to
accomplish which oneJsK of the following?
$rimary functions.
Currently, 4444 contains the service=specific statements that outline the basic purpose
of each of the armed forces.
Title *9 7.!. Code
#he commander of which geographic combatant command is responsible for the largest
geographic area?
$acific Command
#he Chief of Naval "perations 44444444444444444.
remains in the administrati4e chain of command of a "a4y unit assigned to a
combatant commander
+ carrier strike group 444444444444.
has two chains of command K administrati4e and operational
#he component commands of the #ransportation Command are 4444444444.
;*< the Air ForceBs Air Mobility Command ;0< the "a4yBs Military !ealift Command
and ;,< the ArmyBs !urface &eployment and &istribution Command
Which of the following geographic combatant commandJsK isHare head5uartered outside
of the United States?
The )uropean Command
#he National Security Council>s members include, by law, 4444444444444.
the $resident ?ice $resident !ecretary of !tate and !ecretary of &efense
#he United States/ two most senior ranking military officers are 4444444444.
always the Chairman and ?ice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of !taff
?unctional combatant commanders 4444444444444444444.
are responsible directly to the !ecretary of &efense and the $resident
+dministratively, the Commandant of the 6arine Corps reports to 44444444.
the !ecretary of the "a4y who reports to the !ecretary of &efense
"ational Military Argani5ation(
444444444444 is responsible for developing the National 6ilitary Strategy.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of !taff
+ carrier strike group 444444444444.
has two chains of command K administrati4e and operational
?unctional combatant commanders 4444444444444444444.
are responsible directly to the !ecretary of &efense and the $resident
Which of the following geographic combatant commandJsK isHare head5uartered outside
of the United States?
The )uropean Command
#he component commands of the #ransportation Command are 4444444444.
;*< the Air ForceBs Air Mobility Command ;0< the "a4yBs Military !ealift
Command and ;,< the ArmyBs !urface &eployment and &istribution
#he Chief of Naval "perations 44444444444.
must place his duties as a member of the Joint Chiefs of !taff ahead of his duties
to the !ecretary of the "a4y as a military ser4ice chief
#he overseas area where U.S. interests are mostly likely to be directly threatened is the
area of responsibility of 44444444444444.
the Central Command
#he @oint Staff 444444444444.
is responsible only to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of !taff
#he <uropean Command 44444444444.
has deployed forces outside of its theater in support of Aperations )nduring
Freedom and 2raqi Freedom
+dministratively, the Commandant of the 6arine Corps reports to 44444444.
the !ecretary of the "a4y who reports to the !ecretary of &efense
#he United States/ two most senior ranking military officers are 4444444444.
always the Chairman and ?ice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of !taff
#he Chief of Naval "perations 44444444444444444.
remains in the administrati4e chain of command of a "a4y unit assigned to a
combatant commander
#he Unified Command &lan 4444444444444444.
establishes the missions force structures and responsibilities of the combatant
#he -efense 0ntelligence +gency 444444444444.
is designated as a Combat !upport Agency and thus has some o4ersight
pro4ided by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of !taff
+n outbreak of hostilities between 0ndia and &akistan would most likely occur in the
area of responsibility of 44444444444444.
the Central Command and the $acific Command
#he Commandant of the Coast Cuard 444444444444444.
is a military ser4ice chief but is not a member of the Joint Chiefs of !taff
#he &resident/s cabinet includes 4444444444444444.
the !ecretary of &efense as a military representati4e
#he commander of which geographic combatant command is responsible for the largest
geographic area?
$acific Command
#he lead combatant commandJsK in planning, directing and e)ecuting the Clobal War on
#errorism isHare 44444444444444444.
the !pecial Aperations Command
"ational !ecurity !trategy(
#he National Security Strategy states that 44444444444 is +merica>s most immediate
#o complete the task of <)panding the Circle of -evelopment, the United States will
help build stable prosperous and peaceful societies
make foreign assistance more effecti4e
#he National Security Strategy/s essential task of global economic growth includes
All of the answers are correct
#he National Security Strategy states that 44444444444.
globali5ation has e3posed us to many new challenges
globali5ation presents many opportunities
+s addressed in the &resident>s cover letter to the National Security Strategy, 44444444
must take the lead in order for the world to successfully confront problems like
human trafficking and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
The 7nited !tates
#he National Security Strategy/s essential task of transforming the nation/s National
Security 0nstitutions will re5uire 444444444444444.
reorienting the !tate &epartment towards transformational diplomacy which
promotes effecti4e democracy and responsible so4ereignty
#he National Security Strategy states that 4444444444444.
peace and international stability are most reliably built on a foundation of
#he National Security Strategy takes the position that 444444444444.
left unaddressed regional conflicts can lead to failed states
#he current National Security Strategy 4444444444444.
builds upon the framework of the last "ational !ecurity !trategy updated to take
into account the time that has passed and the e4ents that ha4e occurred
#he National Security Strategy points out that 4444444444444.
because of the potentially de4astating e4ents of an attack with 'M& the 7nited
!tates will not rule out the use of preempti4e force
"ational &efense !trategy(
#he National -efense Strategy deals with 44444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
#he National -efense Strategy 444444444444444.
recogni5es that a secure international system requires collecti4e action
#he National -efense Strategy/s view of deterrence is 444444444444.
that there needs to be increased emphasis on protecting against attacks
0n order to establish favorable security conditions, the United States 444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
Stability operations, as discussed in the National -efense Strategy, 4444444444.
include operations ranging from peacekeeping to substantial combat action
When and if actual combat operations are necessary against a hostile force, the
National -efense Strategy contemplates the use of all of the following e)cept
combat operations only when they can be conducted with other nations
"ational Military !trategy(
#he comple) battle space used by adversaries to threaten the United States include
All of the answers are correct
+s discussed in the National 6ilitary Strategy 4444444444444444.
an ad4ersary must belie4e that the 7nited !tates has the ability to impose se4ere
consequences in response to hostile or potentially hostile actions for
deterrence to be successful
Which of the following statements is not true?
Concerning armed conflict the "ational Military !trategy is limited to gaining a
decisi4e 4ictory post.conflict stability is the role of ci4ilian go4ernment
agencies and departments.
#he non=state actors that menace stability and security may include
terrorist networks international criminal organi5ations illegal armed groups and
#he National 6ilitary Strategy is 44444444444444444.
the highest le4el guidance document issued by a uniformed military officer
#he National 6ilitary Strategy provides that the first and foremost military priority is
the protection of the 7nited !tates against attack
Which of the following will make the statement not true?
#he National 6ilitary Strategy 444444444444444.
states that defending the 7nited !tates against missile attack is no longer a
#he priorities essential to the success of the +rmed ?orces outlined in the National
6ilitary Strategy areA 44444444444444.
winning the 'ar on Terrorism while protecting the 7nited !tatesL ;0< enhancing
our ability to fight as a 1oint forceL and ;,< transforming the Armed
Forces by fielding new capabilities and adopting new operational
(ogue states can threaten global and regional stability by 44444444444.
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following is true?
The combatant commanders assist the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of !taff in
de4eloping the "ational Military !trategy.
Joint 8uidance and 6esources(
#he 4444444444444444 is the overarching description of how the future @oint ?orce will
operate and occupies the highest position in the hierarchy of concepts.
Capstone Concept for Joint Aperations
Which of the following is not true?
"one of the answers are correct
@oint concepts are developed and refined through 444444444444.
4444444444444444 provides the unifying framework for the family of Boint concepts.
The Capstone Concept for Joint Aperations
+ Boint concept is 444444444444444444.
a 4isuali5ation of future military operations that describes how a commander
might employ capabilities to achie4e desired effects and ob1ecti4es
#he @oint "perations Concepts -evelopment &rocess44444444.
describes a systematic process that will assist in guiding the creation of a Joint
Force that will succeed in the battle space of tomorrow
0n order to sustain and increase the 5ualitative military advantages the United States
enBoys today re5uires 4444444444444444.
a transformation achie4ed by combining technology intellect and cultural
changes across the 1oint community
(e5uired capabilities and attributes are identified by 4444444444.
Joint Functional Concepts
444444444444 publications are the top group of Boint doctrine documents in the
hierarchy of Boint publications.
+ @oint 0ntegrating Concept is 444444444444444444.
a description of how a Joint Force Commander will integrate capabilities to
generate effects and achie4e an ob1ecti4e
+t the @oint level, the guiding document in synchroni*ing the effort of Boint concept
developers to link strategic guidance to the development and employment of
future capabilities is the 44444444444444444.
Joint Aperations Concepts &e4elopment $rocess
@oint ?unctional Concepts 4444444444444444.
recei4es their operational conte3t for de4elopment and e3perimentation from a
Joint Aperating Concept
+t the @oint level, the guiding document in synchroni*ing the effort of Boint concept
developers to link strategic guidance to the development and employment of
future capabilities is the 44444444444444444.
Joint Aperations Concepts &e4elopment $rocess
#he @oint "perations Concepts -evelopment &rocess44444444.
describes a systematic process that will assist in guiding the creation of a Joint
Force that will succeed in the battle space of tomorrow
+ @oint "perating Concept describes how a Boint force commander will accomplish a
strategic obBective 44444444444444.
*9.09 years in the future
+ @oint "perating Concept 444444444444444444.
identifies broad principles and essential capabilities
Which of the @oint Concepts has the narrowest focus?
Joint 2ntegrating Concept
!ea $ower 0*(
4444444444444 is central to the Sea Shield concept.
Achie4ing battle.space superiority in forward theaters
Which of the following is N"# true?
Force"et is the follow.on program to Task Force )MC)@ K a fully integrated force
wide network of linked computers.
Which of the following is N"# true?
!eapower 0* does not ha4e a focus that includes regional challenges.
Sea Warrior will address the challenges brought on by 44444444.
the reduced crew si5es that are the result of optimal manning policies and new
#he Sea &ower !1 fundamental concept that will lead to the acceleration of
e)peditionary deployments and employment timelines by pre=positioning vital
e5uipment and supplies in=theater is 44444444444444444444.
!ea Basing
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
Force"et is the DglueE that binds together !ea Trial !ea 'arrior and !ea
Which of the following is N"# true?
!ea Basing will use the increasing number of o4erseas bases to e3pand our
forward presence globally.
Which of the following is N"# considered essential to the Navy/s ability to counter the
increased risk to the United States in the future?
"one of the answers are correct.
Sea Strike 44444444444444.
is the ability to pro1ect precise and persistent offensi4e power from the sea
Sea &ower !1 was published by 4444444444444444444.
The Chief of "a4al Aperations
#he foundation upon which offensive and defensive fires are proBected is
!ea Basing
#he 6arine Corps tactical aviation integration plan is an e)ample of 44444444444.
!ea )nterprise
Sea #rial is concerned with 44444444444444.
the implementation of a continual process of rapid concept and technology
Sea Shield will protect U.S. national interests with defensive power based on
control of the seas forward presence and networked intelligence
The American 'ay of 'ar(
!elect True or False( #he ?rench and 0ndian War ended with a 'ritish victory over the
?rench at the 'attle of Iuebec. #his led to the :+merican Eiew; that wars were
won by the utili*ation of conventional armies.
Cuerilla warfare was not present in the 6e)ican and Civil Wars, which were fought
solely between two conventional armies using conventional tactics.
False. 8uerilla warfare was present in both the Me3ican 'ar and the Ci4il 'ar.
!elect True or False( 0n order to patrol the vast +merican frontier and to protect settlers
moving West, a large standing army was maintained by the United States after
the Civil War.
-uring the +merican (evolution, the Continental +rmy 44444444444444444444.
was created in part to con4ince potential allies that the 7nited !tates was a
legitimate nation
?ollowing the end of the ?irst World War, the U.S. 444444444444444.
quickly demobili5ed the 4ast ma1ority of its large wartime army
#he Eietnam War shared what characteristicJsK with the Second Seminole War?
All of the answers are correct.
!elect True or False( +lthough regular army forces participated in the hostilities, the
Spanish +merican War was seen as a victory by militia J:volunteer;K forces and
proof that the United States didn/t need to maintain a large standing army.
"ne of the reasons for the unwillingness to fund a standing regular army following the
+merican (evolution was 44444444444444444444.
the absence of an immediate threat to the new nation
#he Second Seminole War 444444444444444.
became a stalemate and was abandoned by the 7nited !tates after declaring
The "a4al 'ay of 'ar(
'y establishing control of the sea in the early stages of conflict, the Navy will
ha4e strategic and operational freedom of maneu4er and assure security for the
lines of communication
!elect True or False( .istorically, the Navy has generally possessed the most comple)
technology available.
+ll ships are fragile and subBect to peril for reasons other than enemy action. 0f the
greatest peril during non=wartime activity is water in the hull, then the
second greatest peril is 44444444444444444444.
-uring non=wartime activity, what can be e5ually dangerous but less e)pected in terms
of safety of the ship and operating environment?
The attitudes of "a4al officers toward their 1ob
Navigation is 44444444444444444444.
an art of appro3imation
!elect True or False( +ccording to the rule of Naval Warfare the Navy must achieve an
absolute control of the sea.
0n close waters, what Navigational tool will help reduce error and uncertainty of your
location to a considerable degree?
#he Navy/s organi*ational culture comes from 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct.
0n our time, in order to understand how the U.S. Navy responds to new missions,
threats, tactics, and technologies, it/s important to know
The 7.!. "a4yBs organi5ational culture
"rgani*ational culture affects the way the organi*ation 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
#he Navy/s intent in e)tending control from the sea to the land is to
limit the enemyBs freedom of action and to make a sea barrier not an a4enue for
U.S. Navy ships were initially designed to protect aircraft carrier battle groups against
the (ussians and, at this time, they 44444444444444444444.
ha4e adopted a new technology to a different mission for air.ground support
:&ut him in the position, let him do his Bob, and give him hell if he does not perform; is
the not=to=centrali*e philosophy of the U.S. 444444444444444444444444.
Theory of 'ar(
+n action undertaken by a Navy Seal #eam operates at what level of war?
2t 4aries depending on the le4el of the ob1ecti4e achie4ed or contributed to by the
#he concept of operational level of war developed 44444444444444444444.
in order to bridge the gap between strategy and national strategic ob1ecti4es and
the tactics employed on the battlefield to achie4e those ob1ecti4es
#he enemy/s center of gravity 44444444444444444444.
can change particularly at the operational and tactical le4el
+n enemy/s critical vulnerability 44444444444444444444.
is a 4ulnerability that if e3ploited will do the most significant damage to the
enemyBs ability to resist us
#he introduction of a new weapon system by the enemy 44444444444444444444.
may change its center of gra4ity and may change its critical 4ulnerability
+ctions are defined as strategic, operational or tactical based on
the le4el of the ob1ecti4es achie4ed or contributed to by the actions
Which of the following is correct?
The principles of war pro4ide a basis for na4al doctrine.
Carrier Strike Croup and <)peditionary Strike Croup commanders generally operate at
what level of war?
#he three components of military art are 44444444444444444444.
strategy tactics and operational art
#he enemy/s center of gravity 44444444444444444444.
can change particularly at the operational and tactical le4el
Commanders should focus their efforts on 44444444444444444444.
concentrating strength against some relati4e enemy weakness
#he concept of an operational level of war was first utili*ed 44444444444444444444.
by "apoleon with his creation of a more manageable battlefield through the use
of di4isions and corps each commanded by a general officer who
was well 4ersed in his strategic ob1ecti4es
!elect True or False( Naval forces are best employed as part of a Boint andHor
multinational force.
!elect True or False( Combatant commanders use the U@#Q to develop @6<#Qs.
@oint doctrine is based on 44444444444444444444.
current capabilities
!elect True or False( #actics, techni5ues, and procedures are all non=prescriptive.
#he Navy Warfare Qibrary provides 44444444444444444444.
all publications on the "'&C !2$6")T site
#he Navy>s Web=based doctrine development process works through
"'&C !2$6")T site
Command and Control(
?eedback is most important to control because 4444444444444444444 .
2t gi4es commanders information they will need to adapt to changing
Control is the 4444444444444444444 .
commanderBs means of guiding a military operation
Naval commanders e)ercise #+C"N over 4444444444444444444 .
all of the answers are correct
"&C"N would be delegated to 4444444444444444444 .
JTF commanders
Which of the following fit with the analogy between Command and Control and the
functioning of the human nervous system?
All of the answers are correct
CR enables the Commander to 4444444444444444444 .
All of the answers are correct
Combatant Command is e)ercised by unified or specified commanders through
4444444444444444444 .
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following are considered command and control support?
The people facilities and equipment that pro4ide information to commanders.
"&C"N and #+C"NA
All of the answers are correct
#he CR organi*ation is defined to include 4444444444444444444 .
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following is not considered #actical Control or #+C"N?
Argani5ation logistics and training
Joint Force Maritime component commander(
#he @?6CC concept is 44444444444444444444444 .
still under de4elopment in terms of specific details although the broad functions
ha4e been finali5ed
+ccording to the concept, the @?6CC 44444444444444444444444 .
All of the answers are correct
What is the unifying factor in all @oint 6aritime "perations?
!ea control
Which of the following are typical war fighting functions of the @?6CC?
All of the answers are correct
#he @oint ?orce 6aritime Component Commander 4444444444444444444.
'ill not be designated if the JFC elects to control maritime operations or relies
upon the "a4y ser4ice component commander
#he goal of the @?6CC doctrine is toA
2ntegrate all "a4al assets and capabilities into the Joint Force CommanderBs
campaign plan.
#he 6aritime #ask &lan is a web=based data base that is used by the @?6CC toA
All of the answers are correct
"rdinarily the @?6CC will be given 444444444444444444444 .
both A$CA" and TACA"
Who ordinarily will have functional responsibility for the performance of a @#?>s maritime
#he @?6CC/s subordinate commanders includeA
Both C!8 and )!8 commanders.
C'C Concept(
+dmiral +rleigh 'urke said that command by negation was important becauseA
2n battle there is too much going on too fast for one person to manage.
What is the cornerstone tenet of the CWC concept?
Command by negation
#he common operating picture, or C"&, includes 44444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
#he CWC concept addresses defense againstA
All of the answers are correct
+fter the Cold War, the Navy>s primary missionA
!hifted in orientation to the littorals.
#he CWC would be on a carrier or flag=configured amphibious ship because
4444444444444444444 .
that is where the needed C
assets will be
C'C 6oles and 6esponsibilities(
0f an alternate CWC is designated, his or her functions would be
4444444444444444444444 .
All of the answers are correct
-ecentrali*ed command is an effective approach because?
2t helps to pre4ent the C'C from being o4erwhelmed by information o4erload.
2t enables tactical commanders to take ad4antage of fast mo4ing opportunities to
achie4e mission ob1ecti4es.
What did +dmiral 6ustin say about Nelson>s plan at #rafalgar?
The plan was good but what was really decisi4e was that his subordinates
understood the plan and their roles in it.
#he functions of a &rincipal Warfare Commander and a ?unctional Warfare Commander
include 4444444444444444444 .
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following are not part of the CWC structure?
JTF commanders
&rincipal Warfare Commanders are never authori*ed toA
Assign missions to other 'arfare Commanders.
&rincipal Warfare Commanders are 4444444444444444444 .
immediately subordinate to the C'C
What is the role of preplanning of responses in the CWC concept?
All of the answers are correct
#he CWC will have 444444444444444444444 .
#+C"N over any single asset can be 4444444444444444444 .
held by only one commander and any gi4en time
JFMCCGC'C Challenges(
What are the challenges to the CWC concept?
All of the answers are correct
6any challenges to the CWC concept are rapidly becoming moot due to
de4elopments in the multi.mission capability of ship and aircraft platforms and
impro4ement in satellite communications
!elect True or False( #he authoritive Boint doctrine stresses decentrali*ed planning and
centrali*ed e)ecution.
#he CWC concept formerly promoted a close defensive posture for forces afloat, which
means 4444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
+ downside of CWC/s dependency on communications is 44444444444444.
all of the answers are correct
+ccording to (obert C. &owers, all of the below mentioned are the subtlest arguments
against the CWC concept, e)cept that the 4444444444444444444.
C'C creates broad war fighting specialists
0mportant challenges for CWC include 4444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
+ccording to CWC concept, the distance for all ships of the formation, in relation to the
flagship, must be in the radius of 4444444444444444444.
Arigins and &e4elopment(
!elect True or False( 0n order to effectively defend itself from hostile forces while
simultaneously conducting strike warfare in a Boint environment, it is
necessary for the on scene Naval air commander to operate independent
from the @oint +ir Component Commander.
Strike operations are a component of which navy mission?
$ro1ecting power ashore
!elect True or False( -uring "peration -esert Storm, naval aircraft were limited to
deep attacks, targeting the 0ra5i infrastructure.
!elect True or False( Strike warfare, as practiced by the Navy during the 1117=11 Culf
War, resulted in the new mission of close=air support being assigned to
"E=17 and +.=1 aircraft.
!elect True or False( #he Navy mission of proBecting power ashore is a relatively new
mission, made possible by the introduction of the #omahawk Qand +ttack
!elect True or False( #he 1117=1 Culf War validated the Navy>s strike warfare reliance
on precision guided munitions and as a result nearly no :dumb; bombs
were utili*ed.
!elect True or False( +mphibious operations are not considered as part of the Navy>s
power ashore proBection mission because the main components of such
operations are 6arine Corps andHor +rmy units.
!elect True or False( While USN strike warfare can proBect power ashore in a highly
effective way, it cannot sustain such operations for an e)tended period.
.ow do the Navy/s two principal missions influence events on land?
Both influence e4ents on land. !ea control indirectly influence e4ents while
power pro1ection ashore directly influences those e4ents.
!elect True or False( Strike warfare is focused on those platforms that directly attack
targets with ordnance. #hus, aircraft such as the <+=3' &rowlers and <=
!C .awkeye have no role in Sea Strike.
!elect True or False( #he Eirginia class submarine is an improved version of the
Seawolf class. 0t is Bust as 5uiet, but has greater speed, can operate at
increased depth and can carry more weapons than the Seawolf class.
#he ?leet (esponse &lan/s goal is to 44444444444444.
sustain a le4el of at least si3 surge.capable C!8s with two additional groups
ready to deploy within three months of an emergency order
!elect True or False( +ll of the ships assigned to a Carrier Strike Croup have the
capability of keeping up with the carrier when the carrier is operating at its
ma)imum speed.
!elect True or False( #he ?leet (esponse &lan and ?le)ible -eployment concepts
have yet to be implemented and tested.
Which submarine classJesK isHare capable of conducting long range strikes using the
#omahawk missile?
all of the answers are correct
Carrier Strike Croups are employed 4444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( 'ecause a Carrier Strike Croup is the main element of the
Navy/s strike warfare mission, the Carrier Strike Croup does not have an
organic anti=submarine warfare capability.
What is the effect of &C6s on aircraft sortie rates?
6educe the number of aircraft required
?light deck danger can be eliminated byA
"one of the answers are correct
4444444444444444444 converts the sophisticated technological potential of an aircraft
carrier into real and useable power.
#uman organi5ation
Successful strike warfare depends upon ?
All of the answers are correct
0ra5i ?reedom strike operations illustrate the CEHCEN/s uni5ue capability to conduct air
operations inA
6ulticarrier and night operations do which of the following?
$ermit 0/ hour strike warfare
Which of the following is not a current re5uirement for continuous maintenance and
effectiveness of the CEHCEN force?
2mpro4ed ship design
What is the largest and most comple) ship in the Navy?
Aircraft carrier
Composition of the carrier air wing evolved through :punctuated stability;P this refers to?
$eriods of intense change interspersed with longer periods of relati4e stability.
#he @oint Strike ?ighter which will replace the #omcats and .ornets in some of its
versions has all the following advantages e)ceptA
A!' capability
What do the #omcat, &rowler, Eiking, @oint Strike ?ighter currently have in common?
6ecent mission changes
"perational planning for an air strike includes all but which of the followingA
"ational Command Authority
(eduction of C<&s is due to greater precision afforded byA
All of the answers are correct
6atch the aircraft with their primary mission.
1. air defense and strike
+. ?=12 #omcat
!. +SW, air refueling
'. <=!C .awkeye
9. electronic attack
C. <+=3' &rowler
2. early warning
-. S=9' Eiking
Which of the following carrier air wing missions involve protecting critical areas of the
combat *one for the purpose of destroying enemy aircraft before they
reach their targets?
Combat air patrol
What is the principal limitation of &C6s?
+ttributes of @oint -irect +ttack 6unitionsJ@-+6K are?
Aperates in ad4erse weather
Con4erts DdumbE bomb into precision guided weapon
Concept of "perationsJC"N"&SK for a carrier strike does not includeA
battle damage assessment
Select the statements that are correct concerning carrier air wings.
Air wing composition has e4ol4ed substantially since the end of the Cold 'ar.
The carrier and the air wing are two complementary components of a single
fighting system.
2mpro4ed targeting especially through $8Ms has enhanced the effecti4eness of
the carrier air wing.
What single fighting system gives the carrier air wing its phenomenal punch?
The embarked air wing
+dvantages of &C6s include all but one of the followingA
reduced costs and maintenance e3penses
Which of the following is not a limitation of the #omahawk missile?
sur4i4ability in a high threat en4ironment
Starting from the @oint ?orce Commander, and the @oint ?orce 6aritime Component
Commander and @oint ?orce +ir Component Commander if present, the
tasking to launch a #omahawk missile follows what path?
"a4al Component Commander ;"CC< T@AM !trike Coordinator ;T!C< @aunch
Area Coordinator ;TAC< T@AM firing unit
#he #omahawk Strike Coordinator 444444444444.
is appointed by the "a4al Component CommanderGTomahawk )3ecuti4e Agent
and is responsible for all T@AM strike planning coordination and
reporting strikes
#he +ll=Up=(ound J+U(K includes 44444444444.
either a canister ;for surface ships< or a capsule ;for submarines< that both
protects the missile during transport and ser4es as the missile%s
launch tube
Which of the following is not true?
Tomahawk missiles are best used to attack targets in areas where collateral
damage is not a concern
Submarines must launch their EQS #omahawks 44444444444.
while submerged to a4oid damage to the system
Submarines can communicate with surface units 4444444444444.
when operating at periscope depth
Submarines have the ability to launch 44444444444444.
Tomahawks from torpedo tubes and from 4ertical launch tubes if so equipped
#he 44444 assigns targets, numbers of missiles, and time on target so firing units can
e)ecute the launch.
@aunch !equence $lan ;@!$<
#he newest version of the #omahawk can be 44444444.
reprogrammed in flight to strike any of *- pre.programmed alternati4e targets
redirected to any 8$! target coordinates using an anti.1am 8$! recei4er
!urface 'arfare(
Which is N"# among the primary roles of the Surface Warfare Commander?
&irect submarine operations
#he (ecogni*ed 6aritime &osition relies on surveillance by which of the following
All of the answers are correct
-ownward trends in worldwide naval ship construction and proliferation of :combat
boats; has which of the following effectsA
Complicates the area of uncertainty for 7.!. forces.
Which of the following missiles are not used primarily in an anti=ship mode?
Ma4erick and #ellfire
+symmetric threats to the surface fleet do not normally includeA
Chemical weapons
+nti=ship missiles are the weapons presenting the most serious threat to the task force
because they areA
All of the answers are correct
Air &efense(
#o fulfill the mission of preventing airborne attack against U.S. naval forces, +ir -efense
44444444 enemy airborne platforms and weapons.
All of the answers are correct
44444444444444444444 is the primary mission of air defense.
&efense in &epth
Which ships are N"# integrated into the fleet or sector air defense mission?
$oint defense ships and patrol craft
Non=organic air defense support refers toA
All of the answers are correct
Close coordination between the +ir -efense Commander and other warfare
commanders facilitatesA
Aptimum use of multi.role aircraftL maintenance and dissemination of accurate
sur4eillance dataL and security for departing and landing aircraft.
&ost=Cold War trends in air defense threats includeA
2ncreased proliferation of weapons and weapons technology increased speeds
and ranges of weapons and launch platforms and increased
difficulty in engaging and destroying air borne weapons.
"a4al !pecial 'arfare(
Which of the following may be attached to a Naval Special Warfare S5uadron?
All of the answers are correct
Select the statement that is N"# true.
Ci4il Affairs Aperations are designed to con4ey truthful information and
indicators to foreign audiences to influence their actions.
Naval Special Warfare forces personnel assigned outside of the continental United
States 44444444444444444444.
are under the combatant command of their respecti4e geographic unified
-irect +ction missions 44444444444444444444.
in4ol4e short.duration strikes and small.scale offensi4e actions
#he current number one priority mission of special warfare forces is
+ clandestine operation 44444444444444444444.
is one in which emphasis is placed on the concealment of the operation itself
#he (igid=hull 0nflatable 'oat J(.0'K 44444444444444444444.
is an ** meter craft capable of carrying eight !)A@s plus its crew
#he -ry -ock Shelter allows 44444444444444444444.
deli4ery of !)A@ &eli4ery ?ehicles ;!&?s< and combat rubber raiding craft from
#he Naval Special Warfare Command 44444444444444444444.
is responsible for pro4iding trained and ready forces to the regional combatant
+ S<+Q team is composed of 44444444444444444444.
a headquarters element and si3 !)A@ platoons
6G=E Special "perations Craft are provided to a NSW S5uadron by
!pecial Boat Teams
#he Special "perations Craft=(iverine is meant to operate in 44444444444444444444.
low to medium threat en4ironments
+ Naval Special Warfare S5uadron 44444444444444444444.
is formed after !)A@ platoons and attachments ha4e completed their core
training requirements
2ntroduction to )3peditionary 'arfare(
#he development of the <SC concept adds which of the below improvements to
previously deployable forces?
All of the answers are correct
#he Commander of the +mphibious #ask ?orce JC+#?K is 4444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
#he amphibious planning process 4444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
#he concept known as S#"6 includes which of the following?
All of the answers are correct
Gey aspects of "6?#S include which of the following?
All of the answers are correct
Characteristics of amphibious operations include which of the following concepts?
All of the answers are correct
#he concept known as S#"6 includes which of the following?
All of the answers are correct
"perational 6aneuver from the Sea J"6?#SK is a 6arine concept supporting the
Navy/s concept of ?orward from the Sea. 0t accomplishes this by
All of the answers are correct
+n amphibious force might include which of the following?
All of the answers are correct
"a4al @ogistics(
6SC/s Gilauea Class ammunition ships 44444444444444444444.
#a4e no armament
#he sustainment element of the logistics process is 44444444444444444444.
the pro4ision of personnel logistics and other support required to maintain
#he e)terior cleaning of an ?H+=1 aircraft is considered 44444444444444444444.
organi5ational.le4el maintenance
Which of the following is N"# true?
&epot.le4el maintenance is generally performed by shipBs company.
#he Navy/s two hospital ships 4444444444444444444.
contain *0 fully.equipped operating rooms each
#he 6ilitary Sealift Command/s eight fast sealift ships 44444444444444444444.
can deli4er nearly all the equipment needed to outfit a full 7.!. Army mechani5ed
#he Navy Component of the U.S. #ransportation Command JUS#(+NSC"6K is
the Military !ealift Command ;M!C<
#he 6ilitary Sealift Command/s Combat &repositioning ?orce 44444444444444444444.
supports Army prepositioning requirements
#he Gilauea class #=+<s main mission is to provide underway replenishment of which
class of supplies?
Class ?
#he bulk of the Navy/s combat logistics services to ships at sea is provided by
the "a4al Fleet Au3iliary Force
#he processes used to get materiel, services, and personnel to the supported forces
describe which general element of the Navy/s logistics process?
&repositioned e5uipmentDboth afloat and ashoreDis considered logistics support at
the 4444444444444444444.
strategic le4el
#he -ry Cargo "ffice 44444444444444444444.
handles &epartment of &efense cargo requirements that cannot be
accommodated by regularly scheduled ocean liner ser4ice
7ndersea 'arfare(
Which of the following is N"# true?
'hile quieter than older diesel submarines those that are dri4en by Air
2ndependent $ropulsion systems still must typically snorkel at
least once a day to recharge their batteries.
Which of the following is true?
Acoustic silencing reduces the probability of a ship being detected by either a
submarine or an acoustic mine.
Which of the following is N"# true?
Moored mines are generally banned by the 8ene4a protocols.
Which of the following is true?
Towed passi4e sonar arrays are useful to surface ships as they can be placed out
of the noise generated by the ship.
#he +SW warfare commander/s call sign under the Navy/s Composite Warfare
Commander concept is 4444444444444444444.
6agnetic +nomaly -etectors 4444444444444444444.
detect submarines by detecting the anomaly in the earthBs magnetic field caused
by the submarineB
Which of the following is N"# true?
The subsets of 7ndersea 'arfare are offensi4e submarine operations and
defensi4e submarine operations.
When installed in a SSN=3 class submarine, the Near=term (econnaissance System
JN6(SK vehicle 4444444444444444444.
is launched and reco4ered through a torpedo tube
#he two concepts that +SW forces employ to ensure coordination with friendly
submarines are 4444444444444444444.
pre4ention of mutual interference and water space management
Which of the following is true?
$ressure influence mines are actuated by pressure changes caused by a passing
#he two broad categories of submarine detections are 4444444444444444444.
Acoustic and non.acoustic
Which of the following is N"# true?
7.!. acoustic mine sweeping is limited to that performed by surface ship
Which of the following is N"# true?
At then end of its preset battery life sonobuoys are retrie4ed so that recorded
information can be downloaded for analysis.
#he +NHSQI=2 6ine Neutrali*ation System 4444444444444444444.
features a self.propelled remotely.controlled Mine "eutrali5ation ?ehicle
Fundamentals of Joint 'arfare(
!elect True or False( Combatant commanders should ensure that their unified action
synchroni*es andHor integrates Boint and single=service operations with the
actions of supporting combatant commands, other military forces during
multinational operations, and nonmilitary and other federal government
Which ?undamental of @oint Warfare best reflects the statementP :Cooperation among
the combatant commanders and their supporting Boint force and
component commanders is crucial?;
7nity of )ffort
"n what basis can Boint forces be established? JSelect the best answer.K
8eographic or functional
Which of the following levels of authority is N"# a command relationship?
Administrati4e Control ;A&CA"<
#he Combatant Commander/s campaign is based on which of the following?
All of the answers are correct
Which command is N"# a functional combatant command?
7.!. !outhern Command
#he term Boint forces includes which of the following commands?
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following statements best describes a Unified Command?
A command with broad continuing missions under a single commander
composed of forces from two or more military departments.
Which of the following statements does N"# reflect how unified direction is normally
By direct operational in4ol4ement by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of !taff
Which of the following provides the commander the ability to regulate forces and
functions and provides the commander a means to measure, report, and
correct performance?
Which of the following would be an e)ample of a sub=unified command?
7.!. Forces :orea
Fundamentals of 2nformation Aperations(
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
$sychological Aperations are those operations that con4ey truthful information
to both domestic and foreign audiences.
#he Combatant Commanders/ plans for -efense Support to &ublic -iplomacy are
approved by 4444444444444444.
the Affice of the !ecretary of &efense
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
2nformation Aperations is only concerned with information collected processed
and disseminated through networked computer systems operated
by an ad4ersary.
Which of the following statements is true?
The three ma1or subdi4isions of )lectronic 'arfare are( electronic attack
electronic protection and electronic warfare support.
#he psychological, cultural, behavioral, and other human attributes that influence
decision making, the flow of information, and the interpretation of
information by individuals or groups at any level in a state or organi*ation
are properties associated with which dimension of the information
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
Military &eception operations should be planned and e3ecuted independently of
Aperations !ecurity actions.
0nformation "perations> core capabilities include all of the following e)cept
prisoner of war interrogation
-epartment of -efense policy describes :information superiority; asA
the operational ad4antage gained by the ability to collect process and
disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while e3ploiting
or denying an ad4ersaryBs ability to do the same.
Which of the following statements is true?
Computer "etwork )3ploitation is concerned with gathering data from target or
ad4ersary automated information systems or networks.
+ctions taken through the use of computer networks to gather data from target or
adversary automated information systems or networks are a part of
computer network e3ploitation
0nformation "perations are generally the responsibility of 44444444444444.
the J., ;Aperations<
The 7nited !tates Army(
-ecisive counterattack is a defensive mission for which one of the following?
The Mechani5ed 2nfantry &i4ision
#he key difference between the airborne division and the light infantry division isA
Airborne has the ability to conduct forcible entry operationsL light infantry does
#he U.S. +rmy/s 4444444444444444444 provides combatant commanders with a broad
range of land power options to shape the security environment.
strategic responsi4eness
#he 4444444444444444444 is the largest division in the U.S. +rmy.
Mechani5ed 2nfantry &i4ision
What are the :hidden; transport costs of moving the +ir +ssault -ivision?
!quare footage requirements are almost equal to that of the Mechani5ed &i4ision.
Which U.S. +rmy aircraft has the mission of providing air assault, general support,
aeromedical evacuation, command and control, and special operations
support to combat, stability, and support operations?
7#.>9@ Blackhawk
!elect True or False( Strategic airlift is always more advantageous than sealift.
!elect True or False( #he ability to conduct sustained land dominance across the full
range of military operations and the spectrum of conflict is a key
differentiator between the U.S. +rmy and the U.S. 6arine Corps.
Which one of the following is N"# a U.S. +rmy core competency?
!ea.based operations
Which of the following is N"# true regarding the U.S. +rmy (eserve Component?
The Army 6eser4e Component does not pro4ide the ma1ority of personnel or
equipment for any primary 7.!. Army mission area.
#he +ir +ssault -ivision is consideredA
All of the answers are correct.
.eavy divisions offer e)ceptionalA
Tactical mobility.
+ 4444444444444444444 consists of multiple small groups of soldiers organi*ed to
maneuver and fire.
!elect True or False( #he @oint ?orce Qand Component Commander has the ability to
e)ercise command and control over all land forces, and may be an allied
or coalition commander.
7! Air Force(
!elect True or False( US+? CS+( missions are normally conducted by specially=
trained Special "perations personnel.
#he U.S. +ir ?orce global strike mission is performed by which one of the following
Which aircraft is the newest, most fle)ible aircraft capable of rapid strategic delivery of
troops and cargo, as well as tactical airlift and air drop?
C.*H 8lobemaster 222
Which aircraft is considered the US+?/s front=line ground=attack aircraft providing critical
close air support to friendly forces on the ground?
Which oneJsK of the following US+? assets provideJsK accurate location and time
reference in support of strategic, operational, and tactical operationsA
!elect all
4444444444444444444 allows the U.S. +ir ?orce to deliver desired effects with minimal
risk and collateral damage.
$recision engagement
4444444444444444444 is defined as military action carried out against an enemy/s
center of gravity or other vital targets.
!trategic attack
Which U.S. +ir ?orce aircraft detects, identifies, and geolocates signals throughout the
electromagnetic spectrum?
6C.*,- ?G' 6i4et Joint
#he U.S. +ir ?orce capability of 4444444444444444444 allows the +ir ?orce to sustain
fle)ible and efficient combat operations.
Agile combat support
Which U.S. +ir ?orce function is considered the most maBor contribution to Boint
Air refueling
#he C=%, C=1$ Clobemaster 000, and the C=121 Starlifter are partners in the +ir 6obility
Command/s 4444444444.
!trategic airlift concept
#he U.S. +ir ?orce tenet of the 4444444444444444444 of overwhelming power at the
decisive time and place is one of the most constant and important trends
found throughout military history.
6issions such as attacks on launch facilities and the Bamming of satellite link
fre5uencies are operations achieved by this U.S. +ir ?orce functionA
!elect True or False( Strategic air attack is not determined by the weapons or delivery
systems used.
2ntroduction to the 7nited !tates Marine Corp(
!elect True or False( #he U.S. 6arine Corps and the U.S. +rmy are the only forces
who si*es are set by law?
Which one of the following is the smallest permanently e)isting 6+C#??
Which of the following is N"# a characteristic of a 6+C#??
6equires pre.e3isting infrastructure to e3ecute missions
!elect True or False( #he 6aritime &repositioning ?orce J6&?K currently possesses a
forcible entry capability and therefore can offload e5uipment and supplies
in a hostile environment.
Which oneJsK of the following make up the 2
6arine <)peditionary 'rigade?
All of the answers are correct
+n integrated organi*ation of air, ground, and logistics forces is aJnKA
Which one of the following supporting operational concepts is defined as :rapid
employment of the 6+C#? by air or surface means to obBectives in the
littorals and beyond;?
!hip.to.ob1ect maneu4er
#he primary function of this helicopter is the transportation of heavy e5uipment and
supplies during the ship=to=shore movement of an amphibious assault,
and during subse5uent operations ashoreA
C#.-, ) !uper !tallion
Which event marked the beginning of large=scale U.S. 6arine Corps involvement in Eiet
The landing of the Fth M)B at &a "ang.
!elect True or False( U.S. 6arine Corps doctrine and concept of operations are based
on the principle of :6aneuver Warfare.;
#he Navy=6arine Corps team is aJnK 4444444444444444444444 designed for
e3peditionary forceL o4erseas deployment
Qist the strategic concepts governing the use of military force in the e)ecution of the
National 6ilitary Strategy.
!trategic agility o4erseas presence power pro1ection decisi4e force
"perational 6aneuver from the Sea J"6?#SKA
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following isHare not considered part of the :operating forces; of the U.S.
6arine Corps available to the combatant commanders?
The !upporting Forces
Which oneJsK of the following isHare capabilities of a 6<U JS"CK?
All of the answers are correct
7! Coast 8uard(
Can the USCC be considered a redundant, non=complementary resource supporting
the National 6ilitary Strategy?
Which one of the following is N"# a USCC capability offered to the combatant
Forcible entry from the sea
Which oneJsK of the following isHare uni5ue to the USCC?
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( +rticle 12, USC 1 states that the USCC is a branch of military
service at all times.
Which aircraft is the U.S. Coast Cuard/s primary short=range helicopter for S+( and
##.>-A &olphin
#he present day U.S. Coast Cuard can trace its roots back toA
!elect all
Which aircraft is the only armed aircraft in the USCC inventory?
M#.>+ !hark
Which of the following is not true regarding current and future U.S. Coast Cuard
The non.&A& budget nature of the 7!C8 allows for greater funding and fle3ibility
than the other military ser4ices.
!elect True or False( With regards to domestic coastal sea control, the Coast Cuard
+rea Commander reports directly to the respective Navy ?leet
0n accordance with 12 USC !, which service :...shall enforce or assist all applicable
federal laws on and under the high seas and waters subBect to the U.S.
The 7.!. Coast 8uard at all times
!pecial Aperations Forces(
#he development of Boint special operations tactics is a responsibility of
the Joint !pecial Aperations Command ;J!AC<
+ battalion of the +rmy>s $%th (anger (egiment is forward deployed to .awaii. #his
battalion is most likely under the command of 44444444444444444444.
a geographic combatant commander
?ire support for Special "perations ?orces can be provided by
AC.*,9 aircraft
-irect +ction missions 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following statements isHare true?
All of the answers are correct
+ @oint Special "perations #ask ?orce 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
Special operations in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to collect or
verify information of strategic or operational significance is a part of which
Special "perations core task?
!pecial 6econnaissance
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
7.!. !pecial Aperations Command ;7!!ACAM< controls promotions of those
officer and enlisted personnel that are attached to !pecial
Aperations Forces units.
#he +ir ?orce Special "perations unit that would most likely be tasked to assist a
foreign nation in organi*ing and training its military and paramilitary forces
to combat internal subversion is 44444444444444444444.
the >th !pecial Aperations !quadron
U.S. Special "perations Command>s Unconventional Warfare core task may include all
of the following <MC<&# 44444444444444444444.
assisting a foreign go4ernment in organi5ing and training its military units to
combat an internal insurgency
+ characteristic of a clandestine operation is 44444444444444444444.
that it is conducted in such a way to assure its concealment from ad4ersaries
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
7.!. !pecial Aperations Command ;7!!ACAM< is subordinate to the geographic
combatant commanders in waging the global war on terrorism.
Which of the following statements isHare true?
Army Ci4il Affairs units are pro4ided to combatant commanders around the world
by the 7.!. Army !pecial Aperations Command.
Which of the following statements isHare true?
All of the answers are correct
#omeland !ecurityG#omeland &efense(
!elect True or False( #he purpose of the National Strategy for .omeland Security is to
mobili*e and organi*e our Nation to secure the U.S. homeland from
terrorist attacks.
Which of following is a primary mission for U.S. +rmed ?orces with respect to .omeland
All of the answers are correct
Which of following is a strategic obBective of the National Strategy for .omeland
All of the answers are correct
#he alignment of all ?ederal government maritime security programs and initiatives into
a comprehensive and cohesive national effort involving appropriate
?ederal, State, local and private sector entities is called 4444444444?
the "ational !trategy for Maritime !ecurity
What legislation strictly limits U.S. armed forces involvement in law enforcement
activities in the United States?
$osse Comitatus Act of *+H+
#he National Strategy for 6aritime Security states that maritime security can best be
achieved by 4444444444444444444.
blending public and pri4ate maritime security measures
2rregular 'arfare(
Counter=terrorism JC#K operations are 4444444444444444444.
measures taken to preempt terrorism
0n addressing the underlying conditions that terrorists seek to e)ploit, it is important to
remember that 4444444444444444444.
promoting social and political de4elopment may indirectly counter some
conditions that foster terrorism
0nsurgent groups can be differentiated from purely terrorist organi*ations by which of the
The desire of insurgent groups to control a particular area.
'y definition, a nuclear weapon is 4444444444444444444 .
a complete assembly capable of producing an intended nuclear reaction and
release of energy
"ur national strategy to stop terrorist attacks against the United States includes which
of the following?
All of the answers are correct.
-efending U.S. interests at home and abroad would naturally include which of the
All of the answers are correct.
0ncluded within the definition of 0rregular Warfare would be the following mission areaJsKA
All of the answers are correct.
$olitical !tructure(
!elect True or False( + democratic society runs the risk of over=reacting or under=
reacting in the foreign policy arena because e)perts are not the sole
arbitrators of what course of action to pursue.
!elect True or False( #he results gathered from significant research shows that
elections have a significant impact on the peacefulness of a democracy/s
foreign policy toward other democracies.
#he fact that the world/s leading democracies share common moral values guides them
to cooperate with each other to maintain world peace.
"ot true under all circumstances.
!elect True or False( #he United States e)periences a change in its domestic structure
each time a new president is sworn into office.
!elect True or False( 0n a uni=polar international system, the prospects of a world war
are remote compared to a multi=polar international system.
0n a multi=polar international system 4444444444444.
the capabilities of the great powers are more diffused than in a bi.polar
international system
there is a higher probability of a great power conflict leading to general war than
in a bi.polar international system
!elect True or False( "ne reason for the continued e)istence of N+#" after the decline
of its maBor security threat is that its member states believe there is an
economic benefit to be had from continued cooperation.
!elect True or False( #he transformation of the United States from colonial status to
independent country is an e)ample of a change in domestic structure.
-uring the Cold War, the world was aJnK 4444444444444 international system.
&rior to World War 00, the world was aJnK 44444444444 international system.
Cultural )3planations of $olitical Beha4ior(
!elect True or False( &olitical culture can be described as the personality of a
collectivity because the study of political culture focuses on behavior
patterns and dispositions of a group of persons.
!elect True or False( <lkins and Simeon feel that political culture can effectively
e)plain the propensity of a society toward democracy or authoritarianism.
!elect True or False( #he narrowness of a political culture may place limits on the
behavior and action of a political leader.
#he political culture of a collectivity living within a state 4444444444.
is shaped by the totality of all lifeBs influences on multiple generations
!elect True or False( #he breadth of +merican political culture can accommodate
leaders with a variety of personality types.
!elect True or False( &olitical culture may e)plain why the people of a state may prefer
a leader with a 5uiet, reserved personality over one with a gregarious
!elect True or False( 0n order to identify the underlying assumptions within a culture,
controlled e)periments that can illuminate the unconscious assumptions of
its members can be useful.
!elect True or False( <lkins and Simeon/s position is that an e)amination of
institutional causal factors to e)plain a political action should be
undertaken before an e)amination of political culture causal factors.
!elect True or False( 'y understanding a collectivity/s political culture, it is possible to
determine the personality of a person belonging to that collectivity.
!elect True or False( &olitical culture helps e)plain, but is not the only e)planation, of
why states and individuals interact the way they do in international affairs.
&olitical culture is not found in collectivities such as 444444444444.
"one of the answers are correct
+ccording to <lkins and Simeon, all of the following e)cept 44444 are factors that may
contribute to the creation of a political culture that could have a significant
impact on political action.
whether the group li4es in a democratic or authoritarian state
&emocracy and "ationalism(
!elect True or False( ?reedoms allow people to openly e)press their long suppressed
hatred and nationalistic feelings.
!elect True or False( Nationalist conflicts are happening only during violent regime
Nationalism could provoke conflict during the process of democrati*ation because
All of the answers are correct.
#he trends which are supposed to stimulate the democrati*ation process are all of the
below, e)cept 444444444444444444444444.
)thno nationalism
+fter World War 00, the purpose for the wave of forced democrati*ation upon +)is
powers was to 444444444444444444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
#he political system which aims to protect a nation>s distinct culture, history and
traditions, e)presses the doctrine of 44444444444444444.
!elect True or False( +ccording to Snider, the transition toward democracy is always
awakening nationalist desires.
!elect True or False( -emocracy cannot be accompanied by international and inter=
ethnic violence.
The Future of &emocracy and &emocrati5ation(
4444444444444444 gives a gloomy appraisal of the future of democracy.
!amuel #untington
#he "ptimistic Scenario of democracy/s future 444444444444444.
belie4es that democrati5ation in the )ast will lead to the integration of the )astern
economies with those of the 'est
!elect True or False( +ccording to the "ptimistic Scenario of democracy>s future, the
twenty first century may be the century of :collectivism;.
?rancis ?ukuyama believes that 44444444444444444444444444444.
The liberal democracy pro4ides the only real alternati4e for societies seeking a
prosperous and secure future
Which of the following is not true?
Because liberal democracies operate under the theory of Dma1ority ruleE the
rights of minorities are often unprotected.
<conomic factors which weighed heavily against the process of democrati*ation are all
of the following, e)cept 44444444444444444444.
@ow debt.
Since 11$2, how many countries made some progress toward democratic rule?
A4er eighty.
#he &essimistic Scenario of democracy/s future 4444444444444444.
sees transnational corporations becoming a greater source of order within the
international community
Ceorge Sorensen depicts the future of democracy, providing
A Balanced $erspecti4e
#he maBor contender to the liberal democracy, on an ideological level, in the post Cold
War world is 444444444444444444.
@atin America and the 7nited !tates(
0n the new millennium, the United States has committed several billion dollars to assist
which country on its war on drugs?
0n the aftermath of September 11, !771, the United States has focused on countering
444444444444444444 throughout the world, including Qatin +merica.
-uring the Cold War, the U.S. foreign policy goal was
contain Communism across the globe and !o4iet e3pansionism in particular
!elect True or False( -uring the Cold War, the most important goal for the United
States in Qatin +merica was support for democracy.
0n 1112,#he North +merican ?ree #rade +greement JN+?#+K Boined the economies of
the 444444444444444444444444444444444.
7nited !tates Canada and Me3ico
#he Cood Neighbor &olicy is associated with which U.S. president?
Franklin 6oose4elt
Qatin +mericans 44444444444444444444444444 the Cood Neighbor &olicy.
Which corollary to the 6onroe -octrine claimed that the United States had the right and
moral duty to e)ercise international police power in the +mericas?
6oose4elt corollary
.ow did Qatin +merica respond to the 6onroe -octrine?
@atin Americans resented the Monroe &octrine
#he United States gained nearly half of the territory of what country in Qatin +merica
from 12% to 1%9?
+fter the Cold War, U.S. policy toward Qatin +merica was focused on
supporting democracy
-uring the Cold War, the United States intervened militarily in Central +merica and the
Caribbean primarily to 44444444444444444444.
contain Communism
$olitics in @atin America(
Which of the following countries in Qatin +merica did not become democratic after
-uring the first half of the !7th Century a period of growing authoritarianism in Qatin
+merica was the result of 44444444444444444444444.
the 8reat &epression
!elect True or False( Qatin +merica was more prosperous in the 1117s than in the
Which institution in Qatin +merica played a primary role in the 11th Century in filling the
vacuum of power created by independence?
The military
6ost of the military regimes in Qatin +merica were 44444444444444.
friendly toward the 7nited !tates
What historical event led to greater political polari*ation in Qatin +merica?
The Cuban 6e4olution led by Fidel Castro
#he SWashington ConsensusS called for all of the below, e)cept for
free transportation for the poor
&olitical polari*ation in Qatin +merica took place in 444444444.
The Balance of $ower in the !outhern Cone of @atin America(
!elect True or False( #he threat of conflict between +rgentina and 'ra*il is presently at
the highest level its ever been.
0n 11$, +rgentina considered a war against 444444444444.
Ceopolitics is 44444444444444444444444444.
the study of the relationship between geography and power politics
#he two nonfounding members of the Common 6arket of the South are
Chile and Boli4ia
#he Southern Cone of Qatin +merica is composed of +rgentina, 'ra*il, &araguay,
Uruguay, and 444444444444444444444.
0n !772, in order to e)pand economic ties, 6<(C"SU( members signed an accord
with 4444444444444444444.
The )7
!elect True or False( #oday, there is virtually no threat of military conflict between any
countries in the Southern Cone.
!elect True or False( 0n the late 11$7s, +rgentina, 'ra*il, Chile, and &araguay all
became democratic countries.
#oday, the Common 6arket of the South, also known as 6<(C"SU( JSpanishK or
6<(C"SUQ J&ortugueseK includes 3 Qatin +merican countries, e)cept
?ene5uela and $eru
#he creation of Uruguay was the result of a longstanding rivalry between
Argentina and Bra5il
@atin American Militaries(
Which of the following statements is true?
The military is widely respected in Chile.
+ccording to most observers, South +merica has been
44444444444444444444444444444444 since at least the mid=1117s.
a =one of $eace
What region of the world has been considered a :Fone of &eace;?
!outh America
Which of the following organi*ations generally discourage military e)penditures?
All of the answers are correct
Which of the following countries in South +merica has the biggest military e)penditures
per year?
#he United StatesA 444444444444444444444444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( 'ra*il, which accounts for appro)imately half of the military
e)penditures in Qatin +merica, is the only country in its region that has a military
capable of maBor e)peditionary operations.
#he only country in Qatin +merica that has dramatically increased its military
e)penditures is 444444444444444444444444.
Some view 44444444444444444444 as a model for other Qatin +merican militaries.
Costa 6ica
#he primary role of the militaries of Chile and 'ra*il is that of
#istorical Framework(
What event caused the +llied <uropean &owers Jprimarily 'ritain and ?ranceK to divide
the 6iddle <ast and take territory away from the "ttoman <mpire?
The Attoman )mpire%s support for 8ermany during 'orld 'ar 2
#he victory of the <uropean combined forces against the #urkish invading army in the
battle at Eienna in 139 44444444444444444444444.
all of the answers are correct
Napoleon>s occupation of <gypt is significant for which of the following reasons?
All of the answers are correct
#he Sykes=&icot +greement provides that 444444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
0n the 'alfour -eclaration, 'ritain declared 44444444444444444444444.
its support for a Jewish national home in $alestine
#he collapse of which empire resulted in today>s configuration of the 6iddle <ast map?
The Attoman )mpire
.ow did modern #urkey emerge from the "ttoman <mpire?
The Turkish forces sei5ed control o4er most of what is today Turkey by defeating
the occupying allied armies
#he kingdom of 0ra5 was created in 44444444444.
What part of the "ttoman <mpire became autonomous following the (usso=#urkish war
in 1!1?
?ollowing the 444444444444444444444444 , the "ttoman <mpire was abolished and
'ritish mandated territories were formali*ed.
Treaty of !e4res
Which goal did 'ritain not have for the partition of the 6iddle <ast following World War
To promote settlements of the British citi5ens in the Middle )ast on its mandated
Arab.2sraeli Conflict(
!elect True or False( #he United States government strongly supported the partition of
!elect True or False( ?ollowing the 11$9 war against 0srael, Syria and <gypt regained
their control over the Colan .eights and Sue* Canal.
-uring the @une 113$ Si) -ay War, 0srael 444444444444444444444444444
occupied the 8olan #eights 8a5a and the 'est Bank
#he first direct negotiations between 0sraelis and &Q" took place in
Aslo in *FF0
#he +rab Qeague and &alestinian institutions 444444444444444444.
re1ected the partition plan
#he 0sraelis occupied the Colan .eights, Ca*a, and the West 'ank following the
!i3 &ay 'ar in *F>H
!elect True or False( #he progress of implementing the "slo +ccords was interrupted
by the assassination of 0sraeli &rime 6inister (abin by a @ewish e)tremist on November
2, 111%.
#he first country which recogni*ed 0srael as an independent @ewish state on 6ay 12,
112, was 4444444444444444.
the 7nited !tates
?ollowing the Camp -avid +ccords 4444444444444444444444444.
2sraeli withdrew from the !inai
#he movement of the &alestinian refugees into the West 'ank, @ordan, and the Ca*a
Strip, in 112$=112, was a result of the 44444444444444444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
0n 112$, the UN Ceneral +ssembly opted to partition &alestine into @ewish and +rab
states with @erusalem 4444444444444444444444.
to become an 2nternational =one
"n November !!, 113$, the UN issued (esolution !2! calling upon
2srael to withdraw from territories occupied in the recent conflict
What is the 'ush administration>s attitude toward the Security 'arrier 0srael is
constructing on the West 'ank?
2t acquiesced to construction of the wall
7nited !tates !ecurity !trategy and $olicy(
#he leading power in the 6iddle <ast after the World War 00 was 444444444444444444.
8reat Britain
0n +ugust of 112%, the Saudi/s gave the United States permission to start building
An Air base
-uring the 1117/s, the U.S. policy goal in the 6iddle <ast and the &ersian Culf region
was to 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( #he U.S.=led coalition enBoyed considerable support in the 6iddle
<ast for the liberation of 0ra5 from the oppressive regime of Saddam .ussein.
0n the 11%7s, the United States supported Saudi +rabia by
All of the answers are correct
#he 'aghdad pact created by 'ritain, 0ra5, #urkey, 0ran, and &akistan served as
A defense alliance against the !o4iet 7nion
6ay 112%, the +*erbaiBan crisis 4444444444444444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
What does "peration <arnest Will stand for?
The 7.!. escorting :uwait%s oil tankers through the 8ulf from *F+H to *F++
#he +*erbaiBan crisis demonstrated 444444444444444444444444444444.
The importance of the $ersian 8ulf and the Middle )ast as a potential
battleground in the emerging contest with the !o4iet 7nion
0n 11%9, after a coup d/<tat backed by 'ritain and the United States,
All of the answers are correct
The )arly Iears of the $eopleBs 6epublic of China(
Since 111, &(C was in possession of 44444444444444444444.
intercontinental ballistic missiles
Why is China increasingly important today?
China%s economic political and military power is rising
-uring the Gorean War J11%7=11%9K the U.S. and UN forces had to retreat from the
northern part of the Gorean peninsula as a result of 4444444444444444444444444444.
the sudden inter4ention of thousands of Chinese forces
0n 1121 and in early 11%7s, the &(C established a close relationship with
!talinist 7!!6
.ow was the &(C created?
Armies led by Mao =edong defeated the 6epublican Chinese go4ernment under
Chiang :ai.!hek
+fter being defeated by the Chinese &eople>s Qiberation +rmy J&Q+K in 1121, the ("C
armies retreated to 44444444444444444444.
the island of Taiwan
!elect True or False( ?ollowing the Sino=Soviet #reaty of 11%7, the &(C became part
of the Soviet 'loc.
'y placing the U.S. Seventh ?leet in the #aiwan Strait, &resident #ruman helped to stop
All of the answers are correct
.ow did Chinese Communist forces gain strength during World War 00?
The Japanese in4asion of China ga4e them a chance to rebuild
!elect True or False( +ccording to the Sino=Soviet Security #reaty the USS( had an
obligation to 'eiBing to provide military aid if &(C was attacked by @apan.
0n what year did the &(C e)plode its first hydrogen bomb?
What was the maBor goal of the CC& in organi*ing people into work units?
All of the answers are correct
China( Alone and Joining the 'orld(
&resident Ni)on went to China because 44444444444444444444
he thought relations with Bei1ing would be useful against the 7!!6 and in
0n the 11%7 and 37s, the U.S. policy of :containing; China included
All of the answers are correct
-eng Miaoping>s reforms 44444444444444444444.
legitimi5ed pri4ate sector in the economy and opened China to foreign
in4estment and trade
-eng Miaoping>s reforms stressed 44444444444444444444.
the e3pending the role of international trade and in4estment in China%s
#he #iananmen demonstrations 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
+t the end of the 11%7>s and in the beginning of 1137s, the hallmark of Chinese policies
was 44444444444444444444.
to promote self.reliance
0n the 1137>s, China pursued policies of :self=reliance; because
in the face of an American economic embargo and !o4iet pressure it had no
other choice
#he Creat Qeap ?orward 44444444444444444444.
resulted in three years of famine and the deaths of millions of people
China>s break from the USS( meant that 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
6ao launched the Cultural (evolution in the late 1137s 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( 'y the end of the1137>s, China continued to regard the U.S. as
its main adversary.
!outh Asia Before 2ndependence(
#he 0ndian national Congress &arty and the 6uslim Qeague 44444444444444444444.
&emanded the British lea4e 2ndia
#he dominant religions in the South +sian (egion include all of the below e)ceptA
What was the name of the e)plorer who led the first <uropeans to 0ndia in the late 1%

?asco &a 8ama
'efore 112$, the 'ritish colonial empire in South +sia consisted of the present statesA
&akistan, 0ndia, 'angladesh, +fghanistan and all of the below, e)cept
#he first <uropeans to arrive in 0ndia were the 44444444444444444444.
Why was 1%$ a landmark year in South +sian history?
2ndian !epoys participated in the first armed mutiny against the British authority.
!elect True or False( 0n &akistani society the moderates as well as the religious
hardliners have traditionally supported organi*ations such as the #aliban and an +l=
Since 6uslims made up only twenty five percent of the population of South +sia, their
leaders 44444444444444444444.
Called for partition after British lea4e
2ndependence and the $artition of the 2ndian !ubcontinent(
#he Qine of Control in Gashmir Junder the Simla +greement @uly, 11$!K between
&akistan and 0ndia 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct.
4444444444444444 pushed hard for the partition of 'ritish 0ndia into one country
populated mostly by 6uslims and one country populated mostly by non=6uslims.
The Muslim @eague
-omestic opposition in &akistan to the U.S.=led war against terrorism is due to
Traditional support for the Taliban by some $akistani fundamentalist groups
#he 0ndia=&akistan conflict is based upon 44444444444444444444 issues.
All of the answers are correct
#he 6ohaBirs were 44444444444444444444.
The Muslims who left 2ndia for $akistan and were treated as outsiders
!elect True or False( +fter the partition of 'ritish 0ndia until present, there have been
no maBor clashes between 6uslims, .indus and Sikhs.
#he riots in Calcutta on +ugust 13, 1123, also known as :-irect +ction day,; were
provoked by 44444444444444444444.
Muslims who were pushing hard for the partition of British 2ndia into two nations
#he ?irst Gashmir War J@anuary 112=@anuary 1, 1121K, between &akistan and 0ndia,
ended as a result of 44444444444444444444.
The 7nited "ations resolution to cease all hostilities
Why did 6uslim leaders of colonial 0ndia seek the establishment of an independent
state of their own?
Muslim leaders felt that in a #indu.ma1ority post.independent 2ndia Muslims
minorities would be denied full rights.
!elect True or False( 0ndia and &akistan, agreed to distribute e5ually all assets of
Colonial 0ndia, including the military assets.
#he Qine of Control in Gashmir Junder the Simla +greement @uly, 11$!K between
&akistan and 0ndia 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
Gashmir is a mountainous region known for its 44444444444444444444.
Climate beauty and natural en4ironment
#he United Nations has maintained a presence in the disputed area since 1121, and
their mission is to 44444444444444444444.
!outh Asia and the Autside 'orld(
#he cultural behavior associated with 44444444444444444444 is a maBor cause of
current religious intolerance and terrorism in South +sia.
What events contributed to 0ndia>s decision to turn to (ussia for aid in 11$1?
All of the answers are correct
What prompted Washington to remove or waive all proliferation and democracy related
restrictions on U.S. aid to &akistan in !771?
Following the FG** terrorist attack the Musharraf go4ernment se4ered all ties with
the Taliban and 1oined the 7.!..led anti.terrorism campaign as a front.line state
!elect True or False( 0n @anuary !772, &akistan became a member of N+#".
!elect True or False( +fter the Cold War and the fall of Communism in the Soviet
Union, military and economic cooperation between (ussia and 0ndia continued to
-uring the Cold War the United States and 0ndia 44444444444444444444.
#ad con4ergent interests on many issues
!elect True or False( -uring the presidency of 'ill Clinton in the 1117/s, the
relationship between the U.S. and &akistan improved greatly.
!elect True or False( -uring the Cold War, the United States was trying to prevent
0ndia from achieving self=sufficiency and attempted to make it dependant on U.S.
-uring the Cold War 0ndia had a policy of 44444444444444444444.
2ndia.$akistan Military Competition(
!elect True or False( Since 112$, the Gashmir region has been the cause of four 0ndia=
&akistan wars.
+fter the withdrawal of 'ritish colonial rule, the partition of the 0ndian subcontinent in
112$ was Bustified on the grounds of 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
Sectarian violence in &akistan is basically between 44444444444444444444.
!hias and !unnis
Gashmir 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
0n 6ay !771, after 0slamabad conducted five nuclear tests of its own
All of the answers are correct
#he part of Gashmir region controlled by 0ndia is known as 4444444444444444444444.
Jammu :ashmir
#he :#hird "ption; stands for 44444444444444444444.
:ashmiri independence
0n !77!, an all=out 0ndia=&akistan war was averted because 44444444444444444444.
The inter4ention by the 7nited !tates and the restrained attitude of the leaders of
both countries helped to resol4e this conflict
Under the 'ritish partition plan, Gashmir 44444444444444444.
would be free to accede to either 2ndia or $akistan
!elect True or False( #he United Nations has maintained an observatory presence in
the disputed area since -ecember 11$1.
Which of the following statements is true?
$akistan claims that :ashmir should ha4e become part of $akistan in *F/H due
to the regionBs demographics.
#he dominant religion of the disputed area of Gashmir is 44444444444444444444.
#he so=called :Smiling 'uddha; represents 44444444444444444444.
The first nuclear e3plosi4e test detonated by 2ndia in *FH/
)uropean Ci4ili5ation(
!elect True or False( 0n
Century +.-. the Creco=(oman=Christian civili*ation on the
territories of the former (oman <mpire was replaced by the +rab=6uslim civili*ation.
-ue to collapse of the 44444444444444444444,the face of <urope radically changed,
as a result of the ?irst World War.
8erman 6ussian Attoman and Austria.#ungarian empires
+fter the collapse of the Western (oman <mpire, the (oman traditions, cultural and
linguistic influences continue to thrive in 0taly, Southern ?rance and Spain but almost
completely disappeared in the44444444444444444 parts of the former empire.
#he #riple <ntente was a coalition of 'ritain, ?rance and (ussia against Cermany and
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( 0n !77!, a new single <uropean currency, the :<U(",; was
introduced to all of <U member countries.
!elect True or False( #he confrontation between Cermany and the USS( created an
alliance between the Communist dictatorship and the Western democracies.
0n the 11!7s and 1197s, the rise of 44444444444444444444 threatened most <uropean
All of the answers are correct
'y 1$1, the process of unification in the form of one nation=state was complete for
several <uropean nations e)cept for the444444444444444.
#he &rotestant movements took place in <urope as a result of a popular dissatisfaction
with the 44444444444444444444.
Catholic Church
0n the history of Western <urope, :#he .undred Near War; J199$=12%9K was a long
struggle between 44444444444444444444.
)ngland and France
-uring the <arly 6iddle +ges, in the
and 1
centuries, Western <urope was going
through a time commonly known as 44444444444444.
&ark Ages
#he imperial authority as absolute and divine, over the centuries, was deeply implanted
and remains even today part of the cultures of the4444444444444444444444 peoples.
Balkan and 6ussian
Some believe that 44444444444444444444 is emerging as one of the +merica/s maBor
#he purpose of the U.S. 6arshall &lan for <urope was to 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
#he idea of imperial authority as absolute and divinely instituted originated from
!elect True or False( #hroughout the 6iddle +ges, the 6uslim world served as a
protective barrier between Western <urope and 'y*antine <mpire.
#he most populated, largely urbani*ed and heavily industriali*ed continent on earth is
2ntroduction to $lanning(
When the &resident or Secretary of -efense makes the decision to take military action
related to a crisis, the Chairman of the @oint Chiefs of Staff will issue aJnK
44444444444444444444 to implement the approved military course of action
)3ecute Arder
Contingency planning focuses on 4444444444444444444.
potential or anticipated emergencies that would likely in4ol4e 7.!. military forces
+ 6arine <)peditionary Unit J6<UK commanded by a 6arine Colonel is given the
obBective of securing a inland airbase. 0n order to divert enemy forces, two Carrier Strike
Croups commanded by a Navy (ear +dmiral are assigned to e)ecute air strikes as
re5uired by the 6<U. #he 6<U commander sends the +dmiral copies of his plans and
a list of targets he needs to be attacked prior to his assault on the airbase. Which is
most likely the supported commander for this operation?
The Colonel commanding the M)7.
+n "peration "rder J"&"(-K is 44444444444444444444.
a directi4e to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the
coordinating e3ecution of an operation
Which of the following is correct?
A commander may be a supporting commander for one operation while being a
supported commander for another.
+ concept plan JC"N&Q+NK 44444444444444444444.
is an abbre4iated Aperation $lan ;A$@A"< that would require considerable
e3pansion or alteration to con4ert it into an A$@A"
Which situations are not appropriate subBects for contingency planning?
"one of the answers are correct
+JnK 4444444444444444444 provides essential planning guidance and directs the
initiation of e)ecution planning after the &resident or Secretary of -efense approves a
military course of action.
Alert Arder
Which of the following is correct?
2n the Crisis Action $lanning process an Alert Arder is generally issued after the
$resident or !ecretary of &efense appro4es a military course of action.
@oint strategic planning 44444444444444444444.
All the answers are correct
Which of the following statements is N"# true?
Crisis Action $lanning only takes place when a situation de4elops that will
require 7.!. military combat operations as a response.
The 6ole of 2ntelligence(
Which of the following could result from the failure to accurately evaluate the adversary?
All the answers are correct
What is the primary difference between 0ntelligence &reparation of the 'attlespace J0&'K
for conventional war vice for 6ilitary "perations "ther #han War J6""#WK?
The focus
#he battlespace environment is best described as 444444444444444444444.
the geographic dimensions of land air sea and space that encompass the
operations area and the nonphysical dimensions that may e3tend well beyond
the designated operational area
Which step of the 0&' process seeks to go beyond the battlespace awareness in order
to help the @?C attain battlespace knowledge?
&etermine ad4ersary potential CAAs.
Cathering information of potential intelligence value from sources such as newspapers,
television broadcasts and the internet is a part of which intelligence discipline?
Apen.source 2ntelligence
!elect True or False( +lthough the four steps in the 0ntelligence &reparation of the
'attlespace J0&'K process remain the same across the spectrum of conflict, they may
be compacted or e)panded as time permits.
Which statement does N"# reflect 0ntelligence &reparation of the 'attlespace J0&'K
#ighlights the CAA the enemy will pursue
!elect True or False( +n effective method for evaluating adversary capabilities is to
review them in light of U.S. doctrine.
#he primary purpose of the 0ntelligence &reparation of the 'attlespace J0&'K is to
support the commanderBs planning and decision making by identifying
assessing and estimating the ad4ersary
Which of the following could result from the failure to accurately evaluate the adversary?
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( #he 0ntelligence &reparation of the 'attlespace J0&'K is
conducted e)clusively prior to an operation to support the commander/s planning effort.
-etermining the intention of allies and potential coalition partners is a focus of
intellegence at what level of war?
!trategic le4el
"a4y $lanning $rocess(
Which statement best states what a good Course of +ction provides to the operation?
All the answers are correct
#he Navy &lanning &rocess is conducted at what level JsK of command?
All the answers are correct
#he 0ntelligence of the 'attlespace process assists in identifying facts and assumptions
about 44444444444444444444 and 44444444444444444444.
the battlespace en4ironmentL the ad4ersary
Which statement is correct when discussing the Navy &lanning &rocess?
A logical decision process that helps focus the commander and staff
!elect True or False( "nce a wargame has begun, a commander may change an
e)isting Course of +ction.
!elect True or False( #he Navy &lanning &rocess is a rigid step=by=step process that, if
followed, will lead the staff to a decision.
@aw of the !ea and Airspace(
'eyond the outer boundary of the <)clusive <conomic Fone begin the high seas, which
All the answers are correct
(eferences regarding the law of the sea include which of the following?
All the answers are correct
Why does the :law of the sea and airspace; matter?
All the answers are correct
National waters are subBect to the territorial sovereignty of coastal nations and include
which of the following?
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( +ccording to UNCQ"S, territorial seas e)tend to a ma)imum
breadth of 1! nautical miles and may be temporarily closed Jwith the e)ception of
international straitsK by a coastal nation for security purposes.
.istoric bays are 4444444444.
)3empt from normal rules.
!elect True or False( #he -epartment of -efense, Combatant Commanders and the
Navy have issued directives that state that the armed forces of the United States will,
unless otherwise directed by competent authorities, comply with the principles and spirit
of the Qaw "f +rmed Conflict during armed conflict but not during operations that do not
involve armed conflict.
Civen that it has been determined that the al=Iaida and #aliban members captured in
+fghanistan should be classified as unlawful combatants, which of the following
statements is true?
The 7.!. is not required to afford these people the same treatment afforded $A's
under the 8ene4a Con4entions but will do so as a matter of 7.!. domestic
!elect True or False( #he Ceneva Conventions of 1121, which govern many aspects
of military operations, are similar to the Qaw "f +rmed Conflict JQ"+CK, in that they
apply to all nations.
!elect True or False( U.S. policy views much of the language of the Ceneva
Conventions as a minimum concerning the conduct of hostilities and the care of victims
of armed conflict.
0f a signatory nation to the Ceneva Convention is engaged in armed conflict with a non=
signatory nation 44444444444444444444.
the @AAC is applicable to both nations while the terms of the 8ene4a Con4ention
bind only the signatory nation
#he Qaw "f +rmed Conflict JQ"+CK is 44444444444444444444.
a generally accepted body of international law
U.S. policy views the terms of the Ceneva Conventions as 44444444444444444444.
a minimum standard
!elect True or False( #he United States/ policy is to broadly apply the Q"+C when
conducting military operations so that it may more easily punish its enemies after the
cessation of hostilities.
0n attacking a legitimate military obBective, 44444444444444444444.
incidental consequences must not be e3cessi4e when balanced against the
anticipated concrete and direct military ad4antage to be gained from the attack
6ilitary medical officers, if captured 44444444444444444444.
are not considered prisoners of war but may be retained in prisoner of war
camps to pro4ide medical ser4ices to $A's
?eigning surrender in order to determine the location of enemy ground forces is an
acceptable tactic.
False. !uch tactics are considered perfidy and are considered war crimes.
"nce a civilian obBect has been occupied and misused by the enemy/s forces during an
armed engagement, 44444444444444444444.
while a legitimate military ob1ect at the time of occupation and misuse its status
must be continually 4erified to ensure it does not return to ci4ilian ob1ect
@ournalists that are embedded within military units engaged in armed conflict
may not be targeted but are to be afforded $A' status if captured
!elect True or False( 'ecause every weapon system ac5uired and deployed by the
U.S. military undergoes a review to ensure its legality under Q"+C, there is no need for
a service member to worry that its use would violate Q"+C.
!elect True or False( 0t is possible for a person Jsuch as a reservistK to be classified
simultaneously as both a civilian and a combatant.
8eneral $rinciples(
@udge advocates are 44444444444444444444.
used to assist in 6ules of )ngagement ;6A)< training for the forces that will
e3ecute the mission and to assist planners and operators as they de4elop or
request mission specific 6ules of )ngagement ;6A)<
U.S. policy is that during military operations short of armed conflict, U.S. forces
shall apply the spirit and intent of @AAC
!elect True or False( Well developed (ules of <ngagement need not to be developed
in light of the nation/s political goals.
!elect True or False( (ule of <ngagement J("<K only delineate the circumstances
and limitations under which U.S. forces will continue combat engagement as only the
nation/s civilian leaders may initiate a combat engagement.
!elect True or False( U.S. civilian leaders are not involved in the development of (ules
of <ngagement J("<K other than approving the ("< as presented to them by the
military establishment.
#he (ules of <ngagement J("<K for any given mission must 44444444444444444444.
allow forces the ability to defend themsel4es and accomplish the mission
!elect True or False( &olitical leaders generally want to ensure the (ules of
<ngagement J("<K for any given mission protect U.S. nationals and their property.
@udge advocates are involved in the (ules of <ngagement J("<K development in order
to 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( (ules of <ngagement J("<K must allow operational planners
and tactical level operators enough leeway to effectively accomplish their assigned
@udge advocates are 44444444444444444444.
used to assist in 6ules of )ngagement ;6A)< training for the forces that will
e3ecute the mission and to assist planners and operators as they de4elop or
request mission specific 6ules of )ngagement ;6A)<
#he three maBor components of (ules of <ngagement J("<K are
political military and legal
!elect True or False( -omestic and international public support of a military action is a
factor to be considered when developing (ules of <ngagement J("<K.
!elect True or False( #he (ules for the Use of ?orce J(U?K do not apply to U.S. forces
supporting law enforcement agencies conducting special event security within the U.S.
if the suspected threat is a terrorist group based in a foreign country.
!elect True or False( #he unclassified portion of the U.S. Standing (ules of
<ngagement JS("<K can serve as a coordination tool with U.S. allies for the
development of combined or multinational ("<.
!elect True or False( #he U.S. Standing (ules of <ngagement JS("<K do not re5uire
proportionality in the use of force in self=defense as to do so would restrict a
commander>s inherent right and obligation of self=defense.
!elect True or False( #he U.S. Standing (ules of <ngagement JS("<K do not include
the destruction of a hostile force under actions permitted in self=defense.
!elect True or False( #he U.S. Standing (ules of <ngagement JS("<K are applicable
during peacetime.
U.S. (ules of <ngagement are considered permissive because they
pro4ide commanders with the fle3ibility to act quickly and decisi4ely without
repetiti4ely requesting permission to take certain actions
!elect True or False( #he guidance concerning the inherent right of self=defense
provided by the U.S. Standing (ules of <ngagement JS("<K are only applicable to U.S.
forces operating in areas outside of U.S. territorial Burisdiction.
!elect True or False( #he goals of U.S. national security policy include maintaining a
stable international environment consistent with U.S. national interests.
When U.S. forces are operating in &uerto (ico, they are governed by
the 6ules for the 7se of Force ;67F< as $uerto 6ico is within the territorial
1urisdiction of the 7.!. and the 7.!. !tandard 6ules of )ngagement ;!6A)< if
responding to a military attack
0n its guidance concerning self=defense measures, the U.S. Standing (ules of
<ngagement JS("<K 44444444444444444444.
permit the pursuit of a hostile force if the force remains an imminent threat
!elect True or False( #he U.S. Standing (ules of <ngagement JS("<K apply to U.S.
forces during military attacks against the United States.
#he U.S. Standing (ules of <ngagement JS("<K apply to all U.S. forces during military
operations 44444444444444444444.
occurring outside the territorial 1urisdiction of the 7.!.
!elf &efense(
!elect True or False( + commander/s inherent authority and obligation to use all
necessary means available and to take all appropriate actions in self=defense is limited
to the self=defense of the commander/s own unit.
+ civilian may e)hibit hostile intent sufficient to meet the necessity re5uirement for the
use of force in self=defense.
2f his or her actions demonstrates the threat of the imminent use of force.
#he use of an attack to disable or destroy a threatening force 44444444444444444444.
is authori5ed when such action is the only prudent means by which a hostile act
or demonstration of hostile intent can be pre4ented or terminated
When involved in a situation that authori*es the use of force in self=defense, the
commander 44444444444444444444.
should gi4e the threatening force a warning and gi4e it the opportunity to
withdraw or cease threatening actions if time and circumstances permit
!elect True or False( +s a form of self=defense, the use of riot control agents is always
Who may authori*e U.S. forces to protect U.S. nationals and property from attack?
All of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( #he concept of hostile intent permits U.S. forces to defend
themselves before they are attacked.
!elect True or False( &reparation to use force may satisfy the imminent threat
re5uirement for self=defense.
Mission Accomplishment(
0n selecting the course of action JC"+K to be used to accomplish an assigned mission
the 6ules of )ngagement required to support each CAA need to be considered
0n any type of planning, the 44444444444444444444 assumes the role of the principal
assistant to staff director for operations in developing and integrating (ules of
<ngagement J("<K into operational planning.
!taff Judge Ad4ocate
#heater=Specific (ules of <ngagement are 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
44444444444444444444.all factor into the development of mission=specific (ules of
<ngagement J("<K.
$olitical military and legal ob1ecti4es
!elect True or False( #he classified portion of the U.S. Standing (ules of <ngagement
JS("<K contains combat (ules of <ngagement J("<K tailored to various missions that
a U.S. could be assigned to perform.
Supplemental (ules of <ngagement J("<K 44444444444444444444.
augment the 7.!. !tanding 6ules of )ngagement ;!6A)< and theater.specific
6A) if any and should be constantly re4iewed by commanders to ensure they
are sufficient to successfully accomplish the mission
#he "peration "rder J"&"(-K that is promulgated by the commander of an assigned
mission shouldHmay include all of the following e)cept 44444444444.
requests for supplemental measures
Commanders who have been delegated the responsibility to draft #heater=Specific
(ules of <ngagement are re5uired to 44444444444444444444.
constantly re4iew them and modify as necessary
!elect True or False( Supplemental 6easures concerning mission accomplishment
and (ules of <ngagement may define certain permissible targets.
(ules of <ngagement J("<K are permissive 44444444444444444444.
but may impose restrictions on the use of certain weapons andGor tactics
(ules of <ngagement J("<K development 44444444444444444444.
is parallel and collaborati4e with operations planning and require e3tensi4e
!elect True or False( #he (ules for the Use of ?orce only apply to operations
conducted inside the territorial Burisdiction of the United States.
!elect True or False( #he (ules for the Use of ?orce may govern U.S. forces overseas
when they are protecting vital government assets.
!elect True or False( "perations that would be governed by the (ules for the Use of
?orce J(U?K would include disaster relief response.
!elect True or False( U.S. forces operating within the territorial Burisdiction of the
United States in support of another agency Jfor e)ample the U.S. Coast CuardK may
operate under that agency/s (ules for the Use of ?orce J(U?K.
!elect True or False( When operating in support of other government agencies, U.S.
military forces always operate under (ules for the Use of ?orce developed specifically
for that operation.
!elect True or False( (ules for the Use of ?orce apply to U.S. Naval Ships while in
foreign ports.
!elect True or False( U.S. forces operating within the territorial Burisdiction of the
United States may operate under (ules for the Use of ?orce J(U?K that are developed
specifically for the mission they are assigned.
!elect True or False( (ules for the Use of ?orce apply to protecting U.S. Naval Ships
in international waters
Military !pace Mission Areas(
!elect True or False( + fundamental re5uirement for the U.S. military to implement
0nformation Superiority is effective use of space assets.
Space capabilities44444444444444444444444444A
All the answers are correct
Space Systems are shared and interconnected systems of computers, communications,
people, and other support structures that
2nclude command and control tactical intelligence and commercial
communications systems used to transmit &A& data
!er4e &A& information needs
!elect True or False( Currently, space force application assets are operating in space
!elect True or False( Space support operations consist of operations that launch,
deploy, augment, maintain, sustain, replenish, deorbit, and recover space forces,
including the command and control network configuration for space operations.
!elect True or False( Space force application operations consist of attacks against
terrestrial=based targets carried out by military weapons systems operating in or through
!elect True or False( Space control operations provide freedom of action in space for
friendly forces while, when directed, denying it to an adversary, and include the broad
aspect of protection of U.S. and U.S. allied space systems and negation of enemy
adversary space systems.
#he force enhancement function concerned with providing timely detection and warning
of ballistic missile launch and nuclear detonation isA 4444444444444444444444444.
2ntegrated Tactical 'arning and Attack Assessment
#he military space mission area concerned with launch, replenishment of spares, and
orbital control is 444444444444444444.
!pace support
#he four military space mission areas are 44444444444444444444444.
!pace Control !pace !upport Force Application and Force )nhancement
#he space force enhancement function concerned with providing data on
meteorological, oceanographic, and space environmental factors that might affect
operations in other battlespace dimensions is 444444444444444.
)n4ironmental monitoring
#he following functions are three of the five functions assigned to the Space ?orce
<nhancement mission areaA 44444444444444444444444444.
CommunicationsL 2ntegrated Tactical 'arning and Attack AssessmentL
)n4ironmental Monitoring
!elect True or False( Space capabilities and their effects touch every facet of our
combat operations.
2ntelligence !ur4eillance and 6econnaissance(
!elect True or False( Space capabilities and their effects touch every facet of our
combat operations.
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( Surveillance from space infers that a single satellite or :system;
must be continuously collecting.
#he most significant advantage of a space=based 0ntelligence, Surveillance, and
(econnaissance sensor is 44444444444444444444444444.
the ability to pro4ide continuous and focused co4erage
!elect True or False( Satellite systems may be affected by a variety of atmospheric
disturbances which affect the ability of imaging systems to detect adversary activity,
missile launches, and battle damage.
!elect True or False( Single low and medium earth orbiting systems or architectures
that provide limited numbers of low or medium orbital systems are well suited to the
reconnaissance mission.
0S( supportA
All the answers are correct
0n "peration 0ra5i ?reedom, space=based 0S(A
'as a central factor in assuring rapid military success.
2ntegrated tactical warning and Attack Assessment(
!elect True or False( Space='ased 0nfrared System JS'0(SK will combine scanning
with staring sensors to provide continuous tracks of tactical missiles.
!elect True or False( -S& detected 0ra5i Scud missile launches during -esert Storm.
!elect True or False( Space systems provide warning of ballistic missile launches.
Eoice and data warning information is immediately relayed to the warfighter in near real
time to support tactical decision making to counter the threat.
#he S'0(S ground architecture4444444444444444444444.
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( -efense Support &rogram is well suited to dealing with the
diverse threats of the post=communist era.
!elect True or False( #he -efense Support &rogram J-S&K constellation of
geosynchronous early=warning satellites is a 5uintessential Cold War system which was
originally conceived to provide warning of strategic=missile launches against the United
States and its allies.
#heater 'allistic 6issile -etection and Warning 444444444444444444444.
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( #he ground=control element of S'0(S satellites became
operational in !771, fully replacing the old -S& ground architecture the following year.
+s a result, tactical users got more mileage out of -S& satellites in 0ra5i ?reedom than
they did in the earlier &ersian Culf War.
#heater missile warning data isA
8athered by ground stations then processed and disseminated o4er
communications networks including space assets.
Within the term 0ntegrated #actical Warning and +ttack +ssessment J0#WH++K, the
definition of S+ttack +ssessmentS is defined as 44444444444444444444444.
the e4aluation of information to determine the nature and ob1ecti4e of an attack
Within the term 0ntegrated #actical Warning and +ttack +ssessment J0#WH++K, the
definition of S#actical WarningS is defined as 44444444444444444444444.
a specific threat e4ent that is occurring
!elect True or False( U.S. e)changes missile detection and warning information with
its allies and coalition partners.
)n4ironmental Monitoring(
Weather affects 444444444444444444444444.
All the answers are correct
444444444444 support from space is needed for weather forecasts and operational
Meteorological and Aceanographic
Gnowledge of the location and characteristics of oceanographic features can be used by
the commander to 44444444444444444.
a4oid submarine or maritime mine threats
concentrate forces in an area where an ad4ersary is most likely to be operating
Weather satellites have a limited multi=spectral capability, typically gathering data in
44444 spectral bands.
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( Space weather can degrade or disrupt various forms of
Gnowledge of the location and characteristics of oceanographic features such as
4444444 are critical for undersea warfare operations.
All the answers are correct
.eavy solar activity 444444444444444444444444444.
can disrupt satellite communications for short periods of time causing
communications outages in e3treme cases
!elect True or False( S+#C"6 in the Gu= and Ga= bands, as well as <.? systems, are
particularly affected by rain Jthe higher the fre5uency, the greater the effectK. (ain not
only degrades the signal but, if heavy enough, can cause a complete outage.
Wideband satellite communications support 4444444444444444.
All the answers are correct
Significant advantages of satellite communication systems over terrestrial
communication systems are 4444444444444444444444444.
global co4erage security fle3ibility
6ilitary units must be able to communicate over long distances withA
All the answers are correct
!elect True or False( (e5uirements for S+#C"6 service worldwide significantly
e)ceed the capacity of current 60QS+#C"6 systems.
!elect True or False( &rotected satellite communications permits the use of smaller
antennas that increase its mobility, enabling wider use of submarine, airborne, and other
mobile terminals.
$osition Timing ?elocity and "a4igation(
!elect True or False( #he use of nulling antennasH filters, and the correct placement of
C&S receivers on various platforms all improve Bamming resistance.
N+ES#+( C&S provides the primary space=based source for U.S. and alliedA
All the answers are correct
+lthough the presence of the highly accurate navigational information from the Clobal
&ositioning System constellation is e)ploitable by adversary forces, it is unlikely the
Clobal &ositioning System signal will be interdicted to interrupt the signal availability to
adversary forces because 4444444444444444.
signal interruption will affect the tremendous ci4il dependence upon 8lobal
$ositioning !ystem
C&S navigation signals are affected by ionospheric scintillation. Scintillation is a local
effect that has daily and seasonal variations. #he effects are worse at 44444444 and will
usually taper off by 4444444.
local sunset G local midnight
'enefits to Naval forces from C&S includeA
All the answers are correct
Clobal &ositioning System is the fundamental system that allows all U.S. forces to
establish a 444444444444444, where all forces are geographically referenced correctly
and precisely synchroni*ed operations are possible.
Common grid
Use of hand=held receivers diminishes capabilities. Units relying on hand=held C&S
receivers in areas of 444444may have diminished C&S capabilities.
dense 4egetation or steep terrain
&ata and 2nformation(
!elect True or False( #he concept of operations and commander>s intent should
convey only a general idea or mental image of the operation and the desired outcome.
-etails will always come later.
0nformation systems consist of 444444444444444444444.
entire infrastructure organi5ation personnel and components that collect
process store transmit display disseminate and act on information
#he higher you are in the chain of command, the more you rely on
2nformation systems
#he commander may SpullS or e)tract information in a CR architecture for the following
!ituational awareness among subordinate commanders
+ll are true statements about information <MC<&# 44444444444.
information is deemed more reliable if it comes from an officer
0nformation is used to help create an understanding of the situation as the basis for
making a decision. #his image=building information will contain 4444444444444 .
status and disposition of our own forces
4444444444444 is the lifeblood of any CR system.
New information that conflicts with our e)isting image re5uires us either to 4444444444.
4alidate the image or re4ise it
!elect True or False( Secondhand information normally elicits the same natural
intuitive evaluation of reliability.
-ecisions should be based on 44444444444.
44444444444444444 driveJsK the command and control process.
0n addition to mission responsibility, with respect to personnel, Command includes the
authority and responsibility forA
health N welfare
?eedback is a vital element of controlP it gives the commander a way toA
Monitor e4ents
Adapt to changing circumstances
Ad1ust the allocation of resources
#he naval commander monitors and guides the actions of his forces through
a command and control system
!elect True or False( Command is defined as the authority that a commander in the
armed forces lawfully e)ercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment.
!elect True or False( CR refers both to the process and to the system by which the
commander decides what must be done and by how he sees that his decisions are
carried out.
!elect True or False( <ffective training, education, and doctrine will make it more likely
that subordinates will take the proper action in combat. #his is control before the action
but nonetheless is still control.
While the conscious brain Jthe commanderK sets overall goals and direction, it is the
subconscious brain J4444444444444444444444K that monitors and regulates most
subordinate commanders and forces
&ecision Making(
!elect True or False( +lthough the decision and e)ecution cycle is focused on the
operational commander, all phases of the cycle are active at each echelon of command.
!elect True or False( -uring the action phase, the commander monitorsHobserves the
e)ecution of operations and gauges the results. #his is intended merely to gauge
results. 0t is important not to reinitiate the decision cycle based upon post action phase
"rientation is the key to our entire decision cycle, because it influences the way we
4444444, 444444444 , and 444444444 .
obser4e G decide G act
-eriving knowledge from a common tactical picture results in 444444444444444.
situational awareness
444444444444444 is a continuous, cyclical process by which a commander makes
decisions and e)ercises authority over subordinate commanders in accomplishing an
assigned mission.
+fter the commander derives his understanding JorientationK of the battlespace, his ne)t
step is to 44444444444 on a course of action and develop a plan.
!elect True or False( 0n a world of comple) interrelationships, where a single shot can
have global ramifications, naval professionals must share databases with government
agencies and nongovernmental organi*ations.
'y fully leveraging the power of information, U.S. and coalition forces will gain the
knowledge needed to dominate the tempo of operations byA
)nhancing deterrence
Controlling crises
!ustaining warfighting superiority
#he Navy>s success in "peration <nduring ?reedom in +fghanistan can be attributed to
unprecedented tactical fle)ibility made possible byA
Coordination o4er secure data links and 4oice circuits
$recision.guided munitions made effecti4e by these systems
Ad4anced sensing and targeting systems in the air and on the ground
44444444444444444444 uses integrated information to identify and neutrali*e threats,
locate and destroy anti=access challenges and intercept missiles.
!ea shield
44444444444444444444 draws on comprehensive data to sustain critical functions
!ea Basing
!elect True or False( 0nvestment in intra=theatre capabilities will enable the
development of high endurance organic communication hubs that enhance and e)tend
intra=theatre networking.
!eapower 0*(
Sea &ower !1 divides the Navy/s roles and missions into three fundamental conceptsA
!ea Basing K $ro1ecting 1oint operational independence
!ea !trike K $ro1ecting precise and persistent offensi4e power
!ea !hield K $ro1ecting global defensi4e assurance
!elect True or False( Sea&ower !1 sets the stage for minimal increases in naval
precision, reach, and connectivity. @oint operations, though important, will come
secondary to blue water capabilities and a shore based support infrastructure.
0nnovative concepts and technologies that integrate sea, land, air, space, and
cyberspace will be incorporated if, and when, the need arises.
!elect True or False( Sea&ower !1 represents a clear vision of the Navy/s part in
future Boint warfighting in an unpredictable strategic environment typified by regional and
transnational threats.
!elect True or False( + maBor premise of Sea&ower !1 is that we will continue the
evolution of U.S. naval power from the blue=water, war=at=sea focus to an emphasis of
:?rom the Sea; and :?orward from the Sea,; strategy.
0dentify the elements of ?"(C<net.
!ea Trial !ea 'arrior !ea )nterprise
#he Sea&ower !1 concept is enabled by 444444444 and that, in turn, is enabled by
44444444444 .
FA6C)net information technology
Force Multiplication( !ensors Throughout Military #istory(
Which of the following sensor types uses sound to detect a target?
0nfrared systems are best used to detect 44444444444444444444.
a warm ob1ect against a relati4ely cool background
Night vision goggles :see; in the dark by using 44444444444444444444.
ambient light
0nfrared=based detection, tracking and guidance systems are used in which weapon?
A2M.F !idewinder missile
!elect True or False( #he +06=1 Sidewinder missile has proven to be a disappointment
as its limited success has not Bustified its high cost.
0mproving our ability to survey the environment improves our capacity to
defend against attack
sei5e the initiati4e
#he Clobal &ositioning System has allowed its users to 44444444444444444444.
All of the answers are correct
+lthough first patented in 1172, radar wasn/t very militarily useful until
'orld 'ar 22
Which type of sensor system received increased military interest as a result of Cerman
submarine activity during World War 0?
#ow do !ensor !ystems 'orkO(
+ sensor with a linear transfer function is one that 44444444444.
has an output that is directly proportional to input o4er its entire range
0f system :+; has an antenna gain of 1 and system :'; has an antenna gain of 2, which
statement is not true?
!ystem BBs signalBs power per unit area is one fourth that of system ABs signal.
+ bistatic sensor is defined as a sensor system having 4444444444.
a transmitter in one location and the recei4er in another
Which is not typically considered a component of a sensor system?
Which statement is true?
!ensiti4ity of a sensor is the change in output of the sensor per unit change in
the parameter being measured.
(efraction refers to 44444444444444.
the redirection of a signal wa4e due to changes in the properties of the medium
the signal is tra4eling through
0nterference may be 44444444444.
constructi4e and destructi4e
Spectroscopy is used to determine 4444444444.
what wa4elengths are coming off a target
7nderstanding the Frequency !pectrum(
#he speed of sound through water changes with 44444444444444444444.
water temperature
+ hull=mounted sonar transmits a 9 G.* acoustic signal into fresh water at !7 degrees
C. What is the wavelength of the signal?
!elect True or False( #he appropriate sensor si*e for a 17 G.* acoustic signal in sea
water at !7 degrees C would be the same for underwater and above water platforms.
!elect True or False( #he elasticity of sea water is the same as that of fresh water.
!elect True or False( ?or a given fre5uency, a larger sensor can receive more
effectively than a smaller one
!elect True or False( Sensor si*e is proportional to wavelength.
What is the most appropriate platform for an acoustic sensor operating at !7 .*?
!urface ship
What is an alternative way of writing $.2 ) 17

H/9 M#5
Camma rays are a good e)ample of 44444444444444444444.
high frequency and low wa4elength
!elect True or False( #he terms standard industry, standard international, and
standard military are synonymous when referring to fre5uency band designations.
!ensor Challenges for Modern Combat !ystems(
'iological weapons detectors are currently deployed aboard 44444444.
"one of the answers are correct
!elect True or False( #he military fields and continues to use systems that may be
generations behind the civilian state of the art in order to avoid being forced to utili*e
unreliable assets.
#he operator of a radar that is the victim of cover pulse Bamming will observe
multiple false targets at 4arious distances and bearings as well as the true target
0ncreased sensor computing power and speed will contribute to making our combat
ability more efficient, more cost effective and safer by 4444444444444444.
All the answers are correct
"f the various optical sensors, those with the greatest promise of increased abilities in
the future include 4444444444444444.
unmanned aerial 4ehicles
<lectronic Warfare sensors alone may not be the optimum method to identify actual
threats to its platform because 444444444444.
many nations utili5e commercial radar on their na4al ships which may lead to
!elect True or False( 0n order to increase the efficiency of the detection=to=engagement
se5uence, one can never have too much sensor provided information. #he more
information that can be collected, the easier the human decision making process is in a
tense, stressful environment.
<rratic environmental conditions can adversely affect all sensors e)cept 444444444444.
"one of the answers are correct
0nformation=dense wave packets are used to defeat which kind of Bamming?
Co4er pulse 1amming
+ maBor disadvantage of using submarine based active sonar is 4444444444.
that it may gi4e away the presence of the submarine utili5ing the acti4e sonar
#he sending out of electromagnetic pulses identical to a target>s radar at une)pected
times is used in 4444444444.
co4er pulse 1amming
44444444444 is one of the current challenges to increasing our ability to avoid being
detected by an infrared sensor.
#ow to increase a platformBs ability to cool and diffuse e3haust gases
Maintaining Technical !uperiority(
!elect True or False( +ll officers that have been involved in Navy program
management are barred from working for defense contractors after retirement because
to do so would be a conflict of interest.
Navy officers that directly contribute to Navy program management are typically
All the answers are correct
4444444444444444444 controlJsK large scope programs not falling within the scope of a
Systems Command.
$rogram )3ecuti4e Affices
Unmanned autonomous sensor carrying vehicles are being developed in order to
increase personnel safety
!elect True or False( 'ecause of the rapid increase of computing power, and every
indication that such increases will continue at least for at least the ne)t 17 years, there
is no longer the danger of what is commonly referred to as information overload.
!elect True or False( #he Navy>s development of new technologies is managed
completely by -epartment of the Navy civilian personnel.
Computer for the 'arfighter(
!elect True or False( <mbedded microprocessors are tailored to limited applications.
#he compiler converts 44444444444444444444.
high le4el code into assembly language code
!elect True or False( "ne of the keys to effective personal computer use is to isolate
the user from high level programming language and hardware.
!elect True or False( #he microprocessors in personal computers are called limited
purpose microprocessors.
!elect True or False( +ccess times for non=volatile memory tend to be slower than for
volatile memory.
#he assembler converts 44444444444444444444.
assembly language code into binary data
!elect True or False( #he volatile memory in a computer is used for the boot=up
#he types of memoryHstorage in a computer, listed in order from fastest to slowest
access are 44444444444444444444.
register cache 6AM mass storage
What are the four subsystems that make up a computer system/s hardware?
Microprocessor memory mass storage inputGoutput de4ices
#he group of logic devices that can perform mathematical operations on data in the
microprocessor/s registers is called the 44444444444444444444.
arithmetic logic unit
What controls the switching of states in the control unit?
44444444444444444444 is the process by which e)cess (+6 is temporarily stored in
mass storage.
?irtual memory
44444444444444444444 is the most complicated of the resource management
$rocessor management
!tealth Technology(
#o determine the (CS of a cylinder, the key consideration is 44444444444444444444.
polari5ation of the cylinder
+ '=%! bomber is not considered an e)ample of low=observable technology because of
large 6C! and 26 signature
!elect True or False( Since a Bumbo Bet liner is much larger than a pickup truck, its
(CS should be much larger.
!elect True or False( Non=imaging sensor systems can establish the presence of a
target, but cannot provide information regarding movement.
6ethods used to reduce (CS include 44444444444444444444.
a4oiding large flat surfaces and using radar absorbing material
Stealth technology reduces radar signatures by 44444444444444444444.
comple3 tradeoffs which eliminate or reduce returns to all enemy sensor systems
!elect True or False( Scattering, which occurs when an electromagnetic wave
encounters a physical obBect, is the dispersal of particle beams of radiation into a range
of directions.
!elect True or False( +t changing higher fre5uencies, the (CS of a sphere changes
+ critical capability of sensor systems is to 44444444444444444444.
distinguish specific target electronic signatures from background data
!elect True or False( Stealth technology helps to prevent detection, but once detected
a stealth platform can easily be tracked and targeted.
)lectro.Aptic Technology(
6ost passive emissions occur in which portion of the spectrum?
#he amount of energy in an electromagnetic wave is 44444444444444444444.
proportional to the frequency
!elect True or False( Qaser designators work by providing the sensor a good overall
image of the target, from which the attacking force can decide precisely where to
engage the target.
!elect True or False( #he goal of precision guided munitions is to steer the ordnance
so that the reflected spot on the target is centered on the detector.
!elect True or False( 6ost obBects emit electromagnetic radiation.
44444444444444444444 is an e)ample of long range application of passive emission
Thermal imaging
#he use of laser designators has the disadvantage of 44444444444444444444.
placing the designating force at risk of detection
#he accuracy of a typical laser designator is appro)imately 44444444444444444444.
+n e)ample of long wavelength, low fre5uency is 44444444444444444444.
AM radio wa4es
#he optical spectrum consists of 44444444444444444444.
26 4isible and 7?
!elect True or False( Qaser guided munitions work best in environments with good
visual conditions.
!elect True or False( Qarger targets e)hibit :up -oppler; while smaller targets have
:down -oppler.;
'lind speeds are a problem with 44444444444444444444.
pulse &oppler
.ow long will it take a radar signal to travel to and from a target 17 G6 from the radar?
9.> milliseconds
!elect True or False( Continuous wave radar uses -oppler shift to determine target
!elect True or False( (adar analy*es a returned signal to determine properties of the
obBect from which the signal reflected.
!elect True or False( + phased array antenna forms a transmitter beam by using small
antennas arranged in rectangular or circular arrays.
&ulse radar is effective at 44444444444444444444.
determining a targetBs relati4e 4elocity
!elect True or False( (adial speed is the speed at which a target is moving toward or
away from a radar.
!elect True or False( + continuous wave radar returned from a moving obBect will be
the same fre5uency as the transmitted energy.
What is the ma)imum unambiguous range of a radar with a &(? of % G.*?
,9 km
+ continuous wave radar receiver consists of 44444444444444444444.
mi3er amplifier and discriminator
44444444444444444444 radar creates a synthetic antenna as big as the distance
covered by the target.
2n4erse synthetic aperture

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