Sinusitis Handout - Qsen Project

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Madeline Lane, RN, BSN Research College of Nursing April 8, 2014

What is Sinusitis?
Acute sinusitis !acute rhinosinusitis" causes the cavities around
your nasal passages !sinuses" to become inamed and swollen.
This interferes with drainage and causes mucus to build up,
causing pain and discomfort.1
Acute sinusitis is most commonly caused by the common cold,
which is a virus !rhinovirus". Viruses can not be treated with
antibiotics, as antibiotics are only e$ective against bacteria.2
According to the ISDA guidelines from 2012,
approximately 90%98& of acute sinusitis cases were caused
by a virus, not a bacteria.2
Major Symptoms
Discolored nasal discharge
Nasal congestion
Facial pain or pressure
Decreased ability to smell
Fever (acute sinusitis only)
Minor Symptoms
Ear pain or pressure
Bad breath
Tooth pain
In order to diagnose sinusitis,
there must be presence of:
At least 2 Major symptoms
At least 1 Major symptom
AND 2 Minor symptoms
(Symptoms listed above)2
Do You Really Need Antibitotics?
Madeline Lane, RN, BSN Research College of Nursing April 8, 2014
Cant I Just Get an Antibiotic?
As health care professionals, it is our goal to help you feel your
best and stay free from illness. However, antibiotic resistance is a
growing concern worldwide. There are many di$erent ways in
which antibiotic resistance can occur. The top causes include:
% Taking antibiotics incorrectly, skipping doses, or stopping
too early. This allows the stronger bacteria to stay alive,
becoming more resistant to the same antibiotic the next
time you take it.
% Taking antibiotics for illness that are caused by viruses
!ex. SINUSITIS". This just aids in killing the good bacteria
you have in your body, which may increase your risk of
becoming sick more often, or cause other negative side
e$ects from taking the medication, such as diarrhea,
nausea, and allergic reactions.
According to the Centers for Disease and Control, in 2013 there
were approximately 2,049,442 illnesses and 23,000 deaths caused
due to antibiotic resistance.3

1.MayoClinic !2013". Acute sinusitis. Retrieved from
2.Chow, A. W., et al. !2012". ISDA clinical practice guideline for acute bacterial rhino
sinusitis in children and adults. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 58 !8", 1%41
3.CDC !2013". Antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance. Retrieved from
When is it okay to use
an antibiotic for
treatment of
The following symptoms might
indicate that you need an
antibiotic to clear your sinus
infection: 2
Onset with continuing
symptoms of sinusitis that last
for 10 days without any
Onset with severe symptoms of
sinusitis or signs of high fever
(102 F) and dis-colored nasal
discharge or facial pain lasting
for at least 3-4 consecutive
days at the beginning of illness
Onset with worsening
symptoms that are
characterized by fever,
headache, or increase in nasal
discharge following a typical
viral upper respiratory infection
(ex. common cold, bronchitis,
acute sinusitis) that lasted 5-6
days and were initially
improving but then worsened

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