Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Questionnaire for Lecture Evaluations

Mark as Shown: For Questions 1 through 20 mark 0-5 in each cell;

0 being “I fully disagree”
5 being “I fully agree”

Concept and Realization

1. How easy did you find it to follow the discussion in the lecture?
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

2. From the very beginning the learning aims were clear and transparent.

3. The sequential order of the content dealt with was coherent.

4. The relevance of the study content to the learning aims were clear.

5. The lecture was not only about single facts but also about the broader context and interconnections.

6. The lecture provided sufficient interconnections between theory and practice / practical application.

7. The time allowed for dealing with the subject was appropriate.

8. The lecturer seemed to be well prepared.

9. The lecturer's inputs and explanations were easy for me to follow and understand.

10. The lecturer spoke clearly and articulately.

11. The lecturer showed an interest in the learning success of the students.

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Organizational Behavior

Motivation, Participation and Climate

12. I felt motivated by the lecture to engage in the subject matter.

13. The lecturer took care of a quiet and undisturbed progress of the lecture.

14. There were enough opportunities to ask questions.

15. The lecturer's answers to questions were sufficiently clear and detailed for me.

16. The use of media seemed appropriate in the light of the overall didactic concept of the lecture.

17. The media used during the lecture helped me to better understand the content.

Help &Support

18. During the lecture I was given useful literature indications.

19. Performance and examination requirements were clearly stated.

20. The offered consultation hours were sufficient.

Mark as Shown: For Questions 21 through 24 mark 0-5 in each cell;

0 being “very easy”
5 being “very difficult”

Workload and Level of Difficulty

21. The workload for preparation and follow up lecture work was …

22. The level of difficulty of the subject matter dealt with in the lecture was …

23. The amount of subject matter dealt with in the lecture was…

24. How would you rate the amount of your previous knowledge of the lecture?

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Organizational Behavior

Many thanks for your cooperation!

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