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INTJ Credo: "Seek frst to understand"

INTJ Keywords: Analytical, Deep, Systemsoriented, Independent, !emote,
"r#anised, Sc$eduled, Systematic, %o#ical, &isionary, Comple', (ri)ate
T$e INTJ is t$e patient )isionary wit$ a clear )iew o* $ow t$e *uture s$ould
look and will work wit$ +uiet and lo#ical determination to make it $appen,
Alt$ou#$ +uite deep, and mistrust*ul until t$ey $a)e t$e measure o* people,
t$e INTJ lo)es an intellectual c$allen#e and will -e stimulated -y t$e
conceptual, t$e a-stract and t$e comple',
.acts and f#ures -ore t$em, and t$ey will -e lookin# to see t$e /-i##er
picture,/ plannin# *or t$e *uture t$at t$ey create, 0ettin# close to t$e INTJ will
take some time, and t$ey may not always in)ol)e ot$ers in t$e decision
makin# process, T$is can make t$em seem sli#$tly detac$ed, -ut it is simply
t$at t$e processin# w$ic$ takes place, 1and a #reat deal o* processin# takes
place2, #oes on inside t$e $ead,
3nlike t$e 4NTJ w$o will $appily en#a#e in )er-al sparrin# and will -e $appy
to process t$ou#$ts outside t$e $ead, t$e INTJ will -e pri)ate and keep
t$ou#$t processes inside until t$ey emer#e wit$ /t$e plan o* action,/ T$is may
t$e frst opportunity *or ot$ers to e)en realise t$at so muc$ was #oin# on
INTJs make decisions -ased on rational lo#ic, rat$er t$an emotion and t$ey
will -e +uite measured in t$eir approac$ to ot$er people, T$ey #enerally $a)e
stron# opinions, are independent o* t$ou#$t and action and $a)e no need to
)er-alise t$ese, ot$er t$an to declare t$e conclusions, T$is economy o*
in*ormation can -e a $andicap as it may lea)e mem-ers o* t$e team *eelin#
t$at t$ey are /on t$e outside,/
T$e INTJ5s dislike o* t$e -asic *acts may, at times, work a#ainst t$em as t$ey
can make decisions -ased on t$eir t$eories and concepts and at times t$ey
may o)erlook /t$e o-)ious,/ seekin# instead t$e comple' solution, 6owe)er,
t$ey will #enerally trust t$eir own 7ud#ments, especially as t$ese $a)e -een
considered, c$ewedo)er and processed *or a lon# time prior to -ein#
"ri#inal and comple', INTJs $a)e acti)e minds, directed internally and t$eir
intuiti)e trait, 1t$e $i#$ 8N52 ena-les t$em to see )ery clearly t$e
interconnections -etween t$in#s and t$e lon#er term implications o* trends,
current actions and e)ents, Inno)ati)e and analytical, INTJs $a)e a uni+ue
talent *or analysin# comple' pro-lems and issues and determinin# $ow t$ey
can -e impro)ed, w$et$er it -e a small innocuous product or t$e w$ole
or#anisation, T$eir *a)ourite su-7ect *or impro)ement, $owe)er, is
t$emsel)es and t$ey are on a constant +uest to learn, de)elop and pro#ress,
Ima#inati)e, +uick and creati)e INTJs are intellectually curious w$o can #rasp
comple' pro-lems and data, analyse t$em +uickly and come up wit$
solutions, T$ey are t$e strate#ic 1as opposed to daytoday2 pro-lem sol)ers
pre*errin# t$e -i# picture stu9 to t$e mundane, T$ey set $i#$ standards *or
t$emsel)es and lo)e t$e no)el, t$e di:cult, and t$e comple',
6owe)er suc$ is t$eir intro)ersion and $i#$ 8N5 t$at t$ey spend a #reat deal
o* t$eir time in an internal world o* comple'ity and ima#ination w$ic$ can see
t$em )iewed as sli#$tly eccentric or 8not o* t$is world,5 and t$is creates
issues w$en t$ey try to e'plain to mere mortals w$at it is t$ey are workin#
on, As t$ey pre*er t$e a-stract and t$eoretical, 8S5 like e'planations are
di:cult *or t$em and so ot$ers may percei)e t$em as disconnected and a -it
8-o:n5 and intellectual, may-e e)en arro#ant,
T$e emotional reactions o* ot$er people can also -e di:cult *or an INTJ to
#au#e and t$ey may t$ere*ore appear to ot$ers as insensiti)e and cold and to
sta9 as ne#lect*ul o* t$eir 8people5 responsi-ilities, T$e INTJ is a per*ectionist
and may also fnd it di:cult w$en ot$er people or pro7ects etc do not come
up to t$eir $i#$ e'pectations and standards, T$is can make t$em seem 8$olier
t$an t$ou5 and ot$er *olk may lo)e it i* t$ey trip up 1an unusual step *or an
INTJ;2 Certainly t$e INTJ will not want to work as part o* a lar#e team and
pre*ers an en)ironment o* solitude or wit$ a small num-er o* people w$o are
as competent, dili#ent and +uietly *ocused as t$ey are,
Alt$ou#$ +uietness per)ades, t$e INTJ is capa-le o* -ein# a real c$atter-o'
-ut not in #eneral or small talk only on issues w$ic$ are important to t$em
or w$ic$ stimulate t$em, <$en an idea is *ully *ormed 1until it is t$e INTJ
would pre*er not to speak o* it2, t$e INTJ is prone to wa' lyrical a-out it e)en
to t$e e'tent o* -ecomin# an e'pert -ore; An INTJ will c$oose to speak 1i*
t$ey c$oose to speak at all2 only on issues close to t$eir $eads 1)ery rarely
t$eir $earts2, and $a)e -een known to $i7ack w$ole meetin#s and dra# t$e
a#enda towards 8t$eir5 issues, "nce t$e meetin# is -ack on track, $owe)er,
and t$e mundane, or *actual is -ein# discussed, t$e INTJ will a#ain disappear
into t$e intellectual cocoon and say )ery little,
To outsiders, INTJs may appear to pro7ect an aura o* 8defniteness5 o* sel*
confdence, T$is sel*pro7ection, sometimes mistaken *or simple arro#ance -y
t$e less decisi)e, is actually o* a )ery specifc rat$er t$an a #eneral nature,
Its source lies in t$e specialised knowled#e systems t$at most INTJs start
-uildin# at an early a#e, <$en it comes to t$eir own areas o* e'pertise and
INTJs can $a)e se)eral t$ey will -e a-le to tell you almost immediately
w$et$er or not t$ey can $elp you, and i* so, $ow, INTJs know w$at t$ey know,
and per$aps still more importantly, t$ey clearly know w$at t$ey don/t know,
INTJs are per*ectionists, wit$ a seemin#ly endless capacity *or impro)in# upon
anyt$in# t$at takes t$eir interest, <$at pre)ents t$em *rom -ecomin#
c$ronically -o##ed down in t$is pursuit o* per*ection is t$e pra#matism so
c$aracteristic o* t$e type INTJs apply 1o*ten rut$lessly2 t$e sin#le criterion
8does it work=5 to e)eryt$in# *rom t$eir own researc$ e9orts to t$e pre)ailin#
social norms, T$is in turn produces an unusual independence o* mind, *reein#
t$e INTJ *rom t$e constraints o* aut$ority, con)ention, or sentiment *or its
own sake,
INTJs are o*ten known as t$e 8Systems >uilders5 o* t$e c$aracter types,
per$aps in part -ecause t$ey possess t$e unusual trait com-ination o*
ima#ination and relia-ility, <$ate)er system an INTJ $appens to -e workin#
on is *or t$em t$e e+ui)alent o* a moral cause to an IN.J -ot$ per*ectionism
and disre#ard *or aut$ority may come into play, as INTJs can -e unsparin# o*
-ot$ t$emsel)es and t$e ot$ers on t$e pro7ect,
Anyone considered to -e 8slackin#,5 includin# 8superiors,5 will lose t$eir
respect and will #enerally -e made aware o* t$is, INTJs $a)e also -een
known to take it upon t$emsel)es to implement critical decisions wit$out
consultin# t$eir mana#ers or collea#ues,
INTJs can rise to mana#ement positions w$en t$ey are willin# to in)est time
in marketin# t$eir a-ilities as well as en$ancin# t$em, and 1w$et$er *or t$e
sake o* am-ition or t$e desire *or pri)acy2 many also fnd it use*ul to learn to
simulate some de#ree o* sur*ace con*ormism in order to mask t$eir in$erent
uncon)entionality, 3sually, $owe)er, t$ey fnd t$is too tedious and ener#y
INTJs are #enerally e'tremely pri)ate people, and can o*ten -e naturally
impassi)e as well, w$ic$ makes t$em easy to misread and misunderstand,
(er$aps t$e most *undamental pro-lem, $owe)er, is t$at INTJs really want
people to make sense,
INTJs are ideas people, Anyt$in# is possi-le, e)eryt$in# is ne#otia-le, "t$ers
may see w$at is and wonder w$y INTJs see w$at mi#$t -e and say 8w$y
not=;5 INTJs en7oy de)elopin# uni+ue solutions to comple' pro-lems, and,
con)ersely, i* its5 not comple' or interestin# w$y s$ould t$ey -ot$er=
In a team situation, t$e INTJ is t$e radical inno)ator, comin# up wit$
interestin# t$eoretical ideas and #ood at ensurin# t$e team co)ers all t$e
-ases, Alt$ou#$ intro)erted, t$e INTJ can -rin# out )ery stron# opinions,
$oned o)er muc$ mullin# around inside t$e $ead, and may surprise ot$ers -y
$ow muc$ is /in t$ere

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