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Solon seeks granting of retirement benefits to elected barangay officials

A House member is seeking the granting of retirement benefits to elected barangay

officials based on the number of years they have rendered service.
Rep. Henry S. Oaminal (2
District !isamis Occidental" said #hile Republic Act
$%&' other#ise kno#n as the ()ocal *overnment +ode of %,,%- devolved gargantuan
po#ers and functions to local government units ()*.s" including barangays the la# has
not provided retirement benefits to barangay officials after rendering years of service.
(/t is supposed to be e0pected that having a#esome responsibilities come benefits
and privileges to barangay officials #ho are e0plicitly mandated to perform basic services
to the people. /t is 1uite unfortunate ho#ever that this landmark legislation does not
provide retirement benefit to them after rendering years of service- said Oaminal.
Oaminal a vice chairman of the House +ommittee on !indanao Affairs said
+ongress has been generous and considerate to senior citi2ens for all the services they
have rendered in #hatever capacity during their prime.
(/t #ill therefore be reasonable enough if #e grant retirement benefits to our
barangay officials at a time #hen they #ill no longer receive honorarium from the
government- he said.
House 3ill 4'2& no# pending at the +ommittee on )ocal *overnment chaired by
Rep. 5edro 3. Acharon 6r. (%
District South +otabato and *eneral Santos +ity" seeks the
amendment of Section 7,7 (b" of RA $%&' pertaining to benefits of barangay officials.
8he proposed amendment provides that elective barangay officials be entitled to
lump sum retirement benefit on the basis of the number of years of service to the
barangay as follo#s9 :irst term e1uivalent to one month honorarium for every year of
service; Second consecutive term e1uivalent to one and a half month for every year of
service; and 8hird consecutive term e1uivalent to t#o months for every year of service.
8he bill further provides that the amount needed to implement the retirement
benefits shall be charged against the /nternal Revenue Allotment (/RA" shares of )*.s to
#hich the barangay belongs in the follo#ing manner9 7' percent from the barangay; 4'<
from the municipality or city; and 2' percent from the province. (7'" rbb
NR # 3629B
OCT. 24, 2014

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