Computer Music FAQ

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Computer Music FAQ

1. What is computer music?
Any music processed by a computer is Computer Music.

2. Is computer music synthetic?
Computer Music may be synthetic or acoustic or both.

3. What is Acoustic Music?
Music produced by human voice and acoustic music instruments is called Acoustic Music.

4. How can Computer Music be Acoustic Music?
Acoustic Music becomes digital when recorded by a digital device. A computer may be used to
remove the defects and improve its final product through editing without introducing any additional
synthetic music. Such a music output processed by a computer will still be Acoustic Music.

5. What is Synthetic Music?
Music can be produced electronically without using actual music instruments or human voice. Such
a music produced by a computer will be Synthetic Music.

6. What is Science of Music?
For a sound to become music, it must have pitch, duration, loudness and timbre. A study of all these
aspects of music, applying the relevant principles and laws of sound is known as the science of music.

7. What is Digital Music?
Music produced by acoustic instruments and music listened by ears are called Analogue Music.
Analogue Music becomes Digital Music through A/D converter. Also Music produced by synthesizers
is Digital Music.

8. What are the advantages of Digital Music?
Once music becomes digital, scope for editing and improving it is unlimited. A basic knowledge of
Science of Music is necessary to develop skill in handling Digital Music. Digital Music becomes
Computer Music when the processing of Digital Music involves the use of Computer.

9. Why Science of Music is necessary for Computer Music?
A basic knowledge of Science of Music will be useful to understand various aspects of Computer
Music. There are differences in Pitch standards/intervals in western & non-western music. Correct
tuning of music instruments taking into account these aspects, will be easy to musicians after studying
Science of Music.

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