Engr315 CruiseControl

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Abstract The cruise control system in a vehicle is studied in

details. First, control concepts in cruise control system are

investigated. Second, simplified cruise control models are
developed and simulated. Third, an introduction to adaptive
cruise control system is presented. Fourth, modeling of adaptive
cruise control system in a traffic simulation is carried. Finally,
the future development of the advanced adaptive cruise control
system is presented.
Index TermsCruise Control, Control System, Vehicle,
Modeling, Simulation
ruise control system has become a common feature in
automobiles nowadays. Instead of having the driver
frequently checing the s!eedometer and ad"usting !ressure
on the gas !edal or the brae# cruise control system control
the s!eed of the car by maintaining the constant s!eed set by
the driver. Therefore# cruise control system can hel! reduce
driver$s fatigue in driving a long road tri!. This !a!er
!resents the control system behind the cruise control.
%efore getting into to the control system conce!ts of cruise
control# the com!onents and the basic mechanism of the
cruise control system in a vehicle are summari)ed.
A. Components of Cruise Control
Cruise control system can be divided in to three main
!arts# which are the in!ut# the !rocessor# and the out!ut. The
in!ut of the system includes the setting buttons on the
steering wheel# gas !edal# brae# clutch and the feedbac
signal of the cruise control. The !rocessor of the system is to
control the s!eed of the car by utili)ing the control system
theory. The out!ut is the throttle !osition# which is
corres!onding to the actual s!eed of the car.
1) Input of Cruise Control
There are usually three to five setting buttons on the steering
wheels for the in!ut to the cruise control system. The buttons
are on*off# set*accel# resume# and coast. The on button turns
on the cruise control function. The off button turns off the
cruise control function. The set*accel button is to set the s!eed
of the car to the current s!eed that the car is driving at. &lso#
by ta!!ing the set*accel button once can increase the s!eed of
the car by +m!h and so forth. The resume button is to set the
s!eed of the car bac to the last maintained s!eed# which is
the s!eed right before the cruise control is disengaged. The
coast button is to decrease the s!eed of the car.
The brae and the clutch are the other in!uts to the
cruise control system. ,hen the !edal is !ressed# the cruise
control system is disengaged# so the s!eed control of the car is
taen over by the driver in ad"usting the gas !edal and the
-urthermore# the s!eed for the cruise control can be set
by !ressing the gas !edal to accelerate the car to the desired
'. /ie is a student at the 0ngineering De!artment# Calvin College# (rand
Ra!ids# 1I 23425 6email7 hlie258calvin.edu9.
s!eed# and then hitting the set button. &lso# when the cruise
control is engaged# the gas !edal overrides the set s!eed from
the cruise control# so the car accelerates as long as the gas
!edal is !ressed.
-inally# the feedbac signal from the measured s!eed of
the car is taen into account of the in!ut of the curse control
system. This in!ut is closely related to the control system of
the cruise control. The detailed of the feedbac in!ut is
!resented under the control system of cruise control later.
2) Processor of Cruise Control
The !rocessor of a cruise control is a control system
designed to obtain the s!eed set by the driver. It !lays an
im!ortant role in the cruise control system. The !rocessor is
integrated with electronic com!onents to a system transfer
function# which is discussed under the control system of
cruise control in detail.
3) Output of Cruise Control
The out!ut of the cruise control is the throttle !osition. The
actual s!eed of the car varies corres!onding to different
throttle !osition# as the throttle valve limiting how much air
the engines taes in. & different air:to:fuel ratio in the
combustion !rocess affects the !ower and the s!eed of the
engine# and this eventually leads to the change of the car
B. Mechanism of Cruise Control
&n overview of the relationshi! between different
com!onents of cruise control system is shown in -ig. +. The
!rocessor of the cruise control system is shown as the Cruise
Control Com!uter in the figure.
The !rocess of the cruise control system in a vehicle is7
-irst# the driver sets the desired s!eed of the car by turning on
the cruise control at the desired s!eed that the car is traveling
at and hit the set button. &n alternate way to set the desired
s!eed of the car is by ta!!ing the set*accel button to increase
the s!eed of the car or by ta!!ing the coast button to decrease
the s!eed of the car. ;econd# the !rocessor of the system gets
the in!ut signal# and then sends the out!ut signal to the
actuator. Third# the actuator ad"usts the throttle !osition.
-inally# the changes in the throttle !osition would leads to the
changes in the s!eed of the car traveling. &lso# the actual
s!eed of the car is measured by a sensor and sent to the
!rocessor. The !rocess of sending the current s!eed of the car
continues for the !rocessor to maintain the desired s!eed# as
long as the cruise control is engaged <+=. This !rocess is
e>!lained in details in terms of control system conce!ts later.
Cruise Control ;ystem in ?ehicle
'aren /ie# Calvin College
-ig. +. Relationshi! between different com!onents in cruise control system
The throttle valve connects to the actuator and the gas
!edal by cables# so the throttle !osition can be ad"usted by the
actuator and the gas !edal. ;ome actuators are !owered by
the engine vacuum to close and o!en the throttle. The !ulse
frequency corres!onding to the s!eed of the car is sent to the
vacuum controlled dia!hragm conned to the accelerator# and
it regulates the amount of the vacuum the diagram received
A. Design Consideration
& cruise control system needs to accelerate to the desired
s!eed in a short time without overshooting the s!eed of the
car. &lso# it needs to maintain the s!eed with little deviation#
when the car is driving u! or down a stee! hill.
B. Phsical Model
-irst# the inertia of the wheels of the car is neglected.
;econd# the friction of the car is assumed to be the friction
caused by the motion of the car. Then# a !hysical model of the
cruise control system is illustrated as shown in -ig. @ <B=. The
mass# m# is indicated as the mass of a car.
-ig. @. -ree:body diagram of a car
%y using Newton$s second law of motion# a differential
equation of the cruise control model can be obtained# as in
where v is the velocity of the car# b is the friction of the car
and u is the force from the engine. Then# by a!!lying /a!lace
Transform theorem# 0q. 6+9 becomes 0q. 6@9.
ms ? s 6 9 b ? s 6 9 + U s 6 9
&fter rearranging 0q. 6@9# the transfer function of the o!en:
loo!ed cruise control system is obtained# as is 6B9.
where A6s9 is ?6s9 in 0q. 6@9.
Cruise Control ;ystem in a vehicle is a closed:loo! control
system. & sim!lified model of the cruise control system is
develo!ed# and its bloc diagram is shown in -ig. B.
-ig B. %loc Diagram of Cruise Control ;ystem in a Car
C. Design !pecification
;ince it is critical for a cruise control system to obtain the
desired s!eed in a short time without overshoot# the design
s!ecification is determined7
Rise time C 4 sec
Overshoot C +DE
;teady:state error C @E
D. Assumption
-or the sim!lified cruise control model# the mass# the
friction constant and the force from the engine of the car is
m F +DDDg
b F 4D NGsec*m
u F 4DD N
". Modeling and !imulation
1odels of cruise control system are develo!ed from the
o!en:loo! system to the closed:loo! system. Then# models
with HI controller are further develo!ed in terms of different
control constants. &lso# simulations of different models are
!resented and discussed.
1) Open#loop !stem
The cruise control system without controller and feedbac
is im!lemented on the ;imulin# as shown in -ig. 2. In other
words# the control system for the s!eed of the car taes no
consideration of the actual s!eed of the car traveling.
-ig. 2 Cruise control ;ystem without feedbac and controller
The res!onse of the o!en:loo! system to a ste! in!ut is
shown in -ig. 4.
b v t 6 9 + u t 6 9
A s 6 9
U s 6 9
ms b +
-ig. 4. Res!onse of the o!en:loo! of cruise control
The steady state error is about 3IE. & feedbac loo! is
needed to add to the system to bring the res!onse bac to the
desired s!eed.
2) Closed#loop !stem
The cruise control system with a unity feedbac loo! is
im!lemented as shown in -ig. 5. The res!onse of the system
to a ste! in!ut is shown in -ig. J.
-ig. 5. Cruise control system with feedbac
-ig. J. Res!onse of the closed:loo! system
The steady state error of the closed:loo! system is even
slightly larger than that of the o!en:loo! system as in -ig. 4#
because the feedbac:loo! reduces the accuracy of the
3) PI Controller
& HI controller is added to the cruise control system to
achieve the desired res!onse of the system. Therefore# a HI
controller is added to the model of cruise control system# as
shown in -ig. I.
-ig. I. Cruise control system with controller
-irst# only the !ro!ortional control 6'!9 in the controller is
considered. The closed:loo! transfer function of the cruise
control system with a !ro!ortional control is obtained# as in
The !ro!ortional
control in the controller is turned on and is set to +DD. The
res!onse of the system with '! F +DD is shown in -ig. 3. The
steady state error of the system with the !ro!ortional control
is reduced from 3IE to B2E. &lso# the settling time of the
system is decreased.
-ig. 3. Res!onse of the system with '!F+DD
;econd# both the !ro!ortional control 6'!9 and the
integral control 6'i9 in the controller are considered in the
cruise control model. The closed:loo! transfer function of the
cruise control system with the HI controller is obtained# as in

The integral
control in the controller is turned on and is set to +D. The
res!onse of the system with 'i F +D and '!F +DD to a unit
ste! in!ut is shown in -ig. +D. The steady:state error of the
system is eliminated by adding the integral time control# but
overshoot of the res!onse is introduced. &lso# the res!onse
time of the system is shortened.
-ig. +D. Res!onse of the system with '! F+DD and 'i F+D
Third# the !ro!ortional control and the integral control of
the controller are ad"usted to meet the design s!ecifications of
the cruise control model.
A s 6 9
U s 6 9
ms b '! + 6 9 +
A s 6 9
U s 6 9
'! s 'i + 6 9
b '! + 6 9 s + 'i +
The first design s!ecification of the cruise control system
is to have the rise time less than 4 second. Therefore# the rise
time of the cruise control model needs to decrease# such that
the cruise control system can reach the desired s!eed within a
few seconds. %y increasing the !ro!ortional gain constant on
the controller from +DD to 4DD# the rise time of the system is
decreased as shown in -ig. ++.
-ig. ++. Res!onse of the system with '!F 4DD and Ti F +D
The !ro!ortional gain is further increased to IDD# so the rise
time is decreased to about B.4 seconds# as shown in -ig +@.
Therefore# the rise time for the cruise control system with '!
F IDD and 'i F +D meets the design s!ecification.
-ig. +@. Res!onse of the system with '!FIDD and 'iF+D
The second design s!ecification of the cruise control
system is having the steady state error of the res!onse less
than @E. -or the res!onse of the system shown in -ig. +@#
the steady state error is about 2E. Therefore# the value of the
integral time constant is increased to further reduce the
steady:state error.
,hen the integral time constant is changed to 2D# the
controller of the model essentially eliminates the steady:state
error of the res!onse. The res!onse of the cruise control
model with the controller of '! FIDD and 'i F 2D is shown in
-ig. +B. There is no overshoot in the res!onse of the system#
so the third design s!ecification is met. ;ince the system is
overdam!ed# the +D:3DE rise time is used and is estimated to
be @.I sec# which meets the design s!ecifications. Therefore#
the model with the controller of '! F IDD and 'iF 2D meets
all the design s!ecifications of the cruise control system.
-ig. +B. Res!onse of the system with '! F IDD and 'i F 2D
;ince the controller with the !ro!ortional control and the
time integral control is able to achieve the desired res!onse of
the system# a derivative control is not necessary to add to the
model to ee! the sim!licity of the controller.
$) "ffect of the %eight of the Car to Cruise Control
Cruise control system usually comes with the vehicle in
two ways. One way is that the vehicle is equi!!ed with the
cruise control system as one of the features in the vehicle as a
whole !acage from the vehicle manufacturer. This is the case
mostly for the vehicles have been out in the maret in these
recent years. &nother way is to install the cruise control
system on the older models of vehicles which are not
equi!!ed with the cruise control feature. The cruise control
system needs to ada!t to the changes of the weight of the car#
es!ecially for those commercial available cruise control
system that is to be installed on the car after the !roduction.
In order to see how the weight affects the res!onse of the
cruise control system# cruise control model with different
weights of car are simulated on the ;imulin.
-irst# the weight of the car is changed from +DDDg to
4DDg# and the !rocess transfer function of the model is
obtained# as stated in 6J9.
The cruise control model is simulated with the same
controller# which has '! F IDD and 'i F 2D# and the res!onse
of system is shown in -ig. +2. The steady state error of the
system is slightly larger than @E. There is no overshoot in the
res!onse# and the +D:3DE rise time of the res!onse is +.5 sec.
A s 6 9
U s 6 9
4DD s 4D +
-ig. +2. Res!onse of the system with m F 4DDg# '! F IDD and 'i F 2D
;ince the steady state error is slightly larger than the design
s!ecification# the controller constants are varied to obtain a
desired res!onse. %y increasing the integral time constant to
24# the steady state error of the res!onse becomes @E# while
the +DK 3DE rise time is still be about +.5 sec and there is no
overshoot# as shown in -ig. +4. Therefore# all the design
s!ecifications are met for the cruise control system with the
car weight of 4DDg.
-ig. +4. Res!onse of the system with m F 4DDg# '! F IDD# and 'i F 24
;econd# the weight of the car is increased to @DDDg# so
the new !rocess transfer function of the cruise control is
obtained# as stated in 6I9.
The model with m F @DDDg and the controller of '! F IDD
and 'i F 2D is simulated# as shown in -ig. +5. The system has
no overshoot# and the rise time is about I sec. &lso# the
steady:state error is about B.4E.
-ig. +5. Res!onse of the system with m F @DDDg# '! F IDD and 'i F 2D
In order to meet the design s!ecification for the steady:
state error and the rise time# the control constants in the
controller are ad"usted to obtain a desired res!onse. &fter a
few combinations of different values of the contoller# '! is
!iced to be @DDD and 'i is !iced to be ID. The cruise
control model with the new controller is simulated# and its
res!onse is shown in -ig. +J. The system has no overshoot
and +E steady:state error. &lso# the rise time of the res!onse
is about 4 sec. Therefore# the design s!ecifications of the
cruise control with car weight of @DDD g are met.
-ig.+J Res!onse of the system with m F @DDD# '! F @DDD# and 'i F ID
&da!tive cruise control 6&CC9 system taes the traffic flow
into consideration in controlling the s!eed of a vehicle. &CC
system not only maintains the !re:set s!eed of a vehicle# lies
a conventional cruise control system does# but it also
maintains a constant distance between the vehicle and the
vehicle ahead by ada!ting the s!eed. ?ehicle equi!!ed with
&CC system has a forward:looing sensor at the front of the
vehicle to detect the relative s!eed of the !receding vehicle
and the distance in between the two vehicles. Therefore# the
difference between an &CC system and a CC system is that
&CC system has the ability to ada!t the s!eed of the
!receding vehicle.
A s 6 9
U s 6 9
@DDD s 4D +
A. Bac&ground
&CC system was first introduced in +33I by Toyota on
!roduction vehicles in La!an#
and it was a laser:based system
for Toyota$s Hrogress com!act
lu>ury sedan. Then# Nissan
introduced a radar:based &CC
system for its Cima 2+/?:@# a
lu>ury sedan sold in La!an.
/ater# Laguar also offered an
&CC for its M'R cou!es and
convertibles sold in (ermany
and %ritain in ;e!tember +333
<2=. Other car manufacturers#
for e>am!le# 1ercedes:%en)#
&udi# Cadillac and %1,# have
&CC feature available now in
their selected models.
-urthermore# the first model
equi!!ed with &CC system
available in the United ;tates
was /e>us$ /; 2BD.
&da!tive cruise control
system measures the distance to
the !receding vehicle and the
relative s!eed of the vehicles.
,hen there is no vehicle ahead
on the roadway# the &CC system wors in the same way as
the conventional cruise control system. ,hen there is a
!receding vehicle or another vehicle cuts in front of the host
vehicle# the &CC system measures the distance from the host
vehicle to the vehicle ahead. If the measured distance is less
than the desired distance !reset by the driver# &CC system
slows down the car with a ma>imum deceleration of B.4m*sN@
by closing the throttle valve and*or automatically a!!lying the
brae until the !reset distance is obtained <2=# <4=. &lso# if the
measured distance is larger than the !reset distance# the host
vehicle resumes the !reset s!eed. The basic com!onents and
subsystems in an &CC system on a traveling vehicle are
shown in -ig. +I.
-ig. +I. Com!onents of the &CC system in driving on road
Therefore# &CC system coordinates the driving behavior with
the flow of traffic. & bloc diagram of the &CC vehicle
integration system is !resented by Del!hi Coo!eration# as
shown in -ig. +3 <I=.
-ig. +3. ?ehicle integration with &CC system
The &CC controller# which is the body com!uter module
6%C19 in the model shown in -ig. +3# regulates the s!eed of
a vehicle by communicating to the 0O%C1 and 0C1
through a high:s!eed lin. In such communication between
the controller and other com!onents# deceleration or
acceleration commends can be sent to the brae and the
0ven though the &CC systems can reduce the chances of
collisions between cars# the manufacturers of these systems
and the car com!anies do not refer them as safety devices in
order to avoid the liability claims in the collisions ha!!ened
between cars equi!!ed with &CC systems <2=. Instead# &CC
systems are mareted as driver aids. -urthermore# &CC
system cannot detect non:moving ob"ect on the road.
B. !ensors
The sensor of the &CC system detects the vehicle ahead
through the use of either radar or lidar. /idar is light
detecting and ranging# and it is a laser:based analog to radar.
&lso# /idar is less e>!ensive to !roduce and is easier to
!acage. Oowever# it !erforms !oorly in rain and in snow.
The light beams of lidar are narrower than water dro!lets and
snowflaes# so it !ushes down the signal:to:noise ratio in bad
weather. ;ince the engineers acnowledged the shortcoming
of the lidar# the laser:based &CC system in car models such as
/e>us$s /;2BD lu>ury sedan in @DD+ automatically turns itself
off in bad weather situation. The bad weather situation can be
detected by the &CC system from the ra!id setting of
windshield wi!ers# the activating of the anti:brae system# or
the sli!!ing of tires on turn.
On the other hand# the radar sensor in &CC system can
detect moving vehicle at distance u! to +@D m or even +4D m
in fog# heavy rain or other weather conditions. The radar
ty!ically o!erates in the millimeter:wave region at J5:JJ
(h). These high frequencies of the radar can reduce the
antenna si)e# so the car manufacturers can mount the radar
inside a car$s front grille without changing the sha!e or the
construction of the vehicle. &n e>am!le of grille:embedded
radar is in %1, 4 ;eries model# as shown in -ig. @D <5=.
&lso# a ty!ical automotive radar# !roduced by Del!hi Delco
0lectronic ;ystems# is roughly has a si)e of +2 by J by +Dcm.
-ig. @D. %1, M4 with long range radar sensor
The reason for automaers to choose the laser:based over
the radar:based system is that &CC system should not wor
far beyond what the driver can see in bad weather situation#
for e>am!le# in rain heavy enough to cut the driver$s visibility
on traffic down to +D m or less. Then# the driver can drive in
a safe s!eed by taing control of the car s!eed manually in
conditions of !oor visibility# instead of driving too fast by
relying on &CC system# which can be dangerous. Oowever#
the automaers of radar:based system argue that the driver
needs &CC system the most to detect the !receding vehicle#
while the driver cannot see far due to !oor visibility.
C. Modeling
& model of &CC system in highway merging control is
conducted by Ra"a ;engu!ta and Ping Mu from University of
California. & cut:in scenario in highway is modeled in the
study and is described here. -irst# a host vehicle equi!!ed
with &CC system is following its !receding vehicle. ;econd#
a third car in the ad"acent lane cuts in between the two
vehicles# and it becomes the new !receding vehicle of the host
vehicle. Third# the host vehicle detects the distance to the
cut:in vehicle and the relative s!eed of the two cars# so it
ada!ts to the traffic flow and slows down to mae room for
the new !receding vehicle.
The &CC model in the cut:in scenario is im!lemented on
1atlab*;imulin. The &CC controller is modeled# as stated
in 639# in the simulation. The distance between two cars is
indicated as the range.
where r6t9 is
the range# dr6t9*dt
is the range rate#
is the desired range.
The controller gains are indicated as v and !. The gains
are used to deal with different relation of the range and the
range rate# so that the controller reacts more aggressively in a
shorter range and more negative range rate <J=.
The desired range is defined as 6+D9# which is a curve
fitting result of human driver behavior <J=.
In the simulation of the
model# the velocity of the !receding vehicle remains +@.4 m*s
for the whole time. The host vehicle equi!!ed with &CC
system is traveling at @4 m*s# when the distance between the
two cars is +4D m at time 6t9 F D sec in the simulation. &t t F
+D sec# the third vehicle cut in front of the third vehicle and
becomes the new !receding vehicle# so the range between the
host vehicle and its !receding vehicle dro!s instantaneously#
as shown in -ig. @+.
-ig. @+. Range of the &CC vehicle to the !receding vehicle
&lso# the changes of the velocity of the host vehicle with time
are shown in -ig. @@.
-ig. @@. ?elocity of the &CC vehicle vs time
The actual acceleration is close to the desired acceleration of
the &CC vehicle# as shown in -ig. @B# where the dotted line is
the desired acceleration and the solid line is the actual
acceleration. ,hen the merge:in occurs at time F +D sec# the
host vehicle decelerates at @.2 m*sN@ to obtain a desired
distance to the merge:in vehicle. Then# the host vehicle
accelerates from :@.2 m*sN@ to slightly above D m*sN@ after
obtaining a desired distance.
-ig. @B. &cceleration of the &CC vehicle vs time
& trial &CC model in a merge:in situation is constructed
on ;imlulin as shown in -ig. @2.
t 6 9
r t 6 9

r t 6 9 r
t 6 9
( )
t 6 9
t 6 9 5.BB v
@ +
-ig. @2. & Trial &CC 1odel in a merge:in situation
The controller for the vehicle is the same as the one used in
the final cruise control model in the simulation. The actual
distance measured is modeled by a signal builder on
;imulin# as shown in -ig. @4. The distance loo! feeds bac
to the cruise control loo!# after the measured distance is
subtracted from the desired distance as shown in -ig.@2.
-ig. @4. Distance In!ut vs time
In the beginning of the merge:in scenario simulation# the
&CC vehicle is traveling behind the !receding vehicle at a
desired distance. &t time F 5 sec# a third vehicle cuts in front
of the host vehicle# such that the new distance between the
merge:in vehicle and the host vehicle is larger than the
desired distance# and the new distance remains the same for 5
sec. Then# at time F +5 sec# the merge:in vehicle starts to
cross over to another lane. -inally# at time F @D sec# the
distance between the host vehicle and vehicle ahead is bac to
the desired distance.
The trail &CC model is simulated# and its res!onse to a ste!
in!ut is shown in -ig. @5.

-ig. @5. Res!onse of the trial &CC model
&t time F 4 sec# the &CC vehicle has reached to the desired
s!eed. Then# a third car merges in front of the &CC vehicle#
so the out!ut velocity of the &CC vehicle dro!s below the
desired s!eed# as shown in -ig. @5. Due to the feedbac loo!
in the control system# the &CC vehicle accelerates to achieve
the desired res!onse. /ater# the merge:in vehicle dro!s out#
so the &CC vehicle has some overshoot in its res!onse# but it
finally goes bac to its desired s!eed# as shown in the
res!onse from the simulation in -ig. @5.
?. N0MT (0N0R&TION
A. !top#and#'o Adapti(e Cruise Control
;ince a ty!ical ada!tive cruise control system only o!erates
at a s!eed above 2D m*h# an advanced version of ada!tive
control# sto!:and:go ada!tive cruise control# is develo!ed to
com!ensate &CC system in traveling at a lower s!eed#
es!ecially in a heavy traffic "am. ;to!:and:go ada!tive cruise
control system detects the relative s!eed to the !receding
vehicle and the distance between the two vehicles# and then
controls the s!eed of the host vehicle in the s!eed range all
the way down to D m*h. If the vehicle in front of the host
vehicle sto!s# the sto!:and:go &CC system will bring the host
vehicle to a com!lete sto! by disengaging the throttle and
a!!lying the brae. &lso# the sto!:and:go &CC system will
not re:engage the throttle after the vehicle was brought to a
halt# as it gives the driver total control in accelerating the
vehicle from the com!letely sto!. Once the sto!:and:go &CC
system is engaged again# it accelerates and decelerates the
vehicle according to the traffic flow and the cruise control
& millimeter:wave radar# which is used for ordinary &CC
system# and a stereo camera or a short:range radar are needed
for an &CC system enhanced with sto!:and:go feature.
&ccording to 'ei"i -u"imura# a senior manager at -u"itsu Ten#
a combination of the radar and the camera wors more
efficiently in tracing the vehicle ahead and the non:moving
ob"ects. & bloc diagram for a sto!:and:go &CC system is
shown in -ig. @J <2=.
-ig. @J The sto!:and:go &CC system
&utomaers have been develo!ing car models with sto!:
and:go &CC features. -or instance# sto!:and:go &CC system
is available on the %1, 4 and J series <3=.
B. Corporati(e Adapti(e Cruise Control
Cor!orative ada!tive Cruise Control 6C&CC9 is an
advanced version of &CC system. C&CC system allows
wireless communication about the s!eed and the acceleration
of the vehicles between two or more vehicles equi!!ed with
C&CC system. Therefore# C&CC system can detect another
C&CC vehicle merges in sooner through the communication
between the two vehicles than &CC system could. The
res!onse time of the vehicle equi!!ed with C&CC system to
the traffic flow is shortened as long as the vehicles in
surrounding are equi!!ed with C&CC system as well.
C&CC system is still under develo!ment. &lso# intensive
studies and e>!eriments about C&CC system have been done
by California Hartner for &dvanced Transit and Oighways
6H&TO9# a collaboration between the California De!artment of
Trans!ortation# the University of California and others.
?I. R0-0R0NC0;
<+= 'arim Nice# QOow cruise control system worsR#
<@= %ob Oewitt# SCruise Control %asicR#
<B= Control tutorials for 1atlab7 0>am!le7 1odeling a cruise control system#
<2= ,illie D. Lones# S'ee!ing cars from crashing#R I""" !pectrum) ;e!t D+$#
<4= SNissan Develo!s Cruise Control ;ystemR# Nissan Cor!orate
Communications De!t.# News Release 6November @4# +33I9#
<5= %1, &(# S%1, &CC &ctive Cruise ControlR# (erman Car -ans# //C.#
2 &ugust @DDB#
<J= Ra"a ;engu!ta and Ping Mu# S;imulation# &nalysis and Com!arison of
&CC and C&CC in Oighway 1erging ControlR# California Hartners for
&dvanced Transit and Oighways# Richmond# C&.
<I= Deron /ittle"ohn# Tom -ornari# (eorge 'uo# %ryan -ulmer# &ndrew
1ooradian# 'evin ;hi!!# Lose!h 0lliott# 'wang"in /ee# and 1argaret
Richards# SHerformance# Robustness# and Durability of an &ntomatic
%rae ;ystem for ?ehicle &da!tive Cruise ControlR# &;0 International#
Detroit# 1I# ;&0 Technical Ha!er ;eriess @DD2:D+:D@44# 1arch @DD2.
<3= %1, &(# S%1, &CC &ctive Cruise Control ;to! U (oR# (erman Car
-ans# //C.# 2 &ugust @DDB#

?II. %IO(R&HOI0;
'aren /ie was born in Oong 'ong# on October @D#
+3I@. ;he graduated from Calvin College# 1ichigan#
United ;tates.

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