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6 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($

CA kags to k|ches Gu|de

llrsL, l wanL Lo Lhank you very much for purchaslng Lhls gulde and l belleve you wlll flnd lL Lremendously valuable. l
know a loL of people new Lo lnLerneL MarkeLlng and CA markeLlng have no ldea how Lo sLarL and where Lo begln.
1hey hear sLorles of people maklng money onllne and wanL ln on Lhe acLlon, buL are aL a caLaLonlc paralysls wlLh noL a
clue how Lo begln. l feel your paln and l do undersLand LhaL Lhere are very few guldes ouL Lhere LhaL glve a
comprehenslve overvlew of how everyLhlng flLs LogeLher ln Lhe lnLerneL markeLlng world. 1here are guldes LhaL go lnLo
deLall on ay er Cllck adverLlslng and Lhere are guldes on how Lo geL more Lrafflc Lo your slLe and oLher guldes on
soclal medla markeLlng, buL very few guldes LhaL glve people a compleLe undersLandlng of how LvL8?1PlnC flLs
LogeLher and Lruly glve people a comprehenslve roadmap Lo maklng money onllne. And LhaL's exacLly whaL l seL ouL Lo
do ln Lhls gulde.
l undersLand LhaL many markeLers suffer from lnformaLlon overload, and hopefully Lhls gulde wlll ease LhaL paralysls
and glve you Lhe confldence and moLlvaLlon Lo sLarL maklng money onllne. l wroLe Lhls gulde ln a very casual, non-
formal and very conversaLlonal sLyle on purpose. My goal ls Lo help make you money, noL sound llke a professlonal
auLhor. ln LruLh, maklng money onllne ls relaLlvely easy, you [usL need Lo learn and undersLand Lhe baslcs. 1here are
many movlng parLs ln Lhe lnLerneL markeLlng machlne, buL you really only need Lo know Lhe baslcs of all Lhese parLs Lo
make decenL money onllne. ?ou wlll also need Lo puL ln a loL of hard work when you are sLarLlng!
l also urge you Lo read Lhls gulde cover Lo cover aL leasL 4 Llmes. ?es, l [usL sald 4 Llmes. 1here ls a loL Lo dlgesL and
even Lhough you may undersLand everyLhlng your flrsL go around, Lhe second, Lhlrd, and fourLh Llmes around wlll glve
you a much beLLer undersLandlng of noL only how Lhlngs work lndlvldually, buL how everyLhlng ls lnLerrelaLed and how
everyLhlng flLs LogeLher.

Who Is kenster
llrsL leL me sLarL wlLh who l am noL. l am noL a genlus, far from lL. l do noL know a loL of Lechnlcal sLuff. l can bulld
baslc web slLes, buL cannoL program anyLhlng fancy whaLsoever. l have noL been dolng lnLerneL markeLlng for years, ln
facL l sLarLed [usL abouL a year and a half ago from Lhe Llme of Lhls wrlLlng. And lasLly l was noL rlch when l flrsL sLarLed,
l sLarLed wlLh a preLLy measly bank accounL.
8uL whaL l am ls a hard worker and have used Lhls work eLhlc and a blL of creaLlvlLy Lo make a greaL lncome onllne.
MosL lmporLanLly, who l am ls very slmllar Lo who you are. lf you are compleLely new Lo lnLerneL MarkeLlng and CA
markeLlng, l was exacLly where you were noL Loo long ago. l was losL and had an exLremely hard Llme navlgaLlng Lhe
[ungle of maklng money onllne. 1hls gulde wlll glve you a 10x head sLarL over me and help you really shorLen Lhe
learnlng curve.

7 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
lf you have experlence ln lnLerneL markeLlng and make a modesL lncome onllne, l am also you. l was ln your poslLlon
noL Loo long ago as well. l was sLuck and wasn'L sure how Lo brlng my buslness Lo Lhe nexL level. 1he Lrlck for me was
noL rockeL sclence - afLer all, l freely admlL l am noL LhaL smarL. 1he Lrlck for me was slmply learnlng Lhe power of
numbers. lnsLead of Lrylng efforLlessly Lo ramp up a campalgn LhaL ls maklng $100 per day Lo maklng $1000 per day, l
Lrled rlnslng and repeaLlng LhaL small campalgn 10x. 8eLLer yeL, concepLually, why noL repeaL lL 30x and make 3k per
day. My lncome comes from numerous small sLreams of lncome LhaL comblne Lo add up Lo a much larger rlver of
LasLly, lf you are an experlenced markeLer maklng a good llvlng onllne, l am also you. 1he reason you boughL Lhls gulde
was Lhe reason l sLlll buy producLs all Lhe Llme. ?ou know LhaL [usL a llLLle nuggeL of lnformaLlon you galn from Lhls
gulde or one ldea you geL from readlng Lhls gulde can help Lweak your campalgns from maklng $300 per day Lo $3000
per day. lL can help spawn anoLher ldea or glve you a creaLlve LwlsL on an ldea you already have.
l hope you en[oy readlng Lhls gulde as much as l en[oyed wrlLlng lL. As you can lmaglne, l dldn'L wrlLe Lhls gulde wlLh
Lhe lnLenLlon of maklng a loL of money. My Llme puL lnLo wrlLlng Lhls gulde would be much beLLer uLlllzed sLarLlng a
new campalgn or Lweaklng an old one. 1he reason l wroLe Lhls ls because l know lL wlll help a loL of people navlgaLe Lhe
lnLerneL [ungle and because l was frusLraLed aL Lhe lack of avallable comprehenslve guldes for under $1,000. lurLher, l
have frlends and famlly LhaL wanL Lo repllcaLe whaL l do and lnsLead of explalnlng whaL l do 100x, l can offer Lhem Lhls
exacL gulde lnsLead.
l belleve from Lhe boLLom of my hearL LhaL anybody can make a good supplemenLal lncome onllne. lL lsn'L rockeL
sclence, buL don'L be fooled ln bellevlng lL won'L requlre work. l urge you Lo puL ln Lhe work because lL lS worLh lL.
1he mosL lmporLanL concepL ln maklng money onllne ls AC1lCn. l wlll sound llke a broken record LhroughouL Lhls gulde
regardlng Lhe concepL of AC1lCn because lL ls so vlLal and so ofLen underesLlmaLed by new markeLers. 1hls ls why l
declded Lo wrlLe Lhls secLlon before Lelllng you a slngle Lhlng abouL lnLerneL markeLlng and CA markeLlng.
l repeaL agaln: maklng money onllne ls noL rockeL sclence. 1here are 14-year-old klds maklng mllllons of dollars. 1here
are new markeLers bulldlng greaL forLunes afLer only belng onllne for a couple of monLhs. 1hese greaL success sLorles
have one Lhlng ln common.Lhelr proLagonlsL Look acLlon and wasn'L afrald Lo make mlsLakes and learn by dolng.
Cne of Lhe blggesL mlsLakes l see people make, boLh experlenced and new, ls LhaL Lhey conLlnue Lo read, Lrylng Lo flnd
Lhe secreL reclpe Lo maklng money onllne, Lrylng Lo flnd Lhe new Lrlck and hoLLesL Lrends. Cuess whaL, mosL of Lhese
people probably know more abouL lnLerneL markeLlng Lhan l do buL l can guaranLee LhaL l make more money Lhan mosL
of Lhese people. 1hey read and learn buL never do. So l urge you Lo follow my dlrecLlon and [usL Lake Lhe dlve.
So don'L Lry and masLer someLhlng before you aLLempL Lo acLually Lry dolng lL. ?ou've heard Lhls before buL lL rlngs so
Lrue, Lhe besL way Lo learn ls by dolng. lf you Lry and become greaL aL someLhlng before you sLarL dolng lL, you wlll
never make a dlme on Lhe lnLerneL. My goal ls Lo glve you Lhe Lools and knowledge Lo help you make money, so please
Lake me serlously when l say Lo [usL sLarL Laklng acLlon, sLarL maklng mlsLakes, and Lake Lhe plunge nCW, noL laLer.

8 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
lL ls 100 okay lf you suck aL someLhlng when you flrsL sLarL and l guaranLee you wlll make Lhe sLupldesL mlsLakes
Lhlnkable. 1haL ls parL of Lhe process. 1haL ls okay. l would raLher see you make sLupld mlsLakes Lhan Lo noL make any
mlsLakes aL all. Ck, well l know l'm soundlng llke a broken record, buL now LhaL Lhls concepL ls lngralned ln your mlnd,
leLs geL down Lo buslness and sLarL maklng money.

9 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
Set SMAk1 Goa|s Ior ourse|f
1he flrsL sLep ln maklng money onllne ls seLLlng goals. Coals help glve you Lhe reason Lo Lake every sLep you wlll Lake. l
wanL you Lo flll ouL Lhe followlng sheeL and Lhen prlnL lL ouL and hang lL somewhere you wlll see every slngle day. All of
my frlends wlll be Lhe flrsL Lo Lell you LhaL l sLlll have my orlglnal goals hanglng ln my home offlce. l see Lhem every
slngle day and Lhls helps me noL be saLlsfled and conLenL wlLh where l'm aL and helps moLlvaLe me Lo reach Lhe nexL
level. SeLLlng goals ls corny, l know, buL l'd raLher be a corny mllllonalre Lhan a cool pauper!
?our goals should be SMA81 goals:
Speclflc - ?our goals should be clearly deflned and very speclflc. 8road goals aren'L allowed.
Measureable - ?our goals should lnvolve numbers or some klnd of meLrlc.
ALLalnable - ?our goals need Lo be humanly reachable.
keallsLlc - uon'L seL your goal Lo make $3k per day by nexL week. 1hls ls noL reallsLlc.
1lmely - ?our goals should lnvolve a Llme measure. (1he below LemplaLe solves Lhls lssue)

1oday's uaLe _______________________

1 Week lrom 1oday My Coal ls. ______________________________________________
1 MonLh lrom 1oday My Coal ls. ______________________________________________
2 MonLhs lrom 1oday My Coal ls. ______________________________________________
3 MonLhs lrom 1oday My Coal ls. ______________________________________________
6 MonLhs lrom 1oday My Coal ls. ______________________________________________

now LhaL you have seL you goals l wanL you Lo approach lnLerneL markeLlng llke Lhls - l wanL you Lo Lhlnk before every
acLlon you Lake and every declslon you make and make sure LhaL acLlon or declslon ls helplng you geL one sLep closer Lo
your goal. lf every sLep you Lake ls almed aL geLLlng you one Llny sLep closer Lo your goal, lL wlll be LhaL much easler Lo
reach and surpass your goals.
As napolean Plll says, A Coal ls a uream wlLh a ueadllne"

10 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($

Mak|ng Money Cn||ne
1here are hundreds of ways Lo make money onllne. Some people make web slLes and sell adverLlslng space, some
people sell lLems on e8ay, some people work as vlrLual asslsLanLs or daLa enLry clerks, some people are afflllaLes and
make commlsslon off selllng oLher peoples producLs, oLhers have Lhelr own producL and sell lL onllne, and Lhe llsL goes
on. uue Lo Lhe scope and dlverslLy of Lhe lnLerneL, Lhere are hundreds of ways Lo make money onllne.
Maklng money onllne ls very real and due Lo Lhe asLronomlcal slze of Lhe lnLerneL, lL can be exLremely lucraLlve. 1he
greaL Lhlng abouL maklng money onllne ls LhaL you conLrol your own desLlny. lf you are looklng Lo earn an exLra $100
per day as supplemenLal lncome, Lhen you can puL ln [usL enough work Lo earn LhaL much. lf you are more amblLlous
and wanL Lo creaLe a mllllon dollar web slLe, Lhen you can puL ln Lhe work and efforL Lo achleve LhaL as well.
Maklng money onllne ls also phenomenal because of Lhe flexlblllLy you have. 1he lnLerneL never sleeps and
somewhere ln Lhe world lL ls always prlmeLlme for lnLerneL Lrafflc. 1hls means LhaL you can creaLe your own hours.
lurLher, Lhe lnLerneL ls everywhere so you can work ln your klLchen, your frlend's house, from a llLLle cabln ln Lhe
mlddle of nowhere or on a boaL, so long as you have lnLerneL connecLlon. 1here are so many beneflLs Lo earnlng your
lncome onllne and Lhls gulde wlll go lnLo [usL some of Lhe many.

Who Can Make Money Cn||ne
1he LruLh ls LhaL anybody can earn money onllne. 1here are 13-year-old klds maklng more money onllne Lhan l am as
Lhere are housewlves, older folks, and everybody ln beLween. Some ways Lo make money onllne such as creaLlng a
huge web slLe requlres programmlng and oLher Lechnlcal skllls, buL Lhe greaL Lhlng ls LhaL Lhere are plenLy of meLhods
LhaL lnvolve very llLLle Lechnlcal know-how Lo geL golng. ln facL, CA markeLlng (whaL Lhls gulde wlll focus on) ls greaL
because lL doesn'L lnvolve very much Lechnlcal ablllLy Lo do well.
CA markeLlng and Lhls gulde ln parLlcular wlll demonsLraLe LhaL anybody can make really good money onllne wlLh CA
offers. l don'L glve a raL's buLL where you are from, how old you are, or whaL your llfe sLory ls, l know you have Lhe
ablllLy Lo make a greaL lncome onllne.
1he reason anybody can do well wlLh onllne markeLlng ls because Lhe lnLerneL ls home Lo people of all shapes and slzes.
lf you are a 60-year-old housewlfe, you are unlquely poslLloned Lo LargeL LhaL demographlc on Lhe lnLerneL. 1here are
mllllons of people [usL llke you surflng Lhe neL every slngle day. lf you are a 13 year old boy, guess whaL, Lhere are also
mllllons of Leen boys on Lhe lnLerneL, and you are unlquely poslLloned Lo LargeL Lhls demographlc because you know
exacLly how people of your age and gender Lhlnk, Lalk, speak, acL, eLc.

11 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
What |s Aff|||ate Market|ng?
AfflllaLe markeLlng ls a broad deflnlLlon used Lo descrlbe Lhe pracLlce of selllng oLher peoples producLs onllne and
earnlng commlsslon off Lhese sales. LssenLlally lL ls Lhe same Lhlng as a referral program. AfflllaLe markeLlng has been
around slnce Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe prollferaLlon of Lhe lnLerneL, and ls sLlll [usL as lucraLlve Loday. Many esLabllshed web
slLes llke and have afflllaLe programs whereby lf you refer people Lo Lhese slLes and Lhey buy,
Lhen you earn a commlsslon, whlch ls normally a percenLage of Lhe sale prlce. An afflllaLe ls slmply somebody who
[olns a program Lo sell oLher peoples goods.
1he greaL Lhlng abouL afflllaLe markeLlng ls LhaL you don'L need Lo have your own producL Lo sell -- you are only
responslble for selllng somebody else's producL. 1hls means no upfronL cosLs ln developlng and markeLlng a producL
and lf you are promoLlng Lhe producL wlLh free adverLlslng meLhods, Lhere can be zero moneLary rlsk.
AfflllaLe markeLlng Lakes on a varleLy of shapes and forms. ?ou can be an afflllaLe for dlglLal producLs such as Lhrough
Cllckbank ( where you are selllng e-books and oLher dlglLal producLs or you can be an afflllaLe for a
physlcal producL llke 1lrerack. 1he baslc ldea behlnd afflllaLe markeLlng ls LhaL you are selllng somebody else's producL
and you are earnlng a commlsslon on Lhe sale.
What |s CA Market|ng?
CA MarkeLlng ls a Lype of markeLlng under Lhe afflllaLe markeLlng umbrella where lnsLead of selllng somebody else's
producL, you only need a person Lo perform a cerLaln acLlon, CosL er AcLlon or CA. lor example, neLfllx has a CA
markeLlng program where lf you can geL somebody Lo slgn up for a 2 Week lree neLfllx Lrlal, neLfllx wlll glve you a
commlsslon of $23
ln essence, CA markeLlng ls a lead generaLlon plaLform whereby you wlll geL pald for generaLlng leads. CA MarkeLlng
has been hugely popular ln Lhe lasL few years because more companles are Lrylng Lo capLure onllne sales and reallze
lead generaLlon can be masslvely proflLable. 1hey are wllllng Lo pay you and me handsomely for Lhese leads so lL ls our
[ob Lo effecLlvely geL Lhe leads ourselves and Lhen sell Lhem Lo Lhese companles -of course Lhls process ls sLreamllned
and much easler Lhan l probably made lL sound!
1he besL parL abouL CA markeLlng ls LhaL unllke LradlLlonal afflllaLe markeLlng where you geL a small commlsslon
(usually percenLage of Lhe sale prlce) lf somebody you refer purchases a producL, wlLh cpa markeLlng, you only need
Lhe user Lo perform an acLlon such as slgnlng up for a free proflle or free Lrlal. Cbvlously lL ls much easler Lo geL
somebody Lo fulflll an acLlon llke enLerlng Lhelr emall Lhan lL ls for Lhem Lo whlp ouL Lhelr credlL card and purchase say
Llres from 1lrerack. Slnce acLlons normally don'L lnvolve Lhe user spendlng any money, Lhls ls why CA markeLlng has
been so powerfully lucraLlve ln Lhe lasL few years.
ln sum, cpa markeLlng ls a Lype of afflllaLe markeLlng whereby you geL a commlsslon lf you can geL somebody Lo fulflll a
parLlcular acLlon, whlch may be anyLhlng from enLerlng Lhelr emall address, enLerlng Lhelr zlp code, fllllng ouL a shorL
form wlLh some lnformaLlon, fllllng ouL a survey, or sLarLlng a rlsk free Lrlal. 1hls gulde wlll show you exacLly how Lo
proflL from CA offers and show you exacLly how proflLable lL can be Lo promoLe CA offers.

12 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
Lxamp|es of CA Cffers
ln Lhls gulde you wlll learn LhaL CA offers Lake many shapes and forms, buL here ls a llsL of a few common CA offers
LhaL you may or may noL have run across over Lhe lnLerneL. (example purposes only)

lf you can geL somebody Lo go Lo Lhls page and slgn up for neLfllx's 2-week free Lrlal, neLfllx wlll pay you roughly $23
per lead. 1hls Lrlal ls compleLely free and you wlll make Lhe $23 commlsslon wheLher or noL Lhe person who you refer
goes on Lo purchase a neLfllx subscrlpLlon. ?ou [usL need Lo geL neLfllx Lhe lnlLlal lead and Lhey are responslble for
Lurnlng Lhe free Lrlal lnLo a pald membershlp. ?ou geL pald elLher way!

lf you geL somebody Lo enLer hls or her emall address on Lhls vlcLorla's SecreL offer, you wlll earn $1.23 per emall
address. Agaln, all somebody has Lo do ls enLer Lhelr emall address and you earn a commlsslon.

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lf you geL somebody Lo slgn up for Lhls eParmony free proflle, eParmony wlll glve you around $6 per lead. 1hls ls
compleLely free for Lhe user and wheLher or noL Lhe user ends up purchaslng anyLhlng from eParmony or noL, you earn
Lhe commlsslon.
Why |s CA So Lucrat|ve
lf you look aL Lhe above offers, you wlll lmmedlaLely see how CA offers can be so lucraLlve. Many offers don'L even
requlre users Lo Lake ouL Lhelr credlL card, so lL ls much easler Lo fulflll Lhan Lyplcal afflllaLe markeLlng where somebody
musL acLually purchase someLhlng and Lhen you only make a small percenLage of LhaL purchase prlce.
Pere, you are geLLlng pald Lo glve Lhese large and small companles leads. neLfllx for example ls wllllng Lo pay you $23
for every free Lrlal you can geL Lhem because Lhey hope LhaL mosL of Lhe leads you senL Lhem wlll llke neLfllx so much
Lhey wlll order a monLhly package and LhaL's where neLfllx wlll make Lhelr money. 8uL Lhe cool parL ls LhaL once you
send neLfllx Lhe lead, Lhey wlll pay you Lhe $23 wheLher Lhe person slgns up for a monLhly plan or wheLher Lhey cancel
and don'L glve neLfllx a slngle penny.
Many people of all ages, slzes, colors, and experlence levels are maklng loLs of money per year promoLlng Lhese Lypes
of offers llsLed above. WheLher you are looklng for an addlLlonal $30 per day or you wanL $30,000 per day, CA offers
are a good way Lo help you achleve your goals. ln my blased oplnlon, CA markeLlng ls Lhe easlesL way for people of all

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experlence levels Lo make money onllne. We wlll go lnLo a loL more deLall abouL acLual CA offers, buL for now [usL
undersLand Lhe baslc premlse LhaL you are [usL Lrylng Lo capLure leads and oLher people are wllllng Lo pay for Lhe leads.
lurLher undersLand LhaL wlLh a blL of creaLlvlLy, CA can be exLremely lucraLlve.

S 8as|c Steps to CA Market|ng
We wlll go lnLo a loL more deLall abouL each of Lhese sLeps, buL Lhese 3 sLeps are Lhe baslcs for proflLlng from CA
markeLlng. lf you can undersLand Lhe baslcs of each sLep, Lhen you have achleved a very powerful sLarL Lo reachlng
your onllne goals. uon'L be overwhelmed lf you don'L undersLand everyLhlng ln Lhls secLlon. 1he polnL ls Lo slmply geL
you famlllar wlLh Lhe whole process of CA markeLlng so as you read Lhe speclflcs laLer ln Lhls gulde, you can
undersLand how everyLhlng flLs lnLo Lhe larger plcLure.

Step 1: Learn the 8as|cs
1he flrsL Lhlng you should do -- someLhlng you are currenLly dolng Lhls momenL by readlng Lhls gulde -- ls undersLand
Lhe baslcs of how CA markeLlng works. ?ou don'L need Lo undersLand everyLhlng you read, buL lL ls lmporLanL Lo aL
leasL have a very general undersLandlng of how Lhlngs work. ln my oplnlon lf you read Lhls gulde over aL leasL Lwlce,
Lhen you have achleved sLep 1.
1here are many Lhlngs you can do Lo learn Lhe baslcs of CA markeLlng besldes readlng kensLer's CA 8ags Lo 8lches
Culde. Agaln, wlLhouL soundlng llke a broken record, aL Lhls sLage lL ls nC1 necessary Lo undersLand exacLly how CA
markeLlng works, Lhe goal ls Lo begln Lo know how Lhe many pleces of Lhe lnLerneL markeLlng puzzle flL LogeLher and
sLarL learnlng Lhe baslc vocabulary, acronyms, and llngo of CA markeLlng.
Warr|or Iorum: 1he Warrlor lorum ls a free resource loaded wlLh gold nuggeLs of lnformaLlon. 1here are
lnLerneL markeLers of all ages and experlence levels and for Lhe mosL parL, everybody ls exLremely helpful lf
you have quesLlons or need a suggesLlon or advlce. Warrlor lorum ls an overall lnLerneL markeLlng forum, buL
you should lnlLlally focus on Lhe CA Mllllonalre Makers sub forum as LhaL wlll have more speclflc lnformaLlon
on CA markeLlng.
War koom Member: 1he War 8oom ls a secLlon of Lhe Warrlor lorum LhaL ls home Lo exLremely powerful
lnformaLlon. Pere ls where markeLers dlvulge many secreLs of Lhe Lrade as a way Lo glve back Lo Lhe forum
LhaL has helped so many of Lhem go from rags Lo rlches. AL a one-Llme prlce of $37, l hlghly recommend you
evenLually become a war room member.

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Cashtact| 1hls ls a slLe loaded wlLh greaL lnformaLlon on CA markeLlng. l have absoluLely no afflllaLlon
wlLh Lhls slLe, l [usL Lhlnk lL's a greaL resource LhaL you should check ouL wlLh many vldeos and explanaLlons
abouL CA markeLlng and Lhe laLesL Lrends.

Step 2: App|y 1o CA Networks
Cnce you have an lnlLlal grasp of how CA markeLlng works, Lhe nexL sLep ls geLLlng accepLed lnLo CA neLworks. CA
neLworks are essenLlally mlddlemen ln Lhe CA markeLlng process. Cn one slde, Lhere are adverLlsers LhaL are looklng
Lo geL leads. Lxamples of adverLlsers are eParmony who ls looklng for people lnLeresLed ln geLLlng people Lo slgn up
for Lhelr daLlng servlce, neLfllx who ls looklng for people Lo Lry Lhelr Lwo week free Lrlal, or a welghL loss producL who
wanLs Lo flnd people Lo Lry Lhelr welghL loss supplemenL.
Cn Lhe oLher end are Lhe publlshers - Lhls ls mosL llkely who you are. ubllshers can be webslLe owners who are
looklng Lo puL Lhe adverLlsers' banners or llnks on Lhelr web slLe, or Lhey could be a blog owner who wanLs Lo
recommend Lhelr blog followers Lo Lry Lhe neLfllx offer or Lhe eParmony offer. Cr Lhey can be somebody wlLhouL a slLe
or blog LhaL [usL wanLs Lo manually promoLe Lhese offers. lf a publlsher can geL somebody Lo slgn up for neLfllx or
eParmony, Lhey wlll earn a commlsslon from Lhe adverLlser. ubllshers don'L need Lo have any web slLe whaLsoever
Lhough. lor example, you can promoLe CA offers on ?ou1ube or CralgsllsL, or offllne vla flyers or ln Lhe newspaper, or
any oLher way Lo geL people Lo see your CA offer.
8eLween Lhe publlshers and Lhe adverLlsers ls Lhe CA neLwork. 1helr [ob ls Lo effecLlvely faclllLaLe Lhe lnLeracLlon
beLween Lhe adverLlsers and Lhe publlshers. 1he CA neLwork wlll llsL all of Lhe offers LhaL Lhe adverLlsers have (such as
Lhe neLfllx and eParmony offers you saw a few pages back) and Lhen Lhe publlshers can plck whlch offers Lhey wanL Lo
promoLe. ln addlLlon Lo [usL llsLlng Lhe avallable offers Lo promoLe, CA neLworks provlde Lracklng so you as Lhe
publlsher can see ln real Llme or near real Llme exacLly how many leads you have generaLed and how much commlsslon
you have earned.
1hus applylng Lo CA neLworks ls an essenLlal parL of Lhe CA markeLlng process. WlLhouL belonglng Lo a neLwork, you
cannoL make money because you won'L have any offers Lo promoLe. 1he CA neLworks are Lhe ones who glve you your
own unlque afflllaLe llnk so you can send people Lo Lhe CA offer. WlLhouL belonglng Lo a neLwork, you have nowhere
Lo send people, so lL's lmposslble Lo make money. LaLer ln Lhls gulde, Lhere wlll be a whole secLlon devoLed Lo exacLly
how Lo geL accepLed Lo Lhe varlous neLworks ouL Lhere and whlch neLworks are mosL rellable and have Lhe besL offers.
1here are llLerally hundreds of CA neLworks Lo choose from. lL ls lmporLanL Lo focus on Lhe repuLable neLworks Lo
ensure LhaL you geL Lhe commlsslons you earned on Llme and Lo ensure proper Lracklng so you geL whaL you earn.
Step 3: A|| About Cffers
Ckay, so now you have a general undersLandlng of Lhe CA lndusLry, you have applled Lo neLworks, and now you have
access Lo dlfferenL offers Lo choose from.

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When you look around aL Lhe dlfferenL offers you wlll noLlce LhaL each offer has a speclflc llnk for LhaL offer. 1haL llnk ls
your speclflc llnk and you are Lhe only person wlLh LhaL llnk. lf people cllck on LhaL speclflc llnk, Lhen Lhe CA neLwork
recognlzes LhaL you senL Lhe person Lo LhaL offer. lf Lhe person Lhen goes on Lo fulflll Lhe offer, Lhen you wlll be
credlLed wlLh Lhe sale and you wlll earn Lhe commlsslon. LssenLlally every slngle publlsher has Lhelr own unlque llnk for
every slngle offer and LhaL ls how Lhe neLwork Lracks who ls sendlng Lrafflc Lo each offer and LhaL ls how Lhey know
who Lo credlL wlLh Lhe commlsslon. 1hls ls known as your afflllaLe llnk.
When you look Lhrough Lhe avallable offers on Lhe CA neLwork, you wlll noLlce Lhe many dlfferenL varleLles of offers
Lhere are ln many dlfferenL nlches. Pere l wlll llsL some of Lhe maln Lypes of offers. Lach of Lhese Lypes of offers wlll
have lLs own payouL, whlch ls Lhe commlsslon you recelve when your user fulfllls Lhe glven acLlon of LhaL offer. ln
general, Lhe more lnformaLlon an offer requlres, Lhe more you wlll geL pald per lead. lor example, lf Lhe offer requlres
Lhe user Lo flll ouL Lhelr name, address and credlL card, Lhen LhaL offer wlll pay you a loL more Lhan an offer LhaL only
requlres Lhe user Lo flll ouL Lhelr emall address.
Lma|| Subm|t: An emall submlL offer ls one of Lhe mosL baslc
Lypes of offers and normally has a low payouL because lL ls very
easy for Lhe user Lo flll ouL. LssenLlally Lhe converslon polnL
(polnL aL whlch you earn your commlsslon) ls when Lhe user fllls
ln Lhelr emall address, normally on Lhe flrsL page of Lhe offer.
Cenerally Lhe payouL on an emall submlL offer ls beLween $0.30
and $2.00.
2|p Subm|t: A zlp submlL ls exacLly Lhe same as an emalls
submlL, buL Lhe converslon polnL ls when Lhe user fllls ouL Lhelr zlp
code. Agaln, Lhls ls a one fleld submlL, meanlng Lhere ls only one
plece of lnformaLlon users need Lo flll ouL. 8ecause Lhls ls very
easy for Lhe user Lo flll ouL, Lhe payouL ls low and can be anywhere
beLween $0.30 and $2.00.
Mu|t|p|e I|e|d Subm|t: MulLlple fleld submlLs requlre Lhe user Lo
flll ouL many pleces of lnformaLlon. 8ecause lL ls much harder Lo
geL users Lo flll ouL many pleces of lnformaLlon, Lhe payouL wlll
be hlgher. 1hls could be a form LhaL requlres a user Lo flll ouL
Lhelr name, malllng address, and emall address. 1hls could also
be a daLlng offer, whlch requlres users Lo flll ouL a free proflle
abouL Lhem LhaL wlll be added Lo Lhe daLlng web slLe. ayouL for
mulLlple fleld offers varles wldely dependlng on Lhe Lype of
lnformaLlon requlred by Lhe user Lo flll ouL, buL mosL range from
$2.00 Lo $13.00.

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k|sk Iree 1r|a|: 8lsk lree 1rlals or 8l1s are when adverLlsers are wllllng Lo leL users Lry Lhelr producL rlsk free
for a cerLaln Llme perlod (normally around Lwo weeks). Cenerally users can cancel anyLlme wlLhln Lhe Lwo
weeks and noL be charged anyLhlng.
SomeLlmes Lhere ls a small shlpplng and
handllng fee LhaL ls noL refundable. lf
users do noL cancel wlLhln Lhe glven Llme
perlod, Lhey are auLomaLlcally charged a
cerLaln amounL per monLh LhereafLer
unLll Lhey cancel.
1hls Lype of offer requlres users Lo enLer
Lhelr credlL card lnformaLlon. 8ecause
Lhls ls harder Lo do, payouL ls hlgh wlLh
Lhe average range from $20 - $30 per
Many welghL loss supplemenLs have rlsk free Lrlals as do many work aL home/buslness opporLunlLy Lype
producLs. CLher offers you may have seen LhaL are rlsk free Lrlals are neLfllx and blockbusLer, whlch boLh offer
Lwo weeks of free servlce. Slmllarly, you are probably famlllar wlLh credlL reporL offers such as, whlch offers a free perlod Lo Lry ouL Lhe servlce.
lL should also be noLed LhaL many of Lhe 8l1 offers have been on Lhe hoL seaL laLely because many have been
charged by Lhe l1C and oLher regulaLory bodles as belng uneLhlcal or decelvlng. 1he problem arlses when
adverLlsers deslgn Lhe offer wlLh flne prlnL LhaL says users wlll auLomaLlcally be bllled an ouLrageous amounL
per monLh lf Lhey don'L cancel wlLhln a cerLaln Llme perlod and Lhen Lhey make lL exLremely dlfflculL Lo cancel.
nC1 ALL 8l1 offers are decelvlng and uneLhlcal and you wlll flnd many LhaL are compleLely leglLlmaLe and
eLhlcal such as Lhe neLfllx and 8lockbusLer offers l prevlously menLloned.
8l1 offers have an exLremely hlgh payouL and Lherefore can be very lucraLlve. 1hlnk abouL lL, lf you can
convlnce 10 people per day Lo slgn up for neLfllx whlch ls compleLely free Lo Lhem, Lhen your commlsslon wlll
be $230 per day, whlch ls equlvalenL Lo over $91,000 per year. ?es Lhese numbers are real and achlevable.
Incent|v|zed Cffer: unless noLed speclflcally on Lhe offer, you as Lhe publlsher cannoL glve any lncenLlve Lo a
user Lo flll ouL your offer. 1hus, you cannoL Lell users LhaL lf Lhey flll ouL your neLfllx offer you wlll glve Lhem
someLhlng ln reLurn such as a $3 blll. 1he reason you cannoL do Lhls ls because lL wlll desLroy Lhe quallLy of Lhe
lead for Lhe adverLlser. Cbvlously many people wlll slgn up for Lhe free neLfllx Lrlal [usL Lo geL Lhe $3 blll and
Lhen cancel rlghL away slnce Lhey have no lnLeresL ln Lhe acLual offer, Lhey [usL wanLed Lhe free money. 1he
CA neLwork wlll know someLhlng ls flshy when you geL 100 people Lo slgn up and every slngle one cancels
wlLhln Lhe Lwo-week Lrlal perlod. ln Lhls case, Lhey wlll reallze you musL be lncenLlvlzlng and noL pay you your
commlsslons. As a general rule, lL ls S18CnCL? 8LCCMMLnuLu Lo play by Lhe rules of Lhe offer so as Lo noL
rlsk loslng any commlsslons you earned and Lo noL rlsk geLLlng banned from LhaL and oLher neLworks.

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Powever, Lhere are cerLaln oLher offers LhaL allow you Lo lncenLlvlze meanlng you can glve a user an lncenLlve
Lo fulflll your offer. 8ecause Lhe quallLy of leads lsn'L as good, Lhe payouL wlll be less. ln facL, some adverLlsers
have Lwo of Lhe exacL same offers llsLed on Lhe same CA neLwork, one LhaL ls lncenLlvlzable and one LhaL lsn'L.
1he one where publlshers are able Lo lncenLlvlze may have half Lhe payouL as Lhe offer LhaL ls noL
Many publlshers make a loL of money wlLh lncenLlve offers. lor example, Lhey may creaLe a vldeo game cheaL
slLe and glve users free cheaL codes lf Lhey flll ouL an offer. 1he lncenLlve ls Lhe free cheaL codes and Lhe
payouL may be as llLLle as $1.00 per lead, buL lf LhaL person geLs 10,000 unlque vlslLors Lo Lhelr gamlng slLe per
day and 3 of Lhose vlslLors wanL Lhe cheaL code and fulflll Lhe CA offer Lo geL Lhe cheaL, Lhen LhaL ls $300 per
day or over $100,000 per year.
Step 4: 1raff|c 1|me
ln my oplnlon, Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecL of markeLlng CA offers onllne ls Lrafflc. WlLhouL Lrafflc, you have no chance
of selllng your offer because Lhere ls nobody Lo sell Lo. 1hls gulde wlll revlew many of Lhe common Lrafflc meLhods you
can uLlllze Lo geL people Lo vlew your CA offer. lf you can flnd creaLlve ways Lo geL Lrafflc Lo an offer, Lhere wlll be
poLenLlal Lo moneLlze LhaL Lrafflc wlLh CA offers. Pere ls a llsL of a couple of Lhe many Lrafflc sources we wlll vlslL ln
Lhls gulde:
Cff||ne: Cffllne markeLlng ls one of Lhe easlesL and leasL Lechnlcal meLhods Lo promoLe your CA offer. Cffllne
Lrafflc can conslsL of many forms lncludlng newspaper adverLlslng, posLlng flyers ln hlgh Lrafflc areas llke publlc
LransporLaLlon hubs, malls, or grocery sLores, or even hand dellverlng flyers Lo people's doors. 8ecause offllne
markeLlng ls very easy and you don'L need a loL of experlence ln Lhe lnLerneL markeLlng world Lo make money
offllne, Lhls gulde has a whole secLlon dedlcaLed Lo offllne markeLlng. lL ls very aLLalnable Lo achleve a couple
hundred dollars per day uslng [usL offllne bum" markeLlng meLhods. ln facL, when people flrsL sLarL ln Lhls
lndusLry, on weekends Lhey could make upwards of a Lhousand dollars [usL dellverlng flyers aL aparLmenL
complexes and condomlnlum developmenLs ln Lhe area. Cffllne generally lnvolves more 'real' elbow grease
Lype work such as walklng around, buL slnce lL ls exLremely slmple, lL ls Lhe meLhod of cholce for many
beglnners looklng Lo make some lnlLlal cash Lo lnvesL ln Lhelr CA buslness
ay er C||ck: ay per cllck ls adverLlslng on search englnes such as Coogle, ?ahoo, or 8lng. ?ou creaLe an
adverLlsemenL and only pay when somebody cllcks on your ad, hence pay per cllck. unllke oLher meLhods of
Lrafflc, pay per cllck has Lhe poLenLlal Lo brlng ln huge numbers because Lhere are mllllons of people uslng
search englnes every day and Lherefore Lhe Lrafflc avallable Lo you ls enormous. WlLhln half an hour, you or l
can geL 10's of Lhousands of people Lo see our adverLlsemenL. ay per cllck ls a pald Lrafflc source and
Lherefore noL ldeal for new CA markeLers wlLh llLLle Lo no lnvesLmenL caplLal. lL also Lakes a loL of sklll and
experlence Lo learn Lhe varlous search englne markeLlng sLraLegles Lo proflL from C Lrafflc.
V|deo Market|ng: AnoLher way Lo geL your ad ln fronL of people ls Lo creaLe vldeos and Lhen place Lhese
vldeos on varlous vldeo porLals such as ?ou1ube or Coogle vldeo. ?our vldeo can be a dlrecL adverLlsemenL or
lL can be a more subLle adverLlsemenL such as creaLlng a vlral vldeo and Lhen havlng a llnk ln Lhe descrlpLlon of

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Lhe vldeo Lo your CA offer or have LexL ln Lhe vldeo LhaL dlrecLly Lells people Lo check ouL your offer. 1he
greaL Lhlng abouL vldeo markeLlng ls LhaL once you puL ln Lhe lnlLlal work of creaLlng vldeos, Lhe vldeos are up
for good and wlll make you money 1, 2, 3 and more years from now. uon'L freL aL Lhe LhoughL of maklng
vldeos, Lhere are programs ouL Lhere LhaL wlll allow you Lo make dozens of vldeos ln an hour.
C|ass|f|eds Market|ng: MarkeLlng on classlfled slLes llke cralgsllsL or backpage has been a round for a whlle and
Lhe landscape ls maklng lL lncreaslngly dlfflculL Lo uLlllze Lools and sofLware Lo auLomaLe Lhls, buL free classlfled
slLes sLlll remaln hugely proflLable and greaL for beglnners because lL ls free Lrafflc. 1hls gulde wlll llsL many
meLhods l have uLlllzed myself and LhaL sLlll work perfecLly flne Loday. CralgsllsL sLlll has mllllons of hlLs Loday
so Lhe Lrafflc poLenLlal ls greaL. Many neLworks don'L allow cralgsllsL and classlfleds Lrafflc so check wlLh your
neLwork before you sLarL any campalgns.
We wlll go lnLo Lhe aforemenLloned Lrafflc sources ln a loL more deLall and also revlew many oLher addlLlonal Lrafflc
sources ln Lhls gulde. ln general, your goal ls Lo flnd good, LargeLed Lrafflc!
ln general Lhere are Lwo ways Lo approach Lrafflc. 1he flrsL ls Lo flnd a Lrafflc source you wlsh Lo use and Lhen flnd a
maLchlng offer LhaL wlll flL LhaL Lrafflc source. lor example, you can declde you wanL Lo use Lhe offllne Lrafflc source of
markeLlng by puLLlng up flyers on local bulleLln boards. now you can flnd a CA offer you Lhlnk would flL LhaL Lrafflc
and markeLlng meLhod besL and Lhen use lL. 1he second perspecLlve ls Lo flnd a greaL offer and Lhen go ouL ln search of
a good Lrafflc source LhaL you can moneLlze. lor example, you may declde you wanL Lo use Lhe vlcLorla's SecreL offer
and Lhen go ouL and flnd Lrafflc sources and ways Lo geL LhaL offer ln fronL of young Lo mlddle aged women.
Pere ls anoLher aspecL of Lrafflc you should conslder. Pavlng a loL of Lrafflc lsn'L always good. lL ls lmporLanL Lo flnd
LargeLed Lrafflc, especlally lf you are paylng for LhaL Lrafflc such as uslng ay er Cllck. lf you are markeLlng a daLlng
offer, Lhen even lf you creaLe a blog abouL weddlng gowns LhaL geLs 3 bllllon hlLs per day, you probably won'L make a
dlme because your Lrafflc lsn'L LargeLed Lo your offer. eople vlslLlng your blog wlll llkely be people abouL Lo geL
marrled so presumably Lhey have no lnLeresL ln [olnlng eParmony or anoLher daLlng offer you are promoLlng.
Cn Lhe oLher hand, lf you have a blog abouL how Lo plck up glrls LhaL only geLs 100 vlslLors per day, you wlll probably
make more money wlLh Lhls blog Lhan Lhe weddlng gown blog, even Lhough Lhe Lrafflc ls a fracLlon Lhe slze. 1hls ls
because a hlgh percenLage of people vlslLlng a 'plck up glrls' slLe wlll be lnLeresLed ln a daLlng cpa offer. 1he polnL ls
LhaL a loL of Lrafflc lsn'L always besL. 1argeLed Lrafflc ls besL and lf you can flnd a masslve amounL of LargeLed Lrafflc
Lhen glve me a call and leL me know abouL lL and l'll spllL Lhe mllllons we wlll make!
Step S: 1est|ng, 1rack|ng, and Cpt|m|z|ng
Lven Lhe mosL experlenced lnLerneL markeLers don'L always know whaL offers Lo plck and whaL Lrafflc sources Lo
pursue. 1hls ls where learnlng Lo meLhodlcally LesL comes lnLo play.
no maLLer whaL Lype of offer you plan on promoLlng, whaL Lrafflc source you hope Lo explolL, or whaL creaLlve ldea you
plan Lo lmplemenL, LesLlng ls crlLlcal. Some offers are [usL plaln bad and some Lrafflc sources [usL don'L work wlLh
cerLaln Lypes of offers, so you musL learn Lo carefully and meLhodlcally LesL, Lo avold loslng money.

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lf you are bulldlng your own slLe or landlng page, LesL a few dlfferenL deslgns Lo flnd Lhe one LhaL converLs Lhe besL. lf
you are promoLlng on Coogle's C search plaLform, LesL a few dlfferenL headllnes and ad copy Lo see whlch one geLs
Lhe hlghesL converslon raLe.
1hls may seem llke a very vague secLlon rlghL now and lL ls meanL Lo be. 1he polnL ls Lo slmply undersLand and geL
lngralned ln your head LhaL LhroughouL every process ln lnLerneL markeLlng you musL force yourself Lo meLhodlcally
LesL dlfferenL opLlons. lnLulLlon may help somewhaL, buL rlgorous LesLlng and Lracklng wonL lle!
8elaLed Lo LesLlng, you musL now Lrack Lhe dlfferenL resulLs your LesLlng has produced. 1hls gulde wlll go lnLo Lhe
dlfferenL ways Lo Lrack, buL Lhe ldea ls LhaL as you are promoLlng CA offers, wherever posslble, you wanL Lo Lrack as
much as posslble. 1rack how many sales you goL from one offer versus anoLher, Lrack whlch keywords brlng ln Lhe
mosL Lrafflc and whlch keywords brlng ln Lhe mosL sales. ?es, you can and should Lrack down Lo Lhe keyword level,
parLlcularly lf you are dolng pald adverLlslng llke ay er Cllck.
LasLly, you musL opLlmlze. 8ased on Lhe LesLlng and Lracklng you do, you now wanL Lo opLlmlze your campalgn, be lL an
offllne campalgn or onllne campalgn. An opLlmlzed campalgn ls one where you have LesLed as much as posslble and
Lweaked Lhe heck ouL of Lhe campalgn and lL ls now performlng as good as lL can. lf you are opLlmlzlng a landlng page,
Lhls means you have LesLed dlfferenL formaLs of Lhe landlng page, dlfferenL colors, dlfferenL fonLs, dlfferenL layouLs,
dlfferenL sLyles and dlfferenL copy Lo arrlve aL Lhe landlng page LhaL makes you Lhe mosL money. ln Lheory l belleve you
can never fully opLlmlze a campalgn because Lhere are mllllons and mllllons of dlfferences you can posslbly LesL. So
alLhough you can'L LesL every slngle posslble change, you can conLlnually opLlmlze campalgns Lo squeeze ouL as much
proflL as posslble.
ln my oplnlon, Lhe ablllLy Lo meLhodlcally LesL, Lrack, and opLlmlze campalgns ls Lhe slngle mosL lmporLanL facLor ln
reachlng Lhe blg numbers ln Lhe CA lndusLry. Many people are maklng a few Lhousand dollars a day, buL Lo reach Lhe
10's of Lhousands per day, conLlnually LesLlng and opLlmlzlng should be your focus.

I|rst Steps
Gett|ng Accepted |nto Networks
WlLhouL geLLlng accepLed lnLo a CA neLwork, you can'L make any money wlLh CA offers because Lhe neLworks are Lhe
ones who supply you wlLh Lhe offers avallable and provlde you wlLh an afflllaLe llnk so you can geL credlL for leads LhaL
come from you.
unforLunaLely, geLLlng accepLed lnLo neLworks ls a blL Lrlckler now Lhan ln Lhe pasL because Lhere have been many
fraudsLers who have come lnLo Lhe CA markeLlng arena who submlL fake leads, use sLolen credlL cards Lo flll ouL leads,
eLc. So, mosL afflllaLe neLworks have adopLed Lhe pollcy of calllng everybody who applles Lo Lhelr neLwork and glvlng a
brlef phone lnLervlew. now before you sLarL geLLlng paranold, leL me assure you LhaL Lhe process ls qulLe slmple and

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Lhelr prlmary lnLenLlon ls Lo make sure you are leglL and noL a fraudsLer. 1he goal for Lhese neLworks ls Lo weed ouL Lhe
fraudsLers, nC1 WLLu Cu1 LCLL WPC A8Ln'1 uClnC PuCL 18AlllC nuM8L8S. lf you are reasonably famlllar wlLh
Lhe CA lndusLry, you wlll be flne - and l Lhlnk Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhls gulde alone ls more Lhan enough Lo be prepared
for Lhe phone lnLervlew.
S1L 1: 8ead Lhls gulde and geL famlllar wlLh how CA markeLlng works.
8ead Lhe followlng Lhread l sLarLed on Warrlor lorum
ulLlmaLe CA neLwork AccepLance Culde

S1L 2: CeL famlllar wlLh Lhe Lerms and acronyms relaLed Lo CA markeLlng. lor more lnformaLlon on Lhls,
make sure you read Lhe glossary aL Lhe back of Lhls gulde. 1here are many acronyms ln CA markeLlng and
alLhough Lhey are all very easy, lL can Lake Llme Lo learn Lhem all.
S1L 3: Co Lo Lhe web slLe of Lhe afflllaLe neLwork you applled Lo and flll ouL an appllcaLlon. 1hey wlll Lyplcally
ask for some of Lhe followlng lnformaLlon.
1ax lu number: lor lndlvlduals Lhls ls your soclal securlLy number. lf you are worklng as a buslness,
Lhen Lhls ls your Lln number. 1he reason Lhey ask for Lhls ls for Lax purposes. l am noL a Lax lawyer by
any means buL from my undersLandlng, mosL counLrles requlre you Lo reporL all lncome and Lhe
neLworks are requlred Lo reporL dlsLrlbuLed lncome over $600 vla 1099.
Web SlLe: Many neLworks ask for your web slLe or Lhe place you plan on promoLlng. Cbvlously you
don'L have Lo have a web slLe Lo promoLe CA offers so puL ln elLher noLhlng here or make up
someLhlng LhaL ls clearly noL a slLe or someLhlng llke
LhaL. AlLernaLlvely you can creaLe a qulck free blog on blogsLer or some oLher free blog slLe, bulld
some conLenL abouL a cerLaln nlche such as welghL loss, and Lhen submlL LhaL as your web slLe. ldeally
you can seL up your own slLe preLLy easlly or follow Lhe advlce ln Lhe gulde llsLed above.
Lxperlence: Some neLworks ask for your experlence ln lnLerneL markeLlng. Cbvlously l can'L Lell you
whaL Lo puL here because l don'L know your experlence. When l flrsL sLarLed l admlL l lled a blL and
sald l had been dolng afflllaLe markeLlng ln Lhe Cllckbank space for a few monLhs and wanLed Lo Lry ouL
CA, when ln reallLy l was a compleLe newble.
ersonal lnformaLlon: 1hey wlll ask for your address, phone number, AlM screen name, and oLher
personal lnformaLlon llke LhaL so Lhey can conLacL you and geL a beLLer feel wheLher you are a
fraudsLer or noL. ln general lf you are applylng from a Lhlrd world counLry such as nlgerla, lL wlll be
much harder Lo geL accepLed. Cf course, lf you are compleLely leglL, [usL glve Lhem a call and once
Lhey geL a beLLer feel for you Lhls wlll help Lhem accepL you. ln LruLh, some neLworks deny every

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appllcaLlon from cerLaln counLrles. 8uL for 99 of markeLers readlng Lhls gulde, your counLry
shouldn'L be a problem aL all.
Pow ?ou lan on romoLlng: Pere, lL may be helpful Lo puL C or 8anners or someLhlng llke LhaL. Cf
course you may also do many oLher Lypes of markeLlng, buL you wlll seem less leglL lf you puL
classlfleds markeLlng as your maln meLhod of promoLlon. 8e smarL and be honesL here.
S1L 4: Call Lhe afflllaLe neLwork and ask Lo speak wlLh an afflllaLe manager abouL a recenL appllcaLlon you
submlLLed onllne. Some neLworks have Lhelr own person who handles appllcaLlons. 1hls ls lefL ouL so many
Llmes and Lhen people cry abouL noL belng accepLed by every neLwork Lhey apply Lo. Make sure Lo call Lhem!
S1L 3: now lnLroduce yourself and Lell Lhe person you are speaklng wlLh LhaL you [usL submlLLed an
appllcaLlon and wanL Lo make sure Lhey goL lL and LhaL lL's belng processed. lf you were unsure abouL any
quesLlons on Lhe appllcaLlon, here would be a good Llme Lo ask or clarlfy an answer you gave. MosL of Lhe Llme
Lhey wlll Lell you Lhey can revlew your appllcaLlon rlghL Lhere wlLh you on Lhe phone. 1hey wlll ask some
quesLlons llke how you plan Lo promoLe and oLher quesLlons Lo geL a feel for you and make sure you are leglL.
Agaln, abouL Lhe web slLe slnce Lhls sLumps so many people -- lf you have a web slLe, Lhen greaL, you are all seL.
lf noL, Lhen a popular way around lL ls Lo slmply say you wlll be promoLlng uslng ay er Cllck search englnes.
1he gulde above wlll deLall exacLly how Lo approach Lhls lssue. An easy way around Lhls whole lssue ls Lo
creaLe your own landlng page or hlre somebody for as llLLle as $3 Lo creaLe a slmple landlng page for you LhaL
you can submlL. AlLernaLlvely, as menLloned, many people have Laken Lhe blog approach and creaLed a free
blog Lo submlL.
A very common mlspercepLlon abouL geLLlng accepLed lnLo CA neLworks ls LhaL you have Lo be a blg Llme afflllaLe able
Lo drlve a loL of Lrafflc Lo be accepLed. 1haL ls slmply noL Lrue. 1he vasL ma[orlLy of CA neLworks don'L care lf you are
new. WhaL Lhey are mosL concerned abouL ls LhaL you aren'L a fraudsLer or blackhaL markeLer looklng Lo use bad or
lllegal Lrafflc. Lven lf you don'L pull many leads per monLh, lf you are playlng by Lhe rules, Lhey wlll be perfecLly flne
accepLlng you. l am perfecLly aware l am belng a blL repeLlLlous and Lhls was done on purpose - Lo sLress Lhe common
mlspercepLlons abouL Lhe appllcaLlon process.
So, don'L geL Loo worrled abouL Lhe brlef phone lnLervlew. lL's really noL a blg deal and Lhere are hundreds of neLworks
ouL Lhere, so lf you don'L geL accepLed Lo one neLwork, no worrles aL all. erslsLence and unwllllngness Lo glve up wlll
Lake you far ln geLLlng accepLed and ln Lhe CA lndusLry as a whole.
Pere are some common quesLlons asked durlng Lhe phone lnLervlew process. 1hey are very slmple and sLralghLforward
and don'L vary Loo much from Lhese.
now looq bove yoo beeo ptomotloq clA offets ot otbet lotetoet motketloq ptoJocts?
now Jo yoo ploo oo ptomotloq oot offets?
uo yoo belooq to ooy otbet oetwotks? lf so, wblcb ooes?
now mocb ttofflc Jo yoo ootlclpote qeoetotloq?

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now mocb Jo yoo speoJ Jolly/weekly/mootbly oo oJvettlsloq?
now JlJ yoo beot oboot oot oetwotk?
wbot kloJ of offets Jo yoo llke?
wbot olcbe of offets ote yoo lotetesteJ lo?
Pere ls how l answered when l flrsL sLarLed and l goL accepLed lnLo every neLwork l applled Lo excepL one. ?ou don'L
and shouldn'L copy exacLly whaL l dld because you are noL me. 1he LruLh ls Lhe besL pollcy when applylng Lo neLworks.
?es, someLlmes people decoraLe Lhe LruLh a blL, buL ln all honesLy Lhe neLworks probably expecL LhaL a llLLle so use your
now looq bove yoo beeo ptomotloq clA offets ot otbet lotetoet motketloq ptoJocts?
l have been promoLlng Cllckbank producLs for abouL 6 monLhs and have seen decenL success so l am looklng Lo sLarL
uslng my experlence wlLh Cllckbank markeLlng Lo geL lnLo CA markeLlng. l [usL sLarLed ln CA abouL 1 monLh ago.
now Jo yoo ploo oo ptomotloq oot offets?
l plan on uslng C Lo drlve Lrafflc Lo a landlng page and Lhen havlng Lhe CA offers on my landlng page. l have used
revlew sLyle landlng pages wlLh success.
uo yoo belooq to ooy otbet oetwotks? lf so, wblcb ooes?
?es, l have recenLly been accepLed lnLo Copeac and neverblue buL am looklng Lo have a wlder range of offers Lo choose
from and LhaL ls why l am looklng Lo geL accepLed lnLo your neLwork. l have heard good Lhlngs abouL you guys on
Warrlor lorum.
now mocb ttofflc Jo yoo ootlclpote qeoetotloq?
l am looklng Lo spend abouL $30 per day on C so Lhe amounL of Lrafflc all depends on how much cllck cosLs are for
Lhe offer l lnLend Lo LesL. l look Lo focus on long Lall keywords aL flrsL so l can geL more Lrafflc aL a cheaper prlce.
now mocb Jo yoo speoJ Jolly/weekly/mootbly oo oJvettlsloq?
8lghL now l am budgeLlng $30 per day, buL l have been seelng success on one of my welghL loss campalgns so l may
sLarL Lo lncrease my budgeL as l geL Lhe cash flow.
now JlJ yoo beot oboot oot oetwotk?
lrom Warrlor lorum. l have heard greaL Lhlngs!
wbot kloJ of offets Jo yoo llke?
As l menLloned, l have had success wlLh welghL loss offers, speclflcally a rlsk free Lrlal offer. l am hoplng your neLwork
has some good welghL loss offers l can LesL ouL. l also have an emall submlL campalgn l'm runnlng rlghL now whlch
does okay.
wbot olcbe ote yoo lotetesteJ lo?
l am looklng Lo LesL ouL dlfferenL offers ln dlfferenL nlches vla C. l am also looklng for a good rlsk free Lrlal welghL loss
dleL offer. uo you guys have any good offers llke LhaL?

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A good Llp [usL llke ln any lnLervlew ls Lo come up wlLh good quesLlons Lo ask Lhem. As you are answerlng a quesLlon,
ask Lhem relaLed quesLlons llke ln LhaL lasL quesLlon l answered. Asklng a few quesLlons has worked wonders for a loL
of newbles l have helped geL accepLed lnLo neLworks.
ldeally, you wanL Lo belong Lo aL leasL 2 or 3 neLworks because many neLworks focus on cerLaln Lypes of offers, so ln
order Lo have a wlde range of offers Lo choose from, lL makes sense Lo belong Lo a few. lurLhermore, lf you sLarL dolng
heavler Lrafflc, you wlll noLlce LhaL cross neLwork converslon raLes dlffer. Cne neLwork may have Lhe same or very
slmllar offer as anoLher, buL Lhe converslon raLe (how many people who see your offer acLually go Lhrough and fulflll
Lhe acLlon) of one may be hlgher Lhan Lhe oLher.
lurLhermore, you should be approachlng Lhls as a buslness. As good pracLlce, lL ls always good so spread your rlsk. lL ls
hlghly unllkely you wlll geL your commlsslons denled lf you are playlng by Lhe rules and lL ls hlghly unllkely LhaL Lhe
neLworks wlll go ouL of buslness ln beLween Lhe Llme of maklng your commlsslon and acLually geLLlng pald, buL crazler
Lhlngs have happened. 8y sendlng Lrafflc Lo mulLlple neLworks, you can help mlLlgaLe Lhls rlsk.
1haL's lL guys and gals. Spend an hour or so readlng over Lhe gulde above and Lhen sLarL applylng Lo neLworks. l
guaranLee you wlll be able Lo geL accepLed by a few of Lhe many greaL neLworks Lhere are ouL Lhere buL lf you are
havlng an abnormally dlfflculL Llme, emall me and l wlll help you ouL.
Pere are a llsL of some good CA neLworks and Lhe web slLes you can vlslL Lo learn more abouL Lhem ouL.
kensters 1op N|ne L|st
Neverb|ue Copeac CkD|g|ta|
nydra I|||net Aff|||ate
C||ckbooth Maxbounty Azoog|e

Cther Networks







Amped Med|a




Mot|ve Network
Comm|ss|onIunct|on www.c[.com


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epper[am www.pepper[


Ck D|g|ta|








Aff|||ate Manager
When you apply Lo a neLwork, you wlll be asslgned an afflllaLe manager. ?our afflllaLe manager has many
responslblllLles and can help you ouL a loL, so lL ls very lmporLanL Lo sLarL bulldlng a good relaLlonshlp wlLh hlm/her
from Lhe geL go.
Cne responslblllLy your afflllaLe manager has ls Lo check over your sLaLs and make sure everyLhlng looks good. Pe or
she may call you on days when you geL a loL of converslons Lo see lf Lhey can help you lncrease your converslons even
more. 1hey are your frlend and your parLner. Lspeclally when you are [usL sLarLlng ouL, your afflllaLe manager can
answer your quesLlons and help you geL sLarLed wlLh your campalgns. Lspeclally when you flrsL [oln a neLwork, lL
makes sense Lo reach ouL Lo your afflllaLe manager because each neLwork has Lhelr own way of dolng Lhlngs and lL may
be hard Lo navlgaLe Lhe CA neLwork plaLform aL flrsL and your afflllaLe manager wlll be your number one resource Lo
help navlgaLe.
AnoLher lmporLanL reason Lo sLarL conLacLlng and bulldlng a relaLlonshlp wlLh your afflllaLe manager ls because Lhey
have lnslde lnformaLlon on all of Lhe dlfferenL offers. 1he CA neLworks can see exacLly whaL offers are converLlng well
and whlch ones aren'L and know whlch Lrafflc sources work besL wlLh whlch offers. 1he CA neLwork can Lrack Lhe
resulLs of Lhousands of afflllaLes glvlng Lhem an unllmlLed wealLh of daLa and lnformaLlon. 1he beLLer a relaLlonshlp
you bulld wlLh your afflllaLe manager, Lhe more lnformaLlon Lhey wlll be wllllng Lo dlvulge Lo you.
Also, mosL CA neLworks have offers LhaL Lhey don'L puL up on Lhelr web slLe and are known as prlvaLe offers. 1hese
prlvaLe offers are someLlmes goldmlnes and reserved for Lhe Lop afflllaLes or afflllaLes LhaL Lhe afflllaLe managers have
a good relaLlonshlp wlLh. lf you sLarL bulldlng a good relaLlonshlp, your AM may leL you ln on Lhese offers.
LasLly, your afflllaLe manager has dlscreLlon on payouL. lf you look aL an offer, lL wlll llsL a payouL. 1hls ls known as Lhe
'sLreeL payouL' or payouL for any chump LhaL belongs Lo Lhe neLworks. ?our afflllaLe manager can ralse Lhls payouL,

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whlch means you earn more commlsslon on Lhe same offer. 1hls can Lurn non-proflLable or break even campalgns lnLo
Lhe black and make Lhem proflLable. l have been amazed aL how hlgh afflllaLe managers can ralse a payouL, so make
sure you sLarL bulldlng a good relaLlonshlp so you can Lake advanLage of beLLer payouLs as well!
l've been preachlng LhaL your afflllaLe manager ls your frlend and can help you ouL Lremendously ln Lerms of navlgaLlng
Lhrough Lhe offers and geLLlng lnslde Llps. 1haL ls Lrue, buL you also have Lo beware LhaL afflllaLe managers can work
agalnsL you as well. As l menLloned, afflllaLe managers have access Lo all Lhe neLwork wlde daLa and all your daLa. 1hey
know for Lhe mosL parL where your Lrafflc ls comlng from and Lhls can work agalnsL you. 1here have been cases of
afflllaLe managers sLeallng campalgns. So, Lo Lhe besL of your ablllLy, lf you flnd a good Lrafflc source or good keyword,
you should proLecL yourself and make sure Lo hlde lL. 1hls ls a buslness you are Lrylng Lo run, so make sure Lo proLecL
your asseLs. lf your afflllaLe manager asks you for deLalls of your campalgn, glve hlm a general ldea buL don'L dlvulge
your secreL. 1hey generally undersLand your relucLance Lo dlvulge Loo much and don'L mlnd, as long as lL's converLlng
on Lhelr end. lf Lhey glve you a real hard Llme, lnsLead of glvlng ln Lo Lhem and reveallng your secreL, [usL Lry slmllar
offers on oLher neLworks.
So, yes you need Lo be seml-LransparenL and honesL wlLh your afflllaLe manager and Lhey should be LreaLed as a
parLner buL Lhey wlll undersLand lf you don'L wanL Lo reveal everyLhlng abouL a cerLaln campalgn you are runnlng.
When you are new and [usL sLarLlng ouL, you really don'L have Lo worry abouL Lhls, buL when you sLarL pulllng larger
numbers, Lhls ls deflnlLely someLhlng you wanL Lo keep ln Lhe back of your mlnd.
1ypes of 1raff|c
Lach offer has cerLaln Lypes of Lrafflc LhaL can be used Lo promoLe LhaL offer. Some offers only allow pald search Lrafflc,
meanlng you can only send Lrafflc Lo LhaL offer from Lhe search englnes. lf you plan Lo promoLe CA offers uslng
banners on your web slLe, Lhen you can'L use LhaL speclflc offer. Lach neLwork may have dlfferenL labels for Lhe Lrafflc
sources, buL here are some of Lhe mosL common ones. 1hey should be llsLed somewhere when you cllck Lo check ouL a
parLlcular offer.
Search: Search Lrafflc ls consldered pald search or C Lrafflc.
lncenLlvlzable: 1hls means you are able Lo offer lncenLlves Lo people for fllllng ouL Lhls offer.
Web: 1hls means you can promoLe your offer on a web slLe vla banners, ads, eLc.
Lmall: 1hls means you can promoLe Lhe offer by emall and ls used normally by people wlLh large llsLs of emalls
Soclal: As Lhe name lndlcaLes, Lhls means you can promoLe on soclal neLworks slLes.
LC sLands for earnlngs per cllck and ls a meLrlc used Lo gauge how well an offer converLs. lf you have 20 people LhaL
cllck on your offer and you make a $10 sale off Lhose 20 people, Lhen your earnlng per cllck ls $.30. 1haL means lf you
geL 100 more cllcks Lo LhaL same offer, your earnlngs should be roughly $30.

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1hls meLrlc ls very useful lf you are dolng C promoLlon because LhaL means you shouldn'L ln Lheory spend any more
Lhan $.30 Lo buy cllcks or else you wlll be loslng money. CA neLworks, generally llsL Lhe LC of each offer, buL lL ls
lmporLanL Lo reallze LhaL Lhese flgures may be skewed.
neLwork wlde LC's are whaL ls commonly llsLed on Lhe CA neLwork and Lhey normally lnclude daLa for every person
promoLlng LhaL offer on LhaL neLwork no maLLer whaL Lrafflc Lhey are uslng. ?ou wlll learn LhaL each Lrafflc source may
have compleLely dlfferenL converslon raLes and Lherefore dlfferenL LCs. 1hus Lhe concepL of LC ls very lmporLanL,
buL be weary abouL relylng on neLwork wlde LCs. l would suggesL Lracklng your campalgns yourself and deLermlnlng
your personal LCs. Lucklly, many neLwork plaLforms also llsL your personal LC's ln Lhe Lracklng secLlon.
Aff|||ate L|nks
An afflllaLe llnk ls deflned as a llnk LhaL ls used Lo Lrack an afflllaLe's sLaLlsLlcs. lf you are promoLlng a CA offer, you are
consldered an afflllaLe. lor each offer you wlll have your own unlque u8L or web address and LhaL ls how you geL
credlL for commlsslon and LhaL ls how your sLaLlsLlcs are Lracked. lf l had an afflllaLe program and you wanLed Lo
promoLe lL for a commlsslon, your afflllaLe llnk mlghL look someLhlng llke Lhls.
So anybody who cllcks on LhaL llnk and orders whaLever l'm selllng wlll be Lracked Lo you and you earn Lhe commlsslon.
lf somebody cllcks on Lhe above afflllaLe llnk, Lhey wlll go Lo a web slLe LhaL looks exacLly llke (lf lL
exlsLed) buL Lhe Lrafflc can be Lraced back Lo you. lf l have 1000 afflllaLes promoLlng my, Lhere would be
1000 dlfferenL afflllaLe llnks such as.
Lach of Lhese afflllaLe llnks above goes Lo Lhe same exacL page buL lL can now be Lracked where each person who vlslLs
Lhe slLe comes from. CA offers are exacLly Lhe same. Lach CA offer page for every afflllaLe looks Lhe same.
When you browse Lhrough Lhe CA neLwork's offers, you wlll see LhaL for each offer you have your own afflllaLe llnk.
1hls ls Lhe llnk you wlll use Lo sLarL promoLlng LhaL offer. Lach neLwork creaLes Lhe llnk a llLLle dlfferenLly buL Lhe ldea ls
Lhe same. Some neLworks have afflllaLe llnks LhaL are shorL and clean yeL oLher have really long and messy afflllaLe
llnks. Cnce you cllck on Lhe offer you wanL Lo promoLe, lL's generally preLLy obvlous where your afflllaLe llnk ls. lf you
can'L flnd lL, someLlmes you wlll see a bunch of ugly code. 1hls ls generally Lhe code you would lnserL lnLo your web slLe
lf you wanLed Lo puL LhaL banner on your web slLe. lf you look lnLo LhaL code, you can flnd your afflllaLe llnk Lhere as
well. lL should come dlrecLly afLer Lhe words a href". So lf you see. a href=hLLp://
somewhere ln LhaL messy code, Lhen you wlll know your afflllaLe llnk hLLp:// ls Lhe same as Lhe

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AnoLher lmporLanL Lhlng Lo conslder ls LhaL you may have one afflllaLe llnk llke Lhe one above, buL you can have
someLhlng called a sub-ld LhaL you can append Lo your llnk for your own Lracklng purposes. Lach neLwork has lLs own
way of uslng a sub ld so ask your afflllaLe manager lf lL lsn'L blaLanLly obvlous. Many neLworks wlll have a space you Lo
puL your deslred sub ld and Lhen lL wlll auLomaLlcally generaLe your afflllaLe llnk for you wlLh Lhe sub-ld already afflxed.
Sub lus are greaL for Lracklng and Lhey are very easy. Say you have Lwo web slLes you are golng Lo promoLe Lhe same
offer on. ?ou wanL Lo see whlch web slLe works beLLer wlLh LhaL offer, you can seL up 2 sub lds for Lhe same offer. lL
may look llke Lhe followlng. (?our afflllaLe llnk Lhe followlng example ls
8oLh llnks go Lo Lhe same place, buL when you check ouL your Lracklng sLaLlsLlcs on Lhe CA neLwork, you can see
exacLly how many people cllcked on subld=webslLe1 versus subld=webslLe2.
Slmllarly, lmaglne you wanL Lo promoLe one afflllaLe offer uslng Lwo Lrafflc sources. Maybe you wanL Lo promoLe Lhe
offer uslng ?ou1ube and also Classlfleds. ?ou can seL up Lwo dlfferenL sub lds so you know how many sales you are
geLLlng from ?ou1ube vldeos and how many you are geLLlng from Classlfleds. ln Lhls case your afflllaLe llnk may look
someLhlng llke Lhe followlng:
When you cllck on your sLaLs on Lhe CA neLwork, you may see LhaL you made 30 sales from ?ou1ube vldeos and only 1
from CralgsllsL markeLlng. now you know Lo focus your Llme and efforL on ?ou1ube markeLlng.
Slmllarly, you can puL your keyword ln Lhe sub-ld lf you are dolng C adverLlslng. 1hls way you can Lell how well your
keywords are dolng. Ask your afflllaLe manager lf you can'L flnd Lhe Lracklng and sLaLlsLlcs page once you log lnLo your
CA neLwork.
Create our Cwn Web S|te
CreaLlng your own web slLe ls someLhlng you may wanL Lo learn how Lo do. uon'L panlc. lL ls very easy Lo bulld web
slLes uslng LemplaLes and Lhere are plenLy of free LemplaLes ouL Lhere. l learned how Lo bulld a slmple web slLe ln a few
days, and as l've sald before, l am cerLalnly noL a 'Lechle' person. lus, Lhere are many meLhods where you don'L even
need a slLe and plenLy of ways Lo make good money wlLhouL ever bulldlng one.
A loL of Llmes you may only need a landlng page, whlch may only be 1 slngle page. ?ou can use an hLml edlLor llke
MlcrosofL Lxpresslons or ureamweaver or lronLage Lo do Lhls. l know Lxpresslons Web offers a free Lrlal so you can
check LhaL ouL.

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LeL me glve you a few examples of common web slLes people bulld Lo promoLe CA offers.
kev|ew S|te - Some people bulld revlew slLes LhaL may llsL a bunch of afflllaLe offers or CA offers and Lhen
glve a brlef explanaLlon abouL each one. Somewhere ln Lhe revlew, Lhe auLhor wlll puL Lhelr afflllaLe llnk Lo Lhe
producL Lhey are revlewlng and lf somebody cllcks and Lhen buys, Lhey earn Lhe commlsslon.
re-Se|| - Some afflllaLes flnd lL very beneflclal Lo creaLe small slLes or slngle web pages LhaL help pre-sell Lhe
offer Lhey are promoLlng. lor example, lf you are promoLlng Lhe neLfllx offer, maybe lL would help Lo creaLe a
page LhaL Lalks abouL how greaL neLfllx ls and llsLs all Lhe beneflLs of uslng neLfllx, Lhen puL your afflllaLe llnk
somewhere on Lhe page. When vlslLors see your page Lhey wlll be warmed up lnLo Lhlnklng how greaL neLfllx
ls and Lhen when Lhey vlslL your CA offer, Lhey wlll presumably be more llkely Lo slgn up for Lhe free Lrlal.
Agaln, don'L freak ouL, Lhere are plenLy of ways Lo make money wlLh CA offers wlLhouL knowlng how Lo bulld any klnd
of web page. lL's [usL an opLlon l LhoughL l would share wlLh you.
PosLlng ls someLhlng you wlll llkely need. PosLlng ls essenLlally how you geL your domaln (web slLe address) so people
can see lL on Lhe lnLerneL. PosLlng plans can be as llLLle as a few dollars a monLh so don'L freak ouL.
lf you bulld a web slLe, you wlll need a hosLlng plan Lo hosL your web slLe. lf you are dolng offllne markeLlng and wanL
Lo redlrecL from a your domaln name Lo your CA offer or you wanL Lo 100 lframe your offer, you wlll need hosLlng so
LhaL people can vlslL your domaln --domaln names are cheap and can be [usL $1 or $2. 1hlnk, lL ls hard Lo Lell people Lo
go Lo Lhe llnk =webslLe1 because lL's ugly, hard Lo remember, and [usL looks plaln
skeLchy. Some afflllaLe llnks are even longer Lhan LhaL one.
So you may wanL Lo buy a domaln llke and Lhen have LhaL slLe re-dlrecL Lo your afflllaLe llnk. So you
[usL need Lo Lell people Lo go Lo and Lhey wlll auLomaLlcally be redlrecLed Lo your offer (say a neLfllx offer)
wlLhouL Lhem even knowlng.
My favorlLe hosLlng company ls PosLgaLor, as Lhey are lnexpenslve and very rellable. lf you use Lhe coupon code
SLl11LS1 when you slgn up for a shared hosLlng plan, you wlll geL Lhe flrsL monLh for [usL 1 penny!
Agaln, lf you don'L undersLand how hosLlng works yeL, don'L panlc! lf you are [usL uslng your domaln name Lo redlrecL
Lo an offer, lL ls slmply a maLLer of copy and pasLe. l wlll glve you a redlrecL scrlpL and an lframe scrlpL aL Lhe end of Lhls
gulde. ?ou can puL ln your own afflllaLe llnk lnLo Lhe shorL scrlpL, Lhen copy lL and Lhen you can go lnLo your hosLlng
accounL and pasLe lL and volla, wlLhln 30 seconds you are done. Call your hosLlng company lf you don'L know how Lo do
Lhls and Lhey can walk you Lhrough. ?ou may have Lo use l1, whlch ls also very easy, buL your hosLlng company wlll
walk you Lhrough lL.

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Get a Month of nost|ng for 50.01 and on|y a few bucks a month thereafter
Step 1: Go to http:]]]shared.shtm|
Step 2: S|gn up for a nostgator p|an and use the Coupon Code be|ow

Coupon Code: SLCIAL039384

Coupon code va||d at t|me of creat|ng th|s gu|de

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-- na|ft|me 8reak --


Pere ls an exLremely generallzed wrap up so far.

- Get accepted |nto a CA network
- I|nd an offer and get your aff|||ate ||nk
- G|ve your aff|||ate ||nk to peop|e
- eop|e c||ck on your ||nk and f||| out the act|on
- ou earn a comm|ss|on


lmaglne Lhls.
6 monLhs from now you are slLLlng on a beach ln Lhe Carlbbean slpplng a MarLlnl
and smlllng because you know as you slL Lhere
you are maklng money onllne!

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romot|on Methods - 1|me to Make Money
Cff||ne Market|ng
Cffllne markeLlng ls greaL for beglnners because lL doesn'L lnvolve anyLhlng very
Lechnlcal and [usL requlres some good old work. As prevlously menLloned, CA
offers are all abouL Lrafflc, so anywhere offllne LhaL has Lrafflc wlll work wlLh
offllne promoLlon. Make sure Lo check wlLh your afflllaLe manager Lo make sure
Lhey are okay wlLh you promoLlng uslng offllne channels. Some AMs don'L allow
offllne Lrafflc and l don'L wanL Lo see anybody forfelL Lhelr hard earned
commlsslons. Pere are some offllne channels LhaL are good for CA offers.
Newspapers: uL an ad ln Lhe newspaper LhaL relaLes Lo a CA offer and
Lhen llsL your domaln. uependlng on Lhe clrculaLlon and Lhe newspaper,
you may be able Lo geL a loL of vlews for very cheap. A good Llp here
would be Lo llnk your ad wlLh a CA offer and make Lhe whole process
very bellevable and non-decepLlve. Some good offers LhaL may work are
Lhe buslness opporLunlLy offers or healLh relaLed offers.
AnoLher good way Lo go abouL geLLlng your CA offer ouL Lo newspaper
readers ls Lo come up wlLh a real arLlcle and Lhen speak wlLh Lhe
newspaper company abouL publlshlng lL. ln Lhls case, you wlll llkely need
Lo creaLe your own landlng page and Lhen llnk Lhe CA offer Lo Lhe landlng
page. l acLually wroLe a very shorL arLlcle abouL how Lo make your own
web slLe for free and Lhen conLacLed Lwo of Lhe newspapers ln my area. l
Lold Lhem l was a web developer and LhaL l would llke Lo wrlLe a shorL posL
abouL how anybody can easlly creaLe a web slLe for Lhelr buslness. AL Lhe
end of Lhe arLlcle all l sald was please check ouL my web slLe for more
lnformaLlon. Cn my web slLe l had a relaLed CA offer as well as well as a
hosLlng afflllaLe program. ln [usL a few days l had Lhousands of people
vlslLlng Lhe slLe and l made a decenL amounL. 1hls was all from a free
arLlcle l had publlshed.
ress ke|eases: 1hls ls a slmllar meLhod of promoLlon Lo Lyplcal
newspaper markeLlng. 1he ldea behlnd press releases ls LhaL lf you wrlLe a
bunch, all you need ls a few Lo geL plcked up and you can see a masslve
amounL of free Lrafflc dependlng on who plcks you up.

Newspaper C|ass|f|ed Method
uL an ad ln Lhe newspaper for a work
aL home [ob poslLlon. 1ell people Lo
check ouL your domaln for more
lnformaLlon and Lhen have a work aL
home offer as a redlrecL, l-frame, or
creaLe your own pre-sell landlng page
for Lhe work aL home offer.
1. ueslgn Lhe ad
2. SubmlL Lo newspaper
3. SeL up domaln and redlrecL
Lo CA 'work aL home' offer
A|ternat|ve Method
Ask people Lo emall you Lhelr resume
lf lnLeresLed. When you geL emall
responses, Lell people abouL Lhe work
aL home opporLunlLy and send Lhem
Lhe llnk Lhey should vlslL lf lnLeresLed.
oLenLlal: lf you geL your ad ouL Lo
clrculaLlon of 30,000 and 1/3
of 1
are lnLeresLed and of Lhose 20
compleLe Lhe rlsk free Lrlal offer aL
$40 payouL, Lhen LhaL ls revenue of
$480 for LhaL day. lf Lhe ad cosL ls
$40, Lhen proflL ls $440 for Lhe day.

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When creaLlng a press release Lake a look aL successful 8
arLlcles. WhaL sLrucLure dld Lhey Lake? Pow long were Lhey?
Pow were Lhe Lone and Lhe LlLle and Lhe language? Pow were
Lhey sLrucLured? Was Lhere anyLhlng LhaL sLood ouL Lo you? 1he
besL way Lo wrlLe a press release ls Lo use Lhe same formaL as
oLher successful press releases.
Come up wlLh a good sLory for your release. 8 releases are all
abouL a good sLory and lf you can come up wlLh a good sLory and
Lhen noL-very-dlrecLly lncorporaLe your web slLe lnLo Lhe release,
you're good Lo go.
AfLer you have wrlLLen your 8, Lhen submlL Lo 8 submlsslon
slLes llke Lhe followlng. 8-Web ls a pald submlsslon servlce LhaL
works greaL. AlLernaLlvely, here l have llsLed a seL of free 8
submlsslon slLes.
hLLp:// hLLp://



hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://



hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLps:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://



hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://
hLLp:// hLLp://

|zza 8ox Cff||ne Method
Co Lo your local plzzerla and speak wlLh Lhe
owner. Lxplaln Lo hlm whaL you do as a CA
markeLer and Lell hlm LhaL lf he/she leLs you
aLLach a small flyer Lo every plzza box, you wlll
spllL Lhe commlsslon wlLh hlm/her.
1. llnd a Cood offer LhaL you Lhlnk
would converL well. 8emember Lhe
demographlc ls wlde, so geL a wlde
demographlc offer.
2. rlnL ouL mlnl flyers LhaL say
someLhlng llke lree WelghL Loss
1rlal" and Lhen llsL your domaln for
Lhem Lo vlslL. 8l1 offer may have
payouL of $40, so $20 for you $20 for
Lhe plzzerla
3. SeL up your domaln Lo redlrecL Lo Lhe
welghL loss offer. ?our domaln could
4. 1ry Lhls wlLh mulLlple plzzerlas and
have each plzzerla have lLs own sub-
domaln LhaL redlrecLs Lo Lhe offer.
3. When you recelve commlsslon, make
sure you pay Lhe plzzerla, Lhey are
your parLner!
*?ou may have Lo Lape Lhe flyers Lo Lhe boxes
Lo geL Lhe plzzerla Lo agree Lo Lhe deal aL flrsL
oLenLlal: lf you geL 3 plzzerlas Lo agree, do
200 boxes for each per day LoLallng 1000
boxes per day and geL 2 people from each
plzzerla Lo slgn up ouL of Lhose 1000 boxes,
Lhen Lhe commlsslon aL $40 payouL ls $400
per day. ?ou keep half = $200 per day.

Do same th|ng w|th Ch|nese kestaurant

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Large I|yers: AnoLher good opLlon Lo promoLe your CA offer ls Lo creaLe large flyers wlLh pull off Labs LhaL
promoLe your offer. Cn Lhe Labs, you obvlously wanL Lo puL your domaln so people who are lnLeresLed go Lo
your domaln. ?ou can redlrecL or 100 lframe here. Some good Lhlngs Lo Lhlnk abouL lf dolng large flyers.
Catchy nead||ne: ?ou wanL your ad Lo caLch people's aLLenLlon. Maybe someLhlng shocklng!
Iust Lnough Informat|on: ?ou wanL Lo geL people Lo your web slLe. uon'L puL Loo much lnformaLlon
on Lhe flyer, [usL enough for people Lo peak Lhelr lnLeresL, pull a Lab, and Lhen vlslL your domaln.
|ctures: l have found LhaL flyers wlLh lmages work well Lo caLch people's aLLenLlon.
n|gh 1raff|c |aces: Check ouL publlc LransporLaLlon hubs llke bus sLops, Lraln sLaLlons, subway
sLaLlons. CLher good places lnclude anywhere wlLh a bulleLln board such as Lhe grocery sLore, local
sLores, munlclpal bulldlngs, or any oLher hlgh Lrafflc places.
Short Doma|n: lf you are buylng a domaln Lry and make lL shorL and more memorable.
Loca||zed Doma|n: lf you are puLLlng up flyers ln n?C, Lhen maybe your domaln can be
n? or someLhlng llke LhaL.
kemember our Aud|ence: lf you are puLLlng up large flyers aL your grocery, don'L promoLe a male
welghL loss offer - afLer all, mosL of Lhe shoppers are noL male and won'L be lnLeresLed. lnsLead, you
should LargeL women. Cne offer l dld successfully wlLh flyers aL Lhe grocery sLores ln my area was an
educaLlon scholarshlp offer for women.
*Numbers Game: As wlLh much of CA markeLlng, lL's a numbers game. lnsLead of puLLlng up 2 flyers
a week and complalnlng lL doesn'L work because you are only maklng $20 per week, why noL be [oyous
LhaL you found someLhlng LhaL does work and [usL go nuLs and puL up 40 flyers per week maklng you
$400 per week. Pow abouL 400 flyers per week? lL's a numbers game.
* 1hls ls an lmporLanL concepL ln lnLerneL markeLlng and CA markeLlng LhaL a loL of new people fall Lo
reallze. When l flrsL sLarLed, Lhe way l sLarLed maklng decenL money was [usL worklng my buLL off Lo
flnd llLLle Lhlngs LhaL work. l remember puLLlng up ?ou1ube vldeos all day one day and [usL leLLlng lL
slL. All LhaL work was produclng roughly 2 sales per week, whlch ls roughly $30 per week. lL seems llke
pennles and lL ls buL whaL lf you repeaLed Lhls process for Len days ln a row. now you are maklng $300
per week on auLoplloL. uo lL for 1 monLh sLralghL every slngle day and you are now maklng $1300 per
week on auLoplloL lndeflnlLely wlLhouL dolng any more work.
My polnL ls LhaL ln Lhls CA markeLlng game, one way Lo make a good sLeady lncome ls Lo [usL rlnse
and repeaL Lhe heck ouL of someLhlng LhaL makes a small amounL of money. ln Lhe end, many small
amounLs add up!

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LkAMLL CI A ILLk - example purposes only

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LkAMLL CI A ILLk - example purposes only

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LkAMLL CI A ILLk - example purposes only

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Sma|| nand Cut I|yers: AnoLher good opLlon Lo promoLe your CA offer ls Lo creaLe small flyers LhaL you can
hand ouL, puL on car wlndows, or drop aL resLauranLs, use your lmaglnaLlon. Cf course look lnLo local laws, as
some places have sLrlcL lolLerlng flnes. l have personally never run lnLo any problems wlLh Lhls.

Pere you can creaLe 12 flyers wlLh one plece of paper!
nIN1: l uSLu PLAv? S1CCk CCLu AL8 1C CL1 PlCPLS1 CCnvL8SlCnS

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Iorum Market|ng
lorum markeLlng lnvolves golng lnLo popular forums on Lhe lnLerneL LhaL allow members Lo have slgnaLures. A
slgnaLure ls a llLLle blurb LhaL geLs shown afLer every posL you make on LhaL forum. Some people puL more lnformaLlon
abouL Lhemselves ln Lhelr slgnaLure, some people puL a famous quoLe, and oLhers puL
Lhelr web slLe. lf you are allowed Lo puL a hyperllnk or web slLe address ln your
slgnaLure, Lhese are someLlmes referred Lo as do-follow forums meanlng people can cllck
and be forwarded Lo LhaL hyperllnk lf Lhey cllck lL. lf you noLlce on Warrlor lorum,
people can puL llnks ln Lhelr slgnaLures promoLlng Lhelr own producL or [usL Lelllng oLher
members more abouL Lhemselves. Well, forum markeLlng lnvolves puLLlng a llnk ln your
slgnaLure LhaL llnks Lo a CA offer or Lo your domaln, whlch Lhen has your CA offer on lL.
Cf course Warrlor lorum doesn'L allow you Lo llnk Lo a CA offer, buL Lhere are some
forums LhaL do.
1hls meLhod Lakes a loL of work and Llme and Lhe resulLs are medlocre aL besL ln my
experlence. 8uL, for beglnners who are looklng for a free way Lo promoLe Lhelr CA offer,
Lhls may be used as parL of hls or her arsenal of free promoLlon meLhods.
Pere are some Llps when uslng forum markeLlng.
Appropr|ate Iorum]Cffer: lf you are promoLlng a wrlnkle remover offer, lL
probably doesn'L make sense Lo go onLo a forum relaLed Lo vldeo Cames
because Lhe people on Lhe vldeo game forum are mosL llkely mlddle Lo young
age males who have no lnLeresL ln removlng faclal wrlnkles. Maybe golng Lo a
forum LhaL ls mosLly older women would make a loL more sense.
Shock|ng or Creat|ve: ln order Lo geL your llnk ln fronL of people, you need Lo
leave commenLs or sLarL Lhreads. 1he besL way Lo have people noLlce your llnks
ls Lo maybe be a llLLle shocklng. SLarL a Lhread wlLh a very shocklng or very
creaLlve headllne. Cf course Lhe Lhread needs Lo have value or else Lhe forum
moderaLor may ban you. So Lhe Lhread LlLle can be lnsane buL make sure Lhe conLenL of Lhe posL ls valuable Lo
oLher forum members.
Leave Good ua||ty Comments: ?ou wanL Lo leave good commenLs so you don'L look llke a spammer. lf you
are answerlng everyLhlng ln 4 word responses [usL Lo geL your posLs up, you wlll geL flagged and removed. 8e
smarL and always be Lhlnklng Lo add value wherever you go Lo promoLe.
Numerous osts: Cbvlously Lhe only way for people Lo see your slgnaLure ls lf you leave messages, so make
sure you are leavlng posLs conslsLenLly every day. Agaln, Lhe more you help ouL Lhe forum, Lhe more you wlll
beneflL. 1hls ls also a numbers game. lf you posL 3 posLs per forum and hlL up 10 forums per day (30 posLs per
day) and are maklng $20 per day, Lrylng dolng 6 posLs per day on 20 forums per day and make $80 per day.

Do Io||ow Iorums and 8|ogs
lor a llsL of 144 do follow
forums and blogs go Lo Lhe
followlng web slLe:


key. cteote mooy posts ooJ
cteote poollty posts. llck
qooJ offets tbot motcb tbe
Jemoqtopblc of tbe fotom.

40 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
Art|c|e Market|ng
ArLlcle markeLlng ls anoLher very slmple and easy way Lo promoLe CA offers and Lhls ls Lhe meLhod many newbles
sLarL wlLh. l wlll admlL l always found Lhls meLhod Loo much work for Loo llLLle reLurn so l haven'L personally done a loL
of arLlcle markeLlng, buL l wlll descrlbe Lhe baslcs [usL ln case you wlsh Lo glve arLlcle markeLlng a crack.
ArLlcle markeLlng essenLlally lnvolves wrlLlng arLlcles relaLed Lo Lhe offer you plan on promoLlng and Lhen submlLLlng
Lhese arLlcles Lo arLlcle dlrecLorles. AL Lhe end of Lhe arLlcle, you can puL your afflllaLe llnk or your domaln, whlch wlll
redlrecL Lo your afflllaLe llnk ln Lhe resource box. 1he ldea ls LhaL lf you wrlLe
an arLlcle abouL welghL loss and somebody reads Lhe arLlcle, Lhen Lhey may
be lnLeresLed ln your welghL loss CA offer, whlch you convenlenLly puL ln
fronL of Lhem !
now you may be wonderlng how people are golng Lo see your arLlcle.
Mllllons of people go Lo arLlcle dlrecLorles every day Lhrough varlous sources,
buL mosL commonly Lhese arLlcles are organlcally ranked preLLy hlgh ln search
englnes. 1hls means Coogle may plck up your arLlcle for a cerLaln keyword.
Pere ls a llsL of some of Lhe more common arLlcle dlrecLorles you can submlL
your arLlcles Lo.
!"#$%&' )$"'%#*"+
,**-&' ./-' 0/12
!&'3/ 0/12
3-&'(#)*%+,)-. 1 45627
&'(#)*%89+:;-9'<,)-. 0 65766
=%9'):>9'?,)-. 6 05@47
&'(#)*%+A9+%,)-. 1 B5C46
#=$9'%,)-. D 0 B5C2E
=%*F3'-G(:,)-. 0 25064
AH""*%,)-. 0 2502B
&'(#)*%I#(J,)-. 0 EE5670
K<%9L9'M%(%'+,)-. 1 E45E7E
&'(#)*%&**%J,)-. 6 E15762
>%;N=-H')%,$%( 6 E654C6
=%*F=!O,)-. 6 E65216
&.9"#$%+,)-. 6 EC56@2
&'(#)*%P'9<%',)-. 6 EC5044
=%9'):3H#*<,)-. 0 7@5@@B
>%;>-'*<K$<%Q,)-. 6 775744
&'(#)*%=?:%'%,)-. 1 715107
AH+#$%++R$-GS-G,)-. 0 7B5@40

Dragon Speak|ng Method
Many people have Lurned Lo volce
recognlLlon and dlcLlon sofLware Lo
pump ouL 10x Lhe number of arLlcles
compared Lo physlcally wrlLlng Lhem
SLep 1: CeL uragon Speaklng
SLep 2: SLarL speaklng lnLo Lhe
sofLware and creaLlng arLlcles aL
llghLnlng speed.
SLep 3: LdlL Lhe arLlcle your volce
creaLed such as grammar, spelllng and
SLep 3: SubmlL arLlcles Lo varlous
arLlcle dlrecLorles

1be qteot tbloq oboot Jtoqoo speokloq
ls tbot yoo coo lltetolly cteote Jozeos of
ottlcles lo oo boot ot so. 1bls meoos
yoo coo cteote booJteJs of ottlcles lo o
telotlvely sbott omooot of tlme. Attlcle
motketloq ls oll oboot tbe powet of
oombest ooJ cteotloq booJteJs of

41 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
T'-.-(#-$>-'*<,)-. 0 725C@C
&'(#)*%+U9)(-'J,)-. C 4@5001
!Q)%**%$(3H#<%,)-.V9'(#)*% 0 445C1@
I-$(%$(8%+M,)-. 1 445B21
&'(#)*%IH;%,)-. 6 405477
&F'-&'(#)*%+,)-. 1 1757B4
&'(#)*%A#",)-. 0 125@11

Check wlLh each arLlcle submlsslon dlrecLory Lo check Lhelr pollcy on uslng afflllaLe llnks and whaL you can add aL Lhe
end of your arLlcle ln Lhe resource box.
Also noLe LhaL you don'L need Lo creaLe very well wrlLLen deLalled arLlcles. 1he besL way Lo approach Lhls ls Lo creaLe
many small arLlcles and use Lhe power of numbers Lo sLarL bulldlng an lncome sLream. Some people [usL look aL oLher
arLlcles and use Lhese as LemplaLes for Lhelr arLlcle. Cf course you cannoL legally copy somebody else's work exacLly,
buL you can use Lhe same ldeas or beLLer yeL, use Lhelr ldeas Lo spark your own ldeas.
AnoLher hlnL would be Lo save Lhe arLlcles you wrlLe. Who knows, maybe lf you wrlLe enough good arLlcles abouL a
cerLaln Loplc you'll evenLually have enough conLenL Lo wrlLe your own e-book or creaLe your own producL. lL can'L hurL
Lo save every slngle arLlcle you've creaLed!

ou1ube Market|ng
?ou1ube markeLlng and more generally vldeo markeLlng ls a phenomenal way Lo geL free Lrafflc Lo your CA offers.
1here are many ways Lo approach vldeo markeLlng, buL all lnvolve Lhe same concepL.Lry creaLlng vlral vldeos LhaL wlll
be vlewed as many Llmes as posslble and somehow connecL Lhe vldeo wlLh a CA offer. ?ou wlll puL your web domaln
ln Lhe vldeo or ln Lhe descrlpLlon box of Lhe vldeo so people have access Lo your CA offer.
?ou can creaLe Lhe vldeo yourself or use vldeo creaLlon sofLware Lo creaLe vldeos for you. l have used Lhe AnlmoLo
meLhod Lo Lhe rlghL Lo generaLe Lhousands of vldeos LhaL are currenLly all over Lhe web. A slgnlflcanL lncome can be
generaLed uslng ?ou1ube and lL ls exLremely newble frlendly and slmple.
As a slde noLe, when l flrsL sLarLed ln CA markeLlng, every day l creaLed abouL 13 vldeos uslng AnlmoLo sofLware. l dld
Lhls for abouL a monLh and Lo Lhls day l am sLlll seelng converslons boLh from Cllckbank and CA offers l was promoLlng
back when l flrsL sLarLed. 1haL ls Lhe greaL Lhlng abouL meLhods such as arLlcle markeLlng and vldeo markeLlng, once
you creaLe Lhe vldeos or wrlLe Lhe arLlcles and submlL Lhem, you can llLerally make money off of Lhem for years Lo
come. Lven lf you declde Lo LoLally drop lnLerneL markeLlng, you wlll sLlll be earnlng commlsslons from Lhese vldeos
creaLed way back.

42 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
Pere are some Llps lf you declde Lo pursue vldeo markeLlng promoLlon.
ersonally l Lhlnk anybody can creaLe a few hundred dollars per day
lncome sLream from [usL vldeos and Lhls sLream wlll lasL for a long Llme.
As l menLloned, creaLe vldeos llke rabblLs creaLe bables, don'L sLop!
LvenLually Lhe power of numbers wlll be on your slde!
Catchy 1|t|es: 1he flrsL Lhlng people look for when Lhey are
browslng Lhrough vldeos ls caLchy LlLles and caLchy Lhumbnall
phoLos. So Lhlnk of some good [ulcy LlLles LhaL wlll geL people Lo
cllck on your vldeo.
nIN1: l have used some of Lhe mosL rldlculous LlLles LhaL don'L
even make any sense buL geL a loL of Lrafflc -- Lhlngs slmllar Lo
'resldenL Cbama ls regnanL' or 'Mlley Cyrus ls a 8oy'. 1he
polnL ls Lo be caLchy, noL necessarlly make sense. 1hls ls where
you need Lo unleash your creaLlve slde.
Doma|n: uL your domaln elLher ln Lhe vldeo lLself or ln Lhe
descrlpLlon of Lhe vldeo. use someLhlng lurlng Lo geL people Lo
acLually go Lo your web address once Lhey see lL. eople won'L
llke seelng a random afflllaLe llnk or web address ln Lhe mlddle of
Lhelr vldeo, so you need Lo [usLlfy why lL ls Lhere and glve Lhem a
darn good reason why Lhey should sLop surflng ?ou1ube and vlslL
your slLe.
ower of Numbers: Agaln, don'L spend an hour creaLlng a vldeo
unless you Lhlnk lL can be really vlral. When l was dolng vldeos, l
was maklng over a dozen ln an hour. l had and sLlll have
Lhousands of vldeos floaLlng around cyberspace and lL ls Lhe pure
volume of vldeos LhaL makes me money, noL Lhe quallLy of Lhe
vldeos. 1rusL me, Lhe quallLy ls rubblsh.
Not An Advert|sement: uon'L make Lhe vldeo a pure
adverLlsemenL. ?ou1ube surfers are Lhere looklng for
enLerLalnmenL and as l [usL sald, you beLLer glve Lhem a darn
good reason Lo sLop browslng vldeos and cllck Lo your slLe or
Lhey won'L glve your vldeo a second look.
Cn a slmllar noLe, Lhlnk abouL why people are on ?ou1ube ln Lhe flrsL place, for enLerLalnmenL. 1hey probably
have noLhlng Lo do and [usL wanL Lo waLch some funny vldeos and be enLerLalned. 1hus, Lhey wlll noL be happy
when you have a sllde wlLh a domaln name on. 1herefore you need Lo be exLremely creaLlve ln convlnclng
people Lo sLop belng enLerLalned and check ouL your offer or landlng page. l normally have a few lead up LexL

An|moto Method
AnlmoLo ls a very cheap plece of sofLware
LhaL wlll Lake plcLures you glve lL and
Lransform Lhese plcLures lnLo a cool
slldeshow LhaL wlll be ln sync wlLh muslc of
your chooslng.
?ou can creaLe vldeos fasL and easy.
SLep 1: uownload Lhe sofLware
SLep 2: CaLher phoLos relaLlng Lo a CA offer
and puL Lhem ln Lhe sofLware
SLep 3: 1he sofLware leLs you ad LexL slldes,
so puL someLhlng LhaL wlll urge people Lo
vlslL your domaln
SLep 4: SubmlL Lo vldeo submlsslon

WA8nlnC: 1PlS ML1PCu lS u8L8
1PCuSAnuS Cl vluLCS 1C uLCAu 1C 1PL
vluLC C81ALS.
8L Su8L 1C CPLCk 1PL 1L8MS Cl AnlMC1C
Anu ?Cu1u8L 1C MAkL Su8L ?Cu A8L

43 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
slldes before acLually leLLlng Lhe people know l am offerlng someLhlng or glvlng Lhem my domaln. lL has helped
me Lo have lead up slldes LhaL have quesLlons on Lhem LhaL leave Lhe vlewer lnLeresLed and hanglng. 1hey
musL vlslL my CA offer Lo geL deLalls!
Pln1: When comlng up wlLh a convlnclng message Lo geL vlewers Lo sLop whaL Lhey're dolng and check ouL
your offer, Lhlnk of someLhlng very clever LhaL connecLs Lhe vldeo wlLh Lhe CA offer. l had a vldeo of
exLremely faL people and Lhen came up wlLh a message LhaL says someLhlng along Lhe llnes of 'lf huge lard
booLle Lurns you on, don'L vlslL.and Lhen puL my domaln'. 1he polnL ls Lo come up wlLh a way Lo connecL wlLh
your vldeo vlewers and have Lhem say 'ahhh whaL Lhe hell, l'll Lake a look, sounds lnLeresLlng.' noL LhaL Lhls
message was LhaL clever, buL you geL Lhe ldea. 1he message wlll ulLlmaLely drlve Lhe Lrafflc, noL Lhe vldeo
Let our V|deo kun Long: 1hls ls a powerful Llp LhaL can help drasLlcally lncrease Lhe people LhaL vlslL your slLe
Lhrough your vldeos. AL Lhe end of your vldeo puL up your domaln and leL Lhe vldeo conLlnue Lo run on LhaL
sllde for several seconds, posslbly as much as 13 seconds. 1he reason you do Lhls ls because as soon as your
vldeo ends, ln ?ou1ube aL leasL, oLher vldeos pop up where your vldeo was playlng. 8y maklng your vldeo run
long you are noL only puLLlng your domaln ln fronL of Lhe vlewers eyes for longer, buL you prevenL Lhem from
lnsLanLly cllcklng on somebody else's relaLed vldeo LhaL pops up ln your space when your vldeo ends.
V|ra| V|deo: Llke Lyplcal SLC, Lhere are ways Lo lncrease Lhe naLural Lrafflc Lo your ?ou1ube vldeos. ?ou can
pay Lo promoLe your vldeo on ?ou1ube, buL Lhere are ways Lo promoLe lL free. Cne Lhlng l have done when l
creaLe a vldeo LhaL l Lhlnk has greaL poLenLlal ls sLarL commenLlng on oLher vldeos and your own vldeos. ?ou
can even geL your frlends Lo help you ouL here. 1he more commenLs Lhe beLLer.
n|nt: ?our goal here ls Lo creaLe commenLs LhaL wlll spark oLher surfers Lo commenL back. SuggesL someLhlng
LhaL wlll spark conLroversy. lf your vldeo ls somehow abouL Mlley Cyrus, Lhen wrlLe a commenL LhaL says Mlley
Cyrus ls Lhe mosL overraLed slnger on Lhe planeL. l guaranLee you wlll geL a bunch of chlcks LhaL wrlLe back and
blasL you. 1esLlng has shown LhaL Lhe more acLlvlLy ln Lhe commenLs secLlon of your vldeo you geL, Lhe beLLer
your vldeo wlll do.

C|ass|f|eds Market|ng
1he Lwo prlmary classlfled ad slLes are CralgsllsL and 8ackpage and each has lLs own advanLages ln Lerms of uslng Lhem
Lo promoLe CA offers. ln general, boLh plaLforms are exLremely slmllar so we wlll conslder Lhem one ln Lhe same ln
Lhls gulde. 1he greaL Lhlng abouL cralgsllsL and backpage ls Lhe sheer amounL of Lrafflc for free aL your flngerLlps. 1ake
a look aL Lhe CralgsllsL uomlnaLlon meLhod l have added Lo geL an ldea of Lhe Lrafflc and earnlngs poLenLlal of Lhese
classlfled slLes.
1he baslc ldea behlnd mosL cralgsllsL promoLlon Lechnlques ls Lo creaLe posLs, geL vlslLors Lo respond, and Lhen elLher
seL up an auLo responder Lo reply Lo Lhese emalls wlLh your CA offer or manually do lL. Classlfleds promoLlon ln my

44 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
oplnlon ls Lhe meLhod LhaL you can use Lhe mosL creaLlvlLy wlLh
and lf you come up wlLh a good meLhod, you can llLerally make
hundreds of dollars a day as a very beglnner.
lL should also be made clear LhaL many CA neLworks do noL llke
classlfled Lrafflc aL all, so check wlLh your afflllaLe manager before
uslng classlfled Lrafflc Lo promoLe Lhelr offers. ln general Lhese
neLworks are worrled LhaL Lhe leads you geL won'L converL on Lhe
adverLlsers' end, so Lhey don'L allow lL. lurLhermore, Lhere ls
speculaLlon LhaL many CA neLworks do a loL of CralgsllsL and
8ackpage adverLlslng on Lhelr own so Lhey don'L wanL afflllaLes
llke you and l Lo creaLe even more compeLlLlon. When l flrsL
sLarLed, almosL every slngle afflllaLe manager l had sLrlcLly
prohlblLed CL Lrafflc, and lL wasn'L unLll l bullL a relaLlonshlp wlLh
Lhem LhaL Lhey would leL me LesL ouL dlfferenL offers on CL.
AL1LkNA1IVL: Cne way Lo geL around Lhls ls Lo creaLe a landlng
page or slLe and dlrecL CL and 8 vlslLors Lo your slLe and Lhen geL
Lhem Lo fulflll your acLlon from Lhere. Many neLworks conslder
Lhls web Lrafflc and noL classlfleds Lrafflc, buL agaln use your
noggln and speak wlLh your afflllaLe manage Lo make sure you're
playlng by Lhe rules.
Software: Classlfleds sofLware ls lnsanely powerful. 1here ls
sofLware ouL Lhere LhaL can creaLe hundreds of posLs per day ln
clLles around Lhe naLlon. 1here ls also sofLware LhaL wlll scrape
emall addresses. lor example, you can geL Lhe sofLware Lo glve
you Lhe emall address of every person who posLed an ad ln a
cerLaln secLlon of CL. now Lhls ls all fabulous and you can collecL
Lhousands of emalls per day (and Lhen send an emall Lo Lhese
people wlLh your CA offer) or you can posL hundreds of ads per
day. 1he earnlngs poLenLlal when you flnd a good plece of
sofLware ls enormous. 1he problem ls LhaL CL and 8 have smarL
programmers who conLlnually flnd ways Lo block Lhese Lypes of
sofLware from worklng so lL's a consLanL game beLween sofLware
producers Lo come up wlLh ways around Lhe CL roadblocks and CL
Lrylng Lo block Lhe sofLware.
1hus, sofLware comes and goes and geLs replaced fasL. lor Lhls
reason l am noL golng Lo recommend any speclflc plece of
sofLware and ln LruLh, Lhe mosL effecLlve sofLware ls proprleLary

C|ass|f|ed Dom|nat|on Method
1hls meLhod ls very general and requlres creaLlvlLy
buL lL ls greaL because you can make your own
varlaLlon. llrsL you go onLo cralgsllsL and posL an ad
for a producL LhaL ls slmllar ln nlche Lo your CA
offer. lor a welghL loss offer, you can posL a blurry,
unprofesslonal phoLo of dumbbells or a bench press
and say you are glvlng Lhem away Lo a good new
home for free. Cr maybe sell lL for someLhlng
rldlculously cheap llke $10 so lL's more bellevable.
?ou can even sell real dumbbells maklng lL more
eLhlcal. 1he polnL ls Lo geL LargeLed people
lnLeresLed ln welghL loss and worklng ouL.
nexL respond saylng you already sold Lhe lLem buL
for whaL's lLs worLh, Lhey can check ouL your welghL
loss CA offer aL your lframed or redlrecLed domaln.
Cr seL up your own pre-sell landlng page.
1he polnL of Lhe meLhod ls Lo come up wlLh real
leglLlmaLe looklng ads relaLed Lo a CA offer so LhaL
you geL LargeLed leads.
CreaLlvlLy wlll reward handsomely on cralgsllsL!
M? 8LCLn1 8LAL LllL LxAMLL: l puL up 13 posLs
per day for 7 days sLralghL days and goL 2000 people
who emalled for more lnformaLlon over Lhe llfe of
Lhe posLs. l posLed ln all ma[or clLles and more. 1he
converslon raLe was [usL over 3 meanlng LhaL 100
slgned up for my free Lrlal offer, whlch had a sLreeL
payouL of $40, and l was geLLlng $43. 1hls means l
earned $4,300 ln commlsslons and Lhe besL parL.lL
ls all proflL because Lhe Lrafflc was free.
As always, check wlLh your afflllaLe manager
whenever dolng a classlfleds campalgn or you are
rlsklng your accounL and commlsslons.

43 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
and noL for sale. SofLware [usL does Lhe same Lhlng LhaL can be done manually, so Lhere ls no need for sofLware,
especlally when you are newer Lo Lhe CA game.
I|agg|ng: 1hls ls when people who are vlslLlng cralgsllsL spoL a posL LhaL Lhey Lhlnk ls an adverLlsemenL, Lhey can flag
LhaL posL and lL geLs Laken down lmmedlaLely. 1hls ls a huge problem for CA markeLers because LhaL ls Lhe sole
lnLenLlon of us belng on cralgsllsL, Lo adverLlse our CA offer. 1he way around Lhls ls creaLlvlLy. Look aL Lhe real posLs
LhaL are sLlcklng and flnd a creaLlve way Lo seL up a slmllar posL and sLlll moneLlze lL. lor example, Lhe CL domlnaLlon
meLhod l revealed would do very well sLlcklng. When you puL up a plcLure of an old looklng bench press and say lL's for
sale for $10, vlslLors of cralgsllsL would Lhlnk Lhls ls a real posL and wouldn'L flag lL rlghL away.
C8LA1lvl1? WPLn MCnL1lZlnC CLASSlllLuS 18AlllC lS CCLuLn. 1PL8L A8L CCkL1S Cl CCLu ALL CvL8 C8AlCSLlS1
Anu 8ACkACL 1CuA? Anu 1PL8L WlLL 8L nLx1 WLLk Anu A ?LA8 l8CM nCW. SC !uS1 8L C8LA1lvL Anu llnu A
WA? 1C WC8k Wl1P 1PL S?S1LM 1C MCnL1lZL 1PlS l8LL 18AlllC SCu8CL!
Cffer Someth|ng of Va|ue: 1hls ls an lmporLanL concepL LhaL has helped me do well wlLh CralgsllsL. lnsLead of
approachlng classlfleds markeLlng as Lrylng Lo Lrlck people lnLo readlng your posL, why noL [usL offer someLhlng of
value. 1hls way you are dolng Lhe classlfleds communlLy a favor. As general pracLlce, ln your CA buslness you should
ALWA?S Lry and offer value and Lhe same holds Lrue for classlfleds markeLlng.
lf you are dolng a welghL loss offer, why noL come up wlLh a greaL abdomlnal workouL e-book, or come up wlLh
abdomlnal workouL vldeos, or a slLe LhaL ls all abouL abdomlnal workouLs. now offer Lhese vldeos or Lhe e-book Lo
classlfleds vlslLors compleLely free. ?ou [usL provlded Lhem greaL value, and of course somewhere ln Lhls vldeo you wlll
be promoLlng your CA offer. 1he ldea ls Lo noL [usL Lry and sell, sell, sell. 1ry Lo offer lnformaLlon for free and l have
found LhaL ln reLurn, vlslLors are much more llkely Lo LrusL you and fulflll your CA offer.

CLher SlLes 1o Check CuL and use:

Ablewlse ltee closslfleJs
AJlooJlto 1toJet lobllsbloq compooy 1tofflc1estets kepott 1tlbe Netwotks
nlqblooJ clossflleJs u5clty.oet u5lteeoJs oboo! closslfleJs
My5poce closslfleJs

46 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($

lf you speak Lo any of Lhe experlenced afflllaLes pulllng huge numbers, chances are Lhey are uslng pald Lrafflc sources,
prlmarlly because Lhe volume of Lrafflc avallable ln Lhe pald space ls enormous. l undersLand LhaL mosL afflllaLes [usL
sLarLlng ouL ln Lhe CA markeLlng game do noL have a loL of money Lo blow/lnvesL up fronL, so l would be careful lf you
are uslng any of Lhe followlng pald sources, and you may wanL Lo walL unLll you have some lnvesLmenL caplLal. ald
sources can make you a loL of money lf you know whaL you're dolng, buL lL normally requlres loslng money aL flrsL as
you learn how Lhlngs work and Lhen ln LesLlng before you flnd proflLable campalgns.
ll ?Cu A8L 88Anu nLW 1C ln1L8nL1 MA8kL1lnC, 1AkL M? AuvlCL Anu 8LAu 1PL lCLLCWlnC Alu 8CMC1lCn
SLC1lCnS 1C lAMlLlA8lZL ?Cu8SLLl Wl1P 1PLM, 8u1 ll8S1 LLA8n 1PL 8ASlCS Anu uC l8LL Anu CPLA ML1PCuS
8LlC8L lnvLS1lnC A LC1 ln 1PL lCLLCWlnC. ALSC 8L AuvlSLu 1PA1 Alu AuvL81lSlnC ML1PCuS A8L A LC1 MC8L
uL1AlLLu Anu 8LCul8L A LC1 MC8L LxL8lLnCL Anu LxL81lSL 1C LxCLL A1. 1PlS lS MLAn1 AS An CvL8vlLW
CnL? Anu 1PL8L A8L PuCL CCu8SLS uLulCA1Lu 1C 1PL lCLLCWlnC 18AlllC SCu8CLS ll ?Cu A8L SL8lCuS A8Cu1
MAS1L8lnC 1PLM. C Anu MLulA 8u?lnC A8L lnSAnLL? 8Cll1A8LL 8u1 1PL8L lS MuCP MC8L 8lSk!
ay er C||ck
ay er Cllck adverLlslng ls probably Lhe slngle mosL used pald Lrafflc source. LssenLlally Lhe ldea behlnd C
markeLlng ls LhaL you can plck whaL keywords you wanL your ads Lo Lrlgger. A keyword ls slmply Lhe search
query somebody puLs ln when Lhey are on Coogle, ?ahoo, or any oLher search englne. 1he greaL Lhlng abouL
Lhls ls LhaL you can laser LargeL your ads. lf you are selllng purple monkey sLuffed anlmals, Lhen you can have
your ads show up only when people do a search for purple monkey sLuffed anlmals". 1herefore your ads only
show up when people are lnLeresLed ln your producL, meanlng you geL Lhe mosL LargeLed vlslLors.
1here are many courses ouL Lhere LhaL delve lnLo Lhe complexlLles and arL of C markeLlng so lf you are
serlous abouL masLerlng C l would recommend one of Lhose programs. lor now l wlll glve you a
comprehenslve overvlew of how C works and some of my mosL powerful Llps and Lrlcks.
Maln C laLforms
Coogle Adwords
?ahoo Search MarkeLlng
8lng MlcrosofL AdverLlslng
Also Check CuL:
Ad8rlLe Cllcksor 8ldAdverLlser LxlL !uncLlon ChlLlka
Ad1oll 1argeL olnL lasLcllck Cllck1hru1rafflc

47 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
When Shou|d I Start Us|ng: l personally sLarLed uslng C from Lhe very sLarL, buL l losL money aL flrsL. lor
newbles, l would recommend focuslng your aLLenLlon on free meLhods [usL Lo geL famlllar wlLh Lhe baslcs of
CA markeLlng. lL ls very easy Lo geL ln over your head and lose a loL of money ln C lf you are compleLely
new because unllke free meLhods, when you make mlsLakes uslng C, your credlL card feels Lhe paln. 1he
LruLh ls LhaL mosL C campalgns you sLarL wlll lose money aL flrsL. l would also sLrongly recommend golng
Lhrough Lhe AdWords Learnlng CenLer vldeos, whlch ls a very comprehenslve seL of vldeos LhaL explaln how
C works vla Coogle's plaLform. Cnce you undersLand Lhese vldeos, you are well on your way Lo sLarL dolng
well wlLh Lhe Coogle AdWords C plaLform and all oLher C plaLforms slnce Lhey are all preLLy slmllar.
l have a blnder rlghL on my desk where l have prlnLed ouL every slngle secLlon of Coogle's Learnlng CenLer
30,000 It V|ew
1he baslc sLeps when sLarLlng a C campalgn work llke Lhls. llrsL you wlll wanL Lo plck an offer you wlsh Lo
promoLe and Lhen seL up your C accounL by golng Lo Coogle AdWords, ?ahoo Search MarkeLlng, or whaLever
plaLform you wlsh Lo use. nexL you wlll wanL Lo do keyword research and deLermlne whaL keywords would be
good Lo bld on for Lhe offer you are promoLlng. nexL you geL your keyword llsL LogeLher and Lhen seL up your
ad, whlch can be a LexL ad or an lmage ad. lf dolng a LexL ad, Lhlnk of a caLchy headllne and some good ad
copy. 1hen seL up how much you wanL Lo spend for each person who cllcks on your adverLlsemenL. 1he hlgher
you bld Lhe beLLer poslLlon rank you wlll geL and Lhe more Lrafflc you wlll geL. nexL seL up a dally budgeL for
how much you wlsh Lo spend per day on cllcks and Lhen 8AM, you are up and runnlng.
keywords are Lhe hearL of your C campalgn. lf you are able Lo flnd a llsL of good keywords LhaL are relevanL
Lo your CA offer and LhaL don'L have a loL of compeLlLlon, you are ln good poslLlon Lo proflL from C.
naLurally, Lhere are Lhousands of markeLers ouL Lhere blddlng on slmllar keywords so you musL be creaLlve Lo
come up wlLh good keywords LhaL don'L have a loL of compeLlLlon. Cn a very baslc level, Lhe amounL you pay
for cllcks for each keyword wlll be deLermlned by Lhe number of oLher people blddlng on LhaL same keyword,
Lhus lf you are dolng a welghL loss offer and you bld for someLhlng broad llke 'welghL loss', Lhen you wlll be
paylng as hlgh as a few dollars per cllck. 1hls ls why lL ls recommended LhaL lf you are new, Lhen sLlck wlLh long
Lall keywords because Lhey wlll normally have much less compeLlLlon and Lherefore Lhe cllcks wlll be cheaper.
Cf course Lhe volume wlll be much less so Lhe upslde lsn'L as hlgh, buL Lhe downslde rlsk ls greaLly allevlaLed by
sLlcklng wlLh Lhese less compeLlLlve keywords. Long Lall keywords are sLrlngs of keywords a few words deep
such as welghL loss program 2010". Cf course Lhls wlll have less compeLlLlon & volume Lhan welghL loss".
As a general rule, mosL keywords you wlll plck wlll noL be proflLable. Maybe Lhey aren'L speclflc enough Lo
your offer so people who cllck on your ad aren'L really LhaL lnLeresLed ln your offer. Cr maybe Lhere ls slmply
Loo much compeLlLlon for LhaL keyword. LlLher way, Lhls ls why Lracklng down Lo Lhe keyword level ls
absoluLely essenLlal, so you can Lell whlch keywords aren'L proflLable and whlch ones are. Slmply Lurn off Lhe
ones LhaL aren'L maklng you money, and expand on Lhe ones LhaL are. LvenLually, as you weed ouL Lhe losers,
you wlll geL closer and closer Lo a proflLable campalgn.

48 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
keyword kesearch: 1here are many Lools and sofLware ouL Lhere LhaL are Lremendously helpful ln your
keyword research. l use a broad range of Lools, and lf you do a search you can flnd dozens of greaL Lools. ln
general, Lhe besL Lool l have ever used ls free and ls Lhe Coogle keyword 1ool. lL ls a compleLely free and wlll
glve you greaL daLa on keyword volume and oLher keyword suggesLlons. Pere are a few of Lhe many greaL
Lools Lhere are:
!"#$%&%'( *+,-.(-$ /-0$#1 23..-4 /56 7%%8 9%%:4- ;%%4
9%%:4- ;$-.+ <-= >%$+ ?"@0$+ *+>%$+& <-=A%$+ ,%BC% ;%%4
D"#1- 7%( 9%?-E0 *44 ". 6.- /56 ;%%4
;$-44"0. 2$-- /-0$#1 ;-$B /3::-&("%. ;%%4 6.(%4%:= F-40(-+ <-=A%$+ 2".+-$
D"#1- >0(#1 9%%:4- /3::-&(

Go Spec|f|c
When dolng keyword research, conslder drllllng down Lo very speclflc keywords. Cne of my flrsL large
campalgns was for a Llre CA offer. l bld on Llre slzes, Llre companles, car companles, and a comblnaLlon of
Lhese as seen below. 1hls enabled me Lo geL Lhousands of speclflc keywords LhaL had very llLLle compeLlLlon.
1lre Slzes 1lre 8rands Car Companles osslble keyword
130/18/408 Coodyear 8MW Coodyear 130/18/408
130/18/308 8fCoodrlch lord lord 130/18/308
130/17/408 1oyo Pummer Pummer 1oyo 1lres
130/16/408 lrelll uodge van uodge van lrelll 130/16/408
130/19/408 llresLone !eep 130/19/408 llresLone 1lres

As you can see, when you geL all Lhe Llre slzes, Llre brands, and car companles, you can geL Lhousands of
keywords. lease remember LhaL Lhls process of comlng up wlLh speclflc keywords based on separaLe llsLs (le
Llre slze llsL, Llre brand llsL, and car company llsL) ls exLremely slmple uslng a speclflc plece of sofLware l wlll go
lnLo laLer ln Lhls gulde. lL Look me maybe 3 mlnuLes Lo come up wlLh Lhese Lhousands of keywords uslng Lhe
sofLware so don'L geL overwhelmed.

Pln1: uslng very speclflc models of producLs are greaL keywords as well!

49 | a g e

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W|de & Dr||| Down
A good way Lo expand your keyword llsL ls Lo do whaL l llke Lo call Co Wlde and urlll uown. llrsL you wanL Lo
plck a maln keyword or a few maln keywords. lor example sake, leL's say we are dolng a vlcLorla's SecreL CA
offer. So flrsL we need Lo flnd our maln keyword.
Maln keyword: Llngerle
1hen you need Lo go wlde. 1hls means flndlng slmllar keywords, whlch wlll normally be synonyms and Lhe llke.
Co Wlde: Llngerle " anLles, underwear, 8ras, 1hong
nexL you drlll down Lhese wlde keywords Lo add ad[ecLlves, superlaLlves, and comparaLlves
urlll uown Sexy, WhlLe, See-1hrough, lnk, Sexual, 1urn Cn, Lace
And now you puL all Lhese LogeLher and you geL a long llsL of long Lall keywords.
Sexy llngerle, whlLe llngerle, see-Lhrough llngerle, plnk llngerle, lace llngerle.
Sexy anLles, whlLe panLles, see-Lhough panLles, plnk panLles, lace panLles.
LLc, eLc, eLc.

Creat|v|ty Is key
As wlLh much of CA markeLlng, creaLlvlLy ls Lhe slngle-mosL lmporLanL facLor ln comlng up wlLh proflLable C
campalgns. keep ln mlnd, [usL one or Lwo keywords can make 90 of your campalgns revenue, so puLLlng Lhe
Llme lnLo keyword research and comlng up wlLh creaLlve keywords ls more Lhan worLh lL. Cne of Lhe blggesL
mlsLakes newbles make and Lhen cry Lo me LhaL C doesn'L work, ls LhaL Lhey come up wlLh a keyword llsL of
very obvlous, non-creaLlve keywords LhaL every 1om ulck and Parry can Lhlnk of. And guess whaL, everybody
has LhoughL of Lhem and made Lhem exLreme compeLlLlve and expenslve Lo bld on.
keywords don'L have Lo make sense. eople query Lhe welrdesL Lhlngs and lL's Lhese welrd keywords LhaL are
Lhe normally Lhe mosL proflLable because very few markeLers devlaLe from Lhe malnsLream keywords.

kea| L|fe Lxamp|e
LeL me glve you a real llfe example of a campalgn l seL up Lhe day l was leavlng on a crulse back when l flrsL
sLarLed CA markeLlng. l llLerally LhoughL of lL a few hours before l lefL for Lhe alrporL so Lhe followlng resulLs
were before any opLlmlzlng, Lhese are raw resulLs.

30 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
l found a welghL loss 8lsk lree 1rlal offer LhaL my afflllaLe manager sald was dolng exLremely well. So now l
wanLed Lo plck keywords LhaL weren'L very compeLlLlve and l LhoughL of Lhe followlng.why don'L l maLch
celebrlLy names wlLh Lhe word welghL loss, welghLloss, and dleL. So my keyword llsL was a few hundred deep
and looked llke Lhe followlng.
8rlLney Spears dleL, 8rlLney Spears WelghL Loss, 8rlLney Spears WelghLloss
!ennlfer AnlsLon dleL, !ennlfer AnlsLon WelghL Loss, !ennlfer AnlsLon WelghLloss
Marllyn Monroe dleL, Marllyn Monroe WelghL Loss, Marllyn Monroe WelghLloss
8rad lLL dleL, 8rad lLL WelghL Loss, 8rad lLL WelghLloss
l dld Lhls for a few hundred celebrlLles and wlLh Lhe help of SpeedC sofLware, l creaLed a full campalgn wlLh
over 300 keywords ln less Lhan 10 mlnuLes. uslng SpeedC, for each keyword, l creaLed very relevanL ad
copy. So for Lhe keyword 8rad |tt D|et, my ad would llke.

lor Lhe keywords 8rad |tt We|ght Loss and 8rad |tt We|ght|oss, Lhe ads would look llke Lhe followlng:
CreaLlng Lhe above ads where Lhe keyword ls ln Lhe ad as well helps lncrease quallLy score and ls cruclal Lo
keep bld cosLs down. 1hls agaln was all done wlLh SpeedC sofLware auLomaLlcally and only Look seconds.
1hls whole process of flndlng keywords and bulldlng ads and everyLhlng Look maybe 13 mlnuLes aL besL. l seL
my dally budgeL aL $30. l seL up a slngle-page landlng page (ln LruLh, you may noL be able Lo do Lhls Loday as
one page wonders are more dlfflculL Lo geL away wlLh Loday and Lhls ls only Lo leL you know Lhe poLenLlal of
belng creaLlve) LhaL Look abouL 23 mlnuLes Lo creaLe from a LemplaLe l had.
l musL also noLe LhaL my landlng page used a php scrlpL LhaL would auLomaLlcally puL ln Lhe keyword people
searched for all over Lhe page so l would aLLaln a beLLer quallLy score and lower cllck cosLs. 8uL, Lhls could be
done manually very easlly for newbles lL would [usL Lake a blL more Llme. Agaln Lhls P code ls exLremely
slmple and Look [usL a mlnuLe or Lwo Lo do, also uslng SpeedC. So, Lhe whole campalgn Look maybe 40
mlnuLes. AbouL 3 days lnLo Lhe crulse l checked my sLaLs and Lhe campalgn had maxed ouL my dally budgeL aL

31 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
$30 per day all Lhree days and my revenues were someLhlng llke $830. So Lhls ls around $230 proflL per day
and my cllcks were consLralned because my budgeL was low. My dally proflL would have been much hlgher lf l
seL a llmlL of $300/day or hlgher lnsLead of $30, and remember -- 1PlS WAS ALL 8LICkL An? C1lMlZlnC A1
ALL -- Lhls ls sLralghL up 40 mlnuLes of LoLal work. 1he reason was because aL Lhe Llme of maklng Lhe campalgn
nobody was blddlng on a few of Lhose keywords and l was geLLlng enormous Lrafflc from keywords llke Marllyn
Monroe WelghL Loss and even some Lrafflc from !ackle kennedy WelghL Loss. Who would have LhoughL
people would be searchlng for LhaL ln Lhe flrsL place.
1he polnL ls LhaL lf you bld on Lhe same keywords as everybody else, you wlll almosL cerLalnly lose money as a
beglnner. ?ou musL Lhlnk creaLlvely and gaLher a keyword llsL of longer creaLlve keywords. noLlce LhaL none of
my keywords were less Lhan Lhree words, Lhus Lhey were long Lall and l was geLLlng cheap cllcks.

ua||ty Score
CuallLy score ls Lhe slngle mosL lmporLanL facLor ln how much you are golng Lo pay for cllck cosLs. lease see
Coogle's Learnlng CenLer for Lhe besL explanaLlon, buL ln general, your quallLy score ls a rank Coogle glves you
as Lo how relevanL your ad ls. lf you are blddlng on Lhe keyword urple Monkeys, buL your ad ls noLhlng abouL
purple monkeys and Lhe slLe your ad leads Lo ls noL abouL purple monkeys, Coogle wlll glve you a bad quallLy
score. 1he ldea behlnd Coogle's Lhlnklng ls LhaL your ad won'L glve lLs search englne users a good experlence
because when Lhey search for purple monkeys Lhey see your ad, whlch has noLhlng Lo do wlLh purple monkeys.
1o geL a hlgh quallLy score, you need Lo make your keyword, ad, and landlng page all very relevanL Lo each
oLher. 1haL ls why ln Lhe example above when l bld for Lhe keyword 8rad lLL uleL, l had Lhls exacL phrase all
over my landlng page and have lL Lwlce ln my acLual LexL ad. Coogle wlll vlew Lhls as much more relevanL and
glve me a hlgher quallLy score. 1he hlgher Lhe quallLy score, Lhe less you wlll pay Lo achleve a good poslLlon.
Cne of your maln focuses when dolng C campalgns ls golng Lo be sLrlvlng Lo geL a good quallLy score.
lease vlew Lhe C plaLform you are uslng Lo undersLand exacLly how lL speclflcally calculaLes quallLy score.
1hls secLlon ls meanL as a very general background of whaL quallLy score ls and how very lmporLanL lL ls.

kea| L|fe Lxamp|e #2
1hls ls a sLraLegy LhaL may Lake a long Llme, buL should sLlll work perfecLly Loday. l was promoLlng a home
depoL emall submlL offer LhaL was paylng somewhere ln Lhe range of $1 - $1.73, so noL LhaL much. l flrsL
creaLed a landlng page LhaL had a place vlslLors can enLer Lhelr emalls for upcomlng offers (squeeze page) and
my landlng page was very slmple, [usL llsLed some Lhlngs abouL home depoL and l used orange a loL Lo Lry and
make lL seem more offlclal. 8e careful abouL now uslng Lrademarked logos and sLuff on your landlng page.

32 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
My keyword llsL was essenLlally Lhe words PomeuepoL and Pome uepoL coupled wlLh every slngle Lown a
home depoL was ln, every slngle sLaLe a home depoL was ln, and l even drllled down Lo every slngle road a
home depoL was on. So my keyword llsL for one slngle Pome uepoL locaLlon looked someLhlng llke.
Pome uepoL new ?ork PomeuepoL new ?ork
Pome uepoL Albany PomeuepoL Albany
Pome uepoL Albany, n? PomeuepoL Albany, n?
Pome uepoL Cherrywood Avenue PomeuepoL Cherrywood Avenue
l repeaLed Lhls process for every slngle road, clLy, and sLaLe a Pome uepoL was ln. 1o do Lhls, l llLerally wenL
onLo Lhe Pome uepoL web slLe and looked up each locaLlon manually, so Lhls process Look a falr amounL of
Llme. An enormous amounL of Llme was saved agaln uslng SpeedC Lo bulld Lhe ads.
ln Lhe end l had a few Lhousand keywords and afLer Lurnlng off Lhe loser keywords l was maklng a preLLy
decenL lncome from Lhe campalgn lLself. Cn Lop of LhaL, l had Lhousands of people who slgned up for
upcomlng offers. l was able Lo sell Lhem on oLher CA offers uslng emall markeLlng. Agaln, Lhe lmporLanL parL
ls LhaL mosL markeLers wouldn'L go Lhe exLra dlsLance Lo look up every clLy a home depoL was ln, so Lhe llLLle
exLra work and creaLlvlLy Lurned whaL would have been an average campalgn lnLo a very good one.

Mlsspelllngs are also good keywords Lo bld on because Lhey are generally very uncompeLlLlve. Many people
Lype Loo fasL or slmply don'L know how Lo spell so you can geL decenL cheap Lrafflc from Lhese keywords. ln
addlLlon Lo Lhe mlsspelllng generaLor resources l have llsLed below, when dolng a mlsspelllng campalgn Lhlnk
abouL Lhe common ways people may mlsspell. Maybe somebody would spell enough, enuff.
hLLp:// 2

keyword L|st S|ze
1hls ls one of Lhe mosL common quesLlons l geL asked abouL C keywords. 1he LruLh ls LhaL dlfferenL
markeLers have Lhelr own preference when lL comes Lo Lhe slze of keyword llsLs. l don'L even have a general
rule. SomeLlmes l Lhlnk of [usL a few creaLlve keywords LhaL l Lhlnk may work so l creaLe a campalgn wlLh [usL a
handful of keywords yeL oLher Llmes a spend a whlle golng wlde and drllllng down Lo come up wlLh a campalgn
of Lhousands of keywords. WlLh Lhe help of SpeedC Lhls lsn'L as daunLlng as lL may lnlLlally seem.
lf you are newer, l would suggesL sLlcklng wlLh under a hundred [usL Lo keep yourself from geLLlng
overwhelmed. Agaln Lhls ls [usL a general rule of Lhumb.

33 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
SpeedC 5lclAl Ollk!

-- SCkk --

1PlS CllL8 lS nC1 AvAlLA8LL An?MC8L

-- SCkk --

34 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
Cther Concepts
I-Iram|ng Lxp|a|ned:
Cne of Lhe mosL common quesLlons from newbles besldes how can l make $10,000 by nexL week?" ls whaL ls
lframlng and whaL's Lhe purpose of lL?" Well Lhe besL way Lo undersLand Lhe concepL of lframlng ls Lo use an analogy.
lmaglne you have Lwo web pages, each of whlch ls slmply a slngle lmage. 1he flrsL web page ls a plcLure of a sunseL.
1he second web page ls an lmage of waLer lllles. now lmaglne you place Lhe plcLure of Lhe sunseL rlghL on Lop of Lhe
plcLure of waLer lllles and Lhen you cuL ouL a llLLle wlndow on Lhe sunseL plcLure, whlch ls on Lop. AfLer you cuL ouL Lhls
wlndow, you wlll see parL of Lhe waLer llly plcLure slnce LhaL plcLure ls dlrecLly underneaLh.
Well Lhls ls essenLlally whaL lframlng ls. lL allows you Lo effecLlvely place Lwo web slLes on Lop of each oLher and have a
wlndow LhaL allows Lhe boLLom web slLe Lo show Lhrough. ?ou can plck exacLly where you wanL Lhls wlndow Lo appear
and you can plck Lhe slze of Lhe wlndow.

So whaL does lframlng have Lo do wlLh anyLhlng? Well, lframlng can be very beneflclal when maklng web slLes. 1hlnk
abouL maklng a resLauranL revlew web slLe. ?ou can have Lhe resLauranLs food menu lframed on your web slLe, so
people can vlew Lhe resLauranL's menu wlLhouL ever really leavlng your slLe. unllke Lhe example above, you can deslgn
your slLe Lo make lL vlrLually unnoLlceable LhaL Lhere ls even an lframe on Lhe page.

33 | a g e

!"#$ &'($#)* +,-' './01$#&'02 3)(4 5(,&#*-"6$ 718$/(#8'($
Well, Lhls can also be very beneflclal for CA markeLers. llrsL l wlll glve you an example of how blackhaL markeLers
have used Lhe concepL of lframlng slnce Lhls ls a very clear way Lo see how lframlng ls used ln Lhe CA world -
8emember, you wanL Lo sLay whlLehaL and play by Lhe rules and Lhls ls [usL Lo show you how lframlng can be beneflclal.
Many blackhaL markeLers wlll llLerally lframe only Lhe emall submlL parL of a CA offer lnLo Lhelr web slLe so users won'L
even know LhaL when Lhey enLer Lhelr emall, Lhey are really enLerlng lL on a compleLely hldden page LhaL ls a CA offer
page. Cbvlously Lhls can be very decelvlng. ?ou can llLerally creaLe a landlng page LhaL says LnLer ?our Lmall 8elow
and 8ecelve $1,000,000 CompleLely lree" and Lhen lframe your vlcLorla's SecreL emall submlL offer. 1he user would
enLer Lhelr emall on your CA offer page noL even knowlng Lhey are acLually enLerlng Lhelr emall on a compleLely
dlfferenL web slLe. 1o vlsuallze Lhls:
vlcLorla's SecreL CA Cffer:

8lackhaL Landlng age:

l made my example preLLy blaLanL so LhaL lL would be clear Lhe boLLom rlghL was acLually an lframe of Lhe CA offer,
obvlously decelvlng users lnLo Lhlnklng Lhey are slgnlng up for Lhe free money when ln facL Lhey are fllllng ouL Lhelr
emall on a compleLely dlfferenL web page whlch ln Lhls case ls a vlcLorla's SecreL emall submlL offer. ln real llfe, people

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can deslgn Lhelr web pages uslng Lhe exacL same colors, fonLs, and sLyles so lL would be nexL Lo lmposslble Lo Lell Lhe
emall submlL parL wasn'L even parL of Lhe same page. Worse yeL, blackhaL markeLers can llLerally [usL lframe Lhe whlLe
parL where people enLer Lhelr emall. Agaln Lhls ls Lhe ugly slde of CA markeLlng LhaL glves Lhe whole lndusLry a bad
LL1 ML MAkL 1PlS vL8? CLLA8: 1he above example should noL be aLLempLed because blackhaL meLhods wlll geL you
banned, resulL ln forfelLure of commlsslons, and because Lhey are exLremely uneLhlcal. Avoldlng blackhaL and
decepLlve markeLlng pracLlces wlll help you bulld a susLalnable buslness. AfLer all, Lhe whole polnL of geLLlng lnLo
lnLerneL markeLlng for mosL people ls Lo bulld an auLoplloL and susLalnable lncome sLream.
1he 8enef|ts of |Iram|ng
lframlng doesn'L have Lo be blackhaL Lhough and l sLlll use lframlng on a dally basls ln my buslness. l use whaL ls called
100 framlng meanlng LhaL lnsLead of [usL framlng a small wlndow llke ln Lhe example above, l frame Lhe whole page.
WhaL Lhls allows me Lo do ls show people my CA offer buL when Lhey look aL Lhelr browser bar above, Lhey do noL see
an afflllaLe llnk, Lhey see my domaln name. 1hls ls lmporLanL because when people go Lo your afflllaLe llnk, Lhey
LradlLlonally see a very long ugly u8L, someLhlng llke hLLp://
When vlslLors see Lhls ln Lhelr browser Lhey naLurally are a llLLle skepLlcal because lL's a very ugly looklng domaln and
looks much less leglLlmaLe and offlclal Lhan say So whaL you can do ls uLlllze 100 lframlng on your
own domaln and lframe your afflllaLe llnk (Lhe one above). When Lhe user looks ln Lhelr u8L bar, Lhey wlll see
hLLp:// and LhaL's lL, buL Lhe page LhaL's belng dlsplayed ls your afflllaLe llnk CA offer. LssenLlally
your domaln ls essenLlally one huge wlndow, where Lhe compleLe lframed CA offer page dlsplays.
l-framlng ls also greaL lf you are dolng offllne adverLlslng or any oLher adverLlslng where you wanL Lhe vlslLor Lo acLually
Lype your u8L lnLo Lhelr browser. lor example, lf you are dolng offllne flyer adverLlslng, on Lhe flyer you wlll say
someLhlng llke 'please vlslL for more lnformaLlon'. Cbvlously on Lhe flyer you can'L have your afflllaLe llnk
because lL wlll be much Loo long and ugly for anybody Lo remember and afflllaLe llnks ln general look skeLchy so nobody
would probably even boLher Lrylng Lo remember. Cne opLlon would be Lo use a redlrecL scrlpL. When people Lype ln, Lhey wlll auLomaLlcally be redlrecLed Lo your afflllaLe llnk. 8uL, here lframlng wlll achleve your ob[ecLlve
even beLLer because slmllar Lo Lhe redlrecL, all Lhey have Lo do ls remember your shorL domaln, buL unllke Lhe redlrecL
scrlpL, Lhey can flll ouL your CA offer wlLhouL ever knowlng Lhey lefL your domaln. 1helr browser slmply says buL Lhe page shows your vlcLorla's SecreL Lmall submlL or any oLher offer you declde Lo use.
1hls may seem llke a very mlnuLe dlfference, buL when you sLarL drlvlng large amounLs of Lrafflc, lL's Lhese dlfferences
LhaL wlll add up Lo make a huge dlfference on your margln and boLLom llne.
When aLLempLlng Lo lframe, please conLacL your afflllaLe manager Lo make sure Lhe offer allows you Lo frame. 8ecause
blackhaL markeLers use lframlng Lo decelve and Lrlck people lnLo fllllng ouL Lhelr offers, a small number of adverLlsers
acLually have a frame-busLer code ln Lhelr web scrlpL LhaL wlll noL credlL you for any commlsslons you earn lf you have
Lhe offer framed ln any form whaLsoever. ln my experlence, mosL adverLlsers wlll leL you 100 lframe buL mosL wlll noL
leL you parLlally lframe, so be wlse and play by Lhe rules.

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ln Lhe back of Lhls gulde l have puL a baslc verslon of a 100 lframe scrlpL. 1o use, [usL flll ln your domaln and Lhe u8L
of your afflllaLe llnk and Lhen upload Lo your hosLlng server.

Goss|p: 1here ls a loL of opporLunlLy lf you keep up on Lhe laLesL gosslp. lf you look aL Coogle Lrends, you wlll reallze
LhaL much of Lhe Lop search for keywords are ofLen gosslp and celebrlLy relaLed. ?ou should Lake Lhe hlnL and Lhlnk
abouL how Lo use gosslp and celebrlLles ln your CA markeLlng ldeas. l for example, read Lhe gosslp blogs all Lhe Llme
Lo come up wlLh greaL shorL-Lerm keywords and blog ldeas. lf you hlL a good gosslp keyword LhaL sLlcks for a whlle, you
can make some decenL bank.
1hlnk abouL Lhe recenL 1lger Woods scandal and how LhaL can be used Lo make money wlLh CA markeLlng. use gosslp
and celebrlLy drama llke Lhls Lo moneLlze CA offers uslng any of Lhe meLhods menLloned ln Lhls gulde.

kea| L|fe Lxamp|e: A whlle ago l was waLchlng a celebrlLy gosslp show called 1MZ LhaL we have here ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes. Cne of Lhe sLorles Lhey had was abouL Lhls up and comlng 14 year old muslclan named !usLln 8leber. l seL up
some C campalgns wlLh !usLln 8leber keywords and seL up larger slLes and now Lhe slLe geLs a loL of free Lrafflc.
8leber fans love rlngLones!
1he ldea ls LhaL lf you geL ln on a celebrlLy before Lhey explode (llke l dld wlLh !usLln 8leber), and Lhen Lhey do explode,
Lhen you are ln perfecL poslLlon Lo geL crazy Lrafflc. l wouldn'L be surprlsed lf celebrlLy names are Lhe mosL searched for
Lerms on all Lhe search englnes.

Cne concepL ln lnLerneL markeLlng LhaL ls absoluLely crlLlcal Lo undersLand when Lrylng Lo go from maklng a good
lncome onllne Lo maklng a greaL lncome onllne ls Lhe power of scallng. 1he baslc premlse ls Lhe ablllLy ln lnLerneL
markeLlng Lo flnd someLhlng LhaL has a good margln and Lhen [usL dolng LhaL same Lhlng aL a much larger scale, leavlng
you wlLh a much larger lncome. 1he lnLerneL ls enormous, so lL ls very posslble Lo geL a campalgn LhaL was lnlLlally
maklng $20 per day Lo maklng $200 or $2000 per day.
Cne lmporLanL parL of scallng ls ouLsourclng and your ablllLy Lo ouLsource and delegaLe wlll enable you Lo scale more
effecLlvely and aL Lhe end of Lhe day, help you make a larger lncome whlle dolng less work. CuLsourclng ls essenLlally
havlng oLher people do your work wlLhouL Lhe formal employer/employee relaLlonshlp. When ouLsourclng, you wlll
llkely pay per [ob such as paylng for a scrlpL or for somebody Lo develop a landlng page for you ln one lump sum.
AlLernaLlvely, you can pay per hour, whlch ls generally used more lf you are paylng for a vlrLual asslsLanL or lf you are
uslng Lhe same ouLsource parLner and Lhey do a loL of work for you.

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1wo Good keasons to Cutsource
1. LxperLlse - Anybody who knows me knows l am as lgnoranL as a rock when lL comes Lo Lhe Lechnlcal slde
of lnLerneL markeLlng. 8eyond bulldlng a baslc page, l have no ldea whaL l'm dolng, so l ouLsource much of
Lhe Lechnlcal slde of my buslness.
2. 1lme - 1he second reason Lo ouLsource ls Lo free up your Llme. Cnce you sLarL maklng a decenL lncome,
you wlll reallze LhaL a loL of whaL you are dolng ls menlal monoLonous Lasks LhaL [usL Lake up Llme. Well
Lhere are people ouL Lhere LhaL can do Lhose same Lasks aL a fracLlon of whaL you value your Llme. 1he
mosL powerful beneflL however ls noL LhaL you have Lo work less, lL's LhaL you can work more efflclenLly.
?ou can use Lhe exLra free Llme Lo focus on Lhe meaL of your buslness, and comlng up wlLh new ldeas.
When ouLsourclng you musL remember LhaL you are runnlng a buslness. ?our processes, your meLhods, your ldeas are
all lnLellecLual properLy and should be regarded as an asseL. WlLh any asseL, lL ls crlLlcal Lo proLecL your asseLs. When
you ouLsource always remember nC1 1C ClvL AWA? ?Cu8 ASSL1S. lf you ouLsource a whole pro[ecL or meLhod Lo a
slngle lndlvldual, LhaL person can easlly sLeal your meLhod and make Lhe money Lhemselves. 1herefore, one Lhlng l
always do ls spllL up each lndlvldual
process l am ouLsourclng and glve each
plece of Lhe puzzle Lo a compleLely
lndependenL ouLsourcer.
1hls essenLlally glves each person who ls
worklng for you a plece of Lhe puzzle LhaL
means noLhlng Lo Lhem. ?ou are noL
glvlng away your meLhod or secreL sauce
aL all. ?our [ob of course ls Lo Lhen gaLher
Lhe varlous pleces Lhe ouLsourcers
perform and puL Lhem LogeLher, Lhereby
proLecLlng your meLhod. ls a greaL resource for ouLsourclng buL Lhere are plenLy of nlche speclflc ouLsourcers as well, so [usL do a
search for whaL you are looklng for. lor example, lf you wanL sofLware developed, you may conslder
Also check ouL and
When negoLlaLlng a prlce on a pro[ecL, you should seL mllesLones where you wlll break your pro[ecL lnLo many porLlons
or mllesLones and Lhen pay as each plece ls compleLed. uslng a brlck and morLar example, preLend you are havlng
somebody make you a Lable. ?ou don'L wanL Lo pay somebody Lhe whole $100 for Lhe Lable upfronL because Lhey
mlghL Lake Lhe money and run, and Lhls ls even Lruer on Lhe lnLerneL. lurLher, Lhe person maklng Lhe Lable doesn'L
wanL Lo make a whole cusLom Lable and walL Lo geL pald unLll Lhe end because Lhe purchaser may declde he/she
changed Lhelr mlnds and now you are lefL wlLh a cusLom Lable LhaL nobody else would wanL. So lnsLead, pay Lhe
person $20 up fronL, $20 once he makes and dellvers Lhe legs Lo Lhe Lable, $20 when he flnlshes Lhe Lop of Lhe Lable,
and Lhe remalnlng $40 when Lhe pro[ecL ls compleLed. 1hls helps mlLlgaLe rlsk.

lf you deprlve yourself of ouLsourclng and compeLlLors do
noL, you are puLLlng yourself ouL of buslness"

--Lee kuan ?ew

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CA Market|ng & 8eyond
CA markeLlng ls hugely proflLable, buL one of Lhe greaL Lhlngs abouL dolng CA markeLlng ls LhaL lL wlll open your eyes
Lo a hosL of oLher ways Lo make money onllne. 1hese LangenLlal ways Lo make money can be enormous and l belleve
you should pursue Lhem so LhaL you have mulLlple lncome sLreams comlng from every whlch dlrecLlon. 1hls helps
mlLlgaLe rlsk [usL ln case some of Lhe lncome sLreams dry up.
lf you aren'L already famlllar wlLh lL, cllckbank ls a markeLplace for people looklng Lo sell dlglLal producLs such as e-
books. ?ou can elLher creaLe a dlglLal producL or you can be an afflllaLe and promoLe Lhese dlglLal producLs. 1he greaL
Lhlng ls LhaL mosL of Lhe commlsslons for Lhese producLs are beLween 30 and 73 of Lhe sale prlce. 1he fanLasLlc
Lhlng abouL cllckbank producLs ls LhaL Lhere are many very small sub nlches such as Lhe shed plan producL llsLed below
LhaL converL really well and lf you are creaLlve, Lhey are really easy Lo moneLlze.
C||ckbank Idea
Cne ldea l have had buL haven'L lmplemenLed yeL and wlll share wlLh you relaLes Lo a cllckbank producL on how
Lo bulld your own shed. l dld very well promoLlng Lhls producL on C and can aLLesL LhaL lL converLs well.
My ldea ls Lo conLacL local lumberyards and ask Lhem Lo puL up my flyers. ?ou can do Lhls vla phone or emall or
can llLerally send your lamlnaLed flyer so Lhey [usL need Lo hang up. ?our flyer wlll read someLhlng llke...bulld
your own shed and save Lhousands of $$$. CeL everyLhlng you need here!" 1hen Lhere wlll be a llnk Lo your
domaln, whlch wlll redlrecL Lo Lhe shed plans cllckbank producL, of whlch Lhe commlsslon ls someLhlng llke $27
per sale.
1ell Lhe lumber yard or hardware sLore LhaL Lhls producL wlll help Lhem because anybody who buys Lhe producL
wlll need supplles and presumably wlll geL Lhem from LhaL sLore.

Cr use your own LwlsL Lo sell Lhls or any oLher cllckbank producL. Cllckbank producLs ln general are harder Lhan
LradlLlonal CA offers, buL for cerLaln nlches (llke bulldlng sheds) and sLraLegles, cllckbank producLs work beLLer.
l sLlll make a small parL of my lncome from promoLlng cllckbank producLs.

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C||ckbank M||||ona|re
1hls ldea represenLs Lhe whole power of lnLerneL markeLlng.oLher people dolng mosL of Lhe work and you
geLLlng auLoplloL proflLs. 1hls meLhod ls one LhaL every slngle person readlng Lhls can pursue and lL can be
exLremely proflLable lf you come up wlLh a good ldea.

SLep 1: 1ake 30 mlnuLes Lo Lhlnk abouL everybody ln your neLwork, your frlends, your famlly, your nelghbors,
your glrlfrlend or boyfrlend and Lhelr famlly, your local sushl chef, everybody!
SLep 2: Lach person ls good aL someLhlng. WrlLe LhaL someLhlng down. lL may be a hobby Lhey have or may be
relaLed Lo Lhelr vocaLlon.
SLep3: LllmlnaLe all of Lhe above LhaL cannoL be made lnLo a dlglLal e-book Lype producL. ?our local sushl chef
can demonsLraLe vla plcLures, vldeos, and wrlLLen LexL how Lo prepare sushl -- Lhls works. ?our cousln
who ls greaL aL maklng orlgaml can make a how-Lo e-book relaLed Lo orlgaml. ?our uncle !ohn who fly-
flshes and Lles flles can easlly make an e-book abouL fly Lylng -- Lhese are all good ldeas. 8uL, your slsLer
who ls greaL aL playlng fleld hockey may be hard Lo make lnLo a producL.
SLep 4: 1hls ls Lhe moneymaker. Co Lo Lhese people who have good LalenLs LhaL can be puL lnLo an e-book and
Lell Lhem lf Lhey slL down one weekend and develop a producL relaLed Lo LhaL LalenL, Lhen you wlll do all
Lhe markeLlng Lo sell lL onllne and you can spllL Lhe proflLs. now all you have Lo do ls creaLe Lhe producL,
whlch shouldn'L Lake long and Lhen upload Lo Cllckbank and pay Lhe very modesL lnlLlal fee. now you
have Lhousands of llLLle lemmlng afflllaLes looklng Lo promoLe your producL so Lhey are dolng all Lhe sales
for you.

1he greaL Lhlng abouL Lhls ls LhaL your frlends and famlly do all Lhe real hard work of maklng Lhe producL and you
[usL puL lL on cllckbank and make Lhe producL look beLLer plus a small amounL of work monlLorlng lL. lf you can
geL 10 producLs up on cllckbank, you have huge poLenLlal of maklng a real loL of money wlLhouL dolng a whole loL
of work. ?ou wlll be surprlsed when you slL down how many LalenLs your frlends and famlly possess.
CeL er uone!

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Web Deve|opment
AnoLher LangenLlal beneflL LhaL you wlll have afLer dolng CA markeLlng for a whlle ls Lhe ablllLy Lo creaLe web slLes. lL
ls noL as hard and daunLlng as lL may seem, LrusL me. ?ou can use Lhls sklll Lo make web slLes for oLher people. ?ou
would be amazed how many buslnesses ouL Lhere sLlll don'L have web slLes and you wlll preLLy qulckly learn how Lo
make Lhese slmple slLes ln no Llme. no fancy code or programmlng ls requlred.
A good way Lo make money bulldlng web slLes ls Lhrough hosLlng and malnLenance. ?ou wlll lnlLlally charge Lhe small
buslness an upfronL fee for creaLlng Lhe web slLe. 1hen you charge Lhem a monLhly hosLlng fee and lf Lhey wanL Lo
modlfy Lhelr slLe aL any Llme, you charge Lhem a fee for each edlL as well. ?ou can geL a reseller hosLlng accounL for $30
per year or plggyback on yours for free and charge Lhe buslness $20 per monLh.
Sub Contractor M||||ona|re
Step 1: Co Lo a local buslness onllne llsLlng slLe. Pere ls Lhe unlLed SLaLes we have or MerchanL
Clrcle. llnd a sub conLracLor nlche llke asphalL pavlng companles or palnLers. ?ou wlll flnd Lhousands of Lhese
companles so sLarL golng Lhrough and flgurlng ouL whlch ones don'L have web slLes. lor cerLaln sub-conLracLor nlches
mosL don'L have slLes.
Step 2: 8ulld a LemplaLe web slLe for Lhls nlche. 1hls can Lake as shorL as 10 mlnuLes Lo do. upload lL Lo a domaln
Step 3: ConLacL Lhe companles and Lell Lhem you are a web slLe developer and noLlced Lhey don'L have a slLe. 1ell
Lhem Lo vlslL Lhe slLe you [usL creaLed and lf Lhey llke lL Lhey can have lL for only $100. lL wlll Lake you 30 mlnuLes or
less Lo puL Lhelr lnformaLlon onLo Lhe slLe because Lhey wlll be comlng up wlLh Lhe conLenL, you [usL copy and pasLe.
Step 4: lor $100 you glve Lhem Lhelr own domaln name and Lhe whole slLe plus you charge Lhem $13 per monLh for
hosLlng and charge Lhem $20 for every edlL Lhey wanL you Lo make on Lhe slLe. Pln1: ?ou can use Lhls same LemplaLe
for mulLlple companles. So you can use one LemplaLe for 2 companles per sLaLe, whlch equaLes Lo 100 companles ln
Lhe counLry. $100 ls cheap for a full web slLe, Lell Lhem lL's a speclal or someLhlng.
otent|a|: lf you do Lhls for 30 companles (noL hard Lo do) ln Lhe same nlche, Lhen wlLh one LemplaLe, you [usL made
$3000 up fronL fee (mlnus $300 for domaln names you glve Lhem aL $10 each) + you earn $9,000 per year ln hosLlng
fees + earn any edlLlng commlsslons you make. 1haL's probably abouL $20,000 per year wlLh one LemplaLe. uo Lhls 10
Llmes over and make 10 Llmes LhaL much!
PlnL: When conLacLlng Lhe companles, glve Lhem numbers and Lell Lhem how a web slLe wlll make 1PLM more money.
Companles are much more wllllng Lo blLe lf Lhey percelve lL as an lnvesLmenL.

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Internet Market|ng Consu|t|ng
8y readlng Lhls gulde, you already know more abouL lnLerneL markeLlng Lhan 98 of Lhe populaLlon lf noL more. Cnce
you sLarL dolng lL for a whlle, you wlll know more Lhan 99.99999 of Lhe populaLlon. Cuess, whaL, you can leverage
Lhls Lo make money by belng a consulLanL. 1here are mllllons of small buslnesses ouL Lhere LhaL are looklng Lo enLer
Lhe onllne world Lo adverLlse Lhelr buslnesses buL have no ldea how Lo even sLarL. 8AM, you are now unlquely
poslLloned Lo show Lhese buslnesses how Lo sLarL and run a C campalgn Lo promoLe Lhelr buslness. 8eLLer yeL, you
can run Lhelr C campalgn for Lhem and charge a good amounL.
AfLer word geLs ouL Lhrough frlends and famlly LhaL you make a decenL lncome onllne, you wlll geL people comlng ouL
of Lhe woodwork looklng for help. !usL lasL week l had Lwo people approach me because Lhey are looklng Lo sLarL an
onllne buslness and wanLed my advlce. 8AM, LhaL's a consulLlng fee rlghL Lhere. 1he funny Lhlng was LhaL Lhls lasL guy
came Lo me wlLh Lhls whole beauLlful buslness plan abouL a 100 onllne buslness and Lhe guy llLerally knew almosL
noLhlng abouL onllne markeLlng. eople are [usL so unfamlllar wlLh lnLerneL markeLlng, so leverage your new skllls Lo
make money consulLlng.

L|qu|dat| 1hls web slLe ls an aucLlon slLe ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes LhaL llsLs asseLs companles are looklng Lo
llquldaLe. Cne Lhlng l dld Lo make money ln Lhe very beglnnlng was go Lo Lhls slLe, buy dlfferenL Lypes of lLems and
Lhen sell Lhem on e8ay and CralgsllsL and Lhe oLher classlfled porLals. l llve near one of Lhe warehouses Lhey have so l
plcked up Lhe loLs l won myself, whlch ellmlnaLed Lhe shlpplng cosL.
PlnL: l dld very well wlLh Lhe welrd aucLlon loLs. lL wlll be hard Lo compeLe lf you are selllng 1vs and oLher elecLronlcs,
so Lry wlnnlng Lhe welrd loLs llke LolleLs, Lables, or oLher flxLures. Also make sure you do research before blddlng on
loLs. uo a qulck e8ay search and see whaL you can sell lLems for before you acLually bld on a loL.

Pavlng Lhe rlghL mlndseL ls more lmporLanL Lhan any plece of lnformaLlon, sklll, or meLhod ln Lerms of geLLlng ahead ln
Lhls lndusLry. Maklng money onllne ls noL rockeL sclence, buL does lnvolve a greaL deal of menLal dlsclpllne and
dedlcaLlon. As you were readlng Lhls gulde, l hope you were saylng Lo yourself, oh, LhaL doesn'L seem LhaL dlfflculL Lo
do" and ln LruLh, lL's probably noL. As long as you have Lhe menLal dlsclpllne Lo Lake acLlon and forge Lhrough any
obsLacles LhaL geL ln your way, you wlll be flne.
Cbstac|es: CbsLacles are perhaps Lhe foremosL reason people qulL Lhelr onllne endeavors. 1he LruLh ls LhaL [usL llke
any offllne buslness, Lhere are golng Lo be numerous obsLacles LhaL you encounLer ln everyLhlng you do onllne. now
you can Lake Lwo perspecLlves when lL comes Lo Lhese obsLacles, and lf you choose Lhe former, you wlll face a much
more dlfflculL [ourney.

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1he flrsL perspecLlve ls Lo Lhlnk of each obsLacle you encounLer as [usL LhaL, an obsLacle, anoLher Lough hurdle you wlll
Lry Lo face. 1hls perspecLlve of each obsLacle as a wall ln fronL of you wlll noL geL you anywhere. 1o be successful you
need Lo percelve each obsLacle as an opporLunlLy. ?ou should reallze LhaL aL each obsLacle a good chunk of people are
glvlng up and dropplng ouL. 1hls wlll glve you moLlvaLlon Lo do everyLhlng posslble Lo overcome Lhe obsLacle knowlng
LhaL a good chunk of your compeLlLlon [usL goL wlped ouL. An obsLacle ls an opporLunlLy Lo [ump ahead of your
compeLlLlon and geL one sLep closer Lo your onllne goal, whaLever LhaL may be.
Act|on: As menLloned ln Lhe openlng of Lhls gulde, Laklng acLlon wlll geL you ahead ln Lhls lndusLry. WheLher you are
[usL beglnnlng ln Lhe lnLerneL markeLlng world or you are an experlenced markeLer who [usL encounLered an obsLacle,
you need Lo [usL sLarL Laklng acLlon Lo forge ahead.
PlnL: ln order Lo help you Lake acLlon, you should conslder purchaslng a whlLeboard and wrlLlng down acLlonable sLeps
you are golng Lo Lake every slngle day. ?our sLeps should be acLlonable and should be very speclflc. My llsL normally
conslsLs of 30-40 sLeps l wlll Lake each day. 1hen as l go abouL my day l [usL sLarL checklng off each Lask l accompllsh.
1hls AcLlon LlsL should help you sLarL Laklng acLlon!
As you come across any declslon, any quesLlon, or any acLlon, you should Lhlnk Lo yourself ls Lhls helplng me geL closer
Lo achlevlng my goals" lf every slngle acLlon and every slngle sLep ls geLLlng you closer Lo achlevlng your goals, Lhen
achlevlng your goals ls lnevlLable.

G|v|ng Iorward:
l also ask you Lo remember LhaL you llve ln a communlLy, a local communlLy and a global communlLy and Lhere are
always people less forLunaLe Lhan yourself. 8e mlndful of Lhls and glve forward Lo Lhese people. uedlcaLe a porLlon of
your earnlngs Lo help ouL oLhers.
lnLerneL markeLlng ls noL a zero-sum game, meanlng lf you make $30, somebody dldn'L necessarlly lose $30. !usL llke
me selllng Lhls gulde. My hope ls LhaL everybody who purchased wlll make many Llmes more Lhan Lhey spenL on Lhls
gulde. So Lhe money you make should noL be 'glven back' Lo anybody as lL ls commonly referred. lnsLead you oughL Lo
glve forward Lo Lhose ln need as a Loken of appreclaLlon for your sLandlng ln llfe.
8e a good human and be Lhankful for whaL you have and glve forward.


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As yoo beqlo ot cootlooe yoot jootoey to moke mooey oolloe l otqe yoo to
oJopt tbe tlqbt mloJset ooJ tbeo cootloooosly wotk to moke sote yoo ote
lmplemeotloq tbot mloJset. 8elleve yoo wlll socceeJ. koow yoo wlll socceeJ.
coovloce yootself tbot yoo wlll Jo evetytbloq bomooly posslble wltblo leqol
ooJ etblcol boooJotles to qet obeoJ ooJ moke mooey. oo wlll wotk yoot bott
off oow, teollzloq tbot cotteot soctlflce wlll leoJ to o qteot ooJ fottooote
fotote. oo wlll ottock eocb obstocle os oo oppottoolty ooJ coostootly be
tblokloq llke o motketet.
As yoo wolk by tbe moqozloe tock ot o bookstote, yoo wlll qlooce ot tbe covet
stotles ooJ see wbot ls popolot, wbot ls qettloq otteotloo ooJ tbeo tty ooJ
wotk tbot loto wbotevet ptomotloo metboJ yoo cboose. oo wlll olwoys bove
oo opeo mloJ, tbtowloq otoooJ tbe ctozlest of lJeos tbot yoo coo ose to moke
mooey wltb clA offets. oo wlll cbolleoqe yoot cteotlvlty ooJ bove foo. oo
wlll ooJetstooJ tbot mokloq oolloe ls oot o wolk lo tbe potk, bot lts oot tocket
scleoce eltbet. oo wlll pot lo tbe effott ooJ possloo oeeJeJ to qet stotteJ ooJ
tbeo teJeploy tbot possloo ooJ effott to cootlooe yoot bosloess. oo wlll
teollze tbls ls o bosloess ooJ opptoocb lt os socb, ptotectloq yoot ossets ooJ
mltlqotloq tlsk. oo wlll sttlve to offet voloe wbetevet posslble.
oo coottol yoot Jestloy ooJ yoo wlll pot lo tbe wotk ooJ effott oecessoty to
ocbleve tbe Jestloy yoo Jeslte. 1bete ls oo llmlt oo yoot soccess. 8e smott,
wotk botJ, moke mooey, ooJ be tespooslble wltb lt.

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Aff|||ate Market|ng L|festy|e

L|festy|e of our Dreams
When you read lnLerneL markeLlng sales leLLers you Lyplcally hear Lag llnes llke 'make money ln your sleep', 'be your
own boss', or 'how Lo make $x,xxx per day and only work for 2 hours.' 1hese saylngs are only half Lhe LruLh. As you
are learnlng rlghL now as you read Lhls gulde, lnLerneL markeLlng does Lake a falr amounL of work ln Lhe beglnnlng and
Lhere ls learnlng curve you musL overcome before you sLarL maklng good money.
Powever, Lhe oLher half of Lhe sLory ls Lrue -- LhaL lf you do puL ln Lhe work and have Lhe dedlcaLlon, Lhen CA
markeLlng can be one of Lhe easlesL and mosL proflLable ways Lo make money you wlll llkely ever come across. 1he
greaLesL beneflL of CA markeLlng and lnLerneL markeLlng more generally ls Lhe ablllLy Lo seL up sysLems so you can
earn money lndeflnlLely ln Lhe fuLure wlLhouL dolng an ounce of work. lor example, lf you creaLe 1,000 ?ou1ube vldeos
Lhls monLh and average $300 per day ln sales or commlsslons from Lhese vldeos, guess whaL. nexL year you can Lake a
Lrlp for Lhe enLlre year Lo AnLarcLlca and when you come home you wlll have made over $100k ln commlsslon wlLhouL
dolng any more work. When Lhe vldeos are up, Lhey sLay up and any lncome from here on ouL ls auLoplloL. Cf course
vldeos and accounLs may geL Laken down over Llme (and Lherefore proflLs dry up), buL Lhe polnL ls LhaL Lhere ls a
degree of passlvlLy wlLh many Lypes of CA lncome sLreams.
lf you can bulld enough lncome sLreams on auLoplloL, you can bulld a subsLanLlal lncome for yourself ln Lhe fuLure and
be able Lo spend more Llme dolng Lhe Lhlngs you wanL Lo do lnsLead of worklng Lhe 9-3 grlnd.
Cnce you have Lhe sysLems ln place, you can spend more Llme wlLh your famlly. lf you are Lhe klnd of person who llkes
Lo buy nlce cars and houses, you can do LhaL. l admlLLedly am noL LhaL klnd of person, buL whaL l llke Lo do ls Lravel. As
l wrlLe Lhls secLlon, l am currenLly off Lhe waLers of SL. lrederlksLed SL.Crlox, uS vlrgln lslands. l do noL Lell you Lhls Lo
brag and boasL, buL raLher as lnsplraLlon, as moLlvaLlon Lo puL ln Lhe work now so you can beneflL ln Lhe fuLure. When l
flrsL sLarLed, l worked my buLL off. l sacrlflced Lhe Lhlngs l wanLed Lo do Lhen, buL Lhe payoff has been worLh lL. Llke
many Lhlngs ln llfe, lf you puL Lhe work ln early, you can do Lhe Lhlngs you wanL and love laLer ln llfe. l can sall Lhe
Carlbbean ln search of CapLaln !ack 8lack and l can go Lo every slngle one of my nephew's sporLs games, no maLLer
whaL Llme or day Lhey are aL.
1he lnLerneL llfesLyle for some ls buylng Lhe fancy cars and huge manslons and for oLhers lL ls Lhe ablllLy Lo glve Lo
charlLles and provlde for Lhelr famllles. lor ALL, lL ls flexlblllLy. llexlblllLy Lo work when you wanL, lf you wanL, from
anywhere you wanL. WlLh Loday's advances ln lnLerneL connecLlvlLy, you can llLerally work from Lhe mlddle of a deserL
or ocean.

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I|na| 1houghts

As l conclude Lhls gulde, l hope you had as en[oyable of a Llme readlng lL as l dld wrlLlng lL. l really Lrled Lo make lL
an acLlonable gulde wlLh many examples of how Lo make money onllne, prlmarlly Lhrough CA offers. CA
markeLlng ls a greaL way Lo make money onllne and lf you puL your mlnd and energy lnLo your buslness, lL Lruly ls
a lucraLlve opporLunlLy Lo change your llfe.
l wanL you Lo really lnLernallze Lhe facL LhaL ?Cu CAn uC l1, whaLever your goals may be, you can achleve Lhem, l
know you can.
l also wanL Lo make you aware of Lhe dark slde of CA markeLlng. 1here are many blackhaL meLhods LhaL decelve
people lnLo fllllng ouL your offers and Lhls ls a pervaslve problem ln Lhe lndusLry. l urge you Lo remaln LruLhful and
falLhful Lo whom you really are and noL sLray down an uneLhlcal and lmmoral paLh. SLay Lrue Lo yourself and be
proud of whaL you do onllne.

WlLh LhaL, l wlsh you Lhe besL of luck ln achlevlng your onllne goals.

1o ?our Success,


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BONUS METHOD: Netflix Millionaire

1hls meLhod ls ulLra powerful and l am currenLly (aL Lhe Llme of wrlLlng Lhls gulde) uslng lL Lo make serlous bank wlLh
Lhe neLfllx offer. lf you are noL famlllar wlLh neLfllx, lL ls a company ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes (maybe Canada) LhaL wlll
dellver uvus Lo your house and Lhen you waLch and reLurn Lhe uvus aL your convenlence. lL's a Lremendous servlce
and Lhey have a masslve lead generaLlon campalgn LhaL glves anybody 2 weeks free Lo Lry ouL Lhe servlce. 1helr CA
offer has a sLreeL payouL of anywhere beLween $23 and $23 dollars and Lhey generally prefer web Lrafflc.

1hls ls whaL you do.
SLep 1: llnd a passlonaLe group of people
SLep 2: 8ulld a small slLe relaLed Lo LhaL nlche. lL can be only a few pages long or Wordpress.
AlLernaLlvely, seL up a blog abouL Lhls nlche
SLep 3: Co Lo neLfllx and flnd a uvu relaLed Lo LhaL nlche
SLep 4: Cn Lhe home page or flrsL blog posL, Lell people Lhey have Lo check ouL Lhe uvu you found. 1ell
1hem Lhey can waLch lL 100 free, [usL cllck your banner and slgn up for Lhe neLfllx Lrlal and Lhen Lhey
can be waLchlng LhaL uvu ln 2 days.

1hls works llke a gem. l have converLed vlslLors llke crazy uslng Lhls exLremely slmple Lechnlque of flndlng a LargeL
nlche and Lhen flndlng a good neLfllx uvu LhaL maLches Lhe nlche and Lhen Lelllng vlslLors Lhey have Lo check lL ouL and
can for free.
1l 1: l have done Lhls a loL ln Lhe car nlche. 8ulld a slLe abouL a speclflc Lype of car LhaL people are passlonaLe abouL.
l am noL golng Lo go lnLo any more deLall buL be assured LhaL car enLhuslasLs go crazy wlLh Lhls meLhod.
1l 2: Make lL seem llke Lhe uvu ls absoluLely lncredlble and make lL seem llke you aren'L afflllaLed wlLh neLfllx, you
are [usL leLLlng Lhem know of Lhe greaL uvu and a way Lo see lL free.
1l 3: 1here are Lhousands of nlches Lhls can work for. lncredlbly lucraLlve, [usL Lhlnk of a passlonaLe nlche.

CkA? guys, Lhls ls exLremely lucraLlve and greaL for people of all experlence levels. CreaLe 3 of Lhese channels LhaL
each geLs 3 converslons per day, 8AM LhaL's over $120,000 per year. 1hls ls achlevable, [usL make lL happen!

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1hls ls an ldea LhaL l wanL you Lo Lhlnk abouL LhaL can reap huge dlvldends ln Lhe fuLure. l wanL you Lo always be on
Lhe lookouL for up and comlng acLors, celebrlLles, sporLs sLars, pollLlclans. 8ulld a slLe around Lhls person or group and
don'L even worry abouL moneLlzlng yeL. Slnce Lhere lsn'L a loL of compeLlLlon relaLlng Lo Lhem yeL because Lhey are
new, lL wlll be preLLy easy Lo rank well organlcally on Lhe search englnes. lf Lhls person or group ends up golng huge,
your slLe ls ln perfecL poslLlon Lo moneLlze now.
l have done Lhls a few Llmes, once wlLh !usLln 8leber as menLloned earller ln Lhls gulde.

CreaLe a web slLe for your local Lown LhaL llsLs all Lhe menus of resLauranLs ln Lhe area. ?ou can scan menus easlly, so
Lhere lsn'L a loL of work lnvolved. 1he polnL ls Lo bulld awareness ln your local communlLy abouL Lhe slLe. l know ln my
Lown, Lhere was never a slLe LhaL llsLed every menu, phone number, eLc of local resLauranLs.

SLep 1 8uy a locallzed domaln. lf you llve ln a Lown called oovllle, buy
SLep 2 Co Lo resLauranLs and geL paper menus
SLep 3 Scan and upload Lo your slLe
SLep 4 ?our slLe can elLher llsL every resLauranL or be broken up lnLo caLegorles llke Chlnese, Lake-ouL, lLallan,
bars, eLc.
SLep 3 ConLacL your local newspaper and Lell Lhem Lo wrlLe an arLlcle abouL Lhe slLe. 1ell Lhem you made lL as
a resource for Lhe Lown. 1hey wlll be more Lhan happy Lo publlsh ln your Lown.
SLep 6 Cnce you have a decenL number of vlslLors, nCW approach Lhe buslness and Lell Lhem you are now
charglng a very small fee lf Lhey wanL Lhelr resLauranL Lo remaln llsLed on Lhe slLe. Say $10 per monLh.
Show Lhem your Lrafflc and Lell Lhem lf Lhey are geLLlng [usL a couple of orders per year, lL covers Lhe
cosL. !usLlfy lL as a good lnvesLmenL for 1PLM.
SLep 7 lf Lhere are 30 resLauranLs ln your area, you [usL made $300 per monLh or $6,000 per year. 1here ls
very llLLle malnLenance afLer seLLlng everyLhlng up
SLep 8 8lnse and repeaL for 3 surroundlng Lowns and you now have $30,000 exLra annual lncome.

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