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Bauer Gear Motor GmbH 9.16.

From: To:
Project name:
Request Number:
Please sen a quotation !or t"e !ollo#in$ items:
item Type desigatio !ty pri"e
# gross
1 %&20'()1*+,06-./(,(0+1002%93N Moto(reuctor 1 4lease as5
pro$e"t pri"e: p%ease as& # gross
Require ,eli6er7 ,ate:
'age ( T)e Gear Motor Spe"ia%ist
Bauer Gear Motor GmbH 9.16.2014
Project name:
Request Number:
produ"t uit pri"e * item
item (
( !ty BG+,-./(0*1,23A4.1.S*E,,5B6HN p%ease as& # gross p%ease as& # gross
He%i"a%.Geared motor
T74e : %&20'()1*+,06-./(,(0+1002%93N
Motor 4o#er 85*9 : 0.06(01 Mountin$ : 3:
,ri6e s"a!t s4ee 8r+min9 : 4.2 ,irection o! Terminal(box : ;;+.
torque 8Nm9 : 126.0 <., ra#in$ : %&20(%&20'
0er6ice !actor !% : 1.4: <atalo$ue : %2010
<orrosion 4rotection : 0tanar Net #ei$"t 4er 4iece 85$9: 1/
Paintin$ : R.- )021 ,esi$n+execution : <1 80tanar9
Gear desigs
T74e : "elical $ears %&20'
.rran$ements 5e7 !i$ure
: <(Flan$e #it" ta44e "oles
: 0oli s"a!t at !ront 2: x :0 mm
&earbox reuction : 199.9
.itional+s4ecial esi$ns : ,ouble s"a!t seal on t"e out4ut s"a!t
Arragemet o7 t)e motor
T74e : T"ree(4"ase motor ,06-./
=olta$e+connection : 220 = , + 2/0 = >
Frequenc7 83?9 : 60 .ssi$ne s4ee 8r+min9 : /10
Nominal <urrent 8.9 : 0./+0.46 ;P 4rotection in acc. to 1N
: ;P6:
Po#er !actor 8cos 4"i9 : 0.6: ;< coolin$ in acc. to 1N
: ;< 411
;1(<oe acc. to 1N60024(20 : #it"out
;nsulation class : % ,esi$n in accorance #it" ,;N =,1 0:20(1+1N 60024(1
@4eratin$ moe : 01 Terminal box : A.&2
.itional+s4ecial esi$ns Fan co#l #it" 4rotecti6e co#l
Arragemet o7 t)e bra&e
T74e : 0in$le(isc bra5e #it" s4rin$s 1002%9
Rate bra5in$ torque 8Nm9 : 2 0et 6alue 8Nm9 : 2.0
;P 4rotection in acc. to 1N
60 :29
: ;P6:
<orrosion 4rotection : 0tanar
#it" 0tanar (Recti!ier 8built into terminal box o! t"e motor9
;n4ut 6olta$e .< 603? 8=9 : 220..220 = 810:= ,<9
.itional+s4ecial esi$ns 3N non(loc5in$ manual release
To ac"ie6e t"e smoot"est 4ossible c"an$e o! s4ee !rom t"e "i$" s4ee to t"e lo# s4eeB
es4eciall7 #"ere t"ere are si$ni!icant external !l7#"eel momentsB #e recommen reconnection
b7 means o! a so!t 4ole reconnection e6ice.
Motor connection b7 means o! <.&1(<-.MP.
<.&1 <-.MP is a Re$istere Traemar5 o! t"e com4an7 *.&@
'age + T)e Gear Motor Spe"ia%ist

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