Bio Solution SecB Part2&Sec C2007

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SECTION B: Short Answers
BOOKLET 2 (Questions 31 to 36)
31 (a)
Endoplasmic etic!l!m watch spelling (-1 if incorrect) OR
or "esicles (spelling not important) (2) (2)
$%P & P o adenosine dip'osp'ate & p'osp'ate (2)
(otes) if ATP appears in answer = no marks
if other compounds added to equation (e.g. glucose) = -
*itoc'ondia lin+ed ,it' eneg- /$.P

or eneg- lin+ed ,it' acti"e tanspot
(2) (2)
32 (a)
decomposes and/o sapotop's and/o detiti"oes
f!ngi and/o #acteia and/o mico#es (/1 onl-)
(2) (6)
$cti"it-) 0!ning/com#!stion
or %efoestation
or an- !ti"it# t'at
affects t'e ca#on c-cle
E1planation) Consistent ,it' acti"it-)
m!st mention C2
and e1plain how C22 conti#!tes to t'is effect

e.g. 3defoestation ed!ces t'e remo!al of C2
fom t'e atmosp'ee4
33(a) $n- .52 of t'e follo,ing feat!es) (1 ma+ eac')
t'in (1 cell t'ic+)
"asc!laised (good #lood s!ppl-)
lage s!face aea (lage 6.$.)"ol atio)
(#)(i) incease concentation &rdient of 2


incease t'e diff!sion ate/speed/efficienc- (of o1-gen)

(moe o1-gen/ 'ig'e concentation of 2
or diff!ses moe easil-/moe 2
in t'e
#lood / 1 onl-)
or l!ngs 'a"e t'ei efficienc- ed!ced 7 2
ic' ai compensates fo t'is


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loo+ fo t,o distinct #enefits to societ( or one ,it' ela#oation
some s!ggestions) decease financial #!den on 'ealt' s-stem
allo, 'ealt' s-stem to foc!s on ot'e diseases
incease pod!cti"it- #- ed!cing lost time in sic+ lea"e
reference to less smoking = & ()neutral* answer)
34 (a)
fo! or 4 (2) (2)
diagram+ look for+ c'omatids) t,o s'o,n on eac' c'omosome
n!m#e) t,o c'omosomes s'o,n
si8e) one lage 7 one small c'omosome
($99 .'ee / 3)

(:f one of t'ese feat!es missing / 8eo fo ;!estion)
colo!) at least lage c<some da+
a diagam li+e t'is / (2)
(c) (i)
cossing o"e
independent/andom assotment

(c) (ii) 9oo+ fo eit'e =,'at 'appens in t'e pocess (e.g. gene s,apping) or
= t'e result of t'e pocess > e.g. ne, com#inations of genes
it po"ides a ne, mi1 of genes on t'e c'omosomes (?@ing o"e) or
it po"ides a ne, mi1 of c'omosomes
On'# i( in (!) (i) )uttion is stted !n the ide o( new &eneti! )teri' &in
)r*s in this +uestion,
35 (a)
comm!nit- / comm!nities
it p'-sicall- sepaates t'e gene pools (t'ee#- epod!cti"el- and geneticall-
isolating t'e pop!lations)
(,ook for the idea of populations isolated from each other)
%esciption of allopatic speciation)
selection pess!es ae diffeent in eac' egionA some indi"id!als #ette adapted
(andom) m!tations ,ill aise in eac' (isolated) pop!lation

genetic "aiation inceases #et,een gene pools

epod!cti"e isolation ('ence speciation) occ!s ,'en genetic "aiation is geat


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nat!al 'a#itat po"ides all needs of species
emo"al fom 'a#itat ma- mean t'at one (o moe) en"ionmental facto is
eso!ces po"ided #- t'e 'a#itat incl!de foodB s'elteB etc.

lo,e selection pess!es on species as alead- adapted to o,n en"ionment
0iotic (li"ing) an( one
) competitionB pedationB foodB disease
$#iotic (non@li"ing) an( one
) .empeat!eA '!midit-A lig't le"elsA ,indB
climateB ,eat'eB etc.
t'e e1peiment !sing e@cali#ated e;!ipment o ne, e;!ipment

i.e. epeatB and t'en ,'at one is loo+ing fo ,'en epeating t'e e1peiment
gap') loo+ fo) acc!atel- plotted points

smoot' c!"es

+e- o la#el fo eac' gap'
-A. / 6 )r*s
$1es) scales e"en 7 appopiate

scales named ,it' !nits

time on ?@a1isA fe;!enc- on D@a1is

c!"es do not e1tend #e-ond mont' 1 o mot' C (i.e if 2
la#elled on 1@a1isB gap's s'o!ld not #e da,n to!c'ing D@

0edu!t one )r* (u1 to 6) (or e!h error or o)ission
*ec'anism 1) temporal (-reeding times different)

*ec'anism 2) different ha-itats (grass !s forest)

C'ec+ page 12 (end of 6ection 0) and coss #lan+ page
6tic+ to deadlines
C'ec+ t'e sc'ed!le eg!lal-
0e consistent
> ,'en -o! 'a"e finis'edB please send to me -o! comments on t'e o"eall standad of t'e
papeB t'e ;!alit- of t'e ans,es and an-t'ing else of inteest elating to t'e pape.
> t'is can #e done #- email (see a#o"e) o #- incl!ding a pape cop- ,it' -o! last #atc' of

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