Weekly Newsletter September 21st, 2014

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Home Connection: Read daily with your child . Practice on writing their names.

. Also keep talking to them about sys-

tems and routines in their lives. Thank you for all your support and hard work with our super stars! :)
Please visit the School Blog for
updates: http://aispyp.wordpress.com/
eekly N
September 21-25, 2014
Mrs. Yasmine & Ms. Reem
Literacy Inquiry
-We are reading some great books: brown bear, brown bear what do you see? Eating the Al-
phabets, Froggy goes to school, David goes to school and I dont want to go to bed.
- We are creating dot name art, tracing robot names, and other fun name activities.
Dear Parents,
Hope everyone had a restful weekend. Our days are beginning to run smoothly and
we are doing lots of learning in the classroom. Thank you for your support in help-
ing us make it a wonderful experience.

Unit of Inquiry
-Learner Profile: Thinker, Communicator
How We Organize Ourselves Central Idea: Systems help us live and learn together.
-Activities include : Reviewing Kelso Choices (big problem, little problem), review carpet rou-
tines, introduce listening rules and how to make good choices.
Show and Tell: Thursday please bring some-
thing to share with the class
Dress Down Day
September 25th
Star of the
Library Day
Day 2
September 28th
Math Inquiry
- We are introducing AB patterns . We will team work to create a unifex cubes tall tower.
- We will be introducing number peg boards for the kids to explore, tracing numbers and
counting till 10 and beyond!

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