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A report on two English programmes implemented in Sekolah Kebangsaan Bobak/Sejinjang,
MATRIX NO. : D20102043!"
My School is Sekolah Kebangsaan Bobak/Sejinjang, Bau. It is situated in kampong Bobak,
Singai Bau and it is near the mountain. It is about 25km rom the school to Bau. !he school has
about "#$ pupils and has $ classes rom year " to year $. %upils in the school are all Bidayuh.
!eaching &nglish in the school is not easy. It is because the pupils here seldom speak the
language they are more used to speak in Bahasa Malaysia or their mother tongue that is the
Bidayuh language. So each year in order to make the pupils in'ol'ed and ha'e interest in &nglish
(anguage our school ha'e implemented t)o &nglish programmes in )hich it is to be carried out
by our &nglish %anel * %anitia Bahasa Inggeris + e'ery year. !he t)o programmes are Story
!elling competition and ,horal Speaking. My report )ill be on those t)o implemented
A! Stor" #elling Competition report!
Story !elling is the con'eyance o e'ents in )ords, images and sound oten by
impro'isation or embellishment )ith decorati'e details and ideas. Story telling
competition can pro'ide teachers details o )hat their pupils ha'e learn and achie'e
during &nglish lesson in class.
1. A#$%
*"."+ to get the pupils in the language and use their creati'ity to tell a story.
*".2+ !o promote &nglish en'ironment in the school.
2. O&'()*#+(%
*2."+ !he Story !elling competition is to encourage the pupils to de'elop their speaking skills
and build their conidence in using the &nglish language.
-. D,-.*#/0 /1 *2( 3-/4-.$$(
*-."+ !he duration o the story telling competition is about 2 days.
*-.2+ each pupils are to present their story or ". minutes.
/. T.-4(* G-/,3
*/."+ !he story telling competition is mainly or the e0cellent and a'erage pupils in year - ,
year /, year 5 and year $.
5. I$35($(0*.*#/0 /1 3-/4-.$$(.
*5."+ !he story telling competition )as held on the 1
and ".
o March 2."" at the school2s
hall in conjunction o the &nglish Speaking month in the school. !he school hall )as made o
year 5 and year $ classes. !he competition )as organi3ed by the &nglish panel o the school. !he
participants )ere mainly rom 4ear -, /, 5 and $ pupils. &ach class has to send - participants to
compete in the competition so there )as "2 participants altogether. &ach participant is gi'en ".
minutes to tell their story. !he story chosen must be )ithin the pupil2s ability. %upils )ho
participate in the competition ha'e only one )eek to prepare themsel'es. !he story telling
competition )as di'ided into t)o categories that is the a'erage pupil2s category and the e0cellent
pupil2s category. !he )inners )ere also di'ided into their o)n category. !he )inners o the
competition )ill represent the school to the story telling competition )hich )as held in Bau. !he
)inners that day )as 2 pupils rom 4ear -, " rom year $, - rom year / and " rom year 5 and all
o them represent the school to the story telling competition )hich )as held in Bau.
$. S*-(04*2
!he strength o the story telling competition is that the pupils are able to tell their story according
to )hat they ha'e read airly and also the pupils are able to e0press themsel'es and memori3ed
the story that they read. !he pupils also sho)ed their creati'ity in telling the stories. !he pupils
ha'e prepared )ell using costumes that they ha'e made )ith their teachers. &ach participant )as
able to inish their stories in time. !he story telling competition also has made some
impro'ement in the pupils speaking and it )ill encourage them to be more in'ol'ed in the
language )hile they are in the class.
5. 6(.70(%%(%
*5."+ %upils are not gi'en much time to prepare themsel'es or the competition.
*5.2+ !he time limit or the pupils to tell their story is too short.
*5.-+ !he competition is not open or the lo)er classes. &,g. 4ear " and year 2.
*5./+ !he place o the competition is not suitable.
*5.5+ !he participants are not gi'en the reedom to choose their o)n story.
#. S,44(%*#/0
*#."+ gi'e enough time or the pupils to prepare themsel'es like - )eeks beore the competition.
*#.2+ time limit or the story telling competition should be longer. &.g. 2. minutes.
*#.-+ the competition should ha'e participants rom lo)er classes.
*#./+ choose a better place or the competition not a small and cro)ded class rooms.
*#.5+ participants should be gi'en reedom to choose their o)n stories this )ill enable them to be
more conidence in telling the story.
*#.$+ ask the pupils to create their o)n ideas and creati'ity in telling the story because this )ill
make the story told more interesting and e0citing to listen to.
1. R()/$$(08.*#/0
My recommendation or this programme is that the story telling competition should took place in
a suitable place. %upils should be gi'en more time and reedom to tell their stories. !eachers
should also in'ol'e those )ho are not so good in &nglish because this )ill get them more
in'ol'e in the language and )ill also boost their conidence in learning the language. !eachers
also should gi'e the pupils more reedom to choose their o)n stories or the stories that they like
and interested in this )ill enable the pupils to concentrate more because they choose their o)n
story according to their interest. !eacher should also make their o)n small competition in class
during the &nglish lesson to enable them to choose )hich pupil that )ould represent their class
during the story telling competition.
In my opinion )hen I )rite this report I ound out that story telling competition is one o the best
)ay to make our pupils get in'ol'ed in the language. Moreo'er our pupils can de'elop their
&nglish language by learning rom stories. %upils also ha'e the ability to de'elop their creati'ity
by letting them the reedom to choose the story that they like and by letting them make their o)n
style o telling the story. In other )ords let the pupils do )hat they )ant to do and let them
choose )hat story they )ant to read but )ith the guidance o the teacher this )ill gi'e them more
conidence and ability to speak and learn the language. In this )ay )e could obser'e on ho)
they ha'e learn the language. So to conclude my report I ound out that this story telling
programme that )as implemented in my school is one o the best method use to get the pupils to
learn, de'elop and get in'ol'ed in &nglish language and also it can boost conidence in the
pupils to speak the &nglish language )ithout eeling ashamed o themsel'es i they make a small
mistake because like people say practice makes perect.
B! Choral speaking $ompetition report
,horal speaking is an entertaining )ay to learn and to impro'e the language and it also can help
pupils to learn the language through team)ork. In addition it is an important tool or pupils to
impro'e their language skills. ,horal Speaking is the interpretation o poetry or prose by a
group, comprising anything rom hal a do3en to a hundred speakers. It in'ol'es a ull and 'aried
use o the indi'idual 'oices that make up the group.
1. A#$%
"." !he competition aims at encouraging and increasing the usage o &nglish among
".2 !he competition also aims at getting pupils in'ol'ed and interest in the usage o
&nglish language.
2. O&'()*#+(%
2." !he competition objecti'e is to build conidence in pupils to speak, render, memori3e
and e0press in &nglish.
2.2 !he competition )ill also gi'e pupils to )ork in a group and help each other in
learning the language.
3. D,-.*#/0
-." !he duration o the competition is one day.
-.2 &ach group is gi'en around "5 minutes.
4. T.-4(* G-/,3
/." pupils in upper classes 4ear /, 4ear 5 and 4ear $.
/.2 %upils )ho can e0cel in &nglish and a'erage pupils.
9. R(3/-* /0 #$35($(0*.*#/0 /1 3-/4-.$$(
!he choral speaking competition )as held on the "$ o March 2."" in conjunction o the
&nglish Month in the school and it in'ol'es the upper le'el pupils )ho are in 4ear /, 4ear
5 and 4ear $. !he competition )as organi3e by the &nglish panel. It )as held inside the
class o year 5 and 4ear $. &ach class are gi'en 2 topics to discuss and present during the
competition. 6n the day o the competition each class present the topic that ha'e gi'en to
them or about "5 minutes. !he irst class to enter the rame is year 5. !hen year / and
last o all is year $. &ach class ga'e a ine and e0cellent perormance although there are a
little bit o uncharacteristic mistakes but o'erall the competition )ent on smoothly.
!he )inner o the choral speaking competition that day goes to year 5 and they get the
chance to represent the school to the choral speaking competition )hich )as held in Bau.
6'erall the competition )ent on smoothly rom the beginning till the end o the
competition. 7ll the pupils and teachers gi'e their cooperation and support during the
. S*-(04*2
$." pupils ga'e ull support and cooperation
$.2 pupils are able to produce a good le'el o choral speaking
$.- time limit is enough or the participants
$./ e'ery participants are able to inish their topic in time
!. 6(.70(%%
5." pupils are gi'en limited time to prepare
5.2 the competition stage is not suitable
5.- pupils are not gi'en the reedom to e0press themsel'es.
5./ %upils are not gi'en the reedom to choose the topic on their o)n.
". S,44(%*#/0
#." pupils should be gi'en more time to prepare
#.2 pupils should be gi'en the reedom to choose the topic that they )ant to present
#.- the competition should in'ol'e the lo)er le'el o classes. &.g. 4ear 2 and 4ear -
#./ participant should be gi'en time enough to present. (ets say instead "5 minutes gi'e
the participant 2. minutes to present.
:. R()/$$(08.*#/0
1." the competition should be held in a suitable and comortable place.
1.2 8i'e the pupils the reedom to choose their o)n topic because this )ill enable them
to )ork closely in a group.
1.- (et the pupils use their o)n ideas and creati'ity to present their )ork/topic.
1./ 9ork closely and guide the pupils but don2t help just guide.
10. C/0)5,%#/0
".." my conclusion about the choral speaking competition implemented in the school
is another type o method in order to get the pupils to be in'ol'e and make the pupils
interested in learning the language. !his type o programme )ill enable the pupils to
)ork closely in a group and in groups they )ill be able to communicate and help each
other in learning the language. :e'ertheless )ithout eort rom the teachers
in'ol'ed this programme could not be done smoothly and successully. !his
programme is 'ery useul and it is one type o method that can make pupils become
interested and get in'ol'ed in the language because during the preparations beore the
competition pupils )ill only speak in &nglish and they ha'e a little time to
communicate in other language. 7lthough this programme may ha'e uncharacteristic
mistakes or ault it is only technically but o'erall this programme is successul and
pupils gain beneit rom it.
My opinion ater this programme )as implemented pupils )ill surely be interest to
kno) )hen is the ne0t competition )ill be held. It is because they are e0cited and
interested in learning the language. Beore I close my report I )ould assist and gi'e
my suggestion to the teachers in'ol'ed in this programme. (et the pupils )ork on
their o)n and in groups teachers just monitor and correct the mistakes that the pupils
make and guide them.

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