Mr. Shamim Ahmed: CC: HR & Admin Accounts Audit Personal File

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March 10, 2011

Mr. Shamim Ahmed
Executive, F& A
Rancon Services Limited
Subject: Fixed Allowance.
Dear Mr. Shamim,
Manaement is !"eased to in#orm $ou that, considerin $our %o& nature $ou 'i"" &e
entit"ed to TK. 2000/- (Two Thouand Fi!e "undred onl#$ as trans!ortation a""o'ance
'ith e##ective #rom 1 Fe&ruar$ 2011 in addition to $our sa"ar$(
Manaement ho!es and desire that $ou 'i"" ensure o!timum use o# a""otted amount
exc"usive"$ o##icia" !ur!ose(
)han*in $ou,
+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++
Tauheed Mahmud "uain %abil Ahmed
Head o# ,!eration -M & Head o# .or!orate Division
RSL & Hote" /ro%ect Rans -rou!
HR & Admin
/ersona" Fi"e

2une 13, 2011
Mr. S#ed "a&i'uddin "aider
Sr( Executive
4.ustomer Service5
Rancon Services Limited(
Subject: Fixed Allowance.
Dear Mr. "aider,
Manaement is !"eased to in#orm $ou that, considerin $our %o& nature $ou 'i"" &e
entit"ed to T(. )*000/- (Three Thouand onl#$ as trans!ortation a""o'ance 'ith e##ective
#rom 1
2une 2011 in addition to $our sa"ar$(
Manaement ho!es and desire that $ou 'i"" ensure o!timum use o# a""otted amount
exc"usive"$ o##icia" !ur!ose(
)han*in $ou
Tauheed Mahmud "uain
Head o# ,!erations
Rancon Services Limited
HR & Admin
/ersona" Fi"e

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