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Auto Shutdown Pc via timer

Auto Shutdown Pc without using any external program :::::::::::::::::::

********** METHOD # 1 ***************
Do you know that you can make your PC shutdown at a time u wish to?
Here is the trick!!
How o !ake A Shutdown imer!
Step $:
%ight click on your desktop and choose &'ew()shortcuts&*
Step +:
,n the -ox that says &ype the location o. the shortcut&/
type in &shutdown 0s 0t 1233& without the 4uotation marks and click next*
'ote: 1233 are the amount o. seconds -e.ore your computer shuts down* So / 23secs523mins(1233secs*
Step 1:
!ake up a name .or the shortcut and you6re done*
7ou can change the icon -y right clicking()properities()change icon()-rowse*
o a-ort
o make an a-ort key to stop the shutdown timer 8ust create another shortcut and make
the &location o. the shortcut& to & shutdown 0a& without the 4uotes*
********* METHOD # 2 **************
Here is another trick to shutdown at a speci.ic time/ .or example you wish to shutdown at $$:19am* ype this in
ype Code: at $$:19 shutdown 0s
to a-ort
shutdown 0a
take note: all time are in +:hr/ example u would like to shutdown at ;:13pm/ you should type
&at +3:13 shutdown 0s& without 4uote
******** METHOD # 3 ***************
you can use a -atch .or that as well it makes it easier to use
8ust run the -atch and enter the time you want it to shutdown
ype Code:
<echo o..
title Scheduled Shutdown =atch #xample -y chacha$+1:
color A
echo #nter ime o Shutdown >example $?:13@
set Ap stime(
at BstimeB &&shutdown 0s 0t 33&& )nul
echo 7our PC Cill Auto Shutdown At BstimeB
echo Press Any Dey o #xit
pause )nul

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