Kaczmarek Director CV - Short

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Kasia Kaczmarek

54A Fordwych Road
Tel: 07794 224 797
Email: a!ia"#m$%mail"com
Fir!' Aid Trained()ri*in% Licence
GAS STATION Kukla Films February August 2!"
)irec'in% and ca!'in% an inde+enden' !ci,-i !hor'" All elemen'! o- 'he mise-en-scene
are aimin% a' recrea'in% 'he no!'al%ic am&iance o- 'he .9/0! cinema o- 'he %enre"
Key tra#s$erable skills% worin% on !cri+' wi'h a wri'er -rom +remi!e 'o loc( direc'in%
child ac'or!( a++roachin% %enre( inde+enden' -0ndin%( 'ar%e'in% -e!'i*al!"
WZEK &to'arzysze#ie (amulec )ezpiecze*st'a August 2!+
Wri'in% and direc'in% an en'irely inde+enden' !hor' drama !0++or'ed &y a non,+ro-i' ar'
e*en'! com+any in 1oland"
Key tra#s$erable skills% %0erilla -ilmmain%( direc'in% non,ac'or!"
PANDAMONIUM ,estmi#ster Film &chool -a#uary .ay 2!+
2i%h +rod0c'ion *al0e! 3,cla!! horror -ea'0rin% li-e !i4e homemade &ear co!'0me!
and .2 li're! o- -ae &lood"
Key tra#s$erable skills% !cri+' re+or' wri'in%( &0ildin% 0+ a rela'ion!hi+ wi'h ca!'in%
a%encie!( low &0d%e' %ore man0-ac'0rin%"
THIRD WOMAN ,estmi#ster Film &chool December 2!2
30ildin% 0+ a !'ory and mise-en-scene aro0nd %i*en line! -rom a di--eren'( 0nnown -ilm"
Key tra#s$erable skills% !cri+'wri'in%( ca!'in%( de'ailed de*elo+men' o- mise- en-scene
in coo+era'ion wi'h all 'he de+ar'men'!( 'ime mana%emen'"
MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF PEANUTS ,estmi#ster Film &chool /o0ember 2!2
A direc'in% elec'i*e e5erci!e( -oc0!ed on &locin% and rehear!in% wi'h ac'or!"
Key tra#s$erable skills% worin% wi'h a !ele'on crew( on,!e' e'i60e''e and ro0'ine!"
Relate1 E2perie#ce
Assista#t to the Director at Defiant Films .ay 2!+ February 2!"
A!!i!'in% 'he )irec'or 'hro0%ho0' 'he +re,+rod0c'ion( !ched0lin% 'he !hoo' in 7o*e 7a%ic"
Key tra#s$erable skills% +ro-e!!ional +rac'ice o- +re,+rod0c'ion +roce!!e!( re!earchin%
+o!!i&le di!'ri&0'or!( o--icial +rod0c'ion com+any corre!+ondence"
2!! 3 2!" )A Film a#1 Tele0isio# 4ro1uctio# 8ni*er!i'y o- We!'min!'er
Da##y (iller( )irec'or
Email: danny'hehill$ho'mail"com
Tel: 07747 9.0770
&imo# 4assmore( :enior Lec'0rer
a' 8ni*er!i'y o- We!'min!'er Film :chool
Email: :"1a!!more$we!'min!'er"ac"0

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