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The Curriculum

The National Curriculum (NC) forms the foundation for all our teaching and learning. As a school we
believe that children learn best when they are excited and inspired by what they are learning. As
such the NC is adapted and enhanced so that pupils and teachers experience and deliver a more
creative form of curriculum, catering for different needs and learning styles. The curriculum aims
to develop a holistic approach to learning involving, academic, spiritual, moral, social and physical
aspects through a broad and balanced delivery.

The curriculum covered by Wilton and Barford CE Primary School also fulfils the statutory
entitlement to learning for all pupils. Due to mixed age classes we plan a rolling 2 year curriculum
which ensures that children do not repeat curriculum learning. The curriculum map is updated each
year to ensure that progression of skills, knowledge and content is ensured. This also allows us to plan
to address national and local events that may be specific to the appropriate year, e.g. The Olympics,
the end of World War 1 and the outbreak of World War 2.

Our curriculum is planned so that children develop the essential skills needed for the twenty first
century. Able Gifted and Talented pupils are given opportunities to develop, broaden and extend their
talents and learning by taking part in a wide range of activities suited to their needs within the

We are a fully inclusive school and ensure that all children are valued and respected. We have a
specialist based learning centre for children with Speech, Language and Communication needs.
Children who attend the Resource Base are integrated into appropriate age group classes and have
both whole class support and individual focused teaching to meet the needs of their statements. We
are extremely lucky that as a mainstream school we benefit from the knowledge and expertise of our
resource base staff including a Speech and Language Therapist.

There are also other opportunities both at school and outside school for pupils to further develop
their interests with after school clubs, educational field trips and residential courses.
Assessment for Learning is used throughout the school on a daily basis to ensure that teaching meets
the needs of the learner. All children have individual reading and writing targets which are shared
with parents through maths passports and childrens reading journals.

Parents receive a mid-year and end of year report regarding their childs progress and there are
regular open days and parent consultations evenings where parents can discuss any concerns or
aspects of their childs learning.
Every aspect of the children's work is influenced by the extent to which they use language with
imagination and accuracy. Competence in reading, writing, speaking and listening is encouraged
throughout the curriculum in order to enable the children to communicate appropriately and
effectively. We teach English daily both discretely and through cross curriculum links to ensure that
skills and knowledge are relevant to the children.

Reading is taught initially using a phonics programme called Letters and Sounds which is introduced
in the Reception class and consolidated throughout Key Stage 1. Spelling and further opportunities to
develop phonic skills are taught throughout KS2. Intervention groups target children with a Specific
Learning Difficulty to ensure that all children make at least good progress.

We use a combination of Ros Wilsons Big Writing and Pie Corbetts Talk for Writing to ensure
that English is taught in an exciting, engaging and meaningful way and to ensure that essential writing
skills are taught consistently across the school.

Please see attached booklet for information regarding the English curriculum relevant to your childs
age and year group.


Considerable importance is attached to the children achieving and understanding mathematical
processes, concepts and skills. We aim to present it in an interesting and enjoyable way, allowing the
children to actively participate in the learning process, thus creating a sense of achievement and
confidence. There is a strong emphasis on the development of mental arithmetic and giving
opportunities for pupils to use and apply mathematics in real life situations.

Maths is taught through a daily maths lesson which follows the principles of the NC. Guided Number
takes part at least three times each week. During guided number skills and knowledge are developed
through focused pre teaching and through games and recall of number facts. Class teachers also plan
for opportunities to develop and apply key mathematical skills in other subjects throughout the year.

Please see attached booklet for information regarding the maths curriculum relevant to your childs
age and year group.

We aim to promote healthy, independent and responsible members of society who respect all people
and the cultural diversity of Britain today. We encourage all our pupils to play a positive role in
contributing to school life and the wider community through class & school councils, fundraising
events, supporting nominated charities and involvement in community activities. Our pupils are given
opportunities in PSHCE, SEAL lessons and assemblies to develop confidence, self-motivation and an
understanding of their rights and responsibilities within our diverse society. We teach PSHCE in a
variety of ways: as a discrete subject, through SEAL lessons, via assemblies and through other
subjects such as RE, Linked Learning, English, Maths and Science, as well as through educational
visits, community work and activities.

We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in science lessons. Our principal aim is to develop
childrens knowledge, skills and understanding. Sometimes we do this through whole class teaching
and group work, while at other times we engage the children in an enquiry based activity. We
encourage the children to ask, as well as answer, scientific questions. They have the opportunity to
use a variety of data such as statistics, graphs, pictures and photographs. They use ICT in science
lessons where it enhances their learning. They take part in role-play and discussions and they present
reports to the rest of the class. They engage in a wide variety of problem solving activities.
Wherever possible, we involve the pupils in real scientific activities, for example, researching a local
environmental problem or carrying out a practical experiment and analysing the result.

Further guidance on the specific science curriculum for your childs age group can be found in the
attached curriculum map and Parents Guide to the New National Curriculum.

Religious Education
RE is taught to all children, unless withdrawn because of religious beliefs. All six main religions are
taught using a combination of the Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus and the Discovery Scheme of Work. RE
is an integral part of the whole curriculum and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and
physical development of all children. Religious education enables children to investigate and reflect on
some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. We aim to provide a broad and balanced
approach to R.E. to ensure that due attention is given to learning from religion as well as learning
about religion. In the Early Years there are a range of opportunities that can contribute to the
emotional and spiritual 'development of younger children. These include expressing feelings of joy,
sadness, awe and mystery; experiencing and appreciating special events in their own lives. We aim to
enrich the children's understanding of R.E. through varied and creative teaching and learning
strategies. We aim to invite visitors from faith communities and arrange visits to places of worship
as opportunities arise.

The Right of Withdrawal
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education. The parental right to
withdraw a child from R.E. should be freely exercisable and a school must comply with any such
request. Parents are not obliged to state their reasons for seeking withdrawal. Parents may request
alternative provision for R.E. either through attendance elsewhere or through separate provision on
the premises. However in such cases, the LA and Governors must be satisfied that attendance
elsewhere will not interfere with attendance at school and that separate provision does not, involve
additional expenditure and is consistent with overall curriculum aims.
Children listen to and perform a range of music. In the first years of schooling this will often include
singing songs and rhymes, and playing un-tuned instruments such as tambourines or rainmaker sticks.
In Key Stage 2, children will perform pieces both alone and as part of a group using their own voice
and a range of musical instruments, including those with tuning such as glockenspiels or keyboards.
They will both improvise and compose pieces using their knowledge of the different dimensions of
music such as rhythm and pitch. During the later years they will also begin to use musical notation,
and to learn about the history of music.

All children in Years 2-5 receive weekly recorder lessons by a specialist music teacher. Children in
Year 6 are taught to play the flute. We also offer peripatetic music through Wiltshire Music Service.

Physical Education
We offer opportunities to participate in many different sports from an early age. We endeavor to
encourage children in school to adopt a healthy lifestyle to include exercise of all types. Children are
taught ball skills, participate in team games, develop movement skills and control and learn how to
swim in our on-site pool. Children are taught a wide range of sports including football, netball,
hockey, rounders, tag rugby, gymnastics, dance, orienteering, athletics, cricket, swimming and many
other indoor games such as benchball and dodgeball. Games is taught by an external coach from
Wiltshire, dance is taught by a specialist external dance teacher to all children and children in
reception are taught bat and ball skills through Happy Bats, an external sports coach specialising in
the early years.

We enter many local cluster sporting competitions and encourage children to take part in the
Salisbury mini marathon and swimming gala.

Our school has a swimming pool on site, which is used during the summer term for pupils from
Reception to Y6 to learn to swim and to have fun in the water!

There are three main strands of the new Computing curriculum: information technology, digital
literacy and computer science.

Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and
presenting information, or using search technology. Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible
use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication. Finally,
computer science introduces children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work.
It also gives all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming, from simple floor
robots in Years 1 and 2, right up to creating on-screen computer games and programmes by Year 6.
We use programming software which is freely available online, such as Scratch or Kodu.
We also include regular teaching of e-safety to ensure that children feel confident when using
computers and the Internet, and know what to do if they come across something either inappropriate
or uncomfortable.

All classrooms are equipped with 6 PCs and an interactive whiteboard. Children have access to using
ICT in a wide range of situations including, photography, videoing, animation and a range of hardware
and software. We also have a suite of netbooks which are all wirelessly linked to the internet and
school server. Each class also has 6 tablet PCs which are used to enhance learning.

Across the school, children will find out about different places in the UK, Europe and the Americas
through studying small regions in each, and comparing these to other areas, including their own

In Key Stage 1, children will learn the names of the continents and oceans as well as the names of the
four home nations and their respective capital cities. They will use the four main compass directions
and simple maps and photographs to explore the local area.

In Key Stage 2, the children will locate the countries of the world, focussing particularly on Europe
and the Americas, as well as naming the counties, regions and major cities of the United Kingdom.
They will begin to explore geographical features such as volcanoes and tectonic plates, as well as
features of human geography such as trade links and land use. They will also learn to use grid
references on Ordnance Survey maps to describe locations.

History allows our children to compare and contrast, to examine how and why things have changed, to
learn about historical characters and expand their research skills. We teach children to be open
minded and enquiring thinkers who understand cause and effect. We want them to understand how
people have lived in the past and compare this to modern life. We encourage first hand experiences
through handling real artefacts, and wherever possible arrange field work visits to relevant sites of
historical interest in the region or bringing in specialists for in-school workshops. We view History
not only as simple facts and dates but encourage pupils to become detectives who explore the past in
an exciting way.

In Key Stage 1, the focus of history is very much on locally significant events or events within their
own memories, as well as key events of great significance such as Bonfire Night. In addition, children
will find out about important historical people and events, such as Florence Nightingale or The Great
Fire of London.

In Key Stage 2, there are nine main areas of study that are required as well as developing childrens
chronological understanding.
1. Britain in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages
2. Roman Britain
3. Anglo-Saxons and Scots in Britain
4. Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
5. Local history
6. A study of a period after 1066
7. Ancient Greece
8. A choice from Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer, Ancient Egypt, or the Shang Dynasty of Ancient
9. A study of 10th-century early Islamic civilisation.

Art and Design
Children explore a range of different techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture, and use a
variety of materials, from pencil and paint to charcoal and clay, to create their own art pieces. In
addition, during Key Stage 2, children study the works of some great artists, architects and
designers from history.

Design and Technology
Through Design and Technology, the children are encouraged to identify, examine and solve practical
problems and to make existing situations better. The children also learn to use a range of tools and
techniques for construction. Children are encouraged to be inventive, using a range of materials and
tools, thus developing, modifying and evaluating their ideas through a series of projects.

This subject also includes cooking with children finding out about a healthy diet and preparing simple
meals. There may also be some cross-over with Science here as children incorporate levers, pulleys or
electrical circuits into their designs for finished products.

Foreign languages are compulsory for children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6). Over the course of their
four years in Key Stage 2, children will be expected to make good progress in the main language
chosen, learning to ask and answer questions, present ideas to an audience both in speaking and
writing, read a range of words, phrases and sentences, and write simple phrases, sentences and
descriptions. Children also learn about the appropriate intonation and pronunciation of the language.
At Wilton and Barford, all children, from Reception to Year 6, are taught French.

Please see attached Curriculum Map for 2014-15 and specific knowledge and skills relevant to
your childs age group.

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