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Portions of this Apple Software may utilize the following copyrighted

material, the use of which is hereby acknowledged.
Beman Dawes ( Boost )
Copyright 2! "eman #awes $ "oost %
"oost Software &icense ' (ersion ). ' August )*th, 2!
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation co+ered
by this license $the ,Software,% to use, reproduce, display, distribute e-ecute,
and transmit the Software, and to prepare deri+ati+e works of the Software,
and to permit third'parties to whom the Software is furnished todo so, all
sub.ect to the following/ 0he copyright notices in the Software and this entire
statement, including the abo+e license grant, this restriction and the
following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole
or in part, and all deri+ati+e works of the Software, unless such copies or
deri+ati+e works are solely in the form of machine'e-ecutable ob.ect code
generated by a source language processor.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ,AS 7S,, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2, 070&2 A9# 939'
794679>2=290. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 C3P:67>10 13&#26S 36 A9:392
#7S067"8079> 012 S3405A62 "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: #A=A>2S 36 30126
&7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 C3906AC0, 0360 36 3012657S2, A67S79> 463=,
380 34 36 79 C3992C0739 5701 012 S3405A62 36 012 8S2 36 30126
#2A&79>S 79 012 S3405A62.
The OpenSSL Project $ 3penSS& %
Copyright )??@'2)) 0he 3penSS& Pro.ect. All rights reser+ed.
6edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modiAcation, are permitted pro+ided that the following conditions are met/
). 6edistributions of source code must retain the abo+e copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. 6edistributions in binary
form must reproduce the abo+e copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer in the documentation andBor other materials
pro+ided with the distribution. !. All ad+ertising materials mentioning
features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment/
,0his product includes software de+eloped by the 3penSS& Pro.ect for use in
the 3penSS& 0oolkit. $http/BBwww.openssl.orgB%, C. 0he names ,3penSS&
0oolkit, and ,3penSS& Pro.ect, must not be used to endorse or promote
products deri+ed from this software without prior written permission. 4or
written permission, please contact openssl' E. Products
deri+ed from this software may not be called ,3penSS&, nor may ,3penSS&,
appear in their names without prior written permission of the 3penSS&
Pro.ect. F. 6edistributions of any form whatsoe+er must retain the following
acknowledgment/ ,0his product includes software de+eloped by the
3penSS& Pro.ect for use in the 3penSS& 0oolkit $http/BBwww.openssl.orgB%,
017S S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ": 012 3penSS& P63G2C0 HHAS 7SII A9# A9:
2<P62SS2# 36 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012
7=P&72# 5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A
PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A62 #7SC&A7=2#. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 3penSS&
P63G2C0 36 70S C39067"8036S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: #762C0, 79#762C0,
79C7#290A&, SP2C7A&, 2<2=P&A6:, 36 C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S
$79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, P63C862=290 34 S8"S070802 >33#S
36 S26(7C2SK &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A, 36 P63470SK 36 "8S792SS
7902668P0739% 1352(26 CA8S2# A9# 39 A9: 01236: 34 &7A"7&70:,
5120126 79 C3906AC0, S067C0 &7A"7&70:, 36 0360 $79C&8#79>
92>&7>29C2 36 3012657S2% A67S79> 79 A9: 5A: 380 34 012 8S2 34 017S
S3405A62, 2(29 74 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70: 34 S8C1 #A=A>2.
0his product includes cryptographic software written by 2ric :oung
$ 0his product includes software written by 0im 1udson
Thai Open Source Software enter Ltd! lark ooper et al" ( e#pat )
Copyright )??@, )???, 2 0hai 3pen Source Software Center &td and
Clark Cooper. Copyright 2), 22, 2! 2-pat maintainers.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the Software%, to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andBor sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to
do so, sub.ect to the following conditions/
0he abo+e copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 A80136S 36 C3P:67>10
13&#26S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: C&A7=, #A=A>2S 36 30126 &7A"7&70:,
5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34 C3906AC0, 0360 36 3012657S2, A67S79>
463=, 380 34 36 79 C3992C0739 5701 012 S3405A62 36 012 8S2 36
30126 #2A&79>S 79 012 S3405A62.
Daniel $eillard ( li%#slt )
Copyright 2)'22 #aniel (eillard $lib-slt%. All 6ights 6eser+ed.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the LSoftware%, to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andBor sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to
do so, sub.ect to the following conditions/ 0he abo+e copyright notice and
this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
the Software.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 #A972& (27&&A6# "2 &7A"&2
436 A9: C&A7=, #A=A>2S 36 30126 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34
C3906AC0, 0360 36 3012657S2, A67S79> 463=, 380 34 36 79
C3992C0739 5701 012 S3405A62 36 012 8S2 36 30126 #2A&79>S 79 012
S3405A62. 2-cept as contained in this notice, the name of #aniel (eillard
shall not be used in ad+ertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from him.
Apple Application Support li%rar& attri%utions'
The (e%)it Open Source Project ( including portions from the khtml!
kcan*as! kdom! and ks*g+ projects ) and ,a*aScriptore Project
( including portions from the kjs project )
Copyright )??*, )??@, )???, 2, 2), 22, 2!, 2C, 2E, 2F,
2*, 2@, 2? (arious contributors as noted below.
Contributors to the 5eb;it, 5ebCore and Ga+aScriptCore pro.ects include/
Ale- =athews, Ale-ander ;ellett, Ale-ey Proskuryako+, Allan Sandfeld Gensen,
Alp 0oker, Anders Carlsson, Andrew 5ellington, Antti ;oi+isto, Apple 7nc.,
".oern >raf, "rent 4ulgham, Cameron Mwarich, Charles Samuels, Charlie
"ozeman, Christian #ywan, Collabora &td., Cyrus Patel, #aniel =olkentin,
#aniel (eillard, #a+e =ac&achlan, #a+id Smith, #awit Alemayehu, #irk
=ueller, #irk Schulze, #on >ibson, 2nrico 6os, 2ric Seidel, 4rederik 1oll.en,
4rerich 6aabe, 4riedemann ;leint, >eorge Staikos, >oogle 7nc., >raham
#ennis, 1arri Porten, 1enry =ason, 1iroyuki 7kezoe, 1olger 1ans Peter
4reyther, 7nternational "usiness =achines Corporation, Games >. Speth, Gan
=ichael C. Alonzo, Gean'loup >ailly, Gon Shier, Gonas 5itt, Gulien ChaNrai-,
Gustin 1aygood, ;e+in 3lli+ier, ;e+in 5atters, ;immo ;innunen, ;ouhei Sutou,
;rzysztof ;owalczyk, &ars ;noll, &uca "runo, &ucent 0echnologies, =aksim
3rlo+ich, =alte Starostik, =ark Adler, =artin Gones, =att &ilek, =ichael
2mmel, 9etscape Communications Corporation, 9icholas Shanks, 9ikolas
Mimmermann, 9okia Corporation, 9uanti &td., 3li+er 1unt, 3pened1and,
Peter ;elly, Pioneer 6esearch Center 8SA, 7nc., 6ob "uis, 6obin #unn, 6onald
0schalOr, Samuel 5einig, Simon 1ausmann, Staikos Computing Ser+ices 7nc.,
Stefan Schimanski, Symantec Corporation, 0he ;arbon #e+elopers, 0homas
"royer, 0im CopperAeld, 0obias Anton, 0ony Chang, 0orben 5eis, 0rolltech
ASA, 8ni+ersity of Cambridge, (acla+ Sla+ik, 5aldo "astian, <an &opez, Mack
0he 5eb;it, 5ebCore and Ga+aScriptCore software is open source software
with portions licensed under a "S# license $see AppleIs e-ample below% and
portions licensed under the >98 &ibrary >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2.
Please refer to the indi+idual Ales to determine the license terms that apply
to that Ale. :ou may obtain a complete machine'readable copy of the source
code for the &>P&'licensed portions under the terms of &>P&, without charge
e-cept for the cost of media, shipping, and handling, upon written rePuest to
Apple. 0he 5eb;it software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but 5701380 A9: 5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of
=26C1A90A"7&70: or 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. See the &>P&
for more detailsK a copy of the &>P& is included with this product.
0he khtml software is released under the >98 &ibrary >eneral Public &icense
(ersion 2.
0he k.s software is released under the >98 &ibrary >eneral Public &icense
(ersion 2. 0he authors also thank the following people for their help/
6ichard =oore, #aegeun &ee, =arco Pinelli, and Christian ;irsch. 0he
kcan+as, kdom and ks+g2 software is released under the >98 &ibrary
>eneral Public &icense (ersion 2.
BSD L-./S.
6edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modiAcation, are
permitted pro+ided that the following conditions are met/
). 6edistributions of source code must retain the abo+e copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. 6edistributions in binary form must reproduce the abo+e copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andBor other
materials pro+ided with the distribution.
!. 9either the name of Apple 7nc. $,Apple,% nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products deri+ed from this software without speciAc prior
written permission.
017S S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ": APP&2 A9# 70S C39067"8036S ,AS 7S, A9# A9:
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72#
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A62
#7SC&A7=2#. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& APP&2 36 70S C39067"8036S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9:
#762C0, 79#762C0, 79C7#290A&, SP2C7A&, 2<2=P&A6:, 36 C39S2J82907A&
#A=A>2S $79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, P63C862=290 34 S8"S070802 >33#S
36 S26(7C2SK &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A, 36 P63470SK 36 "8S792SS 7902668P0739%
1352(26 CA8S2# A9# 39 A9: 01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 C3906AC0,
S067C0 &7A"7&70:, 36 0360 $79C&8#79> 92>&7>29C2 36 3012657S2% A67S79> 79
A9: 5A: 380 34 012 8S2 34 017S S3405A62, 2(29 74 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70:
34 S8C1 #A=A>2.
0/1 L-B2A23 0./.2AL P1BL- L-./S.
$ersion +! ,une 4554
Copyright $C% )??) 4ree Software 4oundation, 7nc.
E? 0emple Place, Suite !!, "oston, =A 2)))')!* 8SA
2+eryone is permitted to copy and distribute +erbatim copies of this license
document, but changing it is not allowed.
Q0his is the Arst released +ersion of the library >P&. 7t is numbered 2 because it goes
with +ersion 2 of the ordinary >P&.R
0he licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and
change it. "y contrast, the >98 >eneral Public &icenses are intended to guarantee
your freedom to share and change free software''to make sure the software is free
for all its users. 0his license, the &ibrary >eneral Public &icense, applies to some
specially designated 4ree Software 4oundation software, and to any other libraries
whose authors decide to use it. :ou can use it for your libraries, too.
5hen we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. 3ur >eneral
Public &icenses are designed to make sure that you ha+e the freedom to distribute
copies of free software $and charge for this ser+ice if you wish%, that you recei+e
source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use
pieces of it in new free programsK and that you know you can do these things.
0o protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you
these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. 0hese restrictions translate to
certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify
4or e-ample, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you
must gi+e the recipients all the rights that we ga+e you. :ou must make sure that
they, too, recei+e or can get the source code. 7f you link a program with the library,
you must pro+ide complete ob.ect Ales to the recipients so that they can relink them
with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you
must show them these terms so they know their rights. 3ur method of
protecting your rights has two steps/ $)% copyright the library, and $2% oNer you this
license which gi+es you legal permission to copy, distribute andBor modify the library.
Also, for each distributorIs protection, we want to make certain that e+eryone
understands that there is no warranty for this free library. 7f the library is modiAed by
someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they ha+e is
not the original +ersion, so that any problems introduced by others will not reSect on
the original authorsI reputations.
4inally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. 5e wish to
a+oid the danger that companies distributing free software will indi+idually obtain
patent licenses, thus in eNect transforming the program into proprietary software. 0o
pre+ent this, we ha+e made it clear that any patent must be licensed for e+eryoneIs
free use or not licensed at all.
=ost >98 software, including some libraries, is co+ered by the ordinary >98 >eneral
Public &icense, which was designed for utility programs. 0his license, the >98
&ibrary >eneral Public &icense, applies to certain designated libraries. 0his license is
Puite diNerent from the ordinary oneK be sure to read it in full, and donIt assume that
anything in it is the same as in the ordinary license.
0he reason we ha+e a separate public license for some libraries is that they blur the
distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a program and simply
using it. &inking a program with a library, without changing the library, is in some
sense simply using the library, and is analogous to running a utility program or
application program. 1owe+er, in a te-tual and legal sense, the linked e-ecutable is
a combined work, a deri+ati+e of the original library, and the ordinary >eneral Public
&icense treats it as such.
"ecause of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary >eneral Public &icense for
libraries did not eNecti+ely promote software sharing, because most de+elopers did
not use the libraries. 5e concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing
1owe+er, unrestricted linking of non'free programs would depri+e the users of those
programs of all beneAt from the free status of the libraries themsel+es. 0his &ibrary
>eneral Public &icense is intended to permit de+elopers of non'free programs to use
free libraries, while preser+ing your freedom as a user of such programs to change
the free libraries that are incorporated in them. $5e ha+e not seen how to achie+e
this as regards changes in header Ales, but we ha+e achie+ed it as regards changes
in the actual functions of the &ibrary.% 0he hope is that this will lead to faster
de+elopment of free libraries.
0he precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modiAcation follow.
Pay close attention to the diNerence between a ,work based on the library, and a
,work that uses the library,. 0he former contains code deri+ed from the library, while
the latter only works together with the library.
9ote that it is possible for a library to be co+ered by the ordinary >eneral Public
&icense rather than by this special one.
0/1 L-B2A23 0./.2AL P1BL- L-./S.
T.26S A/D O/D-T-O/S 7O2 OP3-/0! D-ST2-B1T-O/ A/D 6OD-7-AT-O/
8" 0his &icense Agreement applies to any software library which contains a notice
placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this &ibrary >eneral Public &icense $also called ,this &icense,%.
2ach licensee is addressed as ,you,.
A ,library, means a collection of software functions andBor data prepared so as to be
con+eniently linked with application programs $which use some of those functions
and data% to form e-ecutables.
0he ,&ibrary,, below, refers to any such software library or work which has been
distributed under these terms. A ,work based on the &ibrary, means either the
&ibrary or any deri+ati+e work under copyright law/ that is to say, a work containing
the &ibrary or a portion of it, either +erbatim or with modiAcations andBor translated
straightforwardly into another language. $1ereinafter, translation is included without
limitation in the term ,modiAcation,.%
,Source code, for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
modiAcations to it. 4or a library, complete source code means all the source code for
all modules it contains, plus any associated interface deAnition Ales, plus the scripts
used to control compilation and installation of the library.
Acti+ities other than copying, distribution and modiAcation are not co+ered by this
&icenseK they are outside its scope. 0he act of running a program using the &ibrary is
not restricted, and output from such a program is co+ered only if its contents
constitute a work based on the &ibrary $independent of the use of the &ibrary in a
tool for writing it%. 5hether that is true depends on what the &ibrary does and what
the program that uses the &ibrary does.
4" :ou may copy and distribute +erbatim copies of the &ibraryIs complete source
code as you recei+e it, in any medium, pro+ided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of
warrantyK keep intact all the notices that refer to this &icense and to the absence of
any warrantyK and distribute a copy of this &icense along with the &ibrary.
:ou may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your
option oNer warranty protection in e-change for a fee.
+" :ou may modify your copy or copies of the &ibrary or any portion of it, thus
forming a work based on the &ibrary, and copy and distribute such modiAcations or
work under the terms of Section ) abo+e, pro+ided that you also meet all of these
a) 0he modiAed work must itself be a software library.
%) :ou must cause the Ales modiAed to carry prominent notices stating that you
changed the Ales and the date of any change.
c) :ou must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this &icense.
d) 7f a facility in the modiAed &ibrary refers to a function or a table of data to be
supplied by an application program that uses the facility, other than as an argument
passed when the facility is in+oked, then you must make a good faith eNort to ensure
that, in the e+ent an application does not supply such function or table, the facility
still operates, and performs whate+er part of its purpose remains meaningful.
$4or e-ample, a function in a library to compute sPuare roots has a purpose that is
entirely well'deAned independent of the application. 0herefore, Subsection 2d
rePuires that any application'supplied function or table used by this function must be
optional/ if the application does not supply it, the sPuare root function must still
compute sPuare roots.%
0hese rePuirements apply to the modiAed work as a whole. 7f identiAable sections of
that work are not deri+ed from the &ibrary,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themsel+es,
then this &icense, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute
them as separate works. "ut when you distribute the same sections as part of a
whole which is a work based on the &ibrary, the distribution of the whole must be on
the terms of this &icense, whose permissions for other licensees e-tend to the entire
whole, and thus to each and e+ery part regardless of who wrote it.
0hus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work
written entirely by youK rather, the intent is to
e-ercise the right to control the distribution of deri+ati+e or collecti+e works based on
the &ibrary.
7n addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the &ibrary with the
&ibrary $or with a work based on the &ibrary% on a +olume of a storage or distribution
medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this &icense.
9" :ou may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary >98 >eneral Public &icense instead
of this &icense to a gi+en copy of the &ibrary. 0o do this, you must alter all the
notices that refer to this &icense, so that they refer to the ordinary >98 >eneral
Public &icense, +ersion 2, instead of to this &icense. $7f a newer +ersion than +ersion
2 of the ordinary >98 >eneral Public &icense has appeared, then you can specify that
+ersion instead if you wish.% #o not make any other change in these notices.
3nce this change is made in a gi+en copy, it is irre+ersible for that copy, so the
ordinary >98 >eneral Public &icense applies to all subsePuent copies and deri+ati+e
works made from that copy.
0his option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the &ibrary into a
program that is not a library.
:" :ou may copy and distribute the &ibrary $or a portion or deri+ati+e of it, under
Section 2% in ob.ect code or e-ecutable form
under the terms of Sections ) and 2 abo+e pro+ided that you accompany it with the
complete corresponding machine'readable source code, which must be distributed
under the terms of Sections ) and 2 abo+e on a medium customarily used for
software interchange.
7f distribution of ob.ect code is made by oNering access to copy from a designated
place, then oNering ePui+alent access to copy the source code from the same place
satisAes the rePuirement to distribute the source code, e+en though third parties are
compelled to copy the source along with the ob.ect code.
;" A program that contains no deri+ati+e of any portion of the &ibrary, but is
designed to work with the &ibrary by being compiled or linked with it, is called a
,work that uses the &ibrary,. Such a work, in isolation, is not a deri+ati+e work of the
&ibrary, and
therefore falls outside the scope of this &icense.
1owe+er, linking a ,work that uses the &ibrary, with the &ibrary creates an
e-ecutable that is a deri+ati+e of the &ibrary $because it contains portions of the
&ibrary%, rather than a ,work that uses the library,. 0he e-ecutable is therefore
co+ered by this &icense.
Section F states terms for distribution of such e-ecutables.
5hen a ,work that uses the &ibrary, uses material from a header Ale that is part of
the &ibrary, the ob.ect code for the work may be a deri+ati+e work of the &ibrary
e+en though the source code is not. 5hether this is true is especially signiAcant if the
work can be linked without the &ibrary, or if the work is itself a library. 0he threshold
for this to be true is not precisely deAned by law.
7f such an ob.ect Ale uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and
accessors, and small macros and small inline
functions $ten lines or less in length%, then the use of the ob.ect Ale is unrestricted,
regardless of whether it is legally a deri+ati+e
work. $2-ecutables containing this ob.ect code plus portions of the &ibrary will still
fall under Section F.%
3therwise, if the work is a deri+ati+e of the &ibrary, you may distribute the ob.ect
code for the work under the terms of Section F.
Any e-ecutables containing that work also fall under Section F, whether or not they
are linked directly with the &ibrary itself.
<" As an e-ception to the Sections abo+e, you may also compile or link a ,work that
uses the &ibrary, with the &ibrary to produce a work containing portions of the
&ibrary, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, pro+ided that the terms
modiAcation of the work for the customerIs own use and re+erse engineering for
debugging such modiAcations.
:ou must gi+e prominent notice with each copy of the work that the &ibrary is used in
it and that the &ibrary and its use are co+ered by this &icense. :ou must supply a
copy of this &icense. 7f the work during e-ecution displays copyright notices, you
must include the copyright notice for the &ibrary among them, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copy of this &icense. Also, you must do one of these things/
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine'readable source
code for the &ibrary including whate+er changes were used in the work $which
must be distributed under Sections ) and 2 abo+e%K and, if the work is an e-ecutable
linked with the &ibrary, with the complete machine'readable ,work that uses the
&ibrary,, as ob.ect code andBor source code, so that the user can modify the &ibrary
and then relink to produce a modiAed e-ecutable containing the modiAed &ibrary. $7t
is understood that the user who changes the contents of deAnitions Ales in the
&ibrary will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modiAed
%) Accompany the work with a written oNer, +alid for at least three years, to gi+e the
same user the materials speciAed in Subsection Fa, abo+e, for a charge no more than
the cost of performing this distribution.
c) 7f distribution of the work is made by oNering access to copy from a designated
place, oNer ePui+alent access to copy the abo+e speciAed materials from the same
d) (erify that the user has already recei+ed a copy of these materials or that you
ha+e already sent this user a copy.
4or an e-ecutable, the rePuired form of the ,work that uses the ,&ibrary, must
include any data and utility programs needed for
reproducing the e-ecutable from it. 1owe+er, as a special e-ception, the source
code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed $in either
source or binary form% with the ma.or components $compiler, kernel, and so on% of
the operating system on which the e-ecutable runs, unless that component itself
accompanies the e-ecutable.
7t may happen that this rePuirement contradicts the license restrictions of other
proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both
them and the &ibrary together in an e-ecutable that you distribute.
=" :ou may place library facilities that are a work based on the &ibrary side'by'side in
a single library together with other library
facilities not co+ered by this &icense, and distribute such a combined library,
pro+ided that the separate distribution of the work based on the &ibrary and of the
other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and pro+ided that you do these two
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the
&ibrary, uncombined with any other library facilities. 0his must be distributed
under the terms of the Sections abo+e.
%) >i+e prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work
based on the &ibrary, and e-plaining where to And the accompanying uncombined
form of the same work.
>" :ou may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the &ibrary e-cept as
e-pressly pro+ided under this &icense. Any
attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the &ibrary is
+oid, and will automatically terminate your
rights under this &icense. 1owe+er, parties who ha+e recei+ed copies, or rights, from
you under this &icense will not ha+e their licenses terminated so long as such parties
remain in full compliance.
5" :ou are not rePuired to accept this &icense, since you ha+e not signed it.
1owe+er, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the &ibrary or its
deri+ati+e works. 0hese actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this
&icense. 0herefore, by modifying or distributing the &ibrary $or any work based on
the &ibrary%, you indicate your acceptance of this &icense to do so, and all its terms
and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the &ibrary or works based on it.
48" 2ach time you redistribute the &ibrary $or any work based on the &ibrary%, the
recipient automatically recei+es a license from the original licensor to copy,
distribute, link with or modify the &ibrary sub.ect to these terms and conditions. :ou
may not impose any further restrictions on the recipientsI e-ercise of the rights
granted herein. :ou are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this &icense.
44" 7f, as a consePuence of a court .udgment or allegation of patent infringement or
for any other reason $not limited to patent issues%, conditions are imposed on you
$whether by court order, agreement or otherwise% that contradict the conditions of
this &icense, they do not e-cuse you from the conditions of this &icense. 7f you
cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this &icense
and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consePuence you may not distribute
the &ibrary at all. 4or e-ample, if a patent license would not permit royalty'free
redistribution of the &ibrary by all those who recei+e copies directly or indirectly
through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this &icense would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the &ibrary.
7f any portion of this section is held in+alid or unenforceable under any particular
circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a
whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
7t is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other
property right claims or to contest +alidity of any
such claimsK this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free
software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. =any
people ha+e made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that systemK it is up to
the authorBdonor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any
other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.
0his section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is belie+ed to be a
consePuence of the rest of this &icense.
4+" 7f the distribution andBor use of the &ibrary is restricted in certain countries either
by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the &ibrary under this &icense may add an
e-plicit geographical distribution limitation e-cluding those countries, so that
distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus e-cluded. 7n such case,
this &icense incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this &icense.
49" 0he 4ree Software 4oundation may publish re+ised andBor new +ersions of the
&ibrary >eneral Public &icense from time to time. Such new +ersions will be similar in
spirit to the present +ersion, but may diNer in detail to address new problems or
2ach +ersion is gi+en a distinguishing +ersion number. 7f the &ibrary speciAes a
+ersion number of this &icense which applies to it and ,any later +ersion,, you ha+e
the option of following the terms and conditions either of that +ersion or of any later
+ersion published by the 4ree Software 4oundation. 7f the &ibrary does not specify a
license +ersion number, you may choose any +ersion e+er published by the 4ree
Software 4oundation.
4:" 7f you wish to incorporate parts of the &ibrary into other free programs whose
distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for
permission. 4or software which is copyrighted by the 4ree Software 4oundation, write
to the 4ree Software 4oundationK we sometimes make e-ceptions for this. 3ur
decision will be guided by the two goals of preser+ing the free status of all
deri+ati+es of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software
93 5A66A90:
4;" "2CA8S2 012 &7"6A6: 7S &7C29S2# 4622 34 C1A6>2, 01262 7S 93 5A66A90:
436 012 &7"6A6:, 03 012 2<0290 P26=7002# ": APP&7CA"&2 &A5. 2<C2P0 5129
3012657S2 S0A02# 79 567079> 012 C3P:67>10 13&#26S A9#B36 30126 PA6072S
P63(7#2 012 &7"6A6: ,AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#, 270126
2<P62SS2# 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72#
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. 012
290762 67S; AS 03 012 J8A&70: A9# P26436=A9C2 34 012 &7"6A6: 7S 5701 :38.
S138&# 012 &7"6A6: P63(2 #242C07(2, :38 ASS8=2 012 C3S0 34 A&&
92C2SSA6: S26(7C79>, 62PA76 36 C3662C0739.
4<" 79 93 2(290 89&2SS 62J8762# ": APP&7CA"&2 &A5 36 A>622# 03 79 567079>
57&& A9: C3P:67>10 13&#26, 36 A9: 30126 PA60: 513 =A: =3#74: A9#B36
62#7S067"802 012 &7"6A6: AS P26=7002# A"3(2, "2 &7A"&2 03 :38 436
#A=A>2S, 79C&8#79> A9: >2926A&, SP2C7A&, 79C7#290A& 36 C39S2J82907A&
#A=A>2S A67S79> 380 34 012 8S2 36 79A"7&70: 03 8S2 012 &7"6A6: $79C&8#79>
"80 930 &7=702# 03 &3SS 34 #A0A 36 #A0A "279> 629#262# 79ACC86A02 36
&3SS2S S8S0A792# ": :38 36 0176# PA6072S 36 A 4A7&862 34 012 &7"6A6: 03
3P26A02 5701 A9: 30126 S3405A62%, 2(29 74 S8C1 13&#26 36 30126 PA60:
1AS "229 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70: 34 S8C1 #A=A>2S.
./D O7 T.26S A/D O/D-T-O/S
Ale#ander hemeris ( msintt&pes )
Copyright 2F'2@ Ale-ander Chemeris
6edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modiAcation, are permitted pro+ided that the following conditions are met/
). 6edistributions of source code must retain the abo+e copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. 6edistributions in binary form must reproduce the abo+e copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
andBor other materials pro+ided with the distribution.
!. 0he name of the author may be used to endorse or promote products
deri+ed from this software without speciAc prior written permission.
017S S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ": 012 A80136 HHAS 7SII A9# A9: 2<P62SS
36 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72#
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6
P86P3S2 A62 #7SC&A7=2#. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 A80136 "2 &7A"&2 436
A9: #762C0, 79#762C0, 79C7#290A&, SP2C7A&, 2<2=P&A6:, 36
C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S $79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03,
P63C862=290 34 S8"S070802 >33#S 36 S26(7C2SK &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A,
36 P63470SK 36 "8S792SS 7902668P0739% 1352(26 CA8S2# A9# 39 A9:
01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 C3906AC0, S067C0 &7A"7&70:, 36 0360
$79C&8#79> 92>&7>29C2 36 3012657S2% A67S79> 79 A9: 5A: 380 34 012
8S2 34 017S S3405A62, 2(29 74 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70: 34 S8C1
The 7reeT&pe Project ( 7reeT&pe )
Portions of this software are copyright 2'2F, 2* 0he 4ree0ype Pro.ect
$ $authors/ #a+id 0urner, 6obert 5ilhelm, 5erner
&emberg%. All rights reser+ed.
0he 4ree0ype Pro.ect &icense may be found at
012 46220:P2 P63G2C0 7S P63(7#2# HAS 7SI 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9:
;79#, 270126 2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03,
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6
P86P3S2. 79 93 2(290 57&& A9: 34 012 A80136S 36 C3P:67>10
13&#26S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: #A=A>2S CA8S2# ": 012 8S2 36 012
79A"7&70: 03 8S2, 34 012 46220:P2 P63G2C0.
,ean?loup 0aill& and 6ark Adler ( @li% )
Copyright )??E')??@ Gean'loup >ailly and =ark Adler.
0his software is pro+ided Ias'isI, without any e-press or implied warranty. 7n
no e+ent will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use
of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, sub.ect to the following restrictions/ ). 0he origin of this software must
not be misrepresentedK you must not claim that you wrote the original
software. 7f you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
product documentation would be appreciated but is not rePuired. 2. Altered
source +ersions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software. !. 0his notice may not be
remo+ed or altered from any source distribution.
Brian 0ladman ( A.S implementation! SAA+ 6essage Digest )
Copyright 2!, #r "rian >ladman, 5orcester, 8;. All rights reser+ed.
&7C29S2 026=S
0he free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary form
is allowed $with or without changes% pro+ided that/
). distributions of this source code include the abo+e copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimerK
2. distributions in binary form include the abo+e copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andBor other
associated materialsK
!. the copyright holderIs name is not used to endorse products built using
this software without speciAc written permission.
A&0269A07(2&:, pro+ided that this notice is retained in full, this product may
be distributed under the terms of the >98 >eneral Public &icense $>P&%, in
which case the pro+isions of the >P& apply 79S02A# 34 those gi+en abo+e.
0his software is pro+ided Ias isI with no e-plicit or implied warranties in
respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness andBor
Atness for purpose.
0oogle ( T6alloc )
Copyright 2E, >oogle 7nc. All rights reser+ed.
6edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modiAcation, are permitted pro+ided that the following conditions are met/
T 6edistributions of source code must retain the abo+e copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
T 6edistributions in binary form must reproduce the abo+e copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
andBor other materials pro+ided with the distribution.
T 9either the name of >oogle 7nc. nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products deri+ed from this software without
speciAc prior written permission.
017S S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ": 012 C3P:67>10 13&#26S A9#
C39067"8036S ,AS 7S, A9# A9: 2<P62SS 36 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S,
79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A62
#7SC&A7=2#. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 C3P:67>10 35926 36
C39067"8036S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: #762C0, 79#762C0, 79C7#290A&,
SP2C7A&, 2<2=P&A6:, 36 C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S $79C&8#79>, "80 930
&7=702# 03, P63C862=290 34 S8"S070802 >33#S 36 S26(7C2SK &3SS 34
8S2, #A0A, 36 P63470SK 36 "8S792SS 7902668P0739% 1352(26 CA8S2#
A9# 39 A9: 01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 C3906AC0, S067C0
&7A"7&70:, 36 0360 $79C&8#79> 92>&7>29C2 36 3012657S2% A67S79> 79
A9: 5A: 380 34 012 8S2 34 017S S3405A62, 2(29 74 A#(7S2# 34 012
P3SS7"7&70: 34 S8C1 #A=A>2.
2ichard Aipp ( SBLite )
SJ&ite Copyright
0he original author of SJ&ite has dedicated the code to the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute the
original SJ&ite code, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for
any purpose, commerical or non'commerical, and by any means.
Contributed Code
7n order to keep SJ&ite complete free and unencumbered by copyright, other
contributors to the SJ&ite code base are asked to likewise dedicate their
contributions to the public domain. 7f you want to send a patch or
enhancement for possible inclusion in the SJ&ite source tree, please
accompany the patch with the following statement/
The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in
this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the beneft of
the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We
intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all
present and future rights this code under copyright law.
6egrettably, as of 2! 3ctober 2, we will no longer be able to accept
patches or changes to SJ&ite that are not accompanied by a statement such
as the abo+e. 7n addition, if you make changes or enhancements as an
employee, then a simple statement such as the abo+e is insuUcient. :ou
must also send by surface mail a copyright release signed by a company
oUcer. A signed original of the copyright release should be mailed to/ 1waci,
F2 =aple Co+e &ane, Charlotte, 9C 2@2F?, 8SA.
A template copyright release is a+ailable in P#4 or 10=&. :ou can use this
release to make future changes. 7f you ha+e contributed changes or
enhancements to SJ&ite in the past, and ha+e not already done so, you are
in+ited to complete and sign a copy of the template and mail it to the
address abo+e.
-B6 orporation ( -1 ? -nternational omponents for 1nicode )
Copyright )??E'2F 7nternational "usiness =achines Corporation and
others. All rights reser+ed.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the Software%, to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, andBor sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
pro+ided that the abo+e copyright notice$s% and this permission notice
appear in all copies of the Software and that both the abo+e copyright
notice$s% and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290 34 0176# PA60: 67>10S. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012
C3P:67>10 13&#26 36 13&#26S 79C&8#2# 79 017S 9307C2 "2 &7A"&2 436
A9: C&A7=, 36 A9: SP2C7A& 79#762C0 36 C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S, 36
A9: #A=A>2S 51A0S32(26 62S8&079> 463= &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A 36
P63470S, 5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34 C3906AC0, 92>&7>29C2 36 30126
0360738S AC0739, A67S79> 380 34 36 79 C3992C0739 5701 012 8S2 36
P26436=A9C2 34 017S S3405A62.
2-cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not
be used in ad+ertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright
2oss P" ,ohnson! et al" ( pthreads?win9+ )
Copyright )?@@ Gohn 2. "ossom
Copyright )???, 2F Pthreads'win!2 contributors
Pthreads'win!2 is open softwareK you can redistribute it andBor modify it
under the terms of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense as published by
the 4ree Software 4oundation +ersion 2.) of the &icense.
Pthreads'win!2 is se+eral binary link libraries, se+eral modules, associated
interface deAnition Ales and scripts used to control its compilation and
Pthreads'win!2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 5701380
A9: 5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of =26C1A90A"7&70: or
47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. See the >98 &esser >eneral Public
&icense for more details. A copy of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense is
distributed with pthreads'win!2 under the Alename/ C3P:79>.&7"
:ou should ha+e recei+ed a copy of the +ersion 2.) >98 &esser >eneral
Public &icense with pthreads'win!2K if not, write to/ 4ree Software
4oundation, 7nc. E? 0emple Place, Suite !!, "oston, =A 2)))')!*, 8SA.
Thomas 0" Lane ( ,P.0 li%rar& )
Copyright )??)')??@ 0homas >. &ane. All rights reser+ed e-cept as
speciAed below.
0he authors make 93 5A66A90: or representation, either e-press or
implied, with respect to this software, its Puality, accuracy, merchantability,
or Atness for a particular purpose. 0his software is pro+ided AS 7S, and you,
its user, assume the entire risk as to its Puality and accuracy. Permission is
hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software $or portions
thereof% for any purpose, without fee, sub.ect to these conditions/ $)% 7f any
part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this 62A#=2 Ale
must be included, with this copyright and no'warranty notice unalteredK and
any additions, deletions, or changes to the original Ales must be clearly
indicated in accompanying documentation. $2% 7f only e-ecutable code is
distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that this
software is based in part on the work of the 7ndependent GP2> >roup. $!%
Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full
responsibility for any undesirable consePuencesK the authors accept 93
&7A"7&70: for damages of any kind. 0hese conditions apply to any software
deri+ed from or based on the 7G> code, not .ust to the unmodiAed library. 7f
you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us. Permission is 930 granted
for the use of any 7G> authorIs name or company name in ad+ertising or
publicity relating to this software or products deri+ed from it. 0his software
may be referred to only as the 7ndependent GP2> >roupIs software. 5e
speciAcally permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of
commercial products, pro+ided that all warranty or liability claims are
assumed by the product +endor.
Sam LeCer and Silicon 0raphics! -nc" ( T-77 li%rar& )
Copyright )?@@')??F Sam &eXer. Copyright )??)')??F Silicon
>raphics, 7nc.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, pro+ided that
$i% the abo+e copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies
of the software and related documentation, and $ii% the names of Sam &eXer
and Silicon >raphics may not be used in any ad+ertising or publicity relating
to the software without the speciAc, prior written permission of Sam &eXer
and Silicon >raphics.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS'7S A9# 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS, 7=P&72# 36 3012657S2, 79C&8#79> 5701380 &7=70A0739, A9:
5A66A90: 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: 36 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
79 93 2(290 S1A&& SA= &244&26 36 S7&7C39 >6AP17CS "2 &7A"&2 436 A9:
SP2C7A&, 79C7#290A&, 79#762C0 36 C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S 34 A9:
;79#, 36 A9: #A=A>2S 51A0S32(26 62S8&079> 463= &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A
36 P63470S, 5120126 36 930 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70: 34 #A=A>2,
A9# 39 A9: 01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, A67S79> 380 34 36 79 C3992C0739
5701 012 8S2 36 P26436=A9C2 34 017S S3405A62.
Lucent Technologies ( dtoa"cpp )
Copyright )??), 2, 2) by &ucent 0echnologies. 0he author of this
software is #a+id =. >ay.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose
without fee is hereby granted, pro+ided that this entire notice is included in
all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modiAcation of this
software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software.
017S S3405A62 7S "279> P63(7#2# ,AS 7S,, 5701380 A9: 2<P62SS 36
7=P&72# 5A66A90:. 79 PA607C8&A6, 9270126 012 A80136 936 &8C290
=A;2S A9: 62P62S290A0739 36 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79# C39C26979>
012 =26C1A90A"7&70: 34 017S S3405A62 36 70S 47092SS 436 A9:
PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
/etscape ommunications orporation ( arena DlesE parser )
Copyright )??@'2 9etscape Communications Corporation.
4or 5ebCoreBplatformBArena.QhYcppR, other contributors are/ 9ick "lie+ers GeN 1ostetler V.eNDnerdone.comWK 0om 6ini
VtriniDkernel.crashing.orgWK 6aNaele Sena
4or 5ebCoreBrenderingB6ender&ayer.QhYcppR, other contributors are/ 6obert
3ICallahan VrocZDcs.cmu.eduWK #a+id "aron VdbaronDfas.har+ard.eduWK
Christian "iesinger VcbiesingerDweb.deWK 6andall Gesup
Vr.esupDwgate.comWK 6oland =ainz'
giessen.deWK Gosh Soref VtimelessDmac.comWK "oris Mbarsky
4or 5ebCoreBhtmlB10=&#ocument.cpp, a contributors is/ #a+id "aron
0his library is free softwareK you can redistribute it andBor modify it under the
terms of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense as published by the 4ree
Software 4oundationK either +ersion 2.) of the &icense,
http/BBwww.fsf.orgBcopyleftBlesser.html, or $at your option% any later +ersion.
0his library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 5701380 A9:
5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of =26C1A90A"7&70: or
47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. See the >98 &esser >eneral Public
&icense for more details.
:ou should ha+e recei+ed a copy of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense
along with this libraryK if not, write to the 4ree Software 4oundation, 7nc., E?
0emple Place, Suite !!, "oston, =A 2)))')!*, 8SA.
Alternati+ely, the contents of this Ale may be used under the terms of either
the =ozilla Public &icense (ersion ).), found at http/BBwww.mozilla.orgB=P&B
$the L=P&[% or the >98 >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2., found at
http/BBwww.fsf.orgBcopyleftBgpl.html $the ,>P&,%, in which case the pro+isions
of the =P& or the >P& are applicable instead of those abo+e. 7f you wish to
allow use of your +ersion of this Ale only under the terms of one of those two
licenses $the =P& or the >P&% and not to allow others to use your +ersion of
this Ale under the &>P&, indicate your decision by deleting the pro+isions
abo+e and replace them with the notice and other pro+isions rePuired by the
=P& or the >P&, as the case may be. 7f you do not delete the pro+isions
abo+e, a recipient may use your +ersion of this Ale under any of the &>P&,
the =P& or the >P&.
/etscape ommunications orporation ( Spider6onke&! as used in
Date6ath"cpp )
Spider=okey/ Copyright )??@ 9etscape Communications Corporation
#ate=ath.cpp/ Copyright )???'2 1arri Porten VportenDkde.orgWK
Copyright 2F, 2* Apple 7nc. All rights reser+ed.
(ersion/ =P& ).)B>P& 2.B&>P& 2.)
0he contents of this Ale are sub.ect to the =ozilla Public &icense (ersion ).)
$the ,&icense,%K you may not use this Ale e-cept in compliance with the
&icense. :ou may obtain a copy of the &icense a http/BBwww.mozilla.orgB=P&B
Software distributed under the &icense is distributed on an ,AS 7S, basis,
5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#, either e-press or implied. See the
&icense for the speciAc language go+erning rights and limitations under the
0he 3riginal Code is =ozilla Communicator client code, released =arch !),
0he 7nitial #e+eloper of the 3riginal Code is 9etscape Communications
Corporation. Portions created by the 7nitial #e+eloper are Copyright $C% )??@
the 7nitial #e+eloper. All 6ights 6eser+ed.
Alternati+ely, the contents of this Ale may be used under the terms of either
of the >98 >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2 or later $the ,>P&,%, or the >98
&esser >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2.) or later $the ,&>P&,%, in which case
the pro+isions of the >P& or the &>P& are applicable instead of those abo+e.
7f you wish to allow use of your +ersion of this Ale only under the terms of
either the >P& or the &>P&, and not to allow others to use your +ersion of this
Ale under the terms of the =P&, indicate your decision by deleting the
pro+isions abo+e and replace them with the notice and other pro+isions
rePuired by the >P& or the &>P&. 7f you do not delete the pro+isions abo+e, a
recipient may use your +ersion of this Ale under the terms of any one of the
=P&, the >P& or the &>P&.
-gor Pa*lo* ( LF6A compression )
Copyright 2F 7gor Pa+lo+. &M=A S#; is a+ailable under any of the
following licenses/
>98 &esser >eneral Public &icense $>98 &>P&%
Common Public &icense $CP&%
SimpliAed license for unmodiAed code $read SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739%
Proprietary license
7t means that you can select one of these four options and follow rules of
that license.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739/ 7gor Pa+lo+, as the author of this code, e-pressly
permits you to statically or dynamically link your code $or bind by name% to
the Ales from &M=A S#; without sub.ecting your linked code to the terms of
the CP& or >98 &>P&. Any modiAcations or additions to Ales from &M=A S#;,
howe+er, are sub.ect to the >98 &>P& or CP& terms.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739 allows you to use &M=A S#; in applications with closed
code, while you keep &M=A S#; code unmodiAed.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739 \2/ 7gor Pa+lo+, as the author of this code, e-pressly
permits you to use &M=A S#; C.C! under the same terms and conditions
contained in the &icense Agreement you ha+e for any pre+ious +ersion of
&M=A S#; de+eloped by 7gor Pa+lo+.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739 \2 allows owners of proprietary licenses to use latest
+ersion of &M=A S#; as update for pre+ious +ersions.
>98 &>P& and CP& are pretty similar and both these licenses are classiAed as
free software licenses at http/BBwww.gnu.orgB and 3S7'appro+ed at
0len 2anders?Pehrson! et al" ( png )
libpng +ersion )..@ ' Guly 2C, 2
Copyright )??@'2 >lenn 6anders'Pehrson, Copyright )??F, )??*
Andreas #ilger, Copyright )??E, )??F >uy 2ric Schalnat, >roup C2, 7nc.
C3P:67>10 9307C2, #7SC&A7=26, and &7C29S2/
4or the purposes of this copyright and license, Contributing Authors is
deAned as the following set of indi+iduals/ Andreas #ilger, #a+e =artindale,
>uy 2ric Schalnat, Paul Schmidt, 0im 5egner.
0he P9> 6eference &ibrary is supplied AS 7S. 0he Contributing Authors and
>roup C2, 7nc. disclaim all warranties, e-pressed or implied including, without
limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of Atness for any purpose.
0he Contributing Authors and >roup C2, 7nc. assume no liability for direct,
indirect, incidental, special, e-emplary, or consePuential damages, which
may result from the use of the P9> 6eference &ibrary, e+en if ad+ised of the
possibility of such damage.
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this source
code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, without fee, sub.ect to the
following restrictions/ ). 0he origin of this source code must not be
misrepresented. 2. Altered +ersions must be plainly marked as such and
must not be misrepresented as being the original source. !. 0his Copyright
notice may not be remo+ed or altered from any source or altered source
distribution. 0he Contributing Authors and >roup C2, 7nc. speciAcally permit,
without fee, and encourage the use of this source code as a component to
supporting the P9> Ale format in commercial products. 7f you use this source
code in a product, acknowledgment is not rePuired but would be appreciated.
.ric S" 2a&mond! 0reshon .l%er! Toshio )uratomi ( giGi% )
0he >74&7" distribution is Copyright )??* 2ric S. 6aymond.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the ,Software,%, to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andBor sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to
do so, sub.ect to the following conditions/
0he abo+e copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ,AS 7S,, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 A80136S 36 C3P:67>10
13&#26S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: C&A7=, #A=A>2S 36 30126 &7A"7&70:,
5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34 C3906AC0, 0360 36 3012657S2, A67S79>
463=, 380 34 36 79 C3992C0739 5701 012 S3405A62 36 012 8S2 36
30126 #2A&79>S 79 012 S3405A62.
Dann& Smith ( stdint"h for windows )
017S S3405A62 7S 930 C3P:67>102#
Contributor/ #anny Smith Vdanny]r]smith]2)
0his source code is oNered for use in the public domain. :ou may use, modify
or distribute it freely.
0his code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but 5701380 A9:
5A66A90:. A&& 5A66A9072S, 2<P62SS 36 7=P&72# A62 1262":
#7SC&A=2#. 0his includes but is not limited to warranties of
=26C1A90A"7&70: or 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
#ate/ 2')2'2
1ni*ersit& of am%ridge ( P2. )
Copyright )??*'2E 8ni+ersity of Cambridge
PC62 &7C29C2
PC62 is a library of functions to support regular e-pressions whose synta-
and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl E language.
5ritten by/ Philip 1azel Vph) 8ni+ersity of Cambridge
Computing Ser+ice, Cambridge, 2ngland. Phone/ ZCC )22! !!C*)C.
Copyright )??*'2E 8ni+ersity of Cambridge
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on any
computer system, and to redistribute it freely, sub.ect to the following
). 0his software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 5701380
A9: 5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of =26C1A90A"7&70: or
47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
2. 0he origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by e-plicit
claim or by omission. 7n practice, this means that if you use PC62 in software
which you distribute to others, commercially or otherwise, you must put a
sentence like this
6egular e-pression support is pro+ided by the PC62 library package,
which is open source software, written by Philip 1azel, and copyright
by the 8ni+ersity of Cambridge, 2ngland.
somewhere reasonably +isible in your documentation and in any rele+ant
Ales or online help data or similar. A reference to the ftp site for the source,
that is, to ftp/
should also be gi+en in the documentation.
!. Altered +ersions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
C. 7f PC62 is embedded in any software that is released under the >98
>eneral Purpose &icence $>P&%, or &esser >eneral Purpose &icence $&>P&%,
then the terms of that licence shall supersede any condition abo+e with
which it is incompatible.
0he documentation for PC62, supplied in the ,doc, directory, is distributed
under the same terms as the software itself.
Daniel $eillard ( li%#ml+ )
Copyright )??@'22 #aniel (eillard $lib-ml2%. All 6ights 6eser+ed.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the LSoftware%, to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andBor sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to
do so, sub.ect to the following conditions/ 0he abo+e copyright notice and
this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
the Software.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 #A972& (27&&A6# "2 &7A"&2
436 A9: C&A7=, #A=A>2S 36 30126 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34
C3906AC0, 0360 36 3012657S2, A67S79> 463=, 380 34 36 79
C3992C0739 5701 012 S3405A62 36 012 8S2 36 30126 #2A&79>S 79 012
S3405A62. 2-cept as contained in this notice, the name of #aniel (eillard
shall not be used in ad+ertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from him.
Apple Application Support li%rar& attri%utions'
The (e%)it Open Source Project ( including portions from the khtml!
kcan*as! kdom! and ks*g+ projects ) and ,a*aScriptore Project
( including portions from the kjs project )
Copyright )??*, )??@, )???, 2, 2), 22, 2!, 2C, 2E, 2F,
2*, 2@, 2? (arious contributors as noted below.
Contributors to the 5eb;it, 5ebCore and Ga+aScriptCore pro.ects include/
Ale- =athews, Ale-ander ;ellett, Ale-ey Proskuryako+, Allan Sandfeld Gensen,
Alp 0oker, Anders Carlsson, Andrew 5ellington, Antti ;oi+isto, Apple 7nc.,
".oern >raf, "rent 4ulgham, Cameron Mwarich, Charles Samuels, Charlie
"ozeman, Christian #ywan, Collabora &td., Cyrus Patel, #aniel =olkentin,
#aniel (eillard, #a+e =ac&achlan, #a+id Smith, #awit Alemayehu, #irk
=ueller, #irk Schulze, #on >ibson, 2nrico 6os, 2ric Seidel, 4rederik 1oll.en,
4rerich 6aabe, 4riedemann ;leint, >eorge Staikos, >oogle 7nc., >raham
#ennis, 1arri Porten, 1enry =ason, 1iroyuki 7kezoe, 1olger 1ans Peter
4reyther, 7nternational "usiness =achines Corporation, Games >. Speth, Gan
=ichael C. Alonzo, Gean'loup >ailly, Gon Shier, Gonas 5itt, Gulien ChaNrai-,
Gustin 1aygood, ;e+in 3lli+ier, ;e+in 5atters, ;immo ;innunen, ;ouhei Sutou,
;rzysztof ;owalczyk, &ars ;noll, &uca "runo, &ucent 0echnologies, =aksim
3rlo+ich, =alte Starostik, =ark Adler, =artin Gones, =att &ilek, =ichael
2mmel, 9etscape Communications Corporation, 9icholas Shanks, 9ikolas
Mimmermann, 9okia Corporation, 9uanti &td., 3li+er 1unt, 3pened1and,
Peter ;elly, Pioneer 6esearch Center 8SA, 7nc., 6ob "uis, 6obin #unn, 6onald
0schalOr, Samuel 5einig, Simon 1ausmann, Staikos Computing Ser+ices 7nc.,
Stefan Schimanski, Symantec Corporation, 0he ;arbon #e+elopers, 0homas
"royer, 0im CopperAeld, 0obias Anton, 0ony Chang, 0orben 5eis, 0rolltech
ASA, 8ni+ersity of Cambridge, (acla+ Sla+ik, 5aldo "astian, <an &opez, Mack
0he 5eb;it, 5ebCore and Ga+aScriptCore software is open source software
with portions licensed under a "S# license $see AppleIs e-ample below% and
portions licensed under the >98 &ibrary >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2.
Please refer to the indi+idual Ales to determine the license terms that apply
to that Ale. :ou may obtain a complete machine'readable copy of the source
code for the &>P&'licensed portions under the terms of &>P&, without charge
e-cept for the cost of media, shipping, and handling, upon written rePuest to
Apple. 0he 5eb;it software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but 5701380 A9: 5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of
=26C1A90A"7&70: or 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. See the &>P&
for more detailsK a copy of the &>P& is included with this product.
0he khtml software is released under the >98 &ibrary >eneral Public &icense
(ersion 2.
0he k.s software is released under the >98 &ibrary >eneral Public &icense
(ersion 2. 0he authors also thank the following people for their help/
6ichard =oore, #aegeun &ee, =arco Pinelli, and Christian ;irsch. 0he
kcan+as, kdom and ks+g2 software is released under the >98 &ibrary
>eneral Public &icense (ersion 2.
BSD L-./S.
6edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modiAcation, are
permitted pro+ided that the following conditions are met/
). 6edistributions of source code must retain the abo+e copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. 6edistributions in binary form must reproduce the abo+e copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andBor other
materials pro+ided with the distribution.
!. 9either the name of Apple 7nc. $,Apple,% nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products deri+ed from this software without speciAc prior
written permission.
017S S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ": APP&2 A9# 70S C39067"8036S ,AS 7S, A9# A9:
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72#
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A62
#7SC&A7=2#. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& APP&2 36 70S C39067"8036S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9:
#762C0, 79#762C0, 79C7#290A&, SP2C7A&, 2<2=P&A6:, 36 C39S2J82907A&
#A=A>2S $79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, P63C862=290 34 S8"S070802 >33#S
36 S26(7C2SK &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A, 36 P63470SK 36 "8S792SS 7902668P0739%
1352(26 CA8S2# A9# 39 A9: 01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 C3906AC0,
S067C0 &7A"7&70:, 36 0360 $79C&8#79> 92>&7>29C2 36 3012657S2% A67S79> 79
A9: 5A: 380 34 012 8S2 34 017S S3405A62, 2(29 74 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70:
34 S8C1 #A=A>2.
0/1 L-B2A23 0./.2AL P1BL- L-./S.
$ersion +! ,une 4554
Copyright $C% )??) 4ree Software 4oundation, 7nc.
E? 0emple Place, Suite !!, "oston, =A 2)))')!* 8SA
2+eryone is permitted to copy and distribute +erbatim copies of this license
document, but changing it is not allowed.
Q0his is the Arst released +ersion of the library >P&. 7t is numbered 2 because it goes
with +ersion 2 of the ordinary >P&.R
0he licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and
change it. "y contrast, the >98 >eneral Public &icenses are intended to guarantee
your freedom to share and change free software''to make sure the software is free
for all its users. 0his license, the &ibrary >eneral Public &icense, applies to some
specially designated 4ree Software 4oundation software, and to any other libraries
whose authors decide to use it. :ou can use it for your libraries, too.
5hen we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. 3ur >eneral
Public &icenses are designed to make sure that you ha+e the freedom to distribute
copies of free software $and charge for this ser+ice if you wish%, that you recei+e
source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use
pieces of it in new free programsK and that you know you can do these things.
0o protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you
these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. 0hese restrictions translate to
certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify
4or e-ample, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you
must gi+e the recipients all the rights that we ga+e you. :ou must make sure that
they, too, recei+e or can get the source code. 7f you link a program with the library,
you must pro+ide complete ob.ect Ales to the recipients so that they can relink them
with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you
must show them these terms so they know their rights. 3ur method of
protecting your rights has two steps/ $)% copyright the library, and $2% oNer you this
license which gi+es you legal permission to copy, distribute andBor modify the library.
Also, for each distributorIs protection, we want to make certain that e+eryone
understands that there is no warranty for this free library. 7f the library is modiAed by
someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they ha+e is
not the original +ersion, so that any problems introduced by others will not reSect on
the original authorsI reputations.
4inally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. 5e wish to
a+oid the danger that companies distributing free software will indi+idually obtain
patent licenses, thus in eNect transforming the program into proprietary software. 0o
pre+ent this, we ha+e made it clear that any patent must be licensed for e+eryoneIs
free use or not licensed at all.
=ost >98 software, including some libraries, is co+ered by the ordinary >98 >eneral
Public &icense, which was designed for utility programs. 0his license, the >98
&ibrary >eneral Public &icense, applies to certain designated libraries. 0his license is
Puite diNerent from the ordinary oneK be sure to read it in full, and donIt assume that
anything in it is the same as in the ordinary license.
0he reason we ha+e a separate public license for some libraries is that they blur the
distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a program and simply
using it. &inking a program with a library, without changing the library, is in some
sense simply using the library, and is analogous to running a utility program or
application program. 1owe+er, in a te-tual and legal sense, the linked e-ecutable is
a combined work, a deri+ati+e of the original library, and the ordinary >eneral Public
&icense treats it as such.
"ecause of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary >eneral Public &icense for
libraries did not eNecti+ely promote software sharing, because most de+elopers did
not use the libraries. 5e concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing
1owe+er, unrestricted linking of non'free programs would depri+e the users of those
programs of all beneAt from the free status of the libraries themsel+es. 0his &ibrary
>eneral Public &icense is intended to permit de+elopers of non'free programs to use
free libraries, while preser+ing your freedom as a user of such programs to change
the free libraries that are incorporated in them. $5e ha+e not seen how to achie+e
this as regards changes in header Ales, but we ha+e achie+ed it as regards changes
in the actual functions of the &ibrary.% 0he hope is that this will lead to faster
de+elopment of free libraries.
0he precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modiAcation follow.
Pay close attention to the diNerence between a ,work based on the library, and a
,work that uses the library,. 0he former contains code deri+ed from the library, while
the latter only works together with the library.
9ote that it is possible for a library to be co+ered by the ordinary >eneral Public
&icense rather than by this special one.
0/1 L-B2A23 0./.2AL P1BL- L-./S.
T.26S A/D O/D-T-O/S 7O2 OP3-/0! D-ST2-B1T-O/ A/D 6OD-7-AT-O/
8" 0his &icense Agreement applies to any software library which contains a notice
placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this &ibrary >eneral Public &icense $also called ,this &icense,%.
2ach licensee is addressed as ,you,.
A ,library, means a collection of software functions andBor data prepared so as to be
con+eniently linked with application programs $which use some of those functions
and data% to form e-ecutables.
0he ,&ibrary,, below, refers to any such software library or work which has been
distributed under these terms. A ,work based on the &ibrary, means either the
&ibrary or any deri+ati+e work under copyright law/ that is to say, a work containing
the &ibrary or a portion of it, either +erbatim or with modiAcations andBor translated
straightforwardly into another language. $1ereinafter, translation is included without
limitation in the term ,modiAcation,.%
,Source code, for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
modiAcations to it. 4or a library, complete source code means all the source code for
all modules it contains, plus any associated interface deAnition Ales, plus the scripts
used to control compilation and installation of the library.
Acti+ities other than copying, distribution and modiAcation are not co+ered by this
&icenseK they are outside its scope. 0he act of running a program using the &ibrary is
not restricted, and output from such a program is co+ered only if its contents
constitute a work based on the &ibrary $independent of the use of the &ibrary in a
tool for writing it%. 5hether that is true depends on what the &ibrary does and what
the program that uses the &ibrary does.
4" :ou may copy and distribute +erbatim copies of the &ibraryIs complete source
code as you recei+e it, in any medium, pro+ided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of
warrantyK keep intact all the notices that refer to this &icense and to the absence of
any warrantyK and distribute a copy of this &icense along with the &ibrary.
:ou may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your
option oNer warranty protection in e-change for a fee.
+" :ou may modify your copy or copies of the &ibrary or any portion of it, thus
forming a work based on the &ibrary, and copy and distribute such modiAcations or
work under the terms of Section ) abo+e, pro+ided that you also meet all of these
a) 0he modiAed work must itself be a software library.
%) :ou must cause the Ales modiAed to carry prominent notices stating that you
changed the Ales and the date of any change.
c) :ou must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this &icense.
d) 7f a facility in the modiAed &ibrary refers to a function or a table of data to be
supplied by an application program that uses the facility, other than as an argument
passed when the facility is in+oked, then you must make a good faith eNort to ensure
that, in the e+ent an application does not supply such function or table, the facility
still operates, and performs whate+er part of its purpose remains meaningful.
$4or e-ample, a function in a library to compute sPuare roots has a purpose that is
entirely well'deAned independent of the application. 0herefore, Subsection 2d
rePuires that any application'supplied function or table used by this function must be
optional/ if the application does not supply it, the sPuare root function must still
compute sPuare roots.%
0hese rePuirements apply to the modiAed work as a whole. 7f identiAable sections of
that work are not deri+ed from the &ibrary,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themsel+es,
then this &icense, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute
them as separate works. "ut when you distribute the same sections as part of a
whole which is a work based on the &ibrary, the distribution of the whole must be on
the terms of this &icense, whose permissions for other licensees e-tend to the entire
whole, and thus to each and e+ery part regardless of who wrote it.
0hus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work
written entirely by youK rather, the intent is to
e-ercise the right to control the distribution of deri+ati+e or collecti+e works based on
the &ibrary.
7n addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the &ibrary with the
&ibrary $or with a work based on the &ibrary% on a +olume of a storage or distribution
medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this &icense.
9" :ou may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary >98 >eneral Public &icense instead
of this &icense to a gi+en copy of the &ibrary. 0o do this, you must alter all the
notices that refer to this &icense, so that they refer to the ordinary >98 >eneral
Public &icense, +ersion 2, instead of to this &icense. $7f a newer +ersion than +ersion
2 of the ordinary >98 >eneral Public &icense has appeared, then you can specify that
+ersion instead if you wish.% #o not make any other change in these notices.
3nce this change is made in a gi+en copy, it is irre+ersible for that copy, so the
ordinary >98 >eneral Public &icense applies to all subsePuent copies and deri+ati+e
works made from that copy.
0his option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the &ibrary into a
program that is not a library.
:" :ou may copy and distribute the &ibrary $or a portion or deri+ati+e of it, under
Section 2% in ob.ect code or e-ecutable form
under the terms of Sections ) and 2 abo+e pro+ided that you accompany it with the
complete corresponding machine'readable source code, which must be distributed
under the terms of Sections ) and 2 abo+e on a medium customarily used for
software interchange.
7f distribution of ob.ect code is made by oNering access to copy from a designated
place, then oNering ePui+alent access to copy the source code from the same place
satisAes the rePuirement to distribute the source code, e+en though third parties are
compelled to copy the source along with the ob.ect code.
;" A program that contains no deri+ati+e of any portion of the &ibrary, but is
designed to work with the &ibrary by being compiled or linked with it, is called a
,work that uses the &ibrary,. Such a work, in isolation, is not a deri+ati+e work of the
&ibrary, and
therefore falls outside the scope of this &icense.
1owe+er, linking a ,work that uses the &ibrary, with the &ibrary creates an
e-ecutable that is a deri+ati+e of the &ibrary $because it contains portions of the
&ibrary%, rather than a ,work that uses the library,. 0he e-ecutable is therefore
co+ered by this &icense.
Section F states terms for distribution of such e-ecutables.
5hen a ,work that uses the &ibrary, uses material from a header Ale that is part of
the &ibrary, the ob.ect code for the work may be a deri+ati+e work of the &ibrary
e+en though the source code is not. 5hether this is true is especially signiAcant if the
work can be linked without the &ibrary, or if the work is itself a library. 0he threshold
for this to be true is not precisely deAned by law.
7f such an ob.ect Ale uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and
accessors, and small macros and small inline
functions $ten lines or less in length%, then the use of the ob.ect Ale is unrestricted,
regardless of whether it is legally a deri+ati+e
work. $2-ecutables containing this ob.ect code plus portions of the &ibrary will still
fall under Section F.%
3therwise, if the work is a deri+ati+e of the &ibrary, you may distribute the ob.ect
code for the work under the terms of Section F.
Any e-ecutables containing that work also fall under Section F, whether or not they
are linked directly with the &ibrary itself.
<" As an e-ception to the Sections abo+e, you may also compile or link a ,work that
uses the &ibrary, with the &ibrary to produce a work containing portions of the
&ibrary, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, pro+ided that the terms
modiAcation of the work for the customerIs own use and re+erse engineering for
debugging such modiAcations.
:ou must gi+e prominent notice with each copy of the work that the &ibrary is used in
it and that the &ibrary and its use are co+ered by this &icense. :ou must supply a
copy of this &icense. 7f the work during e-ecution displays copyright notices, you
must include the copyright notice for the &ibrary among them, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copy of this &icense. Also, you must do one of these things/
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine'readable source
code for the &ibrary including whate+er changes were used in the work $which
must be distributed under Sections ) and 2 abo+e%K and, if the work is an e-ecutable
linked with the &ibrary, with the complete machine'readable ,work that uses the
&ibrary,, as ob.ect code andBor source code, so that the user can modify the &ibrary
and then relink to produce a modiAed e-ecutable containing the modiAed &ibrary. $7t
is understood that the user who changes the contents of deAnitions Ales in the
&ibrary will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modiAed
%) Accompany the work with a written oNer, +alid for at least three years, to gi+e the
same user the materials speciAed in Subsection Fa, abo+e, for a charge no more than
the cost of performing this distribution.
c) 7f distribution of the work is made by oNering access to copy from a designated
place, oNer ePui+alent access to copy the abo+e speciAed materials from the same
d) (erify that the user has already recei+ed a copy of these materials or that you
ha+e already sent this user a copy.
4or an e-ecutable, the rePuired form of the ,work that uses the ,&ibrary, must
include any data and utility programs needed for
reproducing the e-ecutable from it. 1owe+er, as a special e-ception, the source
code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed $in either
source or binary form% with the ma.or components $compiler, kernel, and so on% of
the operating system on which the e-ecutable runs, unless that component itself
accompanies the e-ecutable.
7t may happen that this rePuirement contradicts the license restrictions of other
proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both
them and the &ibrary together in an e-ecutable that you distribute.
=" :ou may place library facilities that are a work based on the &ibrary side'by'side in
a single library together with other library
facilities not co+ered by this &icense, and distribute such a combined library,
pro+ided that the separate distribution of the work based on the &ibrary and of the
other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and pro+ided that you do these two
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the
&ibrary, uncombined with any other library facilities. 0his must be distributed
under the terms of the Sections abo+e.
%) >i+e prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work
based on the &ibrary, and e-plaining where to And the accompanying uncombined
form of the same work.
>" :ou may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the &ibrary e-cept as
e-pressly pro+ided under this &icense. Any
attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the &ibrary is
+oid, and will automatically terminate your
rights under this &icense. 1owe+er, parties who ha+e recei+ed copies, or rights, from
you under this &icense will not ha+e their licenses terminated so long as such parties
remain in full compliance.
5" :ou are not rePuired to accept this &icense, since you ha+e not signed it.
1owe+er, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the &ibrary or its
deri+ati+e works. 0hese actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this
&icense. 0herefore, by modifying or distributing the &ibrary $or any work based on
the &ibrary%, you indicate your acceptance of this &icense to do so, and all its terms
and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the &ibrary or works based on it.
48" 2ach time you redistribute the &ibrary $or any work based on the &ibrary%, the
recipient automatically recei+es a license from the original licensor to copy,
distribute, link with or modify the &ibrary sub.ect to these terms and conditions. :ou
may not impose any further restrictions on the recipientsI e-ercise of the rights
granted herein. :ou are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this &icense.
44" 7f, as a consePuence of a court .udgment or allegation of patent infringement or
for any other reason $not limited to patent issues%, conditions are imposed on you
$whether by court order, agreement or otherwise% that contradict the conditions of
this &icense, they do not e-cuse you from the conditions of this &icense. 7f you
cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this &icense
and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consePuence you may not distribute
the &ibrary at all. 4or e-ample, if a patent license would not permit royalty'free
redistribution of the &ibrary by all those who recei+e copies directly or indirectly
through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this &icense would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the &ibrary.
7f any portion of this section is held in+alid or unenforceable under any particular
circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a
whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
7t is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other
property right claims or to contest +alidity of any
such claimsK this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free
software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. =any
people ha+e made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that systemK it is up to
the authorBdonor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any
other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.
0his section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is belie+ed to be a
consePuence of the rest of this &icense.
4+" 7f the distribution andBor use of the &ibrary is restricted in certain countries either
by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the &ibrary under this &icense may add an
e-plicit geographical distribution limitation e-cluding those countries, so that
distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus e-cluded. 7n such case,
this &icense incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this &icense.
49" 0he 4ree Software 4oundation may publish re+ised andBor new +ersions of the
&ibrary >eneral Public &icense from time to time. Such new +ersions will be similar in
spirit to the present +ersion, but may diNer in detail to address new problems or
2ach +ersion is gi+en a distinguishing +ersion number. 7f the &ibrary speciAes a
+ersion number of this &icense which applies to it and ,any later +ersion,, you ha+e
the option of following the terms and conditions either of that +ersion or of any later
+ersion published by the 4ree Software 4oundation. 7f the &ibrary does not specify a
license +ersion number, you may choose any +ersion e+er published by the 4ree
Software 4oundation.
4:" 7f you wish to incorporate parts of the &ibrary into other free programs whose
distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for
permission. 4or software which is copyrighted by the 4ree Software 4oundation, write
to the 4ree Software 4oundationK we sometimes make e-ceptions for this. 3ur
decision will be guided by the two goals of preser+ing the free status of all
deri+ati+es of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software
93 5A66A90:
4;" "2CA8S2 012 &7"6A6: 7S &7C29S2# 4622 34 C1A6>2, 01262 7S 93 5A66A90:
436 012 &7"6A6:, 03 012 2<0290 P26=7002# ": APP&7CA"&2 &A5. 2<C2P0 5129
3012657S2 S0A02# 79 567079> 012 C3P:67>10 13&#26S A9#B36 30126 PA6072S
P63(7#2 012 &7"6A6: ,AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#, 270126
2<P62SS2# 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72#
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. 012
290762 67S; AS 03 012 J8A&70: A9# P26436=A9C2 34 012 &7"6A6: 7S 5701 :38.
S138&# 012 &7"6A6: P63(2 #242C07(2, :38 ASS8=2 012 C3S0 34 A&&
92C2SSA6: S26(7C79>, 62PA76 36 C3662C0739.
4<" 79 93 2(290 89&2SS 62J8762# ": APP&7CA"&2 &A5 36 A>622# 03 79 567079>
57&& A9: C3P:67>10 13&#26, 36 A9: 30126 PA60: 513 =A: =3#74: A9#B36
62#7S067"802 012 &7"6A6: AS P26=7002# A"3(2, "2 &7A"&2 03 :38 436
#A=A>2S, 79C&8#79> A9: >2926A&, SP2C7A&, 79C7#290A& 36 C39S2J82907A&
#A=A>2S A67S79> 380 34 012 8S2 36 79A"7&70: 03 8S2 012 &7"6A6: $79C&8#79>
"80 930 &7=702# 03 &3SS 34 #A0A 36 #A0A "279> 629#262# 79ACC86A02 36
&3SS2S S8S0A792# ": :38 36 0176# PA6072S 36 A 4A7&862 34 012 &7"6A6: 03
3P26A02 5701 A9: 30126 S3405A62%, 2(29 74 S8C1 13&#26 36 30126 PA60:
1AS "229 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70: 34 S8C1 #A=A>2S.
./D O7 T.26S A/D O/D-T-O/S
Ale#ander hemeris ( msintt&pes )
Copyright 2F'2@ Ale-ander Chemeris
6edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modiAcation, are permitted pro+ided that the following conditions are met/
). 6edistributions of source code must retain the abo+e copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. 6edistributions in binary form must reproduce the abo+e copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
andBor other materials pro+ided with the distribution.
!. 0he name of the author may be used to endorse or promote products
deri+ed from this software without speciAc prior written permission.
017S S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ": 012 A80136 HHAS 7SII A9# A9: 2<P62SS
36 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72#
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6
P86P3S2 A62 #7SC&A7=2#. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 A80136 "2 &7A"&2 436
A9: #762C0, 79#762C0, 79C7#290A&, SP2C7A&, 2<2=P&A6:, 36
C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S $79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03,
P63C862=290 34 S8"S070802 >33#S 36 S26(7C2SK &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A,
36 P63470SK 36 "8S792SS 7902668P0739% 1352(26 CA8S2# A9# 39 A9:
01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 C3906AC0, S067C0 &7A"7&70:, 36 0360
$79C&8#79> 92>&7>29C2 36 3012657S2% A67S79> 79 A9: 5A: 380 34 012
8S2 34 017S S3405A62, 2(29 74 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70: 34 S8C1
The 7reeT&pe Project ( 7reeT&pe )
Portions of this software are copyright 2'2F, 2* 0he 4ree0ype Pro.ect
$ $authors/ #a+id 0urner, 6obert 5ilhelm, 5erner
&emberg%. All rights reser+ed.
0he 4ree0ype Pro.ect &icense may be found at
012 46220:P2 P63G2C0 7S P63(7#2# HAS 7SI 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9:
;79#, 270126 2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03,
5A66A9072S 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6
P86P3S2. 79 93 2(290 57&& A9: 34 012 A80136S 36 C3P:67>10
13&#26S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: #A=A>2S CA8S2# ": 012 8S2 36 012
79A"7&70: 03 8S2, 34 012 46220:P2 P63G2C0.
,ean?loup 0aill& and 6ark Adler ( @li% )
Copyright )??E')??@ Gean'loup >ailly and =ark Adler.
0his software is pro+ided Ias'isI, without any e-press or implied warranty. 7n
no e+ent will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use
of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, sub.ect to the following restrictions/ ). 0he origin of this software must
not be misrepresentedK you must not claim that you wrote the original
software. 7f you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
product documentation would be appreciated but is not rePuired. 2. Altered
source +ersions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software. !. 0his notice may not be
remo+ed or altered from any source distribution.
Brian 0ladman ( A.S implementation! SAA+ 6essage Digest )
Copyright 2!, #r "rian >ladman, 5orcester, 8;. All rights reser+ed.
&7C29S2 026=S
0he free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary form
is allowed $with or without changes% pro+ided that/
). distributions of this source code include the abo+e copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimerK
2. distributions in binary form include the abo+e copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation andBor other
associated materialsK
!. the copyright holderIs name is not used to endorse products built using
this software without speciAc written permission.
A&0269A07(2&:, pro+ided that this notice is retained in full, this product may
be distributed under the terms of the >98 >eneral Public &icense $>P&%, in
which case the pro+isions of the >P& apply 79S02A# 34 those gi+en abo+e.
0his software is pro+ided Ias isI with no e-plicit or implied warranties in
respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness andBor
Atness for purpose.
0oogle ( T6alloc )
Copyright 2E, >oogle 7nc. All rights reser+ed.
6edistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modiAcation, are permitted pro+ided that the following conditions are met/
T 6edistributions of source code must retain the abo+e copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
T 6edistributions in binary form must reproduce the abo+e copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
andBor other materials pro+ided with the distribution.
T 9either the name of >oogle 7nc. nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products deri+ed from this software without
speciAc prior written permission.
017S S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ": 012 C3P:67>10 13&#26S A9#
C39067"8036S ,AS 7S, A9# A9: 2<P62SS 36 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S,
79C&8#79>, "80 930 &7=702# 03, 012 7=P&72# 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70: A9# 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A62
#7SC&A7=2#. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 C3P:67>10 35926 36
C39067"8036S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: #762C0, 79#762C0, 79C7#290A&,
SP2C7A&, 2<2=P&A6:, 36 C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S $79C&8#79>, "80 930
&7=702# 03, P63C862=290 34 S8"S070802 >33#S 36 S26(7C2SK &3SS 34
8S2, #A0A, 36 P63470SK 36 "8S792SS 7902668P0739% 1352(26 CA8S2#
A9# 39 A9: 01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 C3906AC0, S067C0
&7A"7&70:, 36 0360 $79C&8#79> 92>&7>29C2 36 3012657S2% A67S79> 79
A9: 5A: 380 34 012 8S2 34 017S S3405A62, 2(29 74 A#(7S2# 34 012
P3SS7"7&70: 34 S8C1 #A=A>2.
2ichard Aipp ( SBLite )
SJ&ite Copyright
0he original author of SJ&ite has dedicated the code to the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute the
original SJ&ite code, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for
any purpose, commerical or non'commerical, and by any means.
Contributed Code
7n order to keep SJ&ite complete free and unencumbered by copyright, other
contributors to the SJ&ite code base are asked to likewise dedicate their
contributions to the public domain. 7f you want to send a patch or
enhancement for possible inclusion in the SJ&ite source tree, please
accompany the patch with the following statement/
The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in
this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the beneft of
the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We
intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all
present and future rights this code under copyright law.
6egrettably, as of 2! 3ctober 2, we will no longer be able to accept
patches or changes to SJ&ite that are not accompanied by a statement such
as the abo+e. 7n addition, if you make changes or enhancements as an
employee, then a simple statement such as the abo+e is insuUcient. :ou
must also send by surface mail a copyright release signed by a company
oUcer. A signed original of the copyright release should be mailed to/ 1waci,
F2 =aple Co+e &ane, Charlotte, 9C 2@2F?, 8SA.
A template copyright release is a+ailable in P#4 or 10=&. :ou can use this
release to make future changes. 7f you ha+e contributed changes or
enhancements to SJ&ite in the past, and ha+e not already done so, you are
in+ited to complete and sign a copy of the template and mail it to the
address abo+e.
-B6 orporation ( -1 ? -nternational omponents for 1nicode )
Copyright )??E'2F 7nternational "usiness =achines Corporation and
others. All rights reser+ed.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the Software%, to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, andBor sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
pro+ided that the abo+e copyright notice$s% and this permission notice
appear in all copies of the Software and that both the abo+e copyright
notice$s% and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290 34 0176# PA60: 67>10S. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012
C3P:67>10 13&#26 36 13&#26S 79C&8#2# 79 017S 9307C2 "2 &7A"&2 436
A9: C&A7=, 36 A9: SP2C7A& 79#762C0 36 C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S, 36
A9: #A=A>2S 51A0S32(26 62S8&079> 463= &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A 36
P63470S, 5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34 C3906AC0, 92>&7>29C2 36 30126
0360738S AC0739, A67S79> 380 34 36 79 C3992C0739 5701 012 8S2 36
P26436=A9C2 34 017S S3405A62.
2-cept as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not
be used in ad+ertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright
2oss P" ,ohnson! et al" ( pthreads?win9+ )
Copyright )?@@ Gohn 2. "ossom
Copyright )???, 2F Pthreads'win!2 contributors
Pthreads'win!2 is open softwareK you can redistribute it andBor modify it
under the terms of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense as published by
the 4ree Software 4oundation +ersion 2.) of the &icense.
Pthreads'win!2 is se+eral binary link libraries, se+eral modules, associated
interface deAnition Ales and scripts used to control its compilation and
Pthreads'win!2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 5701380
A9: 5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of =26C1A90A"7&70: or
47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. See the >98 &esser >eneral Public
&icense for more details. A copy of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense is
distributed with pthreads'win!2 under the Alename/ C3P:79>.&7"
:ou should ha+e recei+ed a copy of the +ersion 2.) >98 &esser >eneral
Public &icense with pthreads'win!2K if not, write to/ 4ree Software
4oundation, 7nc. E? 0emple Place, Suite !!, "oston, =A 2)))')!*, 8SA.
Thomas 0" Lane ( ,P.0 li%rar& )
Copyright )??)')??@ 0homas >. &ane. All rights reser+ed e-cept as
speciAed below.
0he authors make 93 5A66A90: or representation, either e-press or
implied, with respect to this software, its Puality, accuracy, merchantability,
or Atness for a particular purpose. 0his software is pro+ided AS 7S, and you,
its user, assume the entire risk as to its Puality and accuracy. Permission is
hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software $or portions
thereof% for any purpose, without fee, sub.ect to these conditions/ $)% 7f any
part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this 62A#=2 Ale
must be included, with this copyright and no'warranty notice unalteredK and
any additions, deletions, or changes to the original Ales must be clearly
indicated in accompanying documentation. $2% 7f only e-ecutable code is
distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that this
software is based in part on the work of the 7ndependent GP2> >roup. $!%
Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full
responsibility for any undesirable consePuencesK the authors accept 93
&7A"7&70: for damages of any kind. 0hese conditions apply to any software
deri+ed from or based on the 7G> code, not .ust to the unmodiAed library. 7f
you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us. Permission is 930 granted
for the use of any 7G> authorIs name or company name in ad+ertising or
publicity relating to this software or products deri+ed from it. 0his software
may be referred to only as the 7ndependent GP2> >roupIs software. 5e
speciAcally permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of
commercial products, pro+ided that all warranty or liability claims are
assumed by the product +endor.
Sam LeCer and Silicon 0raphics! -nc" ( T-77 li%rar& )
Copyright )?@@')??F Sam &eXer. Copyright )??)')??F Silicon
>raphics, 7nc.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, pro+ided that
$i% the abo+e copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies
of the software and related documentation, and $ii% the names of Sam &eXer
and Silicon >raphics may not be used in any ad+ertising or publicity relating
to the software without the speciAc, prior written permission of Sam &eXer
and Silicon >raphics.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS'7S A9# 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS, 7=P&72# 36 3012657S2, 79C&8#79> 5701380 &7=70A0739, A9:
5A66A90: 34 =26C1A90A"7&70: 36 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
79 93 2(290 S1A&& SA= &244&26 36 S7&7C39 >6AP17CS "2 &7A"&2 436 A9:
SP2C7A&, 79C7#290A&, 79#762C0 36 C39S2J82907A& #A=A>2S 34 A9:
;79#, 36 A9: #A=A>2S 51A0S32(26 62S8&079> 463= &3SS 34 8S2, #A0A
36 P63470S, 5120126 36 930 A#(7S2# 34 012 P3SS7"7&70: 34 #A=A>2,
A9# 39 A9: 01236: 34 &7A"7&70:, A67S79> 380 34 36 79 C3992C0739
5701 012 8S2 36 P26436=A9C2 34 017S S3405A62.
Lucent Technologies ( dtoa"cpp )
Copyright )??), 2, 2) by &ucent 0echnologies. 0he author of this
software is #a+id =. >ay.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose
without fee is hereby granted, pro+ided that this entire notice is included in
all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modiAcation of this
software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software.
017S S3405A62 7S "279> P63(7#2# ,AS 7S,, 5701380 A9: 2<P62SS 36
7=P&72# 5A66A90:. 79 PA607C8&A6, 9270126 012 A80136 936 &8C290
=A;2S A9: 62P62S290A0739 36 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79# C39C26979>
012 =26C1A90A"7&70: 34 017S S3405A62 36 70S 47092SS 436 A9:
PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
/etscape ommunications orporation ( arena DlesE parser )
Copyright )??@'2 9etscape Communications Corporation.
4or 5ebCoreBplatformBArena.QhYcppR, other contributors are/ 9ick "lie+ers GeN 1ostetler V.eNDnerdone.comWK 0om 6ini
VtriniDkernel.crashing.orgWK 6aNaele Sena
4or 5ebCoreBrenderingB6ender&ayer.QhYcppR, other contributors are/ 6obert
3ICallahan VrocZDcs.cmu.eduWK #a+id "aron VdbaronDfas.har+ard.eduWK
Christian "iesinger VcbiesingerDweb.deWK 6andall Gesup
Vr.esupDwgate.comWK 6oland =ainz'
giessen.deWK Gosh Soref VtimelessDmac.comWK "oris Mbarsky
4or 5ebCoreBhtmlB10=&#ocument.cpp, a contributors is/ #a+id "aron
0his library is free softwareK you can redistribute it andBor modify it under the
terms of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense as published by the 4ree
Software 4oundationK either +ersion 2.) of the &icense,
http/BBwww.fsf.orgBcopyleftBlesser.html, or $at your option% any later +ersion.
0his library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 5701380 A9:
5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of =26C1A90A"7&70: or
47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2. See the >98 &esser >eneral Public
&icense for more details.
:ou should ha+e recei+ed a copy of the >98 &esser >eneral Public &icense
along with this libraryK if not, write to the 4ree Software 4oundation, 7nc., E?
0emple Place, Suite !!, "oston, =A 2)))')!*, 8SA.
Alternati+ely, the contents of this Ale may be used under the terms of either
the =ozilla Public &icense (ersion ).), found at http/BBwww.mozilla.orgB=P&B
$the L=P&[% or the >98 >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2., found at
http/BBwww.fsf.orgBcopyleftBgpl.html $the ,>P&,%, in which case the pro+isions
of the =P& or the >P& are applicable instead of those abo+e. 7f you wish to
allow use of your +ersion of this Ale only under the terms of one of those two
licenses $the =P& or the >P&% and not to allow others to use your +ersion of
this Ale under the &>P&, indicate your decision by deleting the pro+isions
abo+e and replace them with the notice and other pro+isions rePuired by the
=P& or the >P&, as the case may be. 7f you do not delete the pro+isions
abo+e, a recipient may use your +ersion of this Ale under any of the &>P&,
the =P& or the >P&.
/etscape ommunications orporation ( Spider6onke&! as used in
Date6ath"cpp )
Spider=okey/ Copyright )??@ 9etscape Communications Corporation
#ate=ath.cpp/ Copyright )???'2 1arri Porten VportenDkde.orgWK
Copyright 2F, 2* Apple 7nc. All rights reser+ed.
(ersion/ =P& ).)B>P& 2.B&>P& 2.)
0he contents of this Ale are sub.ect to the =ozilla Public &icense (ersion ).)
$the ,&icense,%K you may not use this Ale e-cept in compliance with the
&icense. :ou may obtain a copy of the &icense a http/BBwww.mozilla.orgB=P&B
Software distributed under the &icense is distributed on an ,AS 7S, basis,
5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#, either e-press or implied. See the
&icense for the speciAc language go+erning rights and limitations under the
0he 3riginal Code is =ozilla Communicator client code, released =arch !),
0he 7nitial #e+eloper of the 3riginal Code is 9etscape Communications
Corporation. Portions created by the 7nitial #e+eloper are Copyright $C% )??@
the 7nitial #e+eloper. All 6ights 6eser+ed.
Alternati+ely, the contents of this Ale may be used under the terms of either
of the >98 >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2 or later $the ,>P&,%, or the >98
&esser >eneral Public &icense (ersion 2.) or later $the ,&>P&,%, in which case
the pro+isions of the >P& or the &>P& are applicable instead of those abo+e.
7f you wish to allow use of your +ersion of this Ale only under the terms of
either the >P& or the &>P&, and not to allow others to use your +ersion of this
Ale under the terms of the =P&, indicate your decision by deleting the
pro+isions abo+e and replace them with the notice and other pro+isions
rePuired by the >P& or the &>P&. 7f you do not delete the pro+isions abo+e, a
recipient may use your +ersion of this Ale under the terms of any one of the
=P&, the >P& or the &>P&.
-gor Pa*lo* ( LF6A compression )
Copyright 2F 7gor Pa+lo+. &M=A S#; is a+ailable under any of the
following licenses/
>98 &esser >eneral Public &icense $>98 &>P&%
Common Public &icense $CP&%
SimpliAed license for unmodiAed code $read SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739%
Proprietary license
7t means that you can select one of these four options and follow rules of
that license.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739/ 7gor Pa+lo+, as the author of this code, e-pressly
permits you to statically or dynamically link your code $or bind by name% to
the Ales from &M=A S#; without sub.ecting your linked code to the terms of
the CP& or >98 &>P&. Any modiAcations or additions to Ales from &M=A S#;,
howe+er, are sub.ect to the >98 &>P& or CP& terms.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739 allows you to use &M=A S#; in applications with closed
code, while you keep &M=A S#; code unmodiAed.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739 \2/ 7gor Pa+lo+, as the author of this code, e-pressly
permits you to use &M=A S#; C.C! under the same terms and conditions
contained in the &icense Agreement you ha+e for any pre+ious +ersion of
&M=A S#; de+eloped by 7gor Pa+lo+.
SP2C7A& 2<C2P0739 \2 allows owners of proprietary licenses to use latest
+ersion of &M=A S#; as update for pre+ious +ersions.
>98 &>P& and CP& are pretty similar and both these licenses are classiAed as
free software licenses at http/BBwww.gnu.orgB and 3S7'appro+ed at
0len 2anders?Pehrson! et al" ( png )
libpng +ersion )..@ ' Guly 2C, 2
Copyright )??@'2 >lenn 6anders'Pehrson, Copyright )??F, )??*
Andreas #ilger, Copyright )??E, )??F >uy 2ric Schalnat, >roup C2, 7nc.
C3P:67>10 9307C2, #7SC&A7=26, and &7C29S2/
4or the purposes of this copyright and license, Contributing Authors is
deAned as the following set of indi+iduals/ Andreas #ilger, #a+e =artindale,
>uy 2ric Schalnat, Paul Schmidt, 0im 5egner.
0he P9> 6eference &ibrary is supplied AS 7S. 0he Contributing Authors and
>roup C2, 7nc. disclaim all warranties, e-pressed or implied including, without
limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of Atness for any purpose.
0he Contributing Authors and >roup C2, 7nc. assume no liability for direct,
indirect, incidental, special, e-emplary, or consePuential damages, which
may result from the use of the P9> 6eference &ibrary, e+en if ad+ised of the
possibility of such damage.
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this source
code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, without fee, sub.ect to the
following restrictions/ ). 0he origin of this source code must not be
misrepresented. 2. Altered +ersions must be plainly marked as such and
must not be misrepresented as being the original source. !. 0his Copyright
notice may not be remo+ed or altered from any source or altered source
distribution. 0he Contributing Authors and >roup C2, 7nc. speciAcally permit,
without fee, and encourage the use of this source code as a component to
supporting the P9> Ale format in commercial products. 7f you use this source
code in a product, acknowledgment is not rePuired but would be appreciated.
.ric S" 2a&mond! 0reshon .l%er! Toshio )uratomi ( giGi% )
0he >74&7" distribution is Copyright )??* 2ric S. 6aymond.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the ,Software,%, to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andBor sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to
do so, sub.ect to the following conditions/
0he abo+e copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# ,AS 7S,, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 A80136S 36 C3P:67>10
13&#26S "2 &7A"&2 436 A9: C&A7=, #A=A>2S 36 30126 &7A"7&70:,
5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34 C3906AC0, 0360 36 3012657S2, A67S79>
463=, 380 34 36 79 C3992C0739 5701 012 S3405A62 36 012 8S2 36
30126 #2A&79>S 79 012 S3405A62.
Dann& Smith ( stdint"h for windows )
017S S3405A62 7S 930 C3P:67>102#
Contributor/ #anny Smith Vdanny]r]smith]2)
0his source code is oNered for use in the public domain. :ou may use, modify
or distribute it freely.
0his code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but 5701380 A9:
5A66A90:. A&& 5A66A9072S, 2<P62SS 36 7=P&72# A62 1262":
#7SC&A=2#. 0his includes but is not limited to warranties of
=26C1A90A"7&70: or 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
#ate/ 2')2'2
1ni*ersit& of am%ridge ( P2. )
Copyright )??*'2E 8ni+ersity of Cambridge
PC62 &7C29C2
PC62 is a library of functions to support regular e-pressions whose synta-
and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl E language.
5ritten by/ Philip 1azel Vph) 8ni+ersity of Cambridge
Computing Ser+ice, Cambridge, 2ngland. Phone/ ZCC )22! !!C*)C.
Copyright )??*'2E 8ni+ersity of Cambridge
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on any
computer system, and to redistribute it freely, sub.ect to the following
). 0his software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 5701380
A9: 5A66A90:K without e+en the implied warranty of =26C1A90A"7&70: or
47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2.
2. 0he origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by e-plicit
claim or by omission. 7n practice, this means that if you use PC62 in software
which you distribute to others, commercially or otherwise, you must put a
sentence like this
6egular e-pression support is pro+ided by the PC62 library package,
which is open source software, written by Philip 1azel, and copyright
by the 8ni+ersity of Cambridge, 2ngland.
somewhere reasonably +isible in your documentation and in any rele+ant
Ales or online help data or similar. A reference to the ftp site for the source,
that is, to ftp/
should also be gi+en in the documentation.
!. Altered +ersions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
C. 7f PC62 is embedded in any software that is released under the >98
>eneral Purpose &icence $>P&%, or &esser >eneral Purpose &icence $&>P&%,
then the terms of that licence shall supersede any condition abo+e with
which it is incompatible.
0he documentation for PC62, supplied in the ,doc, directory, is distributed
under the same terms as the software itself.
Daniel $eillard ( li%#ml+ )
Copyright )??@'22 #aniel (eillard $lib-ml2%. All 6ights 6eser+ed.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation Ales $the LSoftware%, to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, andBor sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to
do so, sub.ect to the following conditions/ 0he abo+e copyright notice and
this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
the Software.
012 S3405A62 7S P63(7#2# AS 7S, 5701380 5A66A90: 34 A9: ;79#,
2<P62SS 36 7=P&72#, 79C&8#79> "80 930 &7=702# 03 012 5A66A9072S 34
=26C1A90A"7&70:, 47092SS 436 A PA607C8&A6 P86P3S2 A9#
939794679>2=290. 79 93 2(290 S1A&& 012 #A972& (27&&A6# "2 &7A"&2
436 A9: C&A7=, #A=A>2S 36 30126 &7A"7&70:, 5120126 79 A9 AC0739 34
C3906AC0, 0360 36 3012657S2, A67S79> 463=, 380 34 36 79
C3992C0739 5701 012 S3405A62 36 012 8S2 36 30126 #2A&79>S 79 012
S3405A62. 2-cept as contained in this notice, the name of #aniel (eillard
shall not be used in ad+ertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from him.
6e+. )'2C')C

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