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a screenplay
John Carpenter
Debra Hill
OPEN on a black screen. SUPERIMPOSE in dark red letters
$!DE IN %O
Darkness& 'ith a SM!"" SH!PE in the center o( the screen. !s M!IN
%I%"ES CON%INUE O)ER& C!MER! S"O#"* MO)ES IN ON the shape.
#e +et closer and closer ,ntil 'e see that the shape is a H!""O#EEN
M!S-. It is a lar+e& (,ll.head plate/ r,bber 0ask& not a 0onster or
+ho,l& b,t the pale& NEU%R!" $E!%URES O$ ! M!N 'eirdly distorted by
the r,bber.
$inally C!MER! MO)ES IN C"OSE on the eyes o( the 0ask. It is blank&
e0pty& a dark& starin+ socket. SUPERIMPOSE $IN!" CREDI%.
$!DE OU%
1 2lack screen. SUPERIMPOSE
OC%O2ER 34& 4563
3 E7%.8IN%. M*ERS HOUSE . NI9H% . SU2JEC%I)E PO) :P!N!9"IDE;
It is ni+ht. #e 0o<e to'ard the rear o( the ho,se thro,+h SOMEONE=S
PO). C!MER! MO)ES UP to a Jack.O."antern +lo'in+ bri+htly on a
'indo'sill. It is a 'indy ni+ht and the c,rtains aro,nd the Jack.O.
"antern r,((le back and (orth. S,ddenly 'e hear <oices (ro0 inside the
SIS%ER :).O.;
My parents 'on=t be back till ten.
2O*$RIEND :).O.;
!re yo, s,re>
%hen "!U9H%ER.
%he PO) 0o<es (ro0 the Jack.O."antern do'n to another 'indo' and peers
inside. #e see the sister=s bedroo0 thro,+h the blo'in+ c,rtains.
Into the bedroo0 co0es the SIS%ER& 4?& <ery pretty. She 9I99"ES as the
2O*$RIEND @,0ps into the roo0. !lan& 4?& he 'ears a Hallo'een 0ask and
a cost,0e.
2O*$RIEND :).O.A cont=d;
#e=re all alone& aren=t 'e>
SIS%ER :).O.;
Michael=s aro,nd so0eplace...
%he boy(riend +rabs the sister and kisses her.
SIS%ER :).O.A cont=d;
%ake o(( that thin+.
%he boy(riend rips o(( his 0ask. He is a handso0e yo,n+ 0an
,nderneath. %hey kiss a+ain& this ti0e 'ith 0ore passion. %he
boy(riend be+ins to ,nb,tton the sister=s blo,se. She responds to hi0.
%he PO) s'in+ a'ay (ro0 the 'indo' and be+ins to restlessly pace back
and (orth& a+itated& dist,rbed. #e HE!R %HE SOUNDS o( the sister and
boy(riend inside the bedroo0 +ro'in+ 0ore and 0ore passionate.
$inally the PO) 0o<es back ,p to the 'indo'. Inside thro,+h the 0o<in+
c,rtains& 'e see the sister and the boy(riend on the bed& naked&
0akin+ lo<e.
%he PO) sprin+s back (ro0 the 'indo' and stalks B,ickly do'n the side
o( the ho,se& past the Jack.O."antern& aro,nd to a door. C,ickly the
door is opened and the PO) 0o<es inside.
%he PO) +lides silently thro,+h the ho,se into the kitchen& ,p to a
dra'er. %he dra'er is opened. ! lar+e 2U%CHER -NI$E is 'ithdra'n.
%hen the PO) s'in+s aro,nd and 0o<es to the kitchen door. #e look do'n
a hall'ay to the (ront door. %he boy(riend steps o,t o( the bedroo0
door& b,ttonin+ his shirt. %he sister stands in the door'ay& a sheet
'rapped aro,nd her.
I +otta +o.
#ill yo, call 0e to0orro'>
*eah& s,re.
%hey kiss a+ain and the boy(riend 'alks to the (ront door. %he sister
'atches as he lea<es and sh,ts the door behind hi0. %hen she t,rns and
steps back into the bedroo0.
%he PO) 0o<es slo'ly do'n the hall to the bedroo0 door and peers
aro,nd inside. %he sister sits at her ni+ht.table br,shin+ her hair.
She is still co0pletely n,de.
Slo'ly the PO) 0o<es into the roo0. S,ddenly 'e 0o<e do'n to the
discarded Hallo'een 0ask on the (loor. %he PO) bends do'n and picks it
,p. %hen s,ddenly the PO) is co<ered by the 0ask and 'e see thro,+h
the eye.holes.
%he PO) 0o<es ,p behind the sister. Sensin+ a presence& she spins
aro,nd and stares at the PO)& co<erin+ her breasts B,ickly.
S,ddenly the PO) l,n+es (or'ard. %he sister contin,es to stare
incred,lo,sly. %here is a R!PID 2"UR as the PO) dri<es the b,tcher
kni(e into the sister=s chest and o,t a+ain al0ost be(ore 'e=<e seen
%he sister looks do'n at the blood (or0in+ at her hands& then back ,p
at the PO) 'ith an astonished disbelie(.
%hen in a #I"D P!RO7*SM the b,tcher kni(e bl,rs contin,o,sly in and
o,t o( (ra0e& slashin+ the sister 0ercilessly. She be+ins to SCRE!M&
tryin+ to (end o(( the blo's 'ith her hands& then s,ddenly (alls o,t
o( (ra0e to the (loor.
%he PO) 0o<es back a'ay (ro0 the sister=s li(eless body& spins aro,nd
and careens o,t o( the bedroo0.
!t top speed the PO) races thro,+h the darkened ho,se& to the (ront
door& o,t the door& do'n the steps and rapidly ,p the street. %he
C!MER! careens alon+ in (renDied (li+ht& ,p the side'alk& ,p a s0all
side alley& do'n so0eone=s back yard& then to a s,dden& abr,pt halt in
(ront o( MO%HER and $!%HER @,st co0in+ o,t o( a nei+hbor=s ho,se.
Mother and $ather stare at the PO)& at (irst in p,DDle0ent& then slo'&
+ro'in+ horror.
%he (ather=s hand reaches ,p and rips o(( the Hallo'een 0ask&
re<ealin+ MICH!E"& 6& ,nderneath& a bri+ht.eyed boy 'ith a cal0& B,iet
s0ile on his (ace.
C!MER! PU""S 2!C-& re<ealin+ the blood.stained b,tcher kni(e in his
hand& then (,rther back. CR!NIN9 UP past his parents standin+ there&
,p (ro0 the nei+hbor=s ho,se to a HI9H SHO% o( the nei+hborhood as the
so,nds o( PO"ICE SIRENS rise in the distance.
$!DE OU%
$!DE IN %O
OC%O2ER 3G& 45H?
6 E7%. HI9H#!* . R!IN . NI9H%
%'o headli+hts appear in the darkness& backli+htin+ the rain that
po,rs do'n on a lonely strip o( hi+h'ay. ! station 'a+on HISSES alon+
the 'et road s,r(ace.
H IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON . NI9H%
%he baack seat is separated (ro0 the (ront by a 'ire.0esh screen& 0,ch
like a police car. M!RION& 3G& dri<es. She is dressed in a crisp&
'hite n,rse=s ,ni(or0. Ne/t to her in the passen+er seat is S!M
"OOMIS& a clinical psychiatrist. He is a to,+h.lookin+ 0an in his
(orties 'ho (lips thro,+h pa+es in a 0anila (older.
...then he +ets another physical by the
state& and he 0akes his apperance be(ore
the @,d+e. %hat sho,ld take (o,r ho,rs
i( 'e=re l,cky& then 'e=re on o,r 'ay.
#hat did yo, ,se be(ore>
He=ll barely be able to sit ,p.
%hat=s the idea. Here 'e are.
%hro,+h the rain 'e see a lar+e si+n
2ehind the si+n is the sanitari,0 itsel(& a cold.lookin+ b,ildin+
s,rro,nded by a (ence.
5 IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
"OOMIS :cont=d;
%he dri<e'ay=s a (e' h,ndred yards ,p
on yo,r ri+ht.
!re there any special instr,ctions>
J,st try to ,nderstand 'hat 'e=re
dealin+ 'ith here. Don=t ,nderesti0ate
I think 'e sho,ld re(er to =it= as
I( yo, say so.
*o,r co0passion is o<er'hel0in+&
"oo0is +lances at Marion as she li+hts a ci+arette. She sho<es the
0atches into the pack and tosses it on the dashboard. "oo0is stares at
the ci+arette pack. %he pack o( 0atches reads I%he Rabbit in Red
"o,n+e .. Entertain0ent Ni+htly.I "oo0is t,rns his eyes back to the
rain.slicked road.
E<er done anythin+ like this be(ore>
Only 0ini0,0 sec,rity.
I see.
#hat does that 0ean>
It 0eans...I see.
*o, don=t ha<e to 0ake this harder
than it already is.
I co,ln=t i( I tried.
%he only thin that e<er bothers 0e
is their @ibberish. #hen they start
ra<in+ on and on...
*o, don=t ha<e anythin+ to 'orry
abo,t. He hasn=t spoken a 'ord in 4F
2oth o( the0 s,ddenly stare o,t the 'indshield in (ront o( the0.
%hro,+h the rain 'e see a (ield o(( to the side o( the road. Di0ly lit
by the car headli+hts are $I)E P!%IEN%S& dressed in 'ind.blo'n 'hite
+o'ns& drenched by the rain& 'anderin+ ai0lessly aro,nd the (ield.
44 IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
Since 'hen do they let the0 'ander
%hey look ,p ahead.
Standin+ by the side o( the road is a M!"E P!%IEN%& a 'ild.lookin+ 0an
in his si/ties dressed in a 'hite +o'n& 'ho stares at the station
43 IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
Marion slo's the station 'a+on and p,lls o(( to the side o( the road.
"oo0is @,0ps o,t.
%hro,+h the 'indshield 'e see "oo0is r,sh o<er to the patient& stand
and talk (or a 0o0ent& then h,rry back.
4F IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
"oo0is cli0bs back in& drippin+ (ro0 the rain.
P,ll ,p to the entranceJ
Sho,ldn=t 'e pick hi0 ,p>
Mo<e itJ
Marion starts do'n the road.
#hat did he say>
He asked 0e i( I co,ld help hi0 (ind
his p,rple la'n0o'er.
I don=t think this is any ti0e to be
He said so0ethin+ else. IIt=s all
ri+ht no'. He=s +one. %he e<il=s
!head o( the0 is the entrance to the sanitari,0.
4H IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
Marion slo's do'n to t,rn.
%hro,+h the rear 'indo' 'e see a SH!PE sprin+ ,p o,t o( the darkness&
streak thro,+h the rain and "E!P UP ON %HE RE!R O$ %HE S%!%ION #!9ON.
%he station 'a+on bo,nces ,p and do'n. %he roo( sa+s in and o,t 'ith
the 'ei+ht o( SOMEONE ON %OP.
So0ethin+ (ell on the roo(.
%he roo( contin,es to b,ckle in and o,t 'ildly.
So0ethin+ JUMPED on the roo(...
Marion stops and rolls do'n her 'indo' to look o,tside. "oo0is opens
his door and steps o,t. S,ddenly he is HI% IN %HE $!CE by a po'er(,l
(ist (ro0 the roo(. "oo0is sta++ers back'ards and (alls by the side o(
the road.
Marion starts the react. SUDDEN"* ! H!ND RE!CHES IN %HROU9H %HE #INDO#
and l,n+es at her.
%HE $IN9ERS 9R!2 HER H!IR. She SCRE!MS. %he (in+ers ti+hten aro,nd her
hair and the hand p,lls Marion ro,+hly to the 'indo'.
%'isted aro,nd in the seat& Marion=s (oot @a0s do'n all the 'ay on the
+as pedal. %he station 'a+on RO!RS (ore'ard.
Marion contin,es to SCRE!M& cla'in+ at the hand.
%hro,+h the rain the road spins craDily ahead& the 'ipers erasin+
sheets o( rain.
S,ddenly the O%HER H!ND RE!CHES DO#N (ro0 the roo( and +rabs the
'iper& holdin+ it ti+htly. Rain splashes on the 'indshield obsc,rin+
the road.
45 IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
%he hand rips at Marion=s hair. SCRE!MIN9. Cla'in+.
%he 'indshield is co0pletely obliterated by rain.
14 IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
%he station 'a+on skids and #H!MS into the sho,lder on the side o( the
road. Marion is h,rled across the seat a+ainst the passen+er door.
S,ddenly the H!ND SPRIN9S DO#N $ROM !2O)E and S"!MS a+ainst the
passen+er 'indo'& shatterin+ it.
SHRIE-IN9& Marion sc,rries across the (ront seat& open=s the dri<er=s
door and scra0bles o,t.
11 E7%. RO!D . S%!%ION #!9ON
Marion (rantically cra'ls her 'ay across the rain.drenched road a'ay
(ro0 the station 'a+on. C!MER! %R!C-S 'ith her as she slides do'n into
the 0,ddy sho,lder. She looks back.
13 PO) . S%!%ION #!9ON
$ro0 the sho,lder 'e see the station 'a+on in the rain& and the SH!PE
JUMP IN %HE DRI)ER=S SE!% and S"!M the door.
%hen the station 'a+on takes o(( and disappears do'n the road into the
"oo0is r,ns ,p o,t o( the rain and helps Marion to her (eet. She CRIES
hysterically. "oo0is stares o(( do'n the road at the disappearin+
*o, can cal0 do'n. %he e<il=s +one.
$!DE OU%.
$!DE IN %O
1F 2lack screen. SUPERIMPOSE
OC%O2ER 34& 45H?
16 E7%. "!URIE=S HOUSE . D!*
"!URIE& 4H and pretty in a B,iet sort o( 'ay& steps o,t o( her t'o.
story (ra0e ho,se& do'n the (ront 'alk to the street. Her (ace has a
so(t& innocent B,ality& her eyes bri+ht and ali<e. Her $!%HER steps
o,t o( the door behind her and 'alks to the car in the dri<e'ay. His
car has IS%RODE RE!" ES%!%EI e0blaDoned on the side door.
Don=t (or+et to drop o(( the keys
at the Myers place...
I 'on=t.
%hey=re co0in+ by to see the ho,se
at 4G3G. 2e s,re yo, lea<e it
,nder the 0at...
I pro0ise.
1H %R!C-IN9 SHO% . "!URIE
C!MER! MO)ES 'ith "a,rie as she 'alks do'n the residential street. She
carries a lar+e b,ndle o( school books in her ar0s. !cross a backyard
%OMM* DO*"E& an ei+ht.year.old boy 'ith tossled bro'n hair and bri+ht
bl,e eyes co0es r,nnin+ 'ith his books.
Hey& "a,rie...
Hi& %o00y.
He catches ,p 'ith her and they 'alk alon+ do'n the street.
!re yo, co0in+ o<er toni+ht>
Sa0e ti0e& sa0e place.
Can 'e 0ake Jack.O."anterns>
Can 'e 'atch the 0onster 0o<ies>
#ill yo, read to 0e> Can 'e 0ake
S,re. S,re.
%hey 'alk ,p to the (ront o( the old& t'o.story Myers ho,se set back
(ro0 the street. It is no' 'eather.beaten and dilapidated. "a,rie
'alks thro,+h the (ront +ate and starts ,p to'ard the porch.
*o,=re not s,pposed to +o in there.
"a,rie holds ,p a key.
*es& I a0.
Uh.,h. %hat=s a spook ho,se.
J,st 'atch.
"a,rie strolls ,p to the (ront porch. She bends do'n& li(ts the
'elco0e 0at and places the key ,nder it.
%hro,+h a (rost 'indo'& 'e see "a,rie bendin+ o<er the 'elco0e 0at.
S,ddenly a D!R- SH!PE& %HE OU%"INE O$ ! M!N& leans (or'ard& 'atchin+
her. !s she 'alks back to %o00y at the street %HE SH!PE MO)ES %O #!%CH
%HEM& then (ades back into the interior o( the ho,se.
15 %R!C-IN9 SHO% . "!URIE !ND %OMM*
"a,rie and %o00y contin,e 'alkin+ do'n the street.
"onnie Ela0 said ne<er to +o ,p
there. "onnie Ela0 said that=s a
ha,nted ho,se. He said real a'(,l
st,(( happened there once.
"onnie Ela0 probably 'on=t +et o,t
o( the si/th +rade.
%o00y breaks stride and r,ns across the street.
I +otta +o. I=ll see yo, toni+ht.
See yo,.
"a,rie contin,es 'alkin+ alone. She be+ins to sin+ B,ietly to hersel(.
I 'ish I had yo, all alone...
J,st the t'o o( ,s...
I 'o,ld hold yo, close to 0e...
So close to 0e...
3G !N9"E DO#N S%REE%
#e see "a,rie 'alkin+ o(( do'n the street in the distance. C"OSE %O
C!MER! the D!R- SH!PE MO)ES IN%O $R!ME& 'atchin+ "a,rie disappear
aro,nd the corner.
"!URIE :cont=d;
J,st the t'o o( ,s...
So close to 0e...
CU% %O
34 E7%. S!NI%!RIUM . D!*
Sa0 "oo0is strides B,ickly o,t o( the (ront o( the sanitari,0 (ollo'ed
i00ediately by DR. #*NN& a +ray.haired 0an in his (i(ties. C!MER!
%R!C-S 'ith the0 across the parkin+ lot.
I=0 not responsible& Sa0.
O( co,rse not.
I=<e +i<en the0 his pro(ile.
*o, 0,st ha<e told the0 'e shocked
hi0 into a +rinnin+ idiot. %'o
roadblocks and an all.points b,lletin
'o,ldn=t stop a (i<e.year.oldJ
"oo0is reaches a car and ,nlocks it.
He 'as yo,r patient& Doctor. I( the
preca,tions 'eren=t s,((icient& yo,
sho,ld ha<e noti(ied...
I noti(ied e<erybodyJ Nobody
%here=s nothin+ else I can do.
*o, can +et back on the telephone and
tell the0 e/actly 'hat 'alked o,t o(
here last ni+ht. !nd tell the0 'here
he=s +oin+.
PRO2!2"* +oin+.
I=0 'astin+ ti0e.
"oo0is +ets in the car. #ynn leans do'n to the 'indo'.
Sa0& Haddon(ield is a h,ndred and
(i(ty 0iles (ro0 here. Ho' co,ld he
+et there> He can=t dri<e.
He 'as doin+ all ri+ht last ni+ht.
Maybe so0ebody aro,nd here +a<e hi0
"oo0is starts ,p the car and p,ll a'ay (ro0 the sanitari,0. #ynn
'atches hi0 +o& then h,rries back into the b,ildin+.
CU% %O
31 IN%. C"!SSROOM . D!*
"a,rie sits at the back o( a classroo0 o( HI9H SCHOO" S%UDEN%S. C!MER!
MO)ES IN on her as a %E!CHER drones a'ay at the (ront o( the roo0.
%E!CHER :<.o.;
...and the book ends& b,t 'hat
Sa0,els is really talkin+ abo,t here
is (ate.
C!MER! MO)ES to a C"OSE.UP o( "a,rie. She barely listens to the
teacher as she doodles in her notebook in (ront o( her.
%E!CHER :<.o.A cont=d;
*o, see& (ate ca,+ht ,p 'ith se<eral
li<es here. No 0atter 'hat co,rse o(
action Rollins took& he 'as destined
to his o'n (ate& his o'n day o(
reckonin+ 'ith hi0sel(. %he idea is
that destiny is a <ery real& concrete
thin+ that e<ery person has to deal
"a,rie lets her +aDe 0o<e to a 'indo'. She stares drea0ily o,tside.
33 "!URIE=S PO) . S%REE%
$ro0 the 'indo' she can see the street& and a station 'a+on parked
alon+ the side'alk.
2ehind the station 'a+on stands %HE SH!PE O$ ! M!N. #e can=t B,ite see
his (eat,res (ro0 here& b,t it is clear that he is lookin+ in the
school 'indo'.
3E !N9"E ON "!URIE
She t,rns a'ay (ro0 the 'indo' and be+ins to doodle a+ain.
3F !N9"E ON NO%E2OO-
#e see "a,rie dra'
%E!CHER :<.o.A cont=d;
Ed'in& ho' does Sa0,els= <ie' o( (ate
di((er (ro0 that o( Costaine>
36 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She +lance ,p (ro0 the book and o,t the 'indo' a+ain.
3H "!URIE=S PO) . S%REE%
%he shape behind the station 'a+on is still there and S%!RIN9 RI9H% !%
3? !N9"E ON "!URIE
She (ro'ns& starin+ back at the shape.
ED#IN :<.o.;
Uh...doesn=t he (eel that no 0atter
ho' co0plicated so0ethin+ is& it=s
also really si0ple& too>
%E!CHER :<.o.;
%his sprin+s her aro,nd (ro0 the 'indo'.
%E!CHER :<.o.;
!ns'er the B,estion.
Costaine 'rote that (ate 'as so0eho'
related only to reli+ion& 'here
Sa0,els (elt that (ate 'as like a
nat,ral ele0ent& like earth& air&
(ire& and 'ater.
%E!CHER :<.o.;
%hat=s ri+ht& Sa0,els de(initely
personi(ied (ate...
"a,rie sneaks a +lance back to the 'indo'.
35 "!URIE=S PO) . S%REE%
%he shape and the station 'a+on are 9ONE.
She t,rns back (ro0 the 'indo' and back to her notebook.
E4 !N9"E ON NO%E2OO-
She has 'ritten
CU% %O
E4! E7%. 9!S S%!%ION . HI9H#!* . D!*
#e see a car parked in (ront o( a s0all&'n +as station8diner
by the side o( the hi+h'ay. C!MER! S"O#"* %R!C-S o<er to a phone
booth. "oo0is is inside on the telephone.
:into the telephone;
No& not since %h,rsday.
*es& yes& I=0 all ri+ht...Stop
'orryin+. !(ter this I=ll sleep (or
a 'eek& t'o 'eeks...
I said I=0 all ri+ht...2elie<e 0e.
I=ll be ho0e soon. *es& I do. )ery
0,ch. I @,st...ha<e to stop hi0.
O( co,rse it=s possible& b,t I kno'
hi0. !nd 'hen he +ets there& 9od help
Ri+ht& ri+ht& I=ll call yo,. Me too.
"oo0is han+s ,p the phone and steps o,t o( the booth. He looks ,p the
E42 "OOMIS= PO) . HI9H#!*
%he hi+h'ay disappears o(( into the distance. %here is an old
'eatherbeaten si+n that reads
J,st abo<e the horiDon h,+e cl,sters o( clo,ds& dark and o0ino,s& are
blo'n alon+ by the 'ind.
E4C E7%. 9!S S%!%ION
"oo0is t,rns and 'alks back to his car. He +lances at the old +as
station as he 'alks.
E4D "OOMIS= PO) . 9!S S%!%ION . MO)IN9 SHO%
%he b,ildin+ is dark& e0pty& dilapidated. On the padlocked door are
HU9E M!R-S like the cla'in+ o( an ani0al 'antin+ to +et in.
"oo0is stops& stares at the door and then slo'ly 'alks o<er to it. He
to,ches the 0arks 'ith his hands& then looks at the dirt dri<e'ay
aro,nd the b,ildin+.
E4$ "OOMIS= PO) . DRI)E#!*
%here are de(inite %IRE %R!C-S leadin+ (ro0 the hi+h'ay ,p to the
door& then back to the hi+h'ay a+ain.
%hen his +aDe ret,rns to a discarded ob@ect cr,shed in the dirt o( the
dri<e'ay ! P!C- O$ CI9!RE%%ES.
He picks ,p the ci+arette pack.
St,ck in the cellophane o( the cr,shed pack are 0atches I%he Rabbit
in Red "o,n+e .. Entertain0ent Ni+htly.I
E4J E7%. 9!S S%!%ION
"oo0is t,rns and B,ickly strides back to his car& +ets in and roars
a'ay (ro0 the lonely +as station.
CU% %O
E1 E7%. SCHOO"*!RD . D!*
%he play+ro,nd is (illed 'ith CHI"DREN @,st +ettin+ o,t o( school (or
the day. So0e are dressed in H!""O#EEN COS%UMES& so0e carry p,0kins
and oran+e and black strea0ers& so0e carry Jack.O."anterns.
%o00y Doyle co0es o,t o( the door carryin+ a <ery lar+e p,0kin. He is
(ollo'ed by three 2O*S& RICHIE& -EI%H& and "ONNIE& 'ho are la,+hin+
and PUSHIN9 hi0.
"ea<e 0e aloneJ
He=s +onna +et yo,J
"onnie r,ns ,p to %o00y and 'i++les his (in+ers in %o00y=s (ace. %he
other boys (or0 a circle aro,nd %o00y and ta,nt hi0. In ,nison they
He=s +onna +et yo,& he=s +onna +et
%he boo+ey0an is co0in+J
No& he=s not. "ea<e 0e alone.
He doesn=t belie<e ,s. Don=t yo, kno'
'hat happens on Hallo'een>
*eah& 'e +et candy.
%he boys "!U9H. Richie r,ns ,p to %o00y and 0akes a (ace.
OoooooJ %he boo+ey 0anJ
%he other boys @oin in the chant.
:in ,nison;
%he boo+ey 0an& the boo+ey 0an& the
boo+ey 0an...
%o00y t,rns (ro0 the0 and starts to r,n a'ay. Richie sticks o,t his
(oot. %o00y trips and (alls to the concrete& SM!SHIN9 his p,0kin
beneath hi0. %he other boys r,n a'ay 9I99"IN9 and SCRE!MIN9 'ith
E3 P"!*9ROUND EN%R!NCE . 9!%E
!s the boys race o,t o( the play+ro,nd& Richie barrels thro,+h the
+ate and RUNS RI9H% IN%O %HE D!R- SH!PE.
#e don=t see the shape=s (ace& @,st his lo'er body. He is dressed in
pants and a shirt that look too bi+ (or hi0. He +rabs Richie and holds
hi0 back at ar0s len+th.
! lar+e O2JEC% (alls o,t o( his pocket. Richie B,ickly stares do'n at
it. %he shape li(ts his (oot and SM!C-S it do'n o<er the ob@ect to
hide it. C,ickly& Richie and the other boys r,n aro,nd the 0an and on
do'n the block.
%he shape li(ts his (oot. Underneath it is a "!R9E 2U%CHER -NI$E. He
B,ickly picks it ,p and sho<es it into his pocket.
Slo'ly& the shape t,rns and 'alks a'ay (ro0 the play+ro,nd +ate&
C!MER! %R!C-IN9 #I%H HIM. !cross (ro0 hi0 in the play+ro,nd 'e see
%o00y +et to his (eet& 'ipin+ the de0olished p,0kin+ o(( his shirt and
#e %R!C- #I%H the shape to a station 'a+on. On the side o( the door is
a S%!%E EM2"EM.
EE IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
%he shape +ets in the station 'a+on. #e still don=t see his (ace.
Separatin+ the (ront and back seats is the 'ire.0esh screen. It is
"oo0is= <ehicle. %he shape starts the en+ine. He p,lls a'ay (ro0 the
Slo'ly& the station 'a+on 0o<es do'n the street. #e see %o00y h,rryin+
alon+ the side'alk& still r,bbin+ o(( the p,0kin splatter. %o00y t,rns
o(( the side 'alk and c,ts ,p a side alley.
%he 'a+on picks ,p speed and contin,es on do'n the street.
E6 E7%. HI9H SCHOO" . D!*
"a,rie and "*ND! stroll do'n the (ront steps o( the hi+h school and
t,rn ,p the street. "a,rie carries another lar+e stack o( books. "ynda
is a knocko,t in ti+ht @eans and ti+ht %.shirt. She carries no books.
C!MER! %R!C-S #I%H %HEM ,p the street.
It=s totally insaneJ #e ha<e three
ne' cheers to learn in the 0ornin+&
the +a0e in the a(ternoon& I +et 0y
hair done at (i<e& and the dance is
at ei+ht. I=ll be totally 'iped o,tJ
I think yo, ha<e too 0,ch to do
!s ,s,al& I don=t ha<e anythin+ to
It=s yo,r o'n (a,lt and I don=t (eel
sorry (or yo,.
!NNIE co0es o,t o( the side doors o( the hi+h school and calls a(ter
"a,rie and "ynda.
Hey& "ynda& "a,rieJ
%he +irls stop and 'ait (or !nnie.
!NNIE :cont=d;
#hy didn=t yo, 'ait (or 0e>
#e did. $i(teen 0in,tes. *o, totally
ne<er sho'ed ,p.
%hat=s not tr,e. Here I a0.
#hat=s 'ron+& !nnie> *o,=re not
I=0 ne<er s0ilin+ a+ain. Pa,l dra++ed
0e into the boys= locker roo0 to tell
E/plorin+ ,ncharted territory>
It=s been totally charted.
#e @,st talked.
Old @erko +ot ca,+ht thro'in+ e++s
and soapin+ 'indo's. His parents
+ro,nded hi0 (or the 'eekend. He
can=t co0e o<er toni+ht.
I tho,+ht yo, 'ere babysittin+
%he only reason she babysits is to
ha<e a place to...
"a,rie s,ddenly stops and looks back to'ard the school.
I ha<e a place (or that.
I (or+ot 0y che0istry book.
#ho cares> I !"#!*S (or+et 0y
che0istry book.
"a,rie +lances do'n the street.
EH "!URIE=S PO) . S%!%ION #!9ON
%he station 'a+on slo'ly 0o<es ,p the street to'ard the0. %he shape
isn=t <isible behind the 'indshield.
E? !N9"E ON 9IR"S
Isn=t that Da<id 9raha0> He=s c,te.
I don=t think so...
"a,rie stares at the station 'a+on as it 0o<es past. She looks
directly at the shape inside. %here is a B,ick +li0pse o( hi0& a
stran+e pale (ace starin+ back.
E5 IN%. S%!%ION #!9ON
%he shape is close to C!MER!& o,t o( (oc,s. O,t the 'indo' 'e see the
three +irls on the side'alk.
%he shape stares at "a,rie lookin+ back at hi0& then tro0ps on the
accelerator. %he 'a+on 'hiDDes past the0.
:yells a(ter the car;
Speed killsJ
F4 PO) . S%!%ION #!9ON
Up the street the 'a+on s,ddenly stops. It sits there& 'aitin+.
F1 !N9"E ON 9IR"S
:so(ter no';
Can=t yo, take a @oke>
F3 PO) . S%!%ION #!9ON
$or a 0o0ent the station 'a+on @,st sits there. %hen it takes o(( do'n
the street and disappears aro,nd a corner.
!nnie& so0e day yo,=re +oin+ to +et
,s all in deep tro,ble.
I hate a +,y 'ith a car and no
sense o( h,0or.
%he +irls start 'alkin+ a+ain. "a,rie is B,iet& p,DDled by the
appearance o( the 0an in the car.
#ell& are 'e still on (or toni+ht>
I 'o,ldn=t 'ant to +et yo, in deep
tro,ble& "ynda.
Co0e on& !nnie. 2ob and I ha<e been
plannin+ on it all 'eek.
!ll ri+ht. %he #allaces lea<e at
I=M baby sittin+ (or the Doyles.
It=s only three ho,ses a'ay. #e can
keep each other co0pany.
%erri(ic. I=<e +ot three choices.
#atch the kid sleep& listen to "ynda
scre'& or talk to yo,.
CU% %O
FF E7%. RESIDEN%I!" S%REE% . D!*
%he three +irls stop in (ront o( "ynda=s ho,se& a 0odest s,b,rban ho0e
on a B,iet& tree.lined street.
#hat ti0e>
I don=t kno' yet. I ha<e to +et o,t
o( takin+ 0y st,pid brother trick.
Sa<in+ the treats (or 2ob>
$,n.ny. See yo,.
"ynda strolls ,p to her ho,se. !nnie and "a,rie start do'n the street.
C!MER! MO)ES IN to a C"OSE SHO% o( "a,rie=s (ace. She stares ahead
alon+ the side'alk.
Up the side'alk is a series o( b,shes linin+ the street. %here&
partially hidden in the shado's o( a b,sh& IS %HE SH!PE O$ ! M!N&
'atchin+ the0. He is barely <isible& al0ost blendin+ in 'ith the dark
"ook 'here>
2ehind that b,sh there.
!nnie looks
%he shape is +one. J,st b,shes.
F5 !N9"E ON "!URIE . !NNIE
I don=t see anythin+.
%hat 0an 'ho dro<e by so (ast& the
one yo, yelled at.
S,btle& isn=t he> Hey creepJ
!nnie 'alks ri+ht o<er to the b,shes and kicks the0 hard. Nothin+
!NNIE :cont=d;
"a,rie& 0y dear& he 'ant to talk to
"a,rie @,st stands on the side'alk se<eral (eet (ro0 the b,shes.
!NNIE :cont=d;
He 'ants to take yo, o,t toni+ht.
Slo'ly "a,rie 'alks o<er and stares at the b,sh.
He 'as standin+ ri+ht here.
Poor "a,rie. *o, scared another one
%hey start 'alkin+ do'n the side'alk a+ain.
It=s tra+ic. *o, ne<er +o o,t. *o,
0,st ha<e a s0all (ort,ne stashed
(ro0 babysittin+ so 0,ch.
%he +,ys think I=0 too s0art.
"a,rie +lances back at the b,shes behind the0.
I don=t. I think yo,=re 'hacko.
*o,=re seein+ 0en behind b,shes.
%he t'o +irls stop in (ront o( !nnie=s ho,se& another s0all s,b,rban
!NNIE :cont=d;
#ell& ho0e s'eet ho0e. I=ll see yo,
Okay. 2ye.
!nnie 'alks ,p to her door.
$or a 0o0ent "a,rie looks aro,nd ca,tio,sly be(ore searchin+ do'n the
side'alk a+ain. C!MER! %R!C-IN9 #I%H HER. ! stron+ 'ind rises and
blo's hair in (ront o( her (ace. !+ain she t,rns aro,nd and +lances
back do'n the street.
%here is still nothin+ there.
64 !N9"E ON "!URIE
S,ddenly& "a,rie 'alks RI9H% IN%O ! M!N standin+ on the side'alk in
(ront o( her. She SCRE!MS and drops her books.
It is "EE 2R!C-E%%& !nnie=s (ather. He is a tall 0an in a co,nty
sheri((=s ,ni(or0. He B,ickly bends do'n and picks ,p her books.
I=0 sorry& "a,rie.
Mister 2rackett...
It=s okay...
#ell& it=s Hallo'een. I +,ess
e<erybody=s entitled to a +ood
*es& sir. Nice seein+ yo,.
2rackett 'alks do'n the side'alk to his ho,se. "a,rie b,ndles her
books and h,rries ,p the street.
61 E7%. "!URIE=S HOUSE . D!*
"a,rie 'alks ,p on the (ront porch o( her ho,se. She pa,ses a 0o0ent
and +lances do'n the street.
63 "!URIE=S PO) . %RIC- OR %RE!%ERS
Se<eral CHI"DREN in cost,0es are +oin+ door to door collectin+ their
6E !N9"E ON "!URIE
:to hersel(;
#ell& kiddo& I tho,+ht yo, o,t+re'
6F IN%. "!URIE=S HOUSE . D!*
"a,rie strolls thro,+h the li<in+ roo0. %hro,+h the door'ay into the
kitchen 'e see "!URIE=S MO%HER b,sy 0akin+ candied apples.
Hi& Mo0& I=0 ho0e.
"a,rie& !nnie @,st called. She said
call her back.
"a,rie t,rns and h,rries ,p the stairs.
%hanks& 0o0.
"a,rie 'alks into her bedroo0. She tosses her books on the bed and
starts to her telephone.
%he 'ind blo's her c,rtain thro,+h the open 'indo'. "a,rie crosses to
the 'indo' and leans ,p to close it.
6H "!URIE=S PO) . 2!C- *!RD
$ro0 her roo0 in the second story& "a,rie can see into the back yard
ne/t door. %here is a clothesline 'ith sheets blo'in+ in the 'ind. In
bet'een the sheets 'e +li0pse %HE SH!PE S%!NDIN9 %HERE& lookin+ ,p at
6? !N9"E ON "!URIE
She (reeDes and stares do'n (ea(,lly.
65 "!URIE=S PO) . 2!C- *!RD
%he sheets contin,e to t'ist and t,rn in the 'ind& b,t no' %HE SH!PE
"a,rie S"!MS the 'indo' and locks it. She slo'ly 'alks to the 0iddle
o( her roo0 and stands there (or se<eral 0o0ents& ,ns,re as to 'hether
she has act,ally seen it.
S,ddenly& %HE PHONE RIN9S& lo,d and shrill& startlin+ "a,rie. She
ans'ers it.
"!URIE :cont=d;
%here is a SOUND (ro0 the recie<er& like CHE#IN9...
"!URIE :cont=d;
#ho is this>
%he che'in+ contin,es. She sla0s the recie<er do'n.
!l0ost i00ediately& the phone RIN9S a+ain. "a,rie looks at it. It
rin+s a+ain. She picks it ,p.
!NNIE :<.o.;
#hy did yo, han+ ,p on 0e>
!nnie& 'as that yo,>
!NNIE :<.o.;
O( co,rse.
#hy didn=t yo, say anythin+> *o,
scared 0e to death.
!NNIE :<.o.;
I had 0y 0o,th (,ll. Co,ldn=t yo,
hear 0e>
I tho,+ht it 'as an obscene phone
!NNIE :<.o.;
No' yo, hear obscene che'in+. *o,=re
losin+ it& "a,rie.
I=<e already lost it.
!NNIE :<.o.;
I do,bt that. "isten& 0y 0other is
lettin+ 0e ,se her car. I=ll pick yo,
,p. 63G.
S,re& see yo, later.
!NNIE :<.o.;
"a,rie han+s ,p.
:to hersel(;
Cal0 do'n. %his is ridic,lo,s.
CU% %O
H4 E7%. 9R!)E*!RD . D!*
#IDE SHO% o( an old +ra<eyard on a 'indy hillside. C!MER! 2OOMS DO#N
as a car p,ll ,p on the s0all road in (.+. Sa0 "oo0is +ets o,t& alon+
'ith %!*"OR& the +ra<eyard o'ner. %aylor is a s0all& o((icio,s 0an in
his late si/ties. He +lances at a s0all notepad.
"et=s see. Myers. J,dith Myers. Ro'
4?& plot 1G. O<er this 'ay.
%he t'o 0en be+in 'alkin+ alon+ the +ra<eyard& 'indin+ arl,nd
headstones and (lo'ers.
%!*"OR :cont=d;
E<ery to'n has so0ethin+ like this
happen. I re0e0ber a +,y o<er in
R,ssell<ille. Charly 2o'les. !bo,t
(i(teen year a+o& he (inished dinner&
e/c,sed hi0sel( (ro0 the table& 'ent
o,t into the +ara+e and +ot a hack
sa'& then ca0e back into the ho,se&
kissed his 'i(e and t'o children
+oodbye& and then proceeded to...
#here are 'e>
J,st ri+ht o<er there a 'ays. !nd I
re0e0ber J,dith Myers. J,st co,ldn=t
belie<e it. ! yo,n+ boy like that...
%alyor stops cold.
#hy do they do it>
He points to a plot ri+ht in (ront o( the0. "oo0is stares. %HE
HE!DS%ONE IS MISSIN9& ,prooted (ro0 the +ro,nd.
%!*"OR :cont=d;
9odda0n kids. %hey=ll do anythin+
on Hallo'een.
#hose +ra<e is it>
%aylor checks his notebook& then co,nts the ro's and plots.
4?& 1G...J,dith Myers...
%aylor +i<es "oo0is a B,iDDical look. "oo0is shakes his head and looks
across the +ra<eyard.
He ca0e ho0e...
CU% %O
C!MER! 2E9INS on the trees that line the residential street& t'istin+
and 'rithin+ in the d,sk 'ind. S"O#"* C!MER! 2OOMS DO#N to "a,rie
'aitin+ o,tside her ho,se by the street. She carries a toteba+ 'ith
schoolbooks and knittin+ needles st,ck inside& and a lar+e p,0kin. %he
s,n is a pale +lo' behind the trees.
"a,rie t,rns her +aDe do'n the street.
More CHI"DREN in cost,0es 'alk (ro0 ho,se to ho,se& so0e 'ith MO%HERS
and SIS%ERS& trick or treatin+. %he 'ind blo's their cost,0es&
billo'in+ the0 o,t'ard.
She 'atches the trick or treater as a car s'in+s aro,nd the corner and
p,ll ,p in (ront o( her. It is !nnie.
H,rry ,p.
"a,rie 'alks aro,nd the passen+er door and +ets in.
!nnie p,lls a'ay (ro0 the c,rb and hands "a,rie a @oint.
#e @,st ha<e ti0e.
"a,rie li+hts the @oint and p,((s <i+oro,sly.
!NNIE :cont=d;
*o, still spooked>
I 'asn=t spooked.
I sa' so0eone standin+ in Mr.
Riddle=s back yard.
Probably Mister Riddle.
He 'as 'atchin+ 0e.
Mister Riddle 'as 'atchin+ yo,>
"a,rie& Mister Riddle is ei+hty.
He can still 'atch.
%hat=s probably all he can do.
2ehind the0& thro,+h the rear.<ie' 0irror& 'e see "OOMIS= S%!%ION
#!9ON p,ll o,t o( an alley and (ollo' alon+.
!NNIE :cont=d;
#hat=s the p,0kin (or>
I bro,+ht it (or %o00y. I (i+,red
0akin+ a Jack.O."antern 'o,ld keep
hi0 occ,pied.
I al'ays said yo,=d 0ake a (ab,lo,s
+irl sco,t.
$or that 0atter& I 0i+ht as 'ell be
a +irl sco,t toni+ht. I plan on
0akin+ popcorn and 'atchin+ Doctor
De0ensia. Si/ strai+ht ho,rs o(
horror 0o<ies. "ittle "indsey
#allace 'on=t kno' 'hat hit her.
!nnie=s car dri<es thro,+h the 0ain sB,are o( Haddon(ield. $ollo'in+
behind is the station 'a+on.
!nnie points ,p ahead and B,ickly hides the @oint.
My dadJ
%'o police cars are parked in the street in (ront o( Nichols Hard'are
Store. !n !"!RM 2E"" inside the store C"!N9S SHRI""*
%hey B,ickly roll do'n the 'indo's and be+in 'ildly clearin+ o,t the
0ari@,ana s0oke. 2ehind the0 the station 'a+on disappears o(( do'n a
!nnie=s car stops at the police cars. "ee 2rackett strolls o,t to the
car and leans do'n to the 'indo'.
Hi& !nnie& "a,rie...
Hi& Dad. #hat happened>
:strains to hear
o<er the alar0;
#hat happened>
So0eone broke into the hard'are
store. Probably kids.
*o, bla0e e<erythin+ on kids.
%he only thin+s 0issin+ 'ere so0e
Hallo'een 0asks& rope& a set o(
kni<es. #hat does that so,nd like
to yo,>
!nnie t,rns to "a,rie.
It=s hard +ro'in+ ,p 'ith a cynical
2ehind 2rackett& Sa0 "oo0is 'alks ,p the street. #e see "oo0is talk to
a COP 'ho points o<er to 2rackett.
*o,=re +oin+ to be late at the
Doyles& !nnie.
:,nable to hear
o<er alar0;
J,st as 2rackett is abo,t to speak& the alar0 sh,t o((.
*o,=re +oin+ to be lateJ
:to "a,rie;
He sho,ts& too.
2rackett s0iles as "oo0is 'alks ,p behind hi0.
9oodbye& +irls.
!nnie=s car p,lls a'ay.
Sheri((> I=0 Doctor Sa0 "oo0is.
"ee 2rackett.
!s they talk C!MER! S"O#"* MO)ES !ROUND %HEM to a <ie' o( the street.
I=d like to talk to yo,& i( I
May be a (e' 0in,tes. I +otta stick
aro,nd here...
It=s i0portant.
"oo0is= station 'a+on 0o<es by behind the0. "oo0is doesn=t see it.
%en 0in,tes.
I=ll be here.
CU% %O
?4 E7%. MOON . NI9H%
%hro,+h the blo'in+ trees 'e see the (,ll 0oon risin+ in the ni+ht
sky. %he are SOUNDS o( 'ind and CHIRPIN9 CRIC-E%S.
?1 E7%. RESIDEN%I!" S%REE% . NI9H%
!nnie=s car 0o<es do'n a B,iet little residential street and p,ll ,p
in (ront o( a t'o.story ho,se set back (ro0 the street the Doyle
?3 !N9"E $ROM S%!%ION #!9ON
#e are in the (ront seat o( the station 'a+on. %hro,+h the 'indshield
'e see "a,rie +et o,t o( !nnie=s car& say +oodbye and 'alk ,p to the
Doyle ho,se.
%hen !nnie=s car 0akes a 'ide U.t,rn in the street and starts do'n the
other direction. %he station 'a+on p,lls (or'ard and (ollo's her.
!nnie stops three ho,ses do'n the street and p,lls into a +ara+e. the
station 'a+on stops se<eral (eet a'ay.
#e see !nnie co0e o,t o( the +ara+e and 'alk to another t'o.story
(ra0e ho,se the #allaces=.
%he shape +ets o,t o( the station 'a+on& close to C!MER! so 'e can=t
see hi0. He +lances do'n the street. 9,sts o( 'ind blo' the cost,0es
o( children +oin+ (ro0 ho,se to ho,se.
%he shape 0o<es. C!MER! tracks behind hi0 as he 'alks to'ard the
#allace ho,se.
%he shape stops in (ront. %hro,+h the (ront roo0 'indo's 'e can see
!nnie talkin+ to the #!""!CES as they p,t on their coats.
%he (ront door opens. C!MER! and shape B,ickly MO)E 2EHIND ! %REE to
hide (ro0 si+ht.
%he #allaces step o,t o( their ho,se and 'alk to the +ara+e. !nnie and
"INDSE* #!""!CE& a pretty little nine.year.old& stands in the door'ay
(ra0ed by the hall li+ht. O,t o( the +ara+e co0es the #allaces= car.
It t,rns and disappears do'n the street.
!nnie closes the door. %he shape steps o,t (ro0 behind the tree and
stares at the ho,se.
?F !N9"E ON #INDO#
%he shape 0o<es to see inside a 'indo' o( the #allaces ho,se.
Inside& 'e see !nnie t,rn on the %). She +oes to the 0irror on the
'all and be+ins to br,sh her hair.
CU% %O
?6 E7%. M*ERS HOUSE . NI9H%
! police car p,lls ,p in (ront o( the Myers ho,se. 2rackett and "oo0is
+et o,t and stand by the (ront +ate.
!nybody li<e here>
Not since 4563& since it happened.
E<ery kid in Haddon(ield thinks
this place is ha,nted.
%hey 0ay be ri+ht.
"ookin+ do'n the side o( the ho,se 'e see "oo0is and 2rackett 'alk ,p
to the (ront porch. ! broken& r,sted R!IN 9U%%ER C"!N9S back and
(o,rth a+ainst the ho,se in the 'ind.
%he (ront door slo'ly opens. 2rackett and "oo0is stand in the door'ay.
%hey +lance at each other. 2rackett dra's his +,n and the t'o 0en step
It is totally dark in the ho,se. 2rackett=s (lashli+ht co0es on&
ill,0inatin+ the t'o 0en. !s they 0o<e thro,+h the ho,se C!MER! %R!C-S
'ith the0.
S,ddenly 2rackett stops. He trains his (lashli+ht on a SM!"" O2JEC% in
the corner o( the roo0.
#hat is it>
$or a 0o0ent 2racket doesn=t speak. %hen he steps closer to the
! do+...
2oth 0en look do'n o(( screen at the ani0al. 2rackett bends do'n to
2R!C-E%% :cont=d;
Still 'ar0.
He stands back ,p and looks at "oo0is.
He +ot h,n+ry.
2rackett +ets a dis+,sted e/pression and steps a'ay.
Co0e on...! sk,nk co,ld ha<e
killed it...
Co,ld ha<e...
2rackett looks back at the dead ani0al.
! 0an 'o,ldn=t do that...
He isn=t a 0an.
"oo0is and 2rackett ca,tiosly step into the bedroo0& the sa0e roo0
'here the 0,rder took place (i(teen years a+o. %he +lo' (ro0 a distant
street li+ht casts the shado's o( blo'in+ trees on the 'alls.
It happened in here.
"oo0is 'alks o<er to the spot 'here the sister 'as sittin+.
"OOMIS :cont=d;
She 'as sittin+ here 'hen he ca0e
thro,+h the door.
"oo0is t,rns and +lances at the 'indo'. He slo'ly 'alks to'ard it.
"OOMIS :cont=d;
He 0,st ha<e 'atched the0 thro,+h
this 'indo'...
??! "OOMIS= PO) . #INDO#
C!MER! S"O#"* %R!C-S IN to'ard the 'indo'.
??2 !N9"E ON "OOMIS
"oo0is stops by the 'indo'.
"OOMIS :cont=d;
Standin+ @,st o,tside& he co,ld
peer o<er the sill...
2lo'n loose by the 'ind& the rain +,tter s,ddenly s'in+s do'n and
SM!SHES thro,+h the 'indo' 'ith a %HUNDERIN9 CR!SH o( broken +lass.
"oo0is @,0ps back& reaches into his coat pocket and dra's a .3FH
0a+n,0 re<ol<er.
2rackett stares at hi0. "oo0is sees 2rackett=s reaction and slo'ly
reholsters the re<ol<er.
:looks at 2rackett;
I s,ppose I do see0 a bit sinister
(or a doctor.
"ooks like to 0e yo,=re @,st plain
I a0.
:he +lances aro,nd
the bedroo0;
I 0et his (i(teen years a+o. I 'as
told there 'as nothin+ le(t& no
conscience& no reason& no
,nderstandin+& in e<en the 0ost
r,di0entary sense& o( li(e or death
or ri+ht or 'ron+. I 0et this si/.
year.old boy 'ith a blank& cold
e0otionless (ace and the blackest
o( eyes& the De<il=s eyes. I spent
ei+ht years tryin+ to reach hi0 and
another se<en tryin+ to keep hi0
locked a'ay 'hen I realiDed 'hat
'as li<in+ behind that boy=s eyes
'as p,rely and si0ply...e<il.
2rackett @,st looks at hi0 a 0o0ent.
#hat do 'e do>
He 'as here& earlier toni+ht& and
he 0ay be co0in+ back. I=0 +oin+ to
'ait (or hi0.
I keep thinkin+ I sho,ld call the
radio and %) stations...
I( yo, do they=ll be seein+ hi0
e<ery'here& on e<ery street corner&
in e<ery ho,se. J,st tell yo,r 0en
to sh,t their 0o,ths and open their
I=ll check back in an ho,r.
2rackett t,rns and 'alks o,t o( the bedroo0. $or a 0o0ent "oo0is
stares at the rain +,tter in the broken 'indo'.
CU% %O
?5 IN%. DO*"E HOUSE . NI9H%
C!MER! S"O#"* %R!C-S thro,+h the Doyle ho,se. It is a lar+e ho0e 'ith
a staircase that leads to the bedroo0s ,pstairs. %hro,+h a door'ay 'e
see a <ery 0odern kitchen. %here is a dinin+ roo0 and li<in+ roo0 'ith
a bi+ bay 'indo' that looks o,t into the street.
"a,rie sits 'ith %o00y Doyle on the co,ch readin+ hi0 a story. %o00y
has his Hallo'een cost,0e on and a bi+ ba+ o( candy on the (loor.
...Iho' no'& cried !rth,r. =%hen
no one 0ay pass this 'ay 'itho,t
a (i+ht>= =%hat is so&= ans'ered
the ni+ht in a bold and ha,+hty
I don=t like that story.
2,t kin+ !rth,r 'as al'ays yo,r
%o00y p,lls o,t a stack o( co0ic books (ro0 ,nderneath the co,ch.
Not any 0ore.
#hy are they ,nder there>
Mo0 doesn=t like 0e to ha<e
"a,rie +lances thro,+h the stack o( co0ic books.
=Ne,tron Man=...="aser Man=...I
can see 'hy. =%arant,la Man=...
"a,rie& 'hats the 2oo+ey Man>
%he phone RIN9S in the other roo0. "a,rie +oes to ans'er it. She picks
,p the recie<er in the den.
5G IN%. #!""!CE -I%CHEN
!nnie stands 0akin+ popcorn& the phone at her ear.
Ha<in+ (,n> Ne<er 0ind& I=0 s,re
yo, are. I ha<e bi+& bi+ ne's (or
"ES%ER& a lar+e& (erocio,s.lookin+ 9er0an shepherd& trots happily into
the kitchen& spies !nnie and 'alks o<er to her. He n,d+es her le+s
'ith his head.
!NNIE :cont=d;
OopsJ Hold on a 0in,te...
She t,rns and reaches (or "ester ,ncertainly.
!NNIE :cont=d;
Hi "ester...
"ester 9RO#"S at her 0enacin+ly.
!NNIE :cont=d;
"indsey& "indseyJ
:into phone;
I=0 abo,t to be ripped apart by
the (a0ily do+.
"indsey trots into the roo0.
!NNIE :cont=d;
9et hi0 o,t o( hereJ
Here& "ester.
I00ediately "ester 'alks o<er to the back door. "indsey opens the door
and the do+ trots o,t. %hen "indsey closes the back door and 'alks
back into the li<in+ roo0.
:into phone;
I hate that do+. I=0 the only
person in the 'orld he doesn=t
"!URIE :<.o.;
:(ro0 phone;
#hat=s this bi+& bi+ ne's>
#hat 'o,ld yo, say i( I told yo,
that yo, 'ere +oin+ to the
Ho0eco0in+ Dance to0orro' ni+ht>
I=d say yo, 0,st ha<e the 'ron+
#ell& I @,st talked 'ith 2en
%ra0er and he +ot real e/cited
'hen I told hi0 ho' attracted yo,
'ere to hi0.
!nnie& yo, didn=t. %ell 0e yo,
*o, +,ys 'ill 0ake a (ab,lo,s
54 IN%. DO*"E "I)IN9 ROOM . NI9H%
%o00y 'alks to the (ront 'indo' and looks o,t.
51 %OMM*=S PO) . S%REE%
! co,ple %RIC- OR %RE!%ERS 'alk by.
2ehind the0& across the steet& stands %HE SH!PE& "OO-IN9 IN%O %HE
53 E7%. S%REE% . DO*"E HOUSE
C!MER! is behind the SH!PE& lookin+ into the Doyle ho,se. #e can see
"a,rie talkin+ on the phone. %he shape=s head 0o<es sli+htly and #E
P!N to see %o00y at the (ront 'indo' lookin+ o,t. %o00y 0o<es a'ay
(ro0 the 'indo'. P!N back to see hi0 enter the den and p,ll on
"a,rie=s blo,se.
:into phone;
I=0 so e0barrassed. I co,ldn=t
(ace hi0...
!NNIE :<.o.;
*o,=ll ha<e to. He=s callin+ yo,
to0orro' to (ind o,t 'hat ti0e to
pick yo, ,p.
"a,rie& the boo+ey 0an is o,tside.
%o00y r,ns to the 'indo' in the den and points. "a,rie 'alks o<er 'ith
the phone and looks.
5F "!URIE=S PO) . S%REE%
%he street is e0pty.
56 !N9"E ON "!URIE . %OMM*
:into phone;
Hold on.
:to %o00y;
%here=s nobody o,t there& %o00y.
9o 'atch so0e %).
%o00y r,shes o,t o( the den.
%o00y dashes ,p to the (ront 'indo' and looks o,t.
5? PO) . S%REE%
#e see the 0an as he passes ,nder a streetli+ht on his 'ay %O#!RD %HE
#!""!CE HOUSE.
CU% %O
55 IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE . NI9H%
!nnie stands by the kitchen sto<e 0akin+ popcorn.
:into telephone;
"ook& it=s si0ple. *o, like hi0&
he likes yo,. !ll yo, need is a
little p,sh.
%he shape stands close to C!MER! 'atchin+ !nnie 0ake popcorn. She p,ts
the b,tter in the pan.
!NNIE :cont=d;
It 'on=t h,rt yo, to +o o,t 'ith
hi0& (or 9od=s sake.
!nnie starts to po,r the b,tter o<er the popcorn b,t instead po,rs it
on hersel(.
!NNIE :cont=d;
ShitJ No& no& I +otta call yo,
back. I @,st 0ade a 0ess o(
0ysel(. Nothin+ ,n,s,al.
!nnie han+s ,p. She B,ickly takes o(( her blo,se and bl,e @eans. She
stands in the kitchen 'ith only her panties on. She p,lls a bo/ o(
cornstarch o,t o( the closet and sprinkles it o,t on the stains o(
%he shape 0o<es closer to the kitchen 'indo' and knocks o<er a potted
plant. It CR!SHES noisily a+ainst the side o( the ho,se.
4G1 IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE
!nnie is startled by the crash. She looks o,tside the 'indo'.
! han+in+ plant s'in+s in the 'ind. It 2UMPS a+ainst the side o( the
She t,rns (ro0 the 'indo' and 'alks o,t o( the kitchen.
4GE! E7%. #!""!CE HOUSE
%he han+in+ plant contin,es to #H!P a+ainst the ho,se. ! H!ND s,ddenly
stops its 0otion. %he shape leans ,p close to the kitchen 'indo'&
lookin+ inside.
4GE2 !N9"E ON DO9
$ro0 the darkness o( the back yard "ester sprin+s (or'ard into C!MER!&
SN!R"IN9 and 2!R-IN9 <icio,sly.
%he shape darts a'ay (ro0 the kitchen 'indo'& the do+ SN!PPIN9 ri+ht
a(ter hi0.
!nnie listens to the 9RO#"IN9 o( the do+. She t,rns to "indsey in the
li<in+ roo0.
"indsey& "ester=s barkin+ a+ain
and +ettin+ on 0y ner<es a+ain.
"INDSE* :o.s.;
No& he=s not.
S,ddenly the 9RO#"IN9 so,nds !2RUP%"* S%OP.
Ne<er 0ind. He (o,nd a hot date.
!nnie t,rns and 'alks into the li<in+ roo0.
4GEE E7%. #!""!CE HOUSE
#e see the shape=s le+s a (e' (eet (ro0 the ho,se. Ne/t to hi0 are
"ES%ER=S "E9S& kickin+ and str,++lin+ a (e' (eet abo<e the +ro,nd.
O(( screen& the shape is stran+lin+ the do+ in 0id.air.
$inally the do+=s le+s stop 0o<in+ and D!N9"E "I$E"ESS"*. %he shape
0o<es a'ay (ro0 the ho,se.
CU% %O
"a,rie and %o00y are sittin+ on the co,ch 'atchin+ the Horrorthon on
#hat abo,t the Jack.O."antern>
!(ter the 0o<ie.
#hat abo,t the rest o( 0y co0ic
!(ter the Jack.O."antern.
#hat abo,t the bo+y0an>
%here is no s,ch thin+.
Richie said he 'as co0in+ a(ter
0e toni+ht.
Do yo, belie<e e<erythin+ that
Richie tells yo,>
%o00y& Hallo'een ni+ht is 'hen
yo, play tricks on people and
scare the0. It=s all 0ake beli<e.
Richie 'as tryin+ to scare yo,.
I sa' the bo+y0an. I sa' hi0
%here 'as no one o,tside.
%here #!S.
#hat did he look like>
%he bo+y0anJ
#e=re no +ettin+ any'here. !ll
ri+ht& look& %o00y. %he bo+y0an
can only co0e o,t on Hallo'een
ni+ht& ri+ht>
!nd I=0 here toni+ht and I 'on=t
let hi0 +et to yo,.
I pro0ise.
Can 'e 0ake the Jack.O."antern
"a,rie holds o,t her hand. %o00y takes it and to+ether they 'alk into
the kitchen.
4G6 E7%. P!SS!9E#!* %O "!UNDR* . #!""!CE HOUSE . NI9H%
!nnie 'alks thro,+h the passa+e'ay to the la,ndry roo0. She is 'earin+
a nylon robe and carryin+ her clothes to be 'ashed. %he 'ind blo's the
robe open.
4GH !NO%HER !N9"E . P!SS!9E#!*
%he shape stands behind a tree 'atchin+ !nnie 'alk alon+ the
!nnie 'alks into the dark la,ndry roo0.
!l0ost i00ediately the 'ind 2"O#S %HE DOOR SHU%J
!nnie stands 0otionless (or a 0o0ent& then be+ins lookin+ (or the
li+ht s'itch.
%he door CRE!-S open. 2ehind the door 'e see the o,tline o( the SH!PE
44G !N9"E ON !NNIE
!nnie t,rns to'ard the sli+htly open door.
!NNIE :cont=d;
#ho=s there>
Silence. %he 'ind blo's the door open a little 'ider. In the li+ht
(ro0 the 0ain ho,se& !nnie sees the li+ht s'itch. C,ickly she (licks
on the s'itch and the la,ndry roo0 li+hts ,p. She +lances o,tside the
%here is no one there.
Pa,l& is this one o( yo,r cheap
:pa,seA disappointed;
I +,ess not.
She steps back inside and crosses to the 'ashin+ 0achine. She opens
the top and d,0ps her clothes inside.
No tricks (or !nnie toni+ht.
S,ddenly a bi+ +,st o( 'ind co0es thro,+h the opened 'indo' abo<e her.
%he door S"!MS SHU%J
!nnie h,rries to the door and tries to open it. It 'on=t open.
444 C"OSE SHO% . !NNIE
She tries to p,ll the door open. 2EHIND HER& in the open 'indo' abo<e
the 'ashin+ 0achine& 'e see the SH!PE lookin+ in.
"indseyJ "indsey& co0e o,t hereJ
441 IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE
"INDSE* #!""!CE& ? years old 'ith a pretty (ace& 'atches the Horror
Marathon at top <ol,0e on %). She doesn=t hear !nnie=s call.
443 IN%. "!UNDR* ROOM
"indsey& I=0 in the la,ndry
roo0J %he door is st,ckJ
!nnie t,rns and +lances at the 'indo' abo<e the 'ashin+ 0achine. %HE
She B,ickly crosses to the 'ashin+ 0achine& cli0bs ,p on top o( it and
starts o,t the 'indo'. Hal( 'ay thro,+h she 9E%S S%UC-. She tries to
sB,ir0 her 'ay back in b,t it=s hopeless.
!NNIE :cont=d;
"indseyJ "indsey& +odda0n it&
$ro0 the ho,se !nnie hears the phone rin+.
!NNIE :cont=d;
"indsey& ans'er the phoneJ It=s
Pa,lJ "indseyJ "INDSE*J
44E IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE
"indsey still sits in (ront o( the %). She lets the phone rin+ a'ay.
$inally she +ets ,p and 'alks to the phone& her eyes pi<oted on the
%). She picks ,p the recie<er.
P!U" :<.o.;
Hi& "indsey& this is Pa,l. Is
!nnie there>
*es& she is.
P!U" :<.o.;
#ill yo, +et her (or 0e>
She=s 'ashin+ her clothes.
P!U" :<.o.;
#ell& +o tell her it=s 0e& okay>
"indsey han+s ,p the phone and 'alks thro,+h the kitchen to the back
door. She calls (ro0 the door.
!nnie& Pa,l=s on the phoneJ
"indsey& open the doorJ I=0
locked in the la,ndry roo0J
446 E7%. "!UNDR* ROOM
"indsey crosses to the la,ndry roo0 door. It is bolted (ro0 the
o,tside. She li(ts the bolt and looks inside the roo0.
*o, locked yo,rsel( in.
I kno'. P,ll 0y le+s. I=0 st,ck.
"indsey p,lls on !nnie=s le+s and she slides (ro0 the 'indo' onto the
"indsey& pro0ise yo, 'on=t tell
44? IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE
!s !nnie and "indsey 'alk back into the ho,se& the phone rin+s.
"indsey races across the roo0 and picks it ,p.
She 'as st,ck in the 'indo'&
she=ll be ri+ht there.
"indsey sets do'n the recie<er and 'alks o,t o( the kitchen. !nnie
+i<es "indsey a dirty look and picks it ,p.
Hello& Pa,l.
!ll ri+ht& c,t it o,t. It can
happen to anyone.
*eah& b,t I=<e seen yo, st,ck in
S,ddenly behind !nnie %HE SH!PE #!"-S %HROU9H %HE H!""#!* 2E%#EEN %HE
"I)IN9 ROOM !ND %HE -I%CHEN. She doesn=t see it.
!NNIE :cont=d;
%hat=s (antasticJ #hen did they
Utterly (ab,lo,sJ So 'hy don=t
yo, @,st 'alk o<er> My clothes
are in the 'ash. I can=t co0e
Sh,t ,p& @erk. I=<e +ot a robe on.
%hat=s all yo, think abo,t.
%hat=s no tr,e. I think abo,t lots
o( thin+s. #hy don=t 'e not stand
here talkin+ abo,t the0 and +et
do'n to doin+ the0> !ll ri+ht& see
yo, in a (e' 0in,tes.
!nnie han+s ,p the phone. She 'alks into the li<in+ roo0. "indsey is
back 'atchin+ the %) Horrorthon.
I=0 scared.
%hen 'hy are yo, sittin+ here 'ith
hal( the li+hts o((>
I don=t kno'.
#ell& co0e on& +et yo,r coat.
#e=re +oin+ to pick ,p Pa,l.
I don=t 'ant to.
"ook& "indsey& I tho,+ht 'e
,nderstood each other...
I 'ant to stay here and 'atch
!nnie calc,lates a 0o0ent.
Okay& i( I can (i/ it so yo,
can 'atch %) 'ith %o00y Doyle&
'o,ld yo, like that>
"indsey=s eyes li+ht ,p.
Co0e 'ith 0e.
CU% %O
445 E7%. S%REE% . NI9H%
!nnie and "indsey co0e o,t o( the #allace ho,se. "indsey carries a
bo'l o( popcorn. !nnie has a coat o<er the ne+li+ee.
%hey 'alk do'n the street to the Doyles. %he 'ind blo's stron+ and
'hips the ne+li+ee aro,nd !nnie=s le+s.
41G !NO%HER !N9"E . S%REE%
!s the +irls 0ake their 'ay do'n the street. %he SH!PE steps into the
+lo' o( the streetli+ht and 'atches the0. He p,lls a "!R9E -NI$E (ro0
his pocket. %he 2"!DE 9"IS%ENS in the li+ht.
414 IN%. DO*"E HOUSE . NI9H%
"a,rie and %o00y are co<ered 'ith p,0pkin 0eat 'hen the doorbell
rin+s. %o00y r,ns to ans'er it. He opens the door. !nnie and "indsey
stand there.
Hi& co0e on in. #e=re 0akin+ a
I 'ant to 'atch %).
"indsey sees the %) and r,ns into the li<in+ roo0. She takes o(( her
coatA sits in (ront o( the %) and eats her popcorn.
"a,rie co0es (ro0 the kitchen. She +lances at !nnie=s coat.
%his has not been 0y ni+ht. My
clothes are in the 'ash& I
spilled b,tter do'n the (ront o(
0e& I +ot st,ck in a 'indo'...
I=0 +lad yo,=re here beca,se I
ha<e so0ethin+ I 'ant yo, to do.
I 'ant yo, to call ,p 2en %ra0er
and tell hi0 yo, 'ere @,st
(oolin+ aro,nd.
I can=t.
*es& yo, can.
He 'ent o,t drinkin+ beer 'ith Mike
9od(rey and he 'on=t be back ,ntil
late. *OU="" ha<e to call hi0
to0orro'. 2esides& I=0 on 0y 'ay to
pick ,p Pa,l.
"a,rie +lances at "indsey.
#ait a 0in,te here...
I( yo, 'atch her& I=ll CONSIDER
talkin+ to 2en %ra0er in the
Deal. Hey& I tho,+ht Pa,l 'as
He 'as. Old @erko (o,nd a 'ay to
sneak o,t. "isten& I=ll call yo,
in an ho,r or so.
2e(ore "a,rie can say anythin+ else& !nnie r,shes o,t the door. "a,rie
closes the door and looks in at %o00y and "indsey en+rossed in the
%he old +irl sco,t co0es thro,+h
411 E7%. #!""!CE HOUSE . 9!R!9E . NI9H%
!nnie h,rries across the back yard and steps into the +ara+e. She
'alks to her car.
:sin+s to hersel(;
Oh& Pa,l& I +i<e yo, all...
She tries the door. It is "OC-ED.
!NNIE :cont=d;
No keys& b,t please...0y Pa,l.
C,ickly she t,rns and 'alks o,t o( the +ara+e.
413 IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE
!nnie 'anders thro,+h the e0pty ho,se lookin+ (or her p,rse. She (inds
it in the (ront roo0& takes o,t her br,sh and lipstick and stands in
(ront o( the 0irror pri0pin+.
My Pa,l& I can no lon+er stall...
She +lances ,p at her i0a+e in the 0irror.
!NNIE :cont=d;
",cky thin+. Spilled b,tter on
her clothes& b,t nobody 'ill
...e/cept (or Pa,l...
S,ddenly the phone RIN9S. C,ickly !nnie +rabs it.
Hello. Oh& hi& Dad.
No& @,st 'atchin+ %) 'ith
2e care(,l abo,t 'hat>
#ell& i( yo, 'on=t tell 0e ho'
can I be care(,l>
S,re& s,re I 'ill. 2ye& dad.
She han+s ,p& +rabs her p,rse and r,shes o,t the door.
41E IN%. 9!R!9E
!nnie 'alks into the +ara+e& o<er to her car and opens the door. It is
no' UN"OC-ED& b,t !nnie doesn=t notice.
41F IN%. C!R
!nnie slides in and inserts the key in the i+nition. %he car starts.
!nnie +lances at the car door lock. S,ddenly she re0e0bers it 'as
locked. She stares at it& p,DDled.
!n instant later& ! M!N SI%S UP IN %HE 2!C- SE!%.
HE #E!RS ! H!""O#EEN M!S- 0ade o( r,bber 'ith the +rotesBe (eat,res o(
a 0an. He reaches (or'ard and +rabs her.
!nnie SCRE!MS. She l,rches (or the door. %he 0an p,ts one hand o<er
her 0o,th and brin+s the HU9E 2U%CHER -NI$E ,p to her throat.
416 IN%. 9!R!9E . !N9"E ON C!R
$ro0 o,tside the car 'e see the str,++le inside. !nnie=s an+,ished
(ace presses a+ainst the stea0ed 'indo'. Her SCRE!MS are 0,((led by
the closed car.
S,ddenly& the str,++le stops.
!nnie=s (ace slides do'n the car 'indo' lea<in+ a track in the 'et
s,r(ace. %hen slo'ly the track in the +lass stea0s o<er a+ain.
CU% %O
41H IN%. DO*"E HOUSE . NI9H%
M,sic (ro0 IN)!SION O$ %HE 2OD* SN!%CHERS (ills the roo0. "indsey and
%o00y are ri<eted to the screen.
%o00y +lances at "indsey and slo'ly sneaks a'ay (ro0 the co,ch. He
@,0ps to a 'indo' and d,cks behind a c,rtain.
:(ro0 behind c,rtain;
"indsey. "indsey.
"indsey t,rns aro,nd and looks (or %o00y.
#here are yo,>
No ans'er. "indsey +ets ,p (ro0 the co,ch to search (or %o00y.
%o00y hides& preparin+ to @,0p o,t and scare "indsey. $or a 0o0ent& he
+lances o,t the 'indo'.
415 %OMM*=S PO) . #!""!CE 2!C- *!RD
%he (i+,re o( a M!N carries 'hat see0s to be a 2OD* across the
#allace=s back yard.
%o00y SCRE!MS and @,0ps o,t (ro0 the c,rtain& scarin+ the hell o,t o(
"indsey& 'ho also SCRE!MS and be+ins cryin+.
%here he is& there he isJ %he
"a,rie r,shes in (ro0 the kitchen (indin+ the children in tears.
#hat=s 'ron+>
%o00y points o,t the 'indo'.
I sa' hi0 a+ainJ He=s o<er at
"indsey=s ho,se. %he bo+y0anJ
!t this& "indsey be+ins to CR* e<en lo,der. "a,rie bends do'n to
co0(ort her.
%o00y& stop itJ *o,=re scarin+
I sa' hi0...
I said& stop itJ %here is no
bo+y0an. %here=s nothin+ o,t
there. I( yo, don=t stop all
this& I=0 t,rnin+ o(( the %) and
yo, +o to bed.
%o00y t,rns a'ay (ro0 "a,rie and "indsey and 'alks o<er to the co,ch
in (ront o( the %) set. !l0ost instantly& "indsey stops cryin+ and
(ollo's hi0.
Nobody belie<es 0e.
I belie<e yo,& %o00y.
"indsey sits ,p ne/t to %o00y and h,+s hi0.
"a,rie shakes her head and 'alks back into the kitchen.
CU% %O
434 E7%. M*ERS HOUSE . NI9H%
%he old Myers ho,se looks o0ino,s and (orbodin+ silho,etted a+ainst
the dark& 'hishin+ trees. C!MER! %R!C-S behind the hed+e 'here "oo0is
sits 'aitin+.
S,ddenly& there are noises (ro0 the street. "oo0is parts the hed+e in
(ront o( hi0 and stares.
431 "OOMIS= PO) . S%REE%
%hree boys& -eith& Richie and "onnie :(ro0 the play+ro,nd; creep ,p to
the ed+e o( the side'alk in (ront o( the old ho,se. %hey stare
(ear(,lly at the dark& str,ct,re.
I=0 not a(raid.
I=0 notJ
%hen +o in.
$or a 0o0ent "onnie hesitates& then slo'ly 0o<es thro,+h the (ront
+ate ,p to'ard the porch.
433 !N9"E ON "OOMIS
He 'atches the yo,n+ boy 'alk to'ard the ho,se& ,ns,re 'hether he
sho,ld inter(ere or @,st 'atch.
"onnis 0akes it to the (ront porch and tentati<ely steps ,p to the
door. He +lances back to his (riends in the street.
"oo0is= PO) 0o<es to the street.
9o on& "onnieJ
%hen "oo0is= PO) 0o<es back to "onnie at the (ront door. %he boy t,rns
to open the door. He=s scared o,t o( his 0ind.
"oo0is B,ietly stands ,p behind the hed+e.
"onnie spins aro,nd and stares in horror at the talkin+ hed+e.
9et yo,r ass a'ay (ro0 thereJ
43? "OOMIS= PO) . O"D HOUSE . S%REE%
Mo<in+ like the 'ind& "onnie barrels o(( the porch and races back to
his (riends. %he boys h,rtle o(( do'n the street in ,tter terror.
435 !N9"E ON "OOMIS
He 'atches the0 race a'ay& s0ilin+ to hi0sel(.
S,ddenly& %#O H!NDS enter (ra0e and +rab "oo0is= sho,lders. "oo0is
@,0ps and spins aro,nd. Standin+ there is 2rackett.
*o, all ri+ht>
Nothin+=s +oin+ on. J,st kids
playin+ pranks& trick or
treatin+& partyin+& +ettin+ hi+h
...I ha<e the (eelin+ yo,=re 'ay
o(( on this...
*o, ha<e the 'ron+ (eelin+.
*o,=re not co0in+ ,p 'ith 0,ch
to pro<e 0e 'ron+.
E/actly 'hat do yo, need>
#ell& it=s +oin+ to take 0ore
than (ancy talk to keep 0e ,p
all ni+ht creepin+ aro,nd these
I 'atched hi0 (or (i(teen
years& sittin+ in a roo0
starin+ at a 'all& not seein+
the 'all& seein+ past it&
seein+ %HIS NI9H%. He=s 'aited
(or it& inh,0anly patient.
Ho,r a(ter ho,r& day a(ter
day& 'aitin+ (or so0e silent&
in<isible alar0 to tri++er
hi0. Death has arri<ed in yo,r
little to'n& sheri((. *o, can
i+nore it& or yo, can help 0e
stop it.
More (ancy talk...*o, 'ant to
kno' 'hat Haddon(ield is>
$a0ilies. Children& all lined
,p in ro's& ,p and do'n these
streets. *o,=re tellin+ 0e
they=re lined ,p (or a
%hey co,ld be.
I=ll stay o,t 'ith yo, toni+ht&
Doctor& @,st on the chance that
yo,=re ri+ht. !nd i( yo, are
ri+ht& da0n yo, (or lettin+ hi0
2rackett t,rns and 'alks back to the street. "oo0is 'atches hi0 (or
se<eral 0o0ents.
CU% %O
4EG E7%. #!""!CE HOUSE . NI9H%
%he ho,se is B,iet& dark. %he li+hts are all o,t. !nnie=s car is
parked in the +ara+e.
! car p,lls ,p in (ront o( the ho,se and parks. Its li+hts (lick o((.
%he so,nds o( "!U9H%ER co0e (ro0 inside.
4E4 IN%. C!R . NI9H%
2O2 SIMMS& a +ood.lookin+ 4H.year.old& POPS open a can o( beer. Ne/t
to hi0 "ynda +,DDles hers. %hey e0brace.
No'...$irst 'e=ll talk a little&
then !nnie 'ill distract "indsey
and 'e sneak B,ietly ,p the
stairs to the (irst bedroo0 on
the le(t. 9ot it>
Okay. $irst I rip yo,r clothes
2ob +rabs "ynda and she starts +i++lin+. %he can o( beer (alls o<er
onto the (ront seat.
*o, idiotJ
...%hen yo, rip 0y clothes o((.
%hen 'e rip "*NDSE*=S clothes
o((. I think I=<e +ot it.
4E1 E7%. #!""!CE HOUSE
2ob opens the door and to+ether they (all o,t onto the +ro,nd. 2ob
picks "ynda ,p and carries her ,p to the (ront door.
2ob...P,t 0e do'n. P,t 0e do'n.
%his is totally silly.
"ynda sB,ir0s in 2ob=s ar0s. !s he sets her do'n her (oot accidentally
hits the (ront door and it s'in+s open. "ynda and 2ob both stop.
!nnie& !nnie& 'e=re hereJ
2ob and "ynda enter the ho,se.
4E3 IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE . NI9H%
%he li<in+ roo0 is e0pty. %he li+hts are o((. "ynda and 2ob enter the
ho,se and be+in t,rnin+ on the li+hts.
I 'onder 'here they 'ent.
!nnie probably took "indsey o,t
or so0ethin+. "et=s look (or a
2ob 'alks o<er to "ynda.
"et=s don=t.
%hey e0brace. 2ob p,lls "ynda o<er to the co,ch and t,rns o,t the
li+ht. %hey kiss. ! SH!DO# COMES O)ER %HEM. %hey contin,e kissin+&
,na'are o( the shape o( a 0an on the stair'ay #!%CHIN9.
%he ho,se is totally black inside. %he only so,nd is the 0,sic score
(ro0 I%he %hin+.I
S,ddenly& the so,nd o( la,+hter is heard (ro0 the kitchen. %hen an
oran+e li+ht (loats aro,nd the roo0. !s it +ets closer& 'e see that
"a,rie is carryin+ a Jack.O."antern& 'ith a candle ill,0inatin+ (ro0
the center o( the p,0pkin. 2ehind "a,rie is "yndsey and %o00y 0akin+
scary noises. %he procession contin,es thro,+h the ho,se.
Ooooooo...He=s +onna +et yo,.
No& he=s not.
Nobody=s +oin+ to +et anybody.
No' stop scarin+ each other.
%he procession contin,es to the (ront 'indo'. "a,rie places the Jack.
O."antern on the 'indo' sill. She looks do'n the street to'ard the
"a,rie sees 2ob=s car parked in (ront o( the ho,se.
4E6 !N9"E ON "!URIE
"a,rie s0iles to hersel(.
E<erybody has a +ood ti0e
toni+ht. Okay& kids& 'hat do
yo, 'ant to do no'>
"et=s 0ake 0ore popcorn.
*o,=<e had eno,+h. #hy don=t 'e
@,st sit do'n and 'atch the rest
o( this 0o<ie.
"a,rie sits do'n on the co,ch and si+hs. "indsey and %o00y c,ddle ,p
'ith her& one on either side.
%he phone rin+s.
"a,rie +ets ,p to ans'er it.
"ynda sits on the co,ch in the dark. Her hair and clothes are 0essed
,p. 2ob lies on the co,ch& his head on her lap.
Hi& "a,rie& 'hat=s ,p>
"!URIE :<.o.;
Nothin+. I 'as @,st sittin+ do'n
(or the (irst ti0e toni+ht.
Is !nnie aro,nd>
"!URIE :<.o.;
No. I tho,+ht she=d be ho0e by
no'. She 'ent to pick ,p Pa,l.
#ell& she=s totally not here.
"!URIE :<.o.;
%hey probably stopped o((
so0e'here. Ha<e her call 0e
'hen she +ets back. I=<e +ot
"yndsey here and I 'ant to
kno' 'hat ti0e to p,t her to
Okay. "ater.
"!URIE :<.o.;
Ha<e a +ood ti0e.
"ynda han+s ,p the phone and +rins.
#e s,re 'ill.
"ynda +rabs 2ob=s hand and stands ,p.
"*ND! :cont=d;
"indsey is +one (or the ni+ht.
2ob +rins.
No' that=s 'onder(,l.
"ynda p,lls 2ob ,p (ro0 the co,ch and they 'alk B,ickly ,p the stairs.
4E? IN%. DO*"E HOUSE . NI9H%
"a,rie stands by the telephone. She 'alks to the 'indo' and +lances
4E5 "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE
It is dark.
"a,rie shr,+s& t,rns a'ay (ro0 the 'indo' and 'alks back to %o00y and
"indsey sittin+ on the co,ch.
CU% %O
4F4 IN%. #!""!CE 2EDROOM . NI9H%
So,nds o( lo<e0akin+ co0e (ro0 the bed. %he only li+ht is a candle
ill,0inatin+ the sheets as they 0o<e slo'ly ,p and do'n and (ro0 side
to side. E0pty beer cans lea<e a trail (ro0 the door to the bed.
%he 0oans (ro0 "ynda be+in increasin+. %hey +et lo,der. 2,ildin+ to a
crescendo. %he phone rin+s. %he lo<e0akin+ s,ddenly stops.
ShitJ Not a+ain.
"ynda rises ,p on one ar0. %he sheets (all a'ay (ro0 her& sho'in+ a
<ery bea,ti(ly yo,n+ body. Her hair is a 0ess and she is (r,strated.
%he phone contin,es to rin+.
I can=t help it. It @,st keeps
!nd I can=t keep yo, interested>
2ob opens a (resh can o( beer. He ch,+s it do'n.
%hat=s +reat. No' yo,=ll be too
dr,nk to...
J,st ans'er the da0n phone.
I can=t. #hat i( it=s the
#allacesJ> #e=d +et !nnie in
%he phone stops rin+in+.
%ake it o(( the hook.
"ynda reaches o<er and kisses 2ob behind the ears. She slo'ly 0o<es
aro,nd his ear 'ith her ton+,e. 2ob +rabs "ynda and p,shes her do'n on
the bed.
C!MER! MO)ES 2!C- (ro0 the bed as their lo<e0akin+ contin,es& back
thro,+h the bedroo0 door'ay. Standin+ there in the darkness is %HE
SH!PE 'atchin+ the0.
$inally& 2ob and "ynda cli0a/. 2ob rolls o(( "ynda. She li+hts a
ci+arette and hands it to 2ob& then li+hts one (or hersel(.
$antastic. %otally.
#ant a beer>
Is that all yo, say>
9o +et 0e a beer.
I tho,+ht yo, 'ere +onna +et
one (or 0e.
2ob +ets o,t o( bed and p,lls his @eans on. He looks (or his +lasses.
He (inds the0 and p,ts the0 on.
I=ll be ri+ht back. Don=t +et
2ob leans o<er and kisses "ynda. He lea<es.
"ynda leans back onto the pillo's. She s0iles to hersel(.
4F1 IN%. #!""!CE -I%CHEN
2ob co0es thro,+h the s'in+in+ doors. He opens re(ri+erator and takes
o,t t'o beers. He looks aro,nd the kitchen. He opens the c,pboards and
takes o,t a ba+ o( potato chips. In another c,pboard he (inds a can o(
2ob +athers the (ood and beers into his ar0s. He sh,ts the doors.
#H!MJ He steps into a chair& knockin+ hi0 back'ards. %he beer (alls on
the (loor alon+ 'ith the chips and pean,ts.
2ob has his head do'n& intent on cleanin+ ,p the 0ess.
%here is a S"!M (ro0 across the kitchen. 2ob looks ,p.
4FE 2O2=S PO) . DOOR
%he back door o( the kitchen slo'ly s'in+s open& as i( it has been
sla00ed sh,t and the bolt didn=t catch. It sB,eaks on it=s hin+es as
it s'in+s back and (orth.
Slo'ly& 2ob +ets to his (eet and 'alks o<er to the door.
!nnie& Pa,l...
He steps to the door and looks o,tside.
4F6 2O2=S PO) . 2!C- *!RD
%he yard is e0pty. J,st the 'ind blo'in+ the trees.
4FH !N9"E ON 2O2
He t,rns (ro0 the door.
%here is a SCUE!- (ro0 one o( the t'o closet doors by the kitchen
2ob (reeDes& starin+ at the t'o doors.
"ynda& yo, assholeJ
He 'alks to one o( the doors and opens it. Nothin+ inside.
2O2 :cont=d;
!lri+ht& "ynda& co0e on o,t.
He steps to the other door and opens it.
RI9H% 2EHIND %HE DOOR S%!NDS %HE SH!PE 'earin+ the r,bber 0ask. He
steps o,t and +rabs 2ob aro,nd the neck 'ith an instantaneo,s l,n+e.
2ob tries to @,0p a'ay& b,t the shape has a (ir0 hold on his neck. 2ob
COU9HS and 9!9S (ro0 the press,re.
%hen the shape "I$%S 2O2 UP O$$ %HE $"OOR.
4F? !N9"E ON 2O2=S $EE%
2ob=s (eet lea<e the (loor.
4F5 !N9"E ON 2O2=S $!CE
He 0akes a +,tteral so,nd deep in his throat as the shape=s hand
closes ti+htly aro,nd his 'indpipe.
46G !N9"E ON SH!PE
2ehind the 0ask are t'o b,rnin+ eyes. %he shape 0o<es (or'ard.
464 !N9"E ON #!""
Still holdin+ hi0 ,p 'ith one hand& the shape S"!MS 2ob a+ainst the
'all& holdin+ hi0 se<eral (eet o(( the (loor. 2ob str,++les to +et
%he shape li(ts his other hand. It holds the b,tcher kni(e.
%he shape dri<es the kni(e deeply into 2ob=s chest 'ith a S"!MMIN9
%HUD& the other end o( the kni(e st,ck thro,+h the 'all.
%hen the shape steps a'ay. 2ob han+s there& i0paled on the 'all& eyes
still open in horror& dead.
CU% %O
461 IN%. #!""!CE 2EDROOM
"ynda lo,n+es in the bed s0okin+ another ci+arette. She hears 2ob
enter the roo0 b,t doesn=t look ,p.
#here=s 0y beer>
No ans'er. "ynda t,rns aro,nd and looks.
463 !NO%HER !N9"E . "*ND!=S PO)
%he SH!PE S%!NDS in the door'ay. He is co<ered 'ith ! SHEE% "I-E !
9HOS%. He #E!RS 2O2=S 9"!SSES.
"*ND! :cont=d;
C,te& 2ob. Real c,te.
%he +host doesn=t ans'er.
46E !NO%HER !N9"E . "*ND! !ND 9HOS%
"ynda looks at the +host. She slides the sheets do'n (ro0 her body.
"*ND! :cont=d;
Co0e here& yo, (ool.
%he +host doesn=t ans'er. He contin,es to stare at "ynda.
"*ND! :cont=d;
Can=t I +et yo,r +host& 2ob>
"ynda la,+hs at her o'n @oke& then stops 'hen she sees the +host is
"*ND! :cont=d;
!ll ri+ht& all ri+ht. So 'here=s
the beer>
Nothin+. %he +host @,st stands there.
"*ND! :cont=d;
#ell& ans'er 0eJ Okay& don=t
ans'er 0e. 2oy& are yo, 'eirdJ
"ynda +ets o,t o( bed. She is n,de and looks bea,ti(,l and sens,o,s in
the candleli+ht. She 'alks o<er to the phone.
"*ND! :cont=d;
#ell& I=0 +onna call "a,rie. I
'anna kno' 'here !nnie and Pa,l
are. %HIS isn=t +oin+ any'here.
"ynda sits do'n on a chair by the telephone. In the b.+. the +host
stands in the door'ay. She starts to dial the phone. %he +host starts
'alkin+ to'ard her.
46F IN%. DO*"E HOUSE . NI9H%
%he ho,se is <ery B,iet. %he kids are asleep. "a,rie is sittin+ on the
co,ch knittin+. %he phone RIN9S.
"a,rie crosses to ans'er the phone.
466 IN%. #!""!CE 2EDROOM
"ynda holds the phone to her ear. %he +host 'alks ,p slo'ly behind
her. He raises his hands to +rab her.
"a,rie ans'ers the telephone.
46? IN%. #!""!CE 2EDROOM
"ynda hears "a,rie=s hello as %HE 9HOS% 9R!2S %HE PHONE. He cla0ps one
hand o<er "ynda=s 0o,th. She sB,ir0s and 'rithes. He takes the
telephone cord and 'raps it aro,nd her neck.
465 IN%. DO*"E HOUSE
"a,rie hears SCUE!"S& and r,stlin+ so,nds across the phone.
"!URIE :cont=d;
!ll ri+ht& !nnieJ I=<e heard
yo,r (a0o,s che'in+& no' I +et
yo,r (a0o,s sB,eals>
"a,rie contin,es to hear 'eird SOUNDS.
"!URIE :cont=d;
4HG IN%. #!""!CE 2EDROOM
"ynda tries to (i+ht o(( the +host. He 'raps the cord aro,nd her neck.
He p,lls ti+ht. "ynda reaches ,p and p,lls on the sheet. It slides o((
the 0an& to re<eal the +rotesB,e Hallo'een 0ask.
"ynda +asps and tries to screa0. %he 0an p,lls the cord ti+hter. Her
(ace t,rns bl,e. She opens her 0o,th& tryin+ to +et air& then slo'ly
sl,0ps (or'ard and re0ains 0otionless. "*ND! IS DE!D.
%he shape picks ,p the recie<er and p,ts it to his ear.
4H4 IN%. DO*"E HOUSE . !N9"E ON "!URIE
!nnie& !nnieJ !re yo, all
Silence o<er the phone.
"!URIE :cont=d;
!re yo, (oolin+ aro,nd a+ain>
"!URIE :con=t;
I=ll kill yo, i( this is a
More silence.
"!URIE :cont=d;
S,ddenly the phone +oes dead.
"a,rie stares at the recie<er& then han+s ,p. She crosses to the
'indo' and looks o,t to'ard the #allace ho,se.
4H1 "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE
%he street is B,iet& dark and 'indy. 2ob=s car is parked in (ront o(
the #allace ho,se.
4H3 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She stares at the ho,se& p,DDled.
4HE "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE
%HEN %HE "I9H% 9OES O$$.
"a,rie 0o<es (ro0 the 'indo' back to the telephone and dials !nnie=s
n,0ber. #e HE!R the phone rin+in+ on the other end.
4H6 IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE . 2EDROOM
C!MER! S"O#"* %R!C-S thro,+h the darkened bedroo0 o( the #allace
ho,se. %here is no si+n o( a str,++le. %he roo0 is e0pty. %he phone
RIN9S a'ay.
"a,rie (inally han+s ,p the phone. She stands (or a 0o0ent considerin+
it& then t,rns and 'alks ,pstairs.
"a,rie opens the door to the bedroo0. %o00y and "indsey are so,nd
asleep on the bed. She looks at the0 a 0o0ent& then closes the door
behind her.
"a,rie co0es back do'nstairs. She takes a key o,t o( her p,rse and
a+ain steps to the 'indo'.
4?G "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE
Dark and silent.
4?4 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She steps to the (ront door.
CU% %O
4?1 E7%. M*ERS HOUSE . NI9H%
"oo0is sits in silence behind the hed+e 'atchin+ the Myers ho,se.
$r,strated& he +ets ,p and 'alks to the street.
$or a 0o0ent he +lances back at the Myers ho,se& then starts do'n the
B,iet residential street.
4?3 "OOMIS= PO) . S%REE% . S%!%ION #!9ON
It is e0pty e/cept (or a station 'a+on parked se<eral blocks a'ay.
He t,rns a'ay (ro0 the street. %hen a tho,+ht strikes hi0. He looks
4?F "OOMIS= PO) . S%REE% . S%!%ION #!9ON
4?6 !N9"E ON "OOMIS
He=s not certain o( it. Slo'ly "oo0is starts 'alkin+ do'n the street
to'ard the station 'a+on.
CU% %O
4?H E7%. S%REE% . NI9H%
"a,rie locks the Doyle ho,se and 'alks a'ay o,t into the street. %he
'ind 'hips her clothes and hair.
4?? "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE . MO)IN9 SHO%
MO)IN9 SHO% to'ard the #allace ho,se& dark and o0ino,s.
4?5 MO)IN9 SHO% . "!URIE
She 0o<es do'n the street& shi<erin+ in the chill 'ind. She p,ts the
key to the Doyle ho,se in her pocket.
45G "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE . MO)IN9 SHO%
! car t,rns the corner and dri<es past the #allace ho,se& castin+ a
stran+e shado'y pattern across the (ront o( the ho,se.
454 MO)IN9 SHO% . "!URIE
She picks ,p her speed& no' ,p the side'alk.
451 "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE . MO)IN9 SHO%
%he ho,se loo0s closer and closer.
CU% %O
453 E7%. S%REE% . NI9H%
%R!C-IN9 SHO% 'ith "oo0is as he 'alks ,p the street.
45E "OOMIS= PO) . S%!%ION #!9ON
%he station 'a+on 0o<es closer.
He reco+niDes it and races (or'ard.
456 "OOMIS= PO) . S%!%ION #!9ON
C!MER! %R!C-S IN to the station 'a+on& ri+ht ,p to the S%!%E EM2"EM
e0blaDoned on the side.
CU% %O
45H E7%. #!""!CE HOUSE . NI9H%
C!MER! MO)ES UP to the (ront o( the #allace ho,se. "a,rie 'alks ,p to
the (ront porch. She stands there a 0o0ent& listenin+& as i( to hear
so0e so,nd o( li(e (ro0 the inside.
She -NOC-S on the door and RIN9S the doorbell. She 'aits.
She steps o(( the porch and 'alks aro,nd to the side o( the ho,se&
C!MER! %R!C-IN9 #I%H HER. She 0o<es to the +ara+e and peeks inside.
%here is !nnie=s car.
"a,rie thinks a 0o0ent& then looks to the street.
45? "!URIE=S PO) . 2O2=S C!R
2ob=s car sits there on the street.
455 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She t,rns and 'alks thro,+h the breeDe'ay bet'een the ho,se and +ara+e
aro,nd to the back door.
%HE -I%CHEN DOOR IS !J!R& s'in+in+ back and (orth in the 'ind.
"a,rie p,lls open the door and steps into the ho,se.
1GG IN%. #!""!CE -I%CHEN
%he kitchen is dark. "a,rie stands there a 0o0ent starin+ into the
No ans'er.
"!URIE :cont=d;
2ob& "ynda& !nnie>
No one ans'ers. "a,rie searches (or the 'all li+ht. She (lips it and
nothin+ happens. She looks a+ain into the darkness.
"!URIE :cont=d;
Nothin+. "a,rie 0o<es (or'ard into the ho,se& C!MER! %R!C-IN9 #I%H
"a,rie 'alks into the li<in+ roo0. She stops to let her eyes +et
acc,sto0ed to the al0ost total darkness. She reaches (or a nearby la0p
and trips o<er the cord. %he la0p C"UN-S to the (loor.
"!URIE :cont=d;
"a,rie spins aro,nd and stares ,p the dark staircase.
!nother SCUE!- (ro0 abo<e.
"a,rie s0iles.
"!URIE :cont=d;
!ll ri+ht& 0eatheads. %he @oke
is o<er.
"!URIE :cont=d;
Co0e on& !nnie& eno,+h.
!nother SOUND (ro0 ,pstairs& a DR!99IN9 across the (loor.
"a,rie 0o<es to the head o( the staircase. %he dra++in+ so,nd S%OPS
!2RUP%"*. Silence.
"!URIE :cont=d;
%his has 0ost de(initely stopped
bein+ (,nny. No' c,t it o,tJ
! SCR!PIN9 SOUND& then silence.
"!URIE :cont=d;
*o,=ll be sorry.
Slo'ly "a,rie starts ,p the staircase.
CU% %O
1G4 E7%. S%REE% . NI9H%
"oo0is stands by his car +lancin+ ,p and do'n the e0pty street.
$inally he 0akes ,p his 0ind and starts 0o<in+ do'n the street& al0ost
r,nnin+& lookin+ back and (o,rth at the ro's o( ho,ses on either side
(or so0ethin+ o,t o( place.
CU% %O
1G1 IN%. #!""!CE HOUSE . NI9H%
S"O#"* %R!C-IN9 ,p the staircase.
1G3 MO)IN9 SHO% . "!URIE
as she slo'ly 0o<es ,p the stairs. She reaches the top and stops.
1GE "!URIE=S PO) . SECOND $"OOR H!""#!*
It is totally dark. !t the end o( the hall is the bedroo0 door. $ro0
aro,nd the ed+es o( the door is the (aintest OR!N9E 9"O#.
She 0o<es (or the door& C!MER! %R!C-IN9 #I%H HER.
She reaches the door. Her hand reaches o,t and to,ches it.
%he door s'in+s open.
! Jack.O."antern casts and eerie +lo' aro,nd the roo0. %here is
SOMEONE lyin+ on the bed b,t (ro0 this position "a,rie can=t see.
She 0o<es (or'ard to'ard the bed.
1G? "!URIE=S PO)
C!MER! MO)ES $OR#!RD. %here on the bed is !NNIEJ Her (ace is a chalky
'hite and there is a h,+e red +ash across her throat.
1G5 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She stares at the bed and then SCRE!MS at the top o( her l,n+s.
"a,rie @,0ps back to the door.
14G "!URIE=S PO) . 2O2
Str,n+ ,p to the li+ht (i/t,re on the ceilin+& dan+lin+ there in the
0iddle o( the roo0& is 2ob& eyes open and starin+.
144 IN%. SECOND $"OOR H!""#!*
"a,rie backs o,t o( the bedroo0. Her 0o,th is open in speachless
SUDDEN"* ! DOOR NE7% %O HER S"O#"* OPENS. %here is "*ND! standin+
there& propped ,p by a chair& starin+ at her 'ith +laDed& dead eyes.
141 !N9"E ON "!URIE . CORNER :"I9H%IN9 E$$EC%;
"a,rie shrinks back into a dark corner. She can only stare in horror
at the si+ht o( her dead (riend.
al0ost as i( o,r eyes ha<e s,ddenly be+,n to ad@,st to the darkness
and 'e see %HE OU%"INE O$ ! M!N standin+ ri+ht behind her.
%he o,tline beco0es 0ore and 0ore clear. It is the shape& 'earin+ the
0ask& the b,tcher kni(e in his hand& +lea0in+& RI9H% 2EHIND "!URIE.
"a,rie s,ddenly 0o<es a'ay (ro0 the corner.
%he shape l,n+es o,t at her.
143 C"OSE SHO% . "!URIE=S 2!C- . H!ND
%he hand +rasps a piece o( "a,rie=s blo,se and RIPS it.
She SCRE!MS and spins aro,nd.
14F !N9"E ON SH!PE
He stands there holdin+ ,p the piece o( 0aterial& then raises the
b,tcher kin(e and 0o<es (or her.
146 !N9"E ON "!URIE
C!MER! MO)ES #I%H HER as she backs a'ay& SCRE!MIN9 at the top o( her
14H !N9"E ON SH!PE
He l,n+es at her s,ddenly 'ith the kni(e.
14? !N9"E ON "!URIE . %OP O$ S%!IRC!SE
%HE -NI$E S"ICES !CROSS HER !RM& rippin+ her (lesh.
"a,rie s,ddenly @,0ps back'ard& raisin+ her ar0 insticti<ely.
145 !N9"E ON R!I"IN9
"a,rie b,0ps back into the railin+.
11G !N9"E ON SH!PE
He l,n+es a+ain 'ith the kni(e.
114 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She leaps back'ard to a<oid the blade and slips o<er the ed+e o( the
111 "!URIE=S PO)
C!MER! POUN9ES DO#N (ro0 the second (loor and S"!MS into the (loor.
113 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She hits the (loor and rolls o<er& holdin+ her le+ pain(,lly. %hen she
looks ,p at the staircase.
11E PO) . S%!IRC!SE
%he shape 0o<es to the top o( the staircase and S%!R%S do'n to'ard
11F !N9"E ON "!URIE
She p,lls hersel( ,p o(( the (loor and hobbles into the li<in+ roo0.
116 !N9"E ON S%!IRC!SE
%h+e shape races do'n the stairs.
11H !N9"E ON "!URIE
She 0o<es (or the kitchen. She trips on the (allen la0p and (all to
the (loor.
11? !N9"E ON SH!PE
%he shape steps into the li<in+ roo0& kni(e raised.
115 !N9"E ON "!URIE . -I%CHEN
She cra'ls to the kitchen& rolls inside an S"!MS the kitchen door
behind her. In a (lash& she leaps ,p and C"IC-S the lock.
%here is a POUNDIN9 on the door (ro0 the other side.
"a,rie slo'ly cli0bs to her (eet and li0ps to'ard the back door.
S,ddenly& the kitchen door E7P"ODES& the 0iddle o( it 2RE!-IN9 !P!R%.
%he shape reaches thro,+h& +ropin+ (or the lock.
Her hand tries the door. It is -E*."OC-ED.
134 !N9"E ON "!URIE
Desperately she tries the door& +lancin+ behin+ her.
131 !N9"E ON SH!PE
%he shape=s hand reaches (or the lock.
133 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She steps back (ro0 the door into the kitchen.
She sees the kitchen 'indo' o<er the sink.
13F !N9"E ON "!URIE
She hobbles to the sink& cli0bs ,p on it and +rabs the 'indo'. #ith a
hea<e she opens it hal(.'ay.
136 !N9"E ON SH!PE
%he shape=s hand +rabs the lock and C"IC-S it open.
13H !N9"E ON "!URIE . -I%CHEN #INDO#
She can only +et it three.(o,rths open. Head(irst she cra'ls thro,+h
the 'indo'.
13? !N9"E ON SH!PE
%he shape p,shes the door open and leaps into the kitchen.
135 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She dra+s hersel( ro,+hly o,t the 'indo'.
%he shape +rabs at "a,rie=s le+s as they disappear thro,+h the sill.
1E4 E7%. #!""!CE HOUSE
"a,rie picks hersel( ,p (ro0 the +ro,nd and r,ns as (ast as she can&
li0pin+ across the backyard& C!MER! MO)IN9 #I%H HER. She passes the
dri<e'ay and sc,rries into the nei+hbor=s backyard& ,p to the back
door o( the ho,se. She POUNDS (,rio,sly on the door.
Help 0eJ Help 0eJ
She looks behind her.
1E1 "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE
No si+n o( the shape. %he ho,se is dark and silent.
1E3 !N9"E ON "!URIE
%he back porch li+ht co0es on. "a,rie contin,es to POUND on the door.
%hro,+h the +lass in the back door 'e see an O"D #OM!N dressed in a
ni+ht+o'n approach.
Please& help 0eJ Call the policeJ
%he old 'o0an stares at her s,spicio,sly (or a 0o0ent& then t,rns (ro0
the door and 'alks a'ay.
NoJ NoJ Please& open the doorJ
She t,rns aro,nd and looks back.
1E? "!URIE=S PO) . #!""!CE HOUSE
Nothin+. No si+n o( the shape.
1E5 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She hobbles o(( the back porch and r,ns across the yard to the street.
C!MER! MO)ES #I%H HER as she li0ps alon+.
"a,rie r,shes ,p to the (ront door. She reaches in her pocket (or the
key and drop it on the porch.
C,ickly she bends do'n and scra0bles (or it. She looks back to'ard the
1F4 "!URIE=S PO) . S%REE%
%he street is e0pty. %he 'ind #HISHES the trees. "ea<es sprinkle do'n.
1F1 E7%. DO*"E HOUSE
"a,rie +ropes aro,nd (or the key. It lies o<er a crack in the 'ooden
porch. She reaches (or it b,t her (in+ers n,d+e the key bet'een the
crack& do'n o,t o( si+ht.
"a,rie SCRE!MS 'ith (r,stration and +lances back at the street.
1F3 "!URIE=S PO) . S%REE%
%HE SH!PE #!"-S S"O#"* DO#N %HE MIDD"E O$ %HE S%REE%& RI9H% %O#!RD
"a,rie be+ins to 2!N9 on the (ront door.
%o00yJ %o00y& open the doorJ
She +rabs a planter on the porch& steps back and h,rls it at an
,pstairs 'indo'.
%he planter SM!SHES a+ainst the 'indo'. ! li+ht +oes on. %o00y appears
sleepily at the 'indo'.
#ho is it>
1F6 !N9"E ON "!URIE
%o00y& let 0e inJ
She looks back at the street.
%he street is e0pty. %HE SH!PE IS 9ONE.
1F? !N9"E ON "!URIE
She stands there breathlessly& her eyes b,rnin+ in the darkness.
$inally the door opens. %o00y stands there in his pa@a0as. "a,rie
leaps inside and S"!MS the door.
"a,rie bolts the door (ro0 the inside.
%o00y& I 'ant yo, to +o back
#hat is it& "a,rie>
2e B,ietJ 9et "indsey and +et
into the bedroo0 and lock the
I=0 scared...
DO #H!% I S!*J NO#J
It=s the bo+y0an& isn=t it>
%o00y t,rns and r,ns ,pstairs CR*IN9.
"a,rie 0o<es (ro0 the door to the telephone. She picks it ,p& dials a
n,0ber and 'aits.
%hen s,ddenly she reacts. %he PHONE IS DE!D. No dial tone.
She p,ts do'n the phone and stands <ery still. %here is ! S"I9H%
Slo'ly "a,rie 0o<es aro,nd the co,ch.
16G "!URIE=S PO) . -I%CHEN
$ro0 the li<in+ roo0 'e see into the kitchen. %HE 2!C- DOOR IS OPEN.
164 !N9"E ON "!URIE
"a,rie doesn=t 0o<e. She be+ins cryin+ so(tly& her eyes 'ide 'ith
Please stop...Please...
Silence. No 0o<e0ent any'here in the ho,se.
Slo'ly "a,rie sinks do'n to her knees by the co,ch.
Her hand br,shes a+ainst the knittin+ needles protr,din+ (ro0 her
163 !N9"E ON "!URIE . COUCH
She reacts to the (eel o( the knittin+ needles and p,lls one o,t. It
is lon+ and deadly sharp. She stares at it.
SUDDEN"* %HE SH!PE "E!PS UP $ROM 2EHIND %HE COUCHJ He sprin+s at her&
pl,n+in+ the b,tcher kni(e.
%he blade o( the b,tcher kni(e %HUMPS into the co,ch.
16F !N9"E ON "!URIE . SH!PE
Instincti<ely "a,rie raises the knittin+ needle and dri<es it ho0e&
ri+ht into the shape=s neckJ
%he shape sprin+s back'ard& cla'in+ at the needle& rollin+ his head
back and (orth. %hen s,ddenly he (reeDes& hands o,tstretched&
0otionless& and (alls into a heap on the (loor.
"a,rie sits there.
%he shape doesn=t 0o<e.
"a,rie be+ins to cry a+ain& harder and harder.
CU% %O
166 E7%. S%REE% . NI9H%
C!MER! MO)ES #I%H "OOMIS as he 0o<es alon+ the street.
S,ddenly t'o headli+hts hit hi0 and a police car s'er<es to a stop
ne/t to hi0. 2rackett +ets o,t.
#here 'ere yo,> I 'ent back to
the Myers ho,se...
I (o,nd the carJ He=s hereJ
%hree blocks do'n. 9et in the
car and +o ,p that other street
and then back do'n here. I=0
+oin+ ,p the block.
2rackett t,rns and h,rries back to the car.
"oo0is starts ,p the street a+ain as 2rackett p,lls o(( in the other
CU% %O
16H IN%. DO*"E HOUSE . NI9H%
#IDE SHO% o( the li<in+ roo0. "a,rie is on one side o( (ra0e& the
0otionless shape lyin+ behind the co,ch on the other.
Slo'ly "a,rie stands ,p& stares at the shape and then 0o<es to the
Slo'ly& pain(,lly& "a,rie cli0bs ,p the stairs.
16? IN%. 2EDROOM
%o00y and "indsey are h,ddled in a corner #HIMPERIN9 so(tly. %he door
opens and "a,rie steps in. %he t'o children r,n to her CR*IN9. She
holds the0 in her ar0s ti+htly and n,d+es the door sh,t 'ith her (oot.
It=s all ri+ht no'. Shhh& it=s
all ri+ht...
She takes the children back to the bed and sits do'n 'ith the0.
"!URIE :cont=d;
No' I 'ant yo, to chan+e yo,r
clothes& %o00y. #e=re +oin+ to
take a 'alk o,tside.
#as it the bo+y0an>
I=0 scaredJ
%here=s nothin+ to be scared o(
no'. 9et chan+ed.
!re yo, s,re>
I killed hi0...
2,t yo, can=t kill the bo+y0an.
SUDDEN"* %HE 2EDROOM DOOR S#IN9S OPEN. Standin+ there is %HE SH!PE&
the b,tcher kni(e raised.
2oth children SCRE!M. "a,rie sho<es the0 into the bathroo0 and p,lls
the door sh,t& lea<in+ hersel( o,tside in the bedroo0.
"ock the doorJ "ock the doorJ
%he shape 0o<es (or her& slo'ly no'& b,t relentless& the kni(e
%here is a C"IC- as the bathroo0 door is locked. "a,rie leaps a'ay
(ro0 the door and circles aro,nd the bed.
%he shape keeps co0in+.
"a,rie dashes to a clothes closet and d,cks inside.
165 IN%. C"O%HES C"OSE%
"a,rie p,lls the slidin+ doors closed and cra'ls back into the s0all&
dark interior o( the closet.
S,ddenly the doors be+in to b,ckle as the shape po,nds on the0.
She reaches ,p and +rabs a 'ire han+er (ro0 the top o( the closet. She
rips o(( the shirt and be+ins ,nhookin+ it.
%he door b,ckles in'ard as the shape SM!SHES a+ainst it.
1H1 !N9"E ON "!URIE
She t'ists the top o( the han+er& ,n'indin+ the 'ire.
%he door 2RE!-S IN. %he shape steps inside& p,shin+ aside the clothes.
She ,nhooks the han+er and bends it o,t strai+ht.
%he shape leans in& peerin+ do'n at "a,rie in the corner& raisin+ the
1H6 !N9"E ON "!URIE
Holdin+ the han+er 'ith both hands she thr,sts it (or'ard 'ith all her
%he 'ire han+er (lashes into the shape=s ri+ht eye.
He leaps back in pain& droppin+ the b,tcher kni(e& +rabbin+ his eye
'ith both hands.
1H? !N9"E ON "!URIE
She +rasps the b,tcher kni(e 'ith both hands and @abs it ,p'ard.
1H5 !N9"E ON SH!PE
%he b,tcher kni(e pl,n+es into the shape=s 0id.section& ri+ht do'n to
the hilt. %he shape st,0bles back'ard o,t o( the closet.
1?G !N9"E ON "!URIE
She @,st sits there in the corner o( the closet. %here is a %HUMP (ro0
the bedroo0& then silence.
Slo'ly "a,rie cra'ls aro,nd and peeks o,t o( the closet doors.
1?4 "!URIE=S PO) . SH!PE
%he shape lies on the (loor by the bed& the b,tcher kni(e protr,din+
(ro0 his sto0ach.
1?1 IN%. 2EDROOM
"a,rie e0er+es (ro0 the closet and care(,lly crosses the bedroo0&
a<oidin+ the shape=s body. She +oes to the bathroo0 door and knocks
%o00y& it=s 0e. Open the door.
%here is a silence& then the door opens. On the other side are %o00y
and "indsey& lookin+ ,tterly terri(ied. "a,rie bends do'n and shields
the0 (ro0 the si+ht o( the shape.
"!URIE :cont=d;
No'& I 'ant yo, to 'alk to the
door& do'n the stairs and ri+ht
o,t the (ront door.
*o,=re co0in+ 'ith ,s...
"isten to 0e. I 'ant yo, to 'alk
do'n the street to the Mac-ensie=s
and knock on their door. *o, tell
the0 to call the police and send
the0 o<er here. Do yo, ,nderstand>
"a,rie& yo, co0e 'ith ,s...
NoJ Do as I say.
She stands ,p and care(,lly +,ides the children across the bedroo0 to
the door and ,shers the0 o,tside. She 'atches (or a 0o0ent as they
'alk do'n the stairs& then sl,0ps do'n a+ainst the door (ra0e in an
e/ha,sted heap.
1?3 E7%. DO*"E HOUSE . NI9H%
%o00y and "indsey r,n o,t o( the ho,se and do'n the 'alk to the
side'alk. %hey r,sh ,p the street. !s they lea<e (ra0e 'e see "oo0is
on the other side o( the street.
He 'atches the children 'ith a p,DDled (ro'n.
Shriekin+ 'ith (ear& %o00y and "indsey r,n ,p the side'alk.
1?6 !N9"E ON "OOMIS
He stares at the0 (or a 0o0ent& then 0o<es (or the Doyle ho,se.
CU% %O
#e see thro,+h the bedroo0 door. In (.+. sits "a,rie& sl,0ped a+ainst
the door (ra0e& starin+ o,t at nothin+& tears strea0in+ do'n her (ace.
In the b.+. lies the shape.
Slo'ly "a,rie be+ins to p,ll hersel( to+ether once a+ain. She +ets ,p
to her knees and be+ins to p,ll hersel( ,p to her (eet.
Her back is to the shape. !s she starts to stand %HE SH!PE SI%S UP&
the head t,rnin+ to "a,rie.
1?? C"OSE SHO% . "!URIE
"a,rie rises into (ra0e& holdin+ hersel( erect by +raspin+ the door
2EHIND HER %HE SH!PE RISES UP IN%O $R!ME& B,ickly& silently.
"a,rie @,st han+s there on the door(ra0e. !n e/ha,sted& ironic s0ile
co0es o<er her (ace.
#ell& kiddo. So0e Hallo'een...
Slo'ly the shape 0o<es (or her& his hands o,tstretched.
J,st as he is abo,t to +rab her& "a,rie 0ana+es to step o,t the door.
1?5 !N9"E IN H!""
Una'are he is behind her& "a,rie li0ps to'ard the stairs. S,ddenly the
shape @,0ps o,t o( the bedroo0 and +rabs her& hands aro,nd her neck.
"a,rie SCRE!MS. She t'ists and sB,ir0s and cla's at hi0& her (in+ers
rippin+ at his 0ask. She p,lls it o(( o<er his (ace& 'ri++les o,t o(
his +rip and t,rns aro,nd.
%he shape& Michael& stares at her 'ith his one eye. He has a dank&
'hite (ace 'ith blond hair. %here is so0ethin+ co0pletely ,nh,0an
abo,t his (eat,res& the open 0o,th& the dark starin+ eye.
154 !N9"E IN H!""
Michael l,n+es at her a+ain.
S,ddenly there is a %HUNDERIN9 E7P"OSION and Michael is blo'n o(( his
(eet. "a,rie (alls back a+ainst the 'all.
151 !N9"E ON "OOMIS
Standin+ at the top o( the stairs is "oo0is& +,n in his hand. He 0o<es
(or'ard do'n the hall.
153 !N9"E IN H!""
Michael slo'ly +ets ,p to his (eet& still re(,sin+ to die. "oo0is
stops and takes ai0. 2"!MJ2"!MJ2"!MJ
Michael is hit three ti0es& each b,llet thro'in+ hi0 back'ard (,rther
do'n the hall ,ntil he hits the 'indo' at the end and SM!SHES thro,+h
15E E7%. DO*"E HOUSE . UP !N9"E
Michael (alls (ro0 the second story ri+ht do'n into C!MER! 'ith a
15F !N9"E IN H!""
"oo0is r,shes to "a,rie and bends do'n beside her. $or a 0o0ent she
@,st cries in his ar0s& sobbin+ hysterically.
%hen she looks ,p at hi0 'ith a +laDed& 'ild e/pression.
It #!S the bo+y0an...
"oo0is looks do'n at her& then ,p at the shattered 'indo' at the end
o( the hall.
!s a 0atter o( (act it 'as.
He 'alks slo'ly do'n to the 'indo' and peers o,t.
156 "OOMIS= PO) . 2!C- *!RD
He looks do'n at the spot 'here Michael sho,d be& b,t there is nothin+
there& @,st a %R!MP"ED P!%CH IN %HE 9R!SS.
He stares do'n 'ith +ro'in+ (ear& then looks o,t (ro0 the ho,se.
15? "OOMIS= PO)
%he back yard& the nei+hborin+ yards& the street& all are e0pty&
B,iet& dark. %here is only the SOUND o( the 'ind s'ellin+ in the
Michael is +one.
$!DE %O 2"!C-.
RO"" END %I%"ES.

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