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Week 8

Day 1
Read the Story of Micaiah from 1 Kings 22:1- 30
Day 2
Read 1 kings 22:5-6
1-Complete: Also Jehoshaphet said to the king of Israel Please inquire
for the .today.
2-What did the King of Israel did to Hear Gods Voice , whether he go
against ramoth Gilead to fight or shall he Refrain (not to go)?
3-How Many Prophets did the king Gathered to ask them about his

Day 3
Read Kings 22: 7-10
1- And Jehoshaphet said,is there not still three prophets of the Lord
here that we may also go and ask them. T F
2- Why did the king of Israel didnt want to call Micaiah the son of
Imlah by whom he may inquire and know Gods voice?
3- Complete, The King of Israel and Jehoshaphat ,the king of Judea,
having put on their,sat each on his .,at
the threshing floor at the entrance of.,and all the
Prophets prophesied before them.

Day 4
Read King 22;11-14
1-All the othere Prophets told the kings that if they go to war to fight
they shall win an be prosperous . T F
2-What did the messenger who was sent to Micaiah told him to say?
3-Micaiah refused to speak any other thing except for what the Lord
Telling him To speak T F

Write The following Verse in Your Journal 3 times:,
And Micaiah said, As the LORD lives, what the LORD says to
me, that I will speak. (1 Kings 22:14)

Day 5

1-will we stand up for the Word of God or will we just
agree with what everyone else is saying?

2-Write down a situation from your life, at home, school or
Church, that you spoke Gods Word no matter what the
rest of People were speaking.

3-How you Know Gods Voice to you?
Write 3 different ways that you can hear the Voice of God
Into Your Life.

Day 6& 7

Project, Please Make a nice pollster with the following Prayer
and Bring it to your Sunday school class next Sunday,

The Trisagion
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal,
who was born of the Virgin, have mercy
on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Immortal, who was crucified for us, have
mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty,
Holy Immortal, who arose from the dead
and ascended into heaven, have mercy on
us. Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and
unto the ages of ages, Amen.

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