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GIS Analysis: Population

Name _____________________________________
Navigate to the website: At the top of the page, click on Map. A map should open.

Click on the Basemap Icon.

Select the National Geographic. Now that you have a
basemap that includes names of countries and such, lets begin investigating demographics and related
factors of countries.
1. Click on Modify Map on the top right of the page.
2. Conduct a search for searchable layers for Crude Birth Rate by clicking the
Search for layers. Type Crude Birth Rate in the Find Box.

and select

3. Click on and Add the Crude_Birth_Rate_2007 layer. Then Done Adding Layers
4. To set the transparency to a percentage which will help you to see the colors and the names of the
countries by selecting the Contents of your Map Icon
title of the layer, then transparency.

then click on the arrow to the right of the

5. Click on the Legend Icon

Using a small scale (remember, this is a world view), what countries
have a high CBR (over 27) according to the legend?
6. Using the same scale as in number 6, what countries have a low CBR (below 13.45)?
7. Which regions have a low CBR?


8. Which regions have a high CBR?


GIS Analysis: Population

Name _____________________________________


9. Complete the chart for 2 of the countries with a high CBR.

Country Name





PPOP_1564 % Urban


PPOP_1564 % Urban

10. Complete the chart for 2 countries with a low CBR.

Country Name




11. Lets add another layer of data. Click on add then Search for Layers. Search for Primary School
Enrollment. Choose Primary School Enrollment by abuckley with features. Select to add to map,
then done adding layers.
12. Deselect the Crude Birth Rate map. Now only the Primary School Enrollment should be checked. Use
the drop down menu to change the transparency.
13. Click the Legend Icon. Select two new countries to highlight during this time period with a high
school enrollment. List the country and its enrollment from two different years.
_________________________year _____enrollment_______ year _______ enrollment ______
_________________________year _____enrollment_______ year _______ enrollment ______
14. Select two new countries to highlight during this time period with a low school enrollment. List the
country and its enrollment from two different years.
_________________________year _____enrollment_______ year _______ enrollment ______
_________________________year _____enrollment_______ year _______ enrollment ______
15. What regions of the world have low school enrollment? _______________ _________________
16. What are 2 generalizations that can be made about high crude birth rate?
16. What are 2 generalizations that can be made about low primary school enrollment?

GIS Analysis: Population

Name _____________________________________

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