Codes Conventions 3 - Dps

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Karo Adeda

Codes & Conventions 3 Double Page Spread

Headline: In this double page spread the headline is
MR FREEZE. This means that this double page spread
has followed the conventions on a typical double age
spread. This headline which is written in bold letter
automatically draws in the attention of the audience as
they are curious to read on and find out what the story
would be about.
Strapline: The strap line of this double page spread
is yet again typical to that of the average double
page spread. It is located underneath the headline of
the page. This is then read by the audience right
after they have read the headline of the double age
Character: The
character which is
shown on the double
page spread is a musical
artist called Jay Sean

Colour Scheme: The colours
which were used in this double
page spread were simplistic
colours like black and white.
This therefore means that the
page is very refreshing as
youth and teenagers of today
find it easier to acknowledge
such simple colours like black
and white. This colour scheme
has been used throughout the
whole of the double page
spread and even the character
resented on the double page
spread is also wearing black
and white
Dropped Capital: This
magazine has adhered to the
rule of having a dropped capital
at the start of the article which it
will be discussing.

Subject Matter: The
subject matter who is
being discussed in the
article is Jay Sean
and is printed in NON
bold writing so that it
can stand out from the
rest of the Headline
which was written in

By-line: The by-line
which has been
written under the
main image has
shown the name of
the journalist who
wrote the article.

Columns: This article is made up of 2 columns which are both placed right
of the main image. The font style and colour is consistent throughout
matching the colours used in the main image of black and white.

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