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Threads vs Processes

Andrew Tridgell
Aren't threads faster?

A very common question but a complex


Faster for what?

What do threads/processes actually do?

What can the hardware do?

Systems programming

Answering this question reveals a lot about systems


I hope it will also mae you thin a bit about how

operating systems wor
What is a thread/process?

An abstraction of a unit of execution

We!ll generically call them both !tass!

What is in a tas?

Instructions to execute

"emory #shared and non$shared%

File descriptors



(etwor resources

)elationship to &*+s

"any/most computers have more than , &*+ now

It is common to have many tass per &*+

The key differences




The key differences


Will by default share memory

Will share file descriptors

Will share filesystem context

Will share signal handling


Will by default not share memory

"ost file descriptors not shared

.on!t share filesystem context

.on!t share signal handling

Underneath the hood

/n 'inux0 both processes and threads are

created with clone#%
Creating a thread:
clone#child1stac23x453cc5630 flags2&'/(718"9&'/(71FS9
parent1tidptr23x453cc=e30 tls23x453cc=>30 child1tidptr23x453cc=e3%
Creating a process:
clone#child1stac230 flags2&'/(71&;I'.1&'7A)-I.9
&'/(71&;I'.1S7--I.9SI:&;'.0 child1tidptr23x?f4=@6ecc??3%
A Sap!e Work!oad

A networ media server

&lients connect0 and transfer images/videos/music

+sers login with their own accounts

Files stored in a local filesystem

What wor needs to be done?

"et#ork $edia server %%%%

What wor needs to be done

&omputationA for format conversions etc

"emory manipulation

File I/

.atabase access?


(etwor I/

&redential handling

Should it use threads?


"emory allocation

7xtremely common tas in almost all programs

What wor needs to be done?


What wor needs to be done?

*ossibly grab more pages from the /S

'oc data structures?

Find a free region

Initialise a bloc header?

Are locs needed?


Are locs needed?

For threads0 locs are needed for most data structure

manipulations in malloc#%

Bernel needs locs for page allocation

*rocesses need no user space locs for malloc#%


What about file I/?

is file I/ different in threads vs processes?

What does an /S need to do for file I/?

;intA &ommon I/ system calls
ssiCe1t read#int fd0 void Dbuf0 siCe1t count%E
ssiCe1t write#int fd0 const void Dbuf0 siCe1t count%E

What does an /S need to do for file I/?

"ap from file descriptor to file structure

&opy data to/from page cache

*ossibly initiate dis I/

;ow do you map from a fd to a file?

Simple array? -ree structure?

7ither way0 it needs locing

With threads that can give contention

(ard#are vs Soft#are

What about the ""+?

"emory "anagement +nit

:ives hardware memory protection between tass

8irtualises memory addressing

Another way to loo at things

-hreads use software to protect data structures

*rocesses use hardware to protect data structures


-hreads vs processes benchmar


&ompares common tass

malloc0 setreuid0 readwrite0 stat0 fstat0 create etcF

-hread library

'ining to a thread library can matter for processesI


A very interesting case

setreuid#% used to change tas credentials

*osix requires change of all thread credentials

Applications often want to change Hust one tas

thread1perf result

setreuid#% with threads over 533x slower on 'inux

$eory +ootprint

-he memory hierarchy matters

;ow much faster is memory than dis?

What about cache memory vs main memory?

)educing memory footprint

Allows more tass to run

"ay give better use of cache


7asier to pac structures in shared memory

'ess fragmentation of memory?

"ay use less memory?


(on$obvious choice

-hreads and processes have significant differences

Which is best depends on the application

Systems programming matters

-hin about the /S level implementationI

'earn to use straceI

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