Classroom Management 1

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Classroom Management

Students should be in a welcoming and safe environment ready to learn. The classroom
should be a place where everyone respects others and their property. The educational needs of
students come above anything else and all students should abide by all classroom rules in order
to help everyone involved. Students should know the importance of following the rules or
consequences will take into effect. Providing all students in the classroom with rules and a
welcoming environment should make learning a positive and a fun experience.
Classroom Expectations
. !isten to and follow directions.
". Come to class prepared daily.
#. $e respectful and courteous to others.
%. Come to class on time.
&ffective management helps teacher and students stay on track with daily classroom
routines and learning. These expectations make sense and are addressed for everyone in
classroom to follow so that there is no arguing and or finger pointing. 'ules should be followed
but there are times when students will break them. ( set of consequences will help with
managing control of the classroom. $ehavior consequences strongly deter students from
. )erbal warning
". Call to parents
#. Parent teacher conference
%. !unch *etention
(n effective classroom management plan must be followed in order for all students to be
able to learn. !earning should always take precedence over all else in the classroom+ but without
a good plan+ learning will not take place. $ehavior problems will be very minimum if both
classroom expectations and consequences are easily viewed by students. Students should not feel
humiliated or singled out+ therefore following the rules will help build a relationship with the
students and teacher.

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