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Thursday, October 23, 2014 METRO 51
talking point Life&Style
Why I have frozen my eggs
Is Apple and Facebooks egg-freezing perk a benefit too far?
Maybe, says Alice Mann, who has undergone the technique
Pregnant pause: Egg-freezing can maximise the chances of conceiving
HEN, last week, it
was announced that
Facebook and Apple
were offering to pay
for female employ-
ees to freeze their eggs, there was a
huge response from Metro readers.
Opinions generally condemned the
move, accusing the companies of
tearing family values apart,
controlling humans and lobbying
instead for better maternity leave
and childcare provision.
My perspective was a bit different.
Im 36, single and, earlier this year,
decided to freeze my eggs. Ive not
told a huge amount of people, partly
because not many are actually doing
it and I didnt really want to become
The Egg Girl, hence why Im writing
this under a pseudonym.
Im delighted that whats happened
in Silicon Valley has got people
talking about egg-freezing in a way
that begins to normalise it. But its a
bit more complicated than that.
I decided to freeze my eggs
because, after a break-up, I realised
that as my dreams of a life with my
ex had crumbled, so too had what
felt like my best chance of getting
pregnant at the age of 36. And, rather
than seeing every date as a potential
father for my child, I decided to give
myself some breathing space.
Its expensive I paid 14,000 for
three cycles of treatments that
produced 14 eggs. Its invasive you
have to inject yourself with hormones
for about ten days, have multiple
scans and a procedure to extract the
eggs under sedation. Theres also no
guarantee those eggs will become
babies. But I dont regret it at all.
But my worry is that egg-freezing,
which is something I would hope
would empower women, might be
turned against us. I want women to
have options. I would never want a
woman to feel that having a child is
incompatible with having a career.
Egg-freezing mustnt be allowed to
give companies carte blanche to opt
out of their responsibilities to
working mothers.
And are companies like Facebook,
Apple and any other businesses
that follow their lead going to
be prepared to offer to pay for
childcare and enable fexible
working, as well as paying for
egg-freezing? If not, they are sending
out the message that if youre serious
about your career, you have to put
a dream of being a mum on hold.
See Alices blog at
METRO talk
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name and where you live to 65400.
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