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Comic Strip Assignment

Comic strips have often represented philosophical theory throughout history; your job is to create one.
Choose 2 philosophical ideas that will work together or oppose each other well in a comic.
Make sure you very clearly understand each of the ideas.
Create a comic strip of minimum 6 cells and maximum 12 cells to give a clear impression of both
A non-philosophical friend should be able to read your comic and then have a basic
understanding of the basics of the theory. This is the challenging part! You will have to think
long and hard to get this to work without the comic feeling like a recap of a note. The ideas
must be expressed in a creative manner.
Your comic must be well-planned and very polished! It must be coloured. It must have proper
spelling and be very neat.
Marking Scheme
Clear which topic from the Metaphysics unit was chosen must be something from class
2 theories on the topic are explained
A basic understanding of each idea can be taken away from the comic. The ideas are correctly
represented and are clear
o Theory one
o Theory two -

The comic
Polish is evident neat, coloured, clear that effort and thought was put in to the final product
Creativity the ideas are creatively expressed. Does not read like a note.

Total /24

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