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The Giver Final Test
Multiple Choice:
Please circle only one answer for each question. 1 point each (12 points possible).
1) ______ What Ceremony was J onas apprehensive about at the beginning of the
a) The House of Old
b) Release
c) The Ceremony of Twelve
d) Naming
2) ______ In his Ceremony, what does J onas's Assignment turn out to be?
a) He will be the new Giver.
b) He will be the new Receiver.
c) He does not receive an assignment.
d) He will be an elder.
3) ______ Which of these is something J onas has seen or experienced before he
meets the Giver?
a) Weather
b) Color
c) War
d) Hills
4) ______ J onas receives rules he takes home from his Ceremony. Which of these
is NOT one of his new rules?
a) He can lie.
b) He isnt allowed to get any pain medication for anything that happens during
c) He will no longer share feelings every evening with his family.
d) He will no longer be required to tell his dreams in the morning.
5) ______ Which one of these things is NOT shown in The Community in the novel?
a) people who break the rules and receive punishments.
b) people who carry guns.
c) people who kill other people.
d) kids who play war games.
6) ______ J onas is told not to reveal any of the things he is learning in his training to
his friends or others. Which of the following does he do?
a) He maintains strict privacy about it.
b) He writes down his experiences in a journal.
c) He hints about things to Asher and the others.
d) He tells his little sister because she won't tell anyone.
7) ______ J onas has the special ability of "seeing beyond." What was The Giver's
special ability?
a) Seeing Beyond
b) Feeling Beyond
c) Tasting Beyond
d) Hearing Beyond
8) ______ What is the first lie J onas tells his parents?
a) That he understood not to say the word "love".
b) That he went to school when he didn't.
c) The he had no dream the night before.
d) That he was going for a bike ride early in the morning.
9) ______ What did J onas take without permission?
a) A book.
b) An apple.
c) A pill.
d) None of the above.
10) ______ The very first memory the giver transmits to J onas is:
a) Painful
b) Of a family at Christmas time
c) Of wartime
d) sledding down a hill.
11) ______ The Chief Elder is elected every ten years. The Chief Elder during the
novel is:
a) Someone J onas doesn't like to admit he doesn't like.
b) a man J onas is a little frightened of when he has seen him.
c) a woman.
d) the Giver.
12) ______ What part of J onas and the Giver's plan near the end of the book does
not happen?
a) J onas leaves the community.
b) J onas "kidnaps" Gabriel from the Community.
c) The Giver does not leave the Community.
d) J onas is presumed dead because his bike is found near the river.
Circle true or false. If false, re-write the statement to be true. 1 point each (8 points
13) ______ The community knew about warfare.
a) True
b) False
14) ______ J onas' first memory of pain was about sunburn.
a) True
b) False
15) ______ Lily was the Giver's biological daughter.
a) True
b) False
16) ______ Gabe was released at the Ceremony of Twelve.
a) True
b) False
17) ______ Being released meant being killed.
a) True
b) False
18) ______ Only the elderly were released from the Community.
a) True
b) False
19) ______ The Receiver holds all the memories of past lives and experiences for the
whole community.
a) True
b) False
20) ______ The first color J onas sees is blue.
a) True
b) False
Choose one letter for each detail. There is only one answer for each. 1 point each (10
points possible).
21) h Asher
22) c assignment
23) j Fiona
24) b Gabriel
25) a J onas
26) d comfort object
27) g Nurturer
28) f apple
29) e Lily
30) i Comittee of Elders
a) teller of the story
b) termed uncertain
c) occupation
d) stuffed animal, for example
e) almost an eight
f) caused J onas to be embarrassed and
to apologize
g) father
h) careless and fun-loving
i) make decisions for the community
j) in J onas' dream
Cause & Effect:
Determine what caused each effect. Each answer will be used on time. 2 points each
(20 points possible).
31) b Identical twins were not
allowed to coexist in the
32) a J onas was curious about
what happened at a release.
33) e The Nurturer weighed the
identical twins.
34) d The twin cried as it received
an injection.
35) f The Giver loved Rosemary
36) h J onas was very angry with
his father.
37) c Except for the Giver and
J onas, no one in the
community had the ability to
experience feelings.
38) i The community had followed
the same customs for many
39) g Community members did not
know how to deal with
Rosemary's returned
40) j To carry out his plan, J onas
would need to receive as
much knowledge as
a) J onas asked to see a release.
b) One of the twins would have to be
c) Fiona was unable to feel sad when she
performed a release.
d) When the drug took effect, the twin
stopped crying and went limp.
e) It was noted that one of the twins
weighed less than the other.
f) The Giver was unable to watch
Rosemary die.
g) The community panicked when the
memories came back to them.
h) J onas did not want to go home and see
his father.
i) J onas didn't think there was anything
they could do to change the customs of
the community.
j) The Giver transmitted as many
memories to J onas as he could.
Short Answer:
Please answer the following questions with short responses. 1 point each (10 points
41) Why did J onas have to take a pill every morning?
To control his "stirrings".
42) Why did J onas take Gabe with him to Elsewhere?
To save him from Release.
43) What is the ability of "seeing beyond"?
J onas' ability to see colors (even before he was trained).
44) Why did J onas give Gabe memories? (Before the escape)
To sooth him and help him sleep soundly.
45) Why did J onas stop taking the pill?
Because he doesn't want his emotions to be taken away.
46) What did J onas see in the memory of warfare?
J onas finds himself on a battlefield next to a dying boy who asks him for
water. J onas's own arm is shattered, but he uses his other arm to give water
to the boy's lips. However, the boy dies, and the cries of inj ured men and
horses remain, while he hears cannons in the distance and waits in pain
listening to the sounds of war.
47) How does the family in the memory at Christmas time differ from J onas's family
The family has grandparents and is full of love, everyone is actually related.
48) Why is there a Giver? What is his purpose?
The Giver holds all of the memories of the Receivers from the past. He holds
the Communities emotions/pain/history, and when they need guidance they
turn to him.
49) Why is the previous Receiver significant to the Giver and what happened to her?
Because she (Rosemary) was his daughter and she died.
50) Who is the author of this novel?
Lois Lowry
Short Answer Part Two:
Please answer the following questions with quick responses. 4 points each (20 points
51) Name and describe 2 jobs from the novel:
Nurturer: A Nurturer works at the Nurturing Center taking care of newchildren.
Birthmother: Gives birth to three children in three years, then is a laborer.
Department of J ustice: a place where offenders of the law are brought to be
j udged. They uphold rules in the community.
House of the Old Caretaker: takes care of, cleans, feeds, etc. the elderly until
they are ready to be released.
Laborers: those in the community who perform physical labor.
*Many other options
52) Name 2 reasons the community has Release.
To make sure the Community runs smoothly, to make sure everyone stays the
same, to make sure no one is different. Also, to keep the population at a
steady point and not have over-population.
53) Name 2 benefits of the Community:
Possible Answers:
There are no special needs to deal with (examples, the really sick, the really
old, the mentally ill, no need for prisons, etc.). There is only a healthy,
working-age population. The Community has only people who agree with its
rules, and no one else. Society runs like clockwork! Plus, since they don t
know what Release really is, the system is based on a love of the Community
(not wanting to leave it), and not fear of death. No overpopulation.No war,
starvation, hatred, j ealousy, bad weather, natural disasters, child abuse,
impoliteness, pollution, advanced and complicated technology, disease.
There is no j ob stress all those decisions are made for you. No competition
for j obsall those decisions are made for you. No clothing or fashion
concernsall those decisions are made for you. No need to know any history
or information from the past you live only in the present. It s safe for your
children. No economic worries all taken care of automatically. No worry about
old age or a slow and painful death. There is equality of men and women.
Food delivered right to your door!
54) Name 2 drawbacks of the Community:
Possible Answers:
It leads to a bland and dull Sameness to people. Diverse people make
society richer and more interesting. Most importantly, all life has value, and it
is immoral to kill people who are blameless for their crime of being different
(like twins, or low birth weight babies). At least the word murder instead of
killing would indicate this point. Also, the leaders have to lie to the
Community about what Release is.
55) What emotions are strong and important to J onas in this novel? Name as many
as you can.
love, happiness, pain, sadness.
Short Essay:
Please answer the following questions in lists or sentences, where appropriate. 10
points each (20 points possible).
56) List several of the rules from the Community. When you've listed as many as you
can, choose one and describe why its a good rule, then describe why it is a bad
It is against the pilots to fly over the community
- Only two children per family are allowed (pp. 8, 111)
- People are "released" after three mistakes
- There can be only two children per family unit (p. 8)
- Twelves receive their "Assignment"
- Ones receive a name and are given to a family
- Don't brag (p. 27)
- Don't look at another's nakedness (p. 30)
- Stirrings must be reported in order for treatment to take place.
- Books are forbidden to citizens
- Citizens can't leave their dwellings at night
- Members of the community must adhere to the rules of his/her age group or
j ob.
-There is no fighting or lying.
- Obj ects cannot be removed from designated areas.
- Members of the community are also not allowed to leave the community
(except through Release).
57) Describe the difference between a dystopia and a utopia. You may use a Venn
Diagram, write it out, or any way that makes sense to you. When you are done,
specify which one the Community in The Giver is.
A dystopia, on the other hand, is a world in which nothing is perfect. The
problems that plague our world are often even more extreme in dystopias.
Dystopia is a play on the made-up word 'utopia' using the root dys, which
means 'bad' or 'difficult.' Characteristics include: usually a controlling,
oppressive government or no government, either extreme poverty for
everyone or a huge income gap between the richest characters and the
poorest characters, propaganda controlling people's minds, freethinking and
independent thought is banned
A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are not problems like war,
disease, poverty, oppression, discrimination, inequality, and so forth. The
word utopia is made-up from Greek roots by Sir Thomas More. Depending on
the Greek roots used, utopia can either mean 'no place' or 'good place.'
Characteristics include: peaceful government, equality for citizens, access to
education, healthcare, employment, etc., a safe environment.
The Community in The Giver is a Utopia.

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