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Name:_____________________________Date:__________________________ Period:_______________

Final Memoir Rubric

4 3 2 1 0
Focus of
Sharp, distinct controlling point
or theme with evident awareness
of the narrative task.
Clear controlling point or theme
with general awareness of the
narrative task.
Vague evidence of a controlling
point or theme with inconsistent
awareness of the narrative task.
ittle or no evidence of a
controlling point or theme with
minimal awareness of the task
!ssa" is off
Strong stor" line with illustrative
details that addresses a comple#
idea or e#amines a comple#
e#perience. $horoughl"
ela%orated narrative se&uence
that emplo"s narrative elements.
Stor" line with details that
addresses an idea or e#amines an
e#perience. Sufficientl"
ela%orated narrative se&uence
that emplo"s narrative elements
as appropriate.
'nconsistent stor" line that
inade&uatel" addresses an idea
or e#amines an e#perience.
'nsufficientl" ela%orated
narrative se&uence that ma"
emplo" narrative elements.
'nsufficient stor" line that
minimall" addresses an idea or
e#amines an e#perience.
$here is no stor"
line to this
of arrative
Skillful narrative pattern with
clear and consistent se&uencing
of events, emplo"ing a
%eginning, middle, and an end.
(inor interruptions to the
se&uence ma" occur.
Narrative pattern with generall"
consistent se&uencing of events,
emplo"ing a %eginning, middle,
and an end. 'nterruptions to the
se&uence ma" occur.
Narrative pattern with generall"
inconsistent se&uencing of
events that ma" emplo" a
%eginning, middle, and an end.
'nterruptions to the se&uence
ma" interfere with meaning.
Narrative pattern with little or
no se&uencing of events.
'nterruptions to the se&uence
interfere with meaning.
$here is no
organi)ation to
!t"le of
Precise control of language,
literar" devices, and sentence
structures that creates a
consistent and effective point of
view and tone. *riter has
effectivel" attempted to var"
sentence %eginnings.
+ppropriate control of language,
literar" devices, and sentence
structures that create a consistent
point of view and tone. *riter
has attempted to var" sentence
imited control of language and
sentence structures that creates
interference with point of view
and tone. *riter,s attempts to
var" sentence %eginnings are
(inimal control of language
and sentence structures that
creates an inconsistent point of
view and tone. *riter has
ineffectivel" varied his-her
sentence %eginnings.
No control of
language and
structures. No
evidence of
#se of
Details an$
$he writer uses man" e#amples
of sensor" details that are
skillfull" placed and relate to
one or more of the senses. $he
write uses a skillful com%ination
of o%.., su%.., and figurative
$he writer uses some e#amples
of sensor" details, which are
ade&uatel" placed and relate to
one or more of the senses. $he
write uses a com%ination of o%..,
su%.., and figurative description.
$he writer uses a few e#amples
of sensor" details, which are
sometimes inade&uatel" placed
and onl" relate to one of the
senses and ma" interfere with
flow of narrative. $here is some
attempt to use description.
$he writer uses /01 e#amples of
sensor" details, which, where
placed, interfere with the flow of
the narrative. Sensor" details
onl" relate to one of the senses.
$here is little variet" of
descriptive techni&ues.
$here are no
sensor" details
present in
narrative. $here
is no attention to
Skillful, 2D depiction of
characters and their goal,
motivation, and conflict using
direct and indirect description
$he writer develops characters
and their goal, motivation, and
conflict using direct and indirect
$here is some attempt to develop
characters and conflict using
direct and indirect
(inimal characteri)ation and
conflict present in the work3
characters are understood %ut
fleshed out
$here is little to
no description of
character or
conflict present
#se of
!vident control of grammar,
spelling, and sentence formation.
Sufficient control of grammar,
spelling, and sentence formation.
4ew grammatical errors are
present in the essa".
imited control of grammar,
spelling, and sentence formation.
Confused and inconsistent
arrangement of sentences.
(inimal control of grammar,
spelling, and sentence formation.
!ssa" is difficult to read.
No essa" has
%een su%mitted in
order to assess
Name:_____________________________Date:__________________________ Period:_______________

Final Memoir Rubric

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