Urban Growth Lesson Plan

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Veronica Dvorjak

October 3, 2014 Time: N/A US History, 11


Specific Objectives:
1. Students will understand how urbanization and industrialization contributed to the growth of
2. Students will be able to discuss the elements that compose a city
3. Students will understand how cities such New York were planned and created
4. Students will design a city while incorporating the design principles behind New York City
NCSS Common Core State Standards
Thematic standards met:
1. Culture
2. Time, continuity, change
3. People, Places, and

Academic Language: Infrastructure, city, design, skyscraper, urban, metropolis, population growth,
public transportation, suburban,*other depending on textbook*
Students needs: Students should be familiar with urbanization and industrialization of America. They
should be aware of the developed infrastructure and basic vocabulary from 8
grade American history
English Language Learners Special Needs (can be a group
such as struggling readers
or individuals)
ELLs will be able to learn
terms from the prezi at the
beginning of the lesson. I will
give any student who needs
assistance specialized
individual attention. During
the group activity, group
members will be encouraged
and expected to assist their
classmates in understanding
the instructions.
Children with any reading
disorder will benefit from me
reading the instructions
aloud. Instructions will be
clearly written so they do not
cause confusion for any of the
students with reading
disabilities. I will encourage
the students to assist their
struggling classmates. If this is
not effective, I will personally
assist the student.
Materials Needed:
Urban Growth in America Program
iPads with internet access
*insert website*
Poster paper
Procedure For the Lesson:
1. Introduce the students with a bellringer asking them what they know about city planning. Answers may
Infrastructure is the most important key component.
Cities must provide public transportation.
A city must plan for population growth.
2. Show students the "Inventions and Industry" and "The Rise of New York City" segments in the Urban
Growth in America program. Continue with Prezi that I made to demonstrate growth of New York.
3. Divide students into groups of three or four and explain that they will design their own cities. Along with
what they've just learned about urban growth, they should also use their own knowledge of cities to
guide their designs. Remind them that their cities should include all of the necessary elements and
should be planned in a logical fashion.
4. After giving the groups time to develop an initial list of necessary elements, tell students that they must
include these items it their city design:
A street design, such as the grid system used in New York City
A plan for infrastructure-electricity, plumbing, garbage disposal, etc.
Places for people to live
Places for people to work
Restaurants, movie theaters, sports and concert arenas, and other places for
Parks and other recreational areas
5. Provide each group with an iPad to log onto the website to design their city. The students may also use
the poster paper and markers to collaborate ideas before beginning.
6. During the next class, have the groups share their city designs and discuss the students' ideas. Ask: How
did each group fit in all the necessary elements? Do people have enough room to live and work
7. Ask students to name some of the problems associated with cities, such as crime. Looking at their
designs, can they see any contributing factors for these problems? (For example, overcrowding or
competition for goods and services.) Show students "The First American Gangsters" segment in the
Urban Growth in America program.

Risk Management: Students with epilepsy or any other issues associated with prolonged screen time
will be monitored. There are no other risks involved.

Language Function: Throughout the class period I will be the example of proper terminology and
English. Before, during and after the class period I will engage the students on their experience with
designing their own cities. During the class period I will ask questions incorporating the academic
language such as: What is infrastructure and why is it important? Does your city account for
population growth? Will your city have public transportation? Is your city more urban or suburban?
How can you compare your planning experience to the early developers of New York City?

Lesson Plan

Before: As the students walk in, I will have a bellringer written on the board. The students will be
expected to have the question answered on their paper by the time the bell rings. It will state: What
key components do you think go into planning a city? Which is the most important? I will briefly inquire
their answers to promote a short class discussion. Then I will introduce the lesson of urbanization.

During: During the lesson, I will show them several videos from the Urban Growth in America program.
After each video, I will promote a short class discussion on each video in order to ensure that the
students are alert and understanding of the content. Some questions I will ask include: What was
effective about the planning of New York City? What could have been different to improve
industrialization? I will explain the details of the activity, and then divide the students in to pre-selected
groups. As the students work on their activity, I will walk around to encourage discussion and ask
questions as stated in the procedure for the lesson such as: What is infrastructure and why is it
important? Does your city account for population growth? Will your city have public
transportation? Is your city more urban or suburban? How can you compare your planning
experience to the early developers of New York City?

After: Students will be given two days to work on the activity. After all of the groups have presented,
students must complete a one page reflection on the experience, 1.5 spaced, size 11 font. The reflection
should include their personal experience, what they learned, ideas they contributed to the group, and
what they would do differently if given another opportunity.

Type of assessment
(formal or informal)
Description of
Modifications to the
assessment so that
all students could
Evaluation Criteria- What
evidence of student learning
(related to the learning objectives
and central focus) does the
assessment provide?
Informal Students
are given bellringer
and reflection paper
to assess their
before and after

Students are to
complete the
bellringer before
class begins. The one
page reflection will
be due the day after
all presentations are
Any students
modification will be
sought out by me or
I will find them to
discuss how I will
alter the assignment
for their specific
The assessment allows for
students to demonstrate their
knowledge of the material
covered. Students will be able to
demonstrate what is
incorporated in city planning
based on personal experience.

Resource for Lesson Plan guide: http://www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/urban-
City design example: http://www.planitgreenlive.com/en/build-your-own-city
New York video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC3_pei8L7s

Veronica Dvorjak
CSC 155
Prof. Bortz
October 6, 2014

Writing a lesson plan for the first time was a somewhat frustrating experience. It was difficult
to pick a topic and locate the proper materials for the topic I wanted. Since history has such a broad
spectrum of content, it was difficult to find something useful without having a textbook and curriculum
to use in the lesson. Since I have only just begun my education on education, it was difficult to design a
lesson for ESL and other special needs students since I do not have much experience.
Over the next few years, I know I will improve with my lesson plan writing. After compiling
field experience and spending more time in my courses, I will be able to write more effective lesson
plans that incorporate technology. It is important for pre-service teachers to remember that there is
always room for improvement.

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