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Mariela Centeno

Parent Presentation
ECE 497
Pilar Carroll

In regard planning, implementing and learning experiences,
we as teachers draw on childrens knowledge and become
awareness of what is likely to interest children of this age, and
becomes skilled on understanding of the cultural and social
contexts of each individual child. Culturally diverse and
nonsexist activities and material are provided to help children
develop positive self-identity, to connect to his/her own life
experiences (berk, 2013), (Getwicki, 2010).

En planear y emplementar experiencias para los
ninos. Como educadoras extraemos conocimiento de
lo que los ninos sabe o no sabe, y cuales son los
temas que los ninos estan interesados. Como maestra
trato de ser culturalmente diversa y comprender las
diferencias en origen ethico y sociales.

Help all families establish home environment to
support children as students
Provide information for parents education and
other courses or training for parents such as
GED, college credits, and family literacy.
Family support programs to assist families with
health, nutrition, and other services (Epstein).

Ayudaremos a familias con su entorno
domestico, para apoyar al estudiante.
Ayudaremos establecer education para los
padres, como el GED, creditos de colegio, y
lectura familiar.
Assistiremos a familias con informacion en
salud, nutricion, y othros servisios.

Clear information on all school policies,
programs, reform, and transitions
Language translator to assist families as
Weekly or monthly folder to student work send
home for review and comments.
Parents teachers conference every 6months

Informar padres de lo importante que son las policias,
programas y reformas de la escuela.
Assistir familias con traductores para regenerar la
communicacion con maestros y escula.
Conferencias de padres y maestros son cada 6 meses.

Help teachers, administration, students, and other
Parents patrols or operation of school safety and
operation of school programs.
Parents room or family center for volunteer work,
meeting, resources, for families (Epstein).

Assistir maestros , administracion y
Padres ayudan con la seguridad de lo ninos
en cruzar calles serca de la escuela.
Ser voluntario y ayudar en organisar juntas,
recirsos o familias.

Provide information on homework policies
and how to monitor and discuss schoolwork
at home.
Information on how to assist students to
improve skills on various class and school
assessments (Epstein).

Proveer informcion en polisas de la escuela y
como monitoriar tareas y discurciones en
Informar en como asistir estudiantes y
mejorar sus abilidades.

Active PTO/PTA
Independent advocacy groups to lobby and work for
school reform and improvement.
District-level councils and committees for family and
community involvement (Getwicki, 2010)

Activos en el commite de padres PTO/PTA
Participar en grupo abogacion activa en
mejorar las reformas de la escuela.
Participar en el commite nivel distrito para
familias que participan en la communidada.

Is crucial to identify and integrate resourses and
services from the community to streghen school
programs family practice ,and students learning as well
as their development (Getwicki, 2010).

Es crucial en identificar e integrar recursos y
servicios para la communidad que refuersen
programas escolares, el apredizaje de estudiantes y su

Thank you for your attention this
Gracias por assistir a esta
Berk, L. E. (2013). Child development. Boston: Pearson Education.

Epstein, J. (n.d.). Epstein's framework of six types of involvement. Retrieved

Education Portal. (n.d.). Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory of
Development: Definition & Examples. Retrieved from http://education-

Gestwicki, C. (2010). Home, School & Community. Wadsworth Cengage

Marotz, L. & Allen, K., (2013) Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth through
Adolescence (7
ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

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