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By: T.

Today Children were enjoying the beautiful warm and sunny weather. We spent most of the morning outside and thus by afternoon the children
were bored of the limited playground space. We decided to go to An-Nur Academy grounds. The children were very excited to be going on
excursion. Before we went we discussed the rules to keep safe, went to the toilet, got our drink bottles and the first aid kit.
Adeena said we have to hold hands and that is what we did. We lined up in pairs, held hands and walked sensibly to the academy school
grounds. Once there we reminded each other of the rules to keep safe and then the children started to play. They climbed up and jumped off the
tires, went inside the tunnels, and chased each other around the big grass field. When Isa climbed up he shouted look I am at the top teacher
Madiha, I am high. This got the attention of other children and as they all climbed up which gave me the opportunity to take a few photos as
they posed for me.
As per Bilals and other childrens request we played the whats the time Mr/Miss Wolf where the children ask Mr. or Miss wolf the time?
And according to the time told the children then take that many steps towards the wolf. When children are close to the wolf, the wolf
announces that its dinner time and children then run away and wolf has to catch them. Children using the spacious grass area made it harder
for the wolf to catch them and thus we had to improvise and choose two wolves at a time.
Over all it was a fun and enjoyable excursion where the children got to opportunity to have physical movement. And free play. Furthermore, our
children got the opportunity to develop
Theories about social relationships and social concepts, such as friendship, authority and social rules and understandings,
Respect for one another and develop a sense of responsibility for the well-being of both living and the non living environment (Strand
5: Exploration)
Increasing control over their bodies, including development of locomotor skills, non-locomotor skills, manipulative skills and increasing
agility, co-ordination, and balance (Strand five Exploration)

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