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Unit F: Muscular System

Program Area: Health Occupations Education

Course Title: Medical Sciences I Number: 7221
Unit Title: Muscular System
Time for
Instruction: 5 class periods (90 minute classes
11 class periods (55 minute classes
Course Percent: ! "
Unit Evaluation: 100 " #o$niti%e
Competency: M'0!( )naly*e the anatomy and physiolo$y o+ the muscles(
Specific Objectives
M'0!(01 'escri,e the structure o+ the muscles(
M'0!(02 )naly*e the +unction o+ the muscular system(
M'0!(0- )naly*e characteristics and treatment o+ common muscle
Summer 2005 .(1
Unit F Master Outline
F. Muscular System
MD06.01 Describe the structure of the muscles
)( Muscles
1( /early hal+ our 0ei$ht comes +rom muscle tissue
2( 1here are !50 di++erent muscles in the human ,ody
-( Muscles $i%e shape and +orm
2( Muscles produce ,ody heat
3( 1ypes o+ muscles
1( 4oluntary
a( S5eletal 6 muscles attached to ,one
,( 1he sarcolemma is the cell mem,rane
2( In%oluntary
a( Smooth (%isceral 6 +ound in internal or$ans
,( #ardiac 6 +ound in heart
-( Sphincter 6 circular muscles in openin$s ,et0een esopha$us and
stomach7 anus and urethra
#( 8rincipal s5eletal muscles
1( 3iceps ,rachii
2( 3rachioradialis
-( 3uccinator
2( 'eltoid
5( 'iaphra$m
!( E9ternal o,li:ue
7( Hamstrin$s
;( <astrocnemius
9( <luteus ma9imus
10( <luteus medius
11( Intercostal muscles
12( =atissiumus dorsi
1-( Masseter
12( 8ectoralis ma>or
15( ?uadriceps +emoris
1!( @ectus a,dominus
17( @ectus +emoris
1;( Sartorius
19( Soleus ma>or
20( Sternocleidomastoid
21( 1i,ialis anterior
22( 1rape*ius
2-( 1riceps ,rachii
22( 4astus lateralis
25( 4astus medialis
MD06.02 Analyze the function of the muscular system
)( @esponsi,le +or:
1( 3ody mo%ement
2( 8osture
-( 3ody heat
3( #haracteristics
Summer 2005 .(2
1( #ontracti,ility 6 muscle ,ecomes shorter and thic5er causin$ muscle
2( E9cita,ility 6 respond to stimuli
-( E9tensi,ility 6 a,ility to stretch muscles
2( Elasticity 6 a,ility to return to ori$inal len$th
#( Mo%ement
1( Muscles mo%e ,ones ,y pullin$ on them
2( <roups o+ muscles usually contract to produce a sin$le mo%ement
1( Motor unit 6 a motor neuron plus all the muscle +i,ers it stimulates
2( /euromuscular >unction 6 >unction ,et0een the motor neuronAs +i,er
0hich transmits the impulse7 and the muscle cell mem,rane
-( )cetylcholine 6 chemical neurotransmitter7 di++uses across the
synaptic cle+t (carries impulse across synaptic cle+t
2( Muscle +ati$ue 6 caused ,y the accumulation o+ lactic acid in the
5( O9y$en de,t 6 a+ter e9ercise7 the amount o+ o9y$en needed ,y the
muscle to chan$e lactic acid ,ac5 to $lucose
-( 'iaphra$m 6 dome&shaped muscle7 separates a,dominal and thoracic
ca%ity7 aids in ,reathin$
'( Muscle tone 6 muscles sli$htly contracted and ready
E( E9ercise and trainin$
MD06.0 !"entify characteristics an" treatment of common muscle
)( #onditions
1( )trophy 6 0astin$ a0ay o+ muscle due to lac5 o+ use
2( Hypertrophy 6 an increase in the si*e o+ the muscle cell
-( #ontracture 6 ti$htenin$ or shortenin$ o+ a muscle
2( .lat +eet (talipes 6 0ea5enin$ o+ le$ muscles that support arch7
do0n0ard pressure on +oot +lattens arches7 @9 0ith e9ercise7 massa$e
and correcti%e shoes(
5( Hernia 6 or$ans protrude throu$h 0ea5 muscle
!( Muscular dystrophy 6 $roup o+ diseases in 0hich muscle cells
7( Myasthenia $ra%is 6 pro$ressi%e muscular 0ea5ness and paralysis7
sometimes death7 cause un5no0n7 +atal 0hen respiratory muscles are
;( 1etanus (=oc5>a0 In+ectious disease7 continuous spasms o+ %oluntary
muscles7 ,acteria enters ,ody throu$h puncture 0ound7 pre%ent ,y anti&
to9oid %accine
9( 1orticollis (Bry nec5 6 in+lammation o+ trape*ius andCor
sternocleidomastoid muscle
3( In>ury and o%eruse
1( Strain 6 muscle tear7 symps are pain and s0ellin$7 @9 6 ice pac5s
2( Muscle spasm (cramp 6 sustained contraction o+ muscle
-( Myal$ia 6 muscle pain
2( 1endonitis 6 in+lammation o+ tendon
#( 1reatment
1( Massa$e
2( IM in>ections
Summer 2005 .(-
Daily #esson $lans
Unit F: Muscular System
#essons: 5
%ours: 7 1C2 cloc5 hours
Ste&s #esson '1 #esson '2 #esson '
!ocus and
In $roups7 ha%e students
,rainstorm the relationship
,et0een the s5eletal and
muscular systems( (1his is a
thin5in$ acti%ity(
<o around the room and ha%e
students as5 the :uestions
they 0rote do0n at the end o+
class yesterday( See i+ +ello0
students can +i$ure out the
correct ans0ers( Help and
clari+y as necessary(
Dse the EMuscle .unction
Matchin$F assi$nment as a
#orrect the :ui* in class(
#ollect inde9 card assi$nment(
O,>ecti%e M'0!(01 'escri,e
the structure o+ the muscles(
O,>ecti%e M'0!(02 )naly*e
the +unction o+ the muscular
O,>ecti%e M'0!(0- )naly*e
characteristics and
treatment o+ common
muscle disorders(
)ssi$n students in pairs( Ha%e
pairs complete the @eadin$
<uide +or the muscular
Bhen all teams are +inished
0ith their readin$ $uide7 the
teacher should use the
o%erheads to re%ie0 the
muscular system 0hile
students correct their 0or5(
Dsin$ the o%erheads7 re%ie0
muscle anatomy( Students
should +ollo0 alon$ 0ith the
model they illustrated +or
home0or5( I+ there is a
muscle chart or model in the
classroom7 students should ,e
as5ed to point out muscles as
they are discussed(
@e%ie0 ma>or diseases and
disorders o+ the muscular
system usin$ o%erhead
transparency masters(
Bhen teams complete the
@eadin$ <uide assi$nment7
ha%e them ,e$in 0or5 on the
muscle I' assi$nment(
Ha%e students 0rite an
e9planation o+ their +a%orite
sport or ho,,y7 usin$ muscle
anatomy and physiolo$y to
descri,e the mo%ements( =et
them read their short stories in
class 0hile classmates $uess
the sport or ho,,y(
<o to the schoolAs Internet la,(
Ha%e students complete the
Muscular 'ystrophy Be,
@e%ie0 assi$nment(
#omplete the muscle I'
Brite 10 +ill&in&the ,lan5
:uestions +rom this unit or
+rom the s5eletal system(
1hese :uestions should ,e
0ritten on one side o+ a -G5F
inde9 card 0ith the correct
ans0er on the ,ac5(
)ssi$n $roups in pairs to use
the HOS) #H' $uidelines and
research a health career
related to the muscular system(
In their presentation7 they
should tal5 a,out ho0 the
chosen pro+essional treats
muscular disorders(
Closure )s5 students to thin5 a,out
0hat they learned today7 and
0rite do0n one :uestion they
ha%e a,out the muscular
Ha%e students stand and point
to a muscle as the teacher
calls out the muscle term(
1ell students they 0ill ,e
ha%in$ a $uest spea5er
tomorro0( Ha%e each student
0rite - :uestions they e9pect to
ha%e ans0ered a,out the $uest
spea5erAs pro+ession(
&aterials Handouts 6 @eadin$ <uide
and Muscle I'
#olored pencils
O%erheads Handouts 6 Muscle .unction
Matchin$ and M' Be, @e%ie0
#H' <uidelines
Summer 2005 .(2
Summer 2005 .(5
Unit F: Muscular System ()ontinue"*
Ste&s #esson '+ #esson ',
!ocus and
)s5 :uestions +rom inde9
cards that students created
durin$ lesson H2(
)s5 5 re%ie0 :uestions +rom
the spea5er(
O,>ecti%e M'0!(0- )naly*e
characteristics and treatment
o+ common muscle disorders(
O,>ecti%e M'0!(0- )naly*e
characteristics and treatment
o+ common muscle disorders(
<uest spea5er +or
appro9imately -0 minutes(
)llo0 a student to introduce
the spea5er(
Students should ha%e the
:uestions they 0rote in +ront o+
them7 and +ill in the ans0ers as
they are $i%en ,y the spea5er(
1hey may as5 any :uestions
not ans0ered +ollo0in$ the
spea5ers presentation(
)llo0 students to $i%e #H'
presentations modi+ied to allo0
+or a 5 minute e9planation o+
the career and related
muscular disorders( (1his 0ill
ta5e the +irst hal+ o+ class(
)llo0 students remainin$ class
time to 0or5 on #areer Health
1ES1 6 Muscular System
I+ time permits7 $rade test in
)llo0 students remainin$ class
time to 0or5 on #areer Health
)llo0 students to correct test
and turn it in +or a re0ard or
,onus points(
Closure @emind students a,out #areer
Health 'isplay presentations
and 1est(
I+ time permits7 play HOS)
3o0l 0ith inde9 card
&aterials <uest spea5er intro
#H' ratin$ sheet
Summer 2005 .(!
Unit F: Muscular System
-erminolo.y #ist
1( acetylcholine
2( ,iceps ,rachii
-( ,rachioradialis
2( ,uccinator
5( cardiac muscle
!( contracta,ility
7( deltoid
;( diaphra$m
9( elasticity
10( e9cita,ility
11( e9tensi,ility
12( e9ternal o,li:ue
1-( hamstrin$s
12( $astrocnemius
15( $luteus ma9imus
1!( $luteus medius
17( intercostal muscles
1;( in%oluntary
19( latissimus dorsi
20( masseter
21( motor unit
22( muscle +ati$ue
2-( muscle tone
22( neuromuscular >unction
25( o9y$en de,t
2!( rectus +emoris
27( pectoralis ma>or
2;( :uadriceps +emoris
29( rectus a,dominis
-0( sarcolemma
-1( sartorius
-2( s5eletal muscle
--( smooth muscle
-2( soleus ma>or
-5( sphincter
-!( sternocleidomastoid
-7( ti,ialis anterior
-;( trape*ius
-9( triceps ,rachii
20( %astus lateralis
21( %astus medialis
22( %oluntary
Disor"ers an" /elate" -erminolo.y
1( atrophy
2( contractures
-( +lat +eet (talipes
2( hernia
5( hypertrophy
!( intramuscular in>ection
7( massa$e
;( muscular dystrophy
9( myal$ia
10( myasthenia $ra%is
11( spasm
12( strain
1-( tendonitis
12( tetanus
15( torticollis
Appendix MD06.01A
Summer 2005 .(7
/ea"in. 0ui"e: -he Muscular System
Alone + $airs
Small 0rou&s 1hole )lass
S5im :uic5ly throu$h pa$es 92 & 111 in your 3ody Structures and .unctions ,oo5( =oo5
at pictures and headin$s( Brite do0n 0hat you thin5 this section 0ill ,e a,out( (10 pts(
+ 'iscuss and 0rite do0n all you already 5no0 a,out the +ollo0in$ topics ,e+ore you
,e$an your readin$(
1( Bhat are the - types o+ muscleJ (2 pts(
2( Ho0 are the types o+ muscles ali5e and ho0 are they di++erentJ (2 pts(
-( Ho0 do s5eletal muscles 0or5J (2 pts(
+ Bhisper read (read so+tly to$ether pa$es 9- to the top o+ pa$e 97 (stop 0hen you $et
to the section E Sources o+ Ener$y and Heat(F (2 pts(
Bith your hand on your ,iceps7 ,end your arm up0ard at the el,o0( 'escri,e 0hat you
+eel related to the ,iceps muscle( (5 pts(
Summer 2005 .(;
'esi$n your o0n s5eletal muscle on a piece o+ ;F 9 10F 0hite paper( =a,el and de+ine
its parts includin$: ori$in7 insertion7 ,ody7 and tendons( 'escri,e 0hat mo%ements
your muscle 0ill cause( (20 pts(
@ead pa$es 97 to the top o+ pa$e 99( (5 pts(
+ @e%ie0 0ith your partner in+ormation on these pa$es( 3e sure to ha%e a clear
understandin$ o+ the +ollo0in$ %oca,ulary 0ords: (2 pts( each
motor unit
neuromuscular >unction
muscle +ati$ue
muscle tone
isotonic contractions
isometric contractions
Ka5e has decided to impro%e his appearance ,y e9ercisin$( He 0ould li5e to ,uild up
his chest and shoulder muscles so he loo5s ,etter in the tan5 tops he is +ond o+
0earin$( He has decided to play rac:uet,all e%eryday as his primary trainin$ pro$ram
,ecause he 5no0s that he 0ill use his upper ,ody muscles in this sport( )+ter his +irst
$ame o+ rac:uet,all7 you as5 him ho0 he li5es his ne0 sport and he can hardly ans0er
you & he seems out o+ ,reath(
Is Ka5eAs plan li5ely to help him meet his $oalJ Ho0 do you e9plain his ,reathin$
di++icultiesJ (10 pts(
Summer 2005 .(9
+ One o+ you needs to stand in a door0ay and 0ith your palms a$ainst the door>am, +or
2 minutes( )+ter the 2 minutes is up7 ha%e your partner step a0ay and rela9 their arms
(let them $o limp( Bhat happened and 0hy do you thin5 it did happenJ (10 pts(
#on$ratulationsL 1he +our or +i%e o+ you at the Muscular Mo%in$ )d )$ency ha%e ,een
hired to produce a ,rochure 0hich 0ill pro%ide a lu9ury tour throu$h the Muscular
System( Mou must hi$hli$ht the trendy spots7 spotli$ht the e9citin$ acti%ities7 and also
0arn the prospecti%e $uest o+ any dan$ers or special precautions they mi$ht need to
ta5e( Mou may us dra0in$s7 computer $raphics7 photo$raphs +rom ma$a*ines7 etc(
Bhene%er possi,le7 type all 0ritten parts o+ the ,rochure( 3E #@E)1I4EL Mou 0ill
present you ,rochure to the class and they 0ill %ote on 0hich team $ets the contract(
Include a lot o+ your %oca,ulary 0ords( (20 pts(
Appendix MD06.01B
Summer 2005 .(10
Muscle Anatomy
#olor the +ollo0in$ structures 6 and ,e sure to identi+y
your color scheme(
4astus medialis
1i,ialis anterior
3iceps ,rachii
1riceps ,rachii
@ectus +emoris
@ectus a,dominis
8ectoralis ma>or
E9ternal o,li:ue
4astus lateralis
Soleus ma>or
Appendix MD06.01C
Summer 2005 .(11
Summer 2005 .(12
Muscle Math
@ound ans0ers to the nearest 0hole num,er(
1( Bhat percenta$e o+ muscle 0ei$ht 0ould you ha%e i+ !0 pounds out o+ 120
pounds is muscle 0ei$htJ
2( I+ you 5no0 out o+ 120 pounds7 !0 pounds is muscle 0ei$ht7 0hat is the muscle
0ei$ht o+ a 200 pound maleJ
-( Bhat 0ould the muscle 0ei$ht ,e on an ;0 pound +emaleJ (Dse in+ormation
+rom H1
2( I+ muscle 0ei$ht is 90 pounds7 ho0 much does the person 0ei$hJ
5( I+ muscle 0ei$ht is 25 pounds7 ho0 much does the person 0ei$hJ
Appendix MD06.02B
Summer 2005 .(1-
-he Muscular System
2-he $o3er System4
1or5in. in &airs6 &erform the follo3in. e7ercises. Alternate one
rea"in. the tas5 an" the other &erformin. it. Ma5e sure both of you
coul" "emonstrate these tas5s in front of the class if as5e" to. 8ou
may use your
te7tboo5 if you nee" a reference for the muscles.
1. Ab"uct fin.ers. 12. 97ten" foot.
2. Fle7 ri.ht forearm 1. Fle7 &ectoralis ma:or.
. A""uct arm 1+. )ontract .astrocnemius.
+. Fle7 le.. 1,. )ontract tibialis anterior.
,. 97ten" le.. 16. 97ten" ;ua"rice&s.
6. Fle7 fin.ers 1<. Fle7 bice&s.
<. )ontract "ia&hra.m. 1=. )ontract ab"ominal muscles
=. )ontract "ia&hra.m. 1>. Fle7 an" rotate sartorius.
>. )ontract masseter. 20. 97ten"?contract .luteal
10. Fle7 masseter. 21. 97ten" tra&ezius.
11. Fle7 foot. 22. )ontract?ab"uct "eltoi".
Appendix MD06.02C
Summer 2005 .(12
S5eletal System an" Muscle System /e@ie3
T$e &acarena
1( E9tend ri$ht =atissimus 'orsi and 1riceps and a,duct to the +ront o+ your ,ody(
Metacarpals 7 carpals7 and phalan$es should ,e pronated(
2( E9tend le+t =atissimus 'orsi and 1riceps and a,duct to the +ront o+ your ,ody(
Metacarpals7 carpals7 and phalan$es should ,e pronated(
-( E9tend ri$ht =atissimus 'orsi and 1riceps and a,duct to the +ront o+ your ,ody(
Metacarpals7 carpals7 and phalan$es should ,e in supination(
2( E9tend le+t =atissimus 'orsi and 1riceps and a,duct to the +ront o+ your ,ody(
Metacarpals7 carpals7 and phalan$es should ,e in supination(
5( .le9 ri$ht 3iceps and place ri$ht phalan$es and metacarpals on le+t scapula(
!( .le9 le+t 3iceps and place le+t phalan$es and metacarpals on ri$ht scapula(
7( @otate ri$ht arm a,out 90 de$rees7 +le9 ri$ht ,iceps7 and place ri$ht metacarpals and
phalan$es on occipital ,one(
;( @otate le+t arm a,out 90 de$rees7 +le9 le+t ,iceps7 and place le+t metacarpals and
phalan$es on occipital ,one(
9( E9tend ri$ht =atissimus 'orsi and 0ith ri$ht 3iceps sli$htly +le9ed7 adduct and place ri$ht
metacarpals and phalan$es on le+t ilium(
10( E9tend le+t =atissimus 'orsi and 0ith le+t 3iceps sli$htly +le9ed7 adduct andplace le+t
metacarpals and phalan$es on ri$ht ilium(
11( E9tend ri$ht =atissimus 'orsi and 0ith ri$ht 3iceps sli$htly +le9ed7 rotate the ri$ht
'eltoid 90 de$rees and place ri$ht metacarpals and phalan$es on ri$ht $luteus medius(
12( E9tend le+t =atissimus 'orsi and 0ith le+t 3iceps sli$htly +le9ed7 rotate the le+t 'eltoid 90
de$rees and place le+t metacarpals and phalan$es on le+t $luteus medius(
1-( @otate $luteus ma9imus and $luteus minimus as 0ell as the entire pel%is three times(
12( 8lantar&+le9 ,ilateral metatarsals and phalan$es( .le9 hamstrin$ muscles ,ilateral 0hile
rotatin$ sel+ a :uarter turn to the side( E9tend :uadriceps $roup and start o%er(
Appendix MD06.02D
Summer 2005 .(15
Summer 2005 .(1!
Unit F: Muscular System
Summer 2005 .(17
2the &o3er system4
Aearly half our 3ei.ht comes from muscle tissue.
-here are 6,0 "ifferent muscles in the human bo"y.
Muscles .i@e us form an" sha&e.
Muscles &ro"uce most of our bo"y heat.
-%/99 MA!A FUA)-!OAS
1. /es&onsible for all bo"y mo@ement.
2. /es&onsible for bo"y form an" sha&e (&osture*
. /es&onsible for bo"y heat an" maintainin. bo"y
-8$9S OF MUS)#9S SMOO-%
Summer 2005 .(1;
S5eletal Muscle
Attache" to bone
Striate" (stri&e"* a&&earance
Multinucleate" muscle cell bun"les (muscle cells
D muscle fibers*
SA/)O#9MMA D cell membrane
)ontract ;uic5ly6 fati.ue easily6 canEt maintain
contraction for lon. &erio" of time
Smooth Muscle
Cisceral (or.an* muscle
Foun" in 3alls of "i.esti@e system6 uterus an"
bloo" @essels
)ells small an" s&in"leFsha&e"
)ontrolle" by autonomic ner@ous system
Act slo3ly6 "o not tire easily6 can remain
contracte" for lon. time
)ar"iac Muscle
Foun" only in the heart
Striate" an" branche"
)ells are fuse" G 3hen one contracts6 they all
Summer 2005 .(19
D s&ecial circular muscles in o&enin.s
of eso&ha.us an" stomach6 stomach
an" small intestine6 anus6 urethra
an" mouth.
)%A/A)-9/!S-!)S OF MUS)#9S
)OA-/A)-!H!#!-8 G the ability of a muscle to
re"uce the "istance bet3een the &arts of its
contents or the s&ace it surroun"s.
9I)!-9AH!#!-8 (!//!-AH!#!-8* G the ability to
res&on" to certain stimuli by &ro"ucin. im&ulses.
9I-9AS!H!#!-8 G the ability to be stretche".
9#AS-!)!-8 G ability of muscle to return to its
ori.inal len.th 3hen rela7in..
Summer 2005 .(20
1. Muscles mo@e bones by &ullin. on them.
As a muscle contracts6 it &ulls the insertion bone
closer to the ori.in bone. Mo@ement occurs at the
:oint bet3een the ori.in an" the insertion.
/ule: A muscleEs insertion bone mo@es to3ar" its
ori.in bone.
2. 0rou&s of muscles usually contract to
&ro"uce a sin.le mo@ement.
MO-O/ UA!- G a motor neuron &lus all the
muscle fibers it stimulates.
A9U/OMUS)U#A/ JUA)-!OA G the :unction
bet3een the motor neuronEs fiber 3hich transmits
the im&ulse G an" the muscle cell membrane.
A)9-8#)%O#!A9 G chemical neurotransmitter6
"iffuses across the syna&tic cleft (carries im&ulse
across syna&tic cleft*
MUS)#9 FA-!0U9 G cause" by the accumulation
of lactic aci" in the muscles.
Summer 2005 .(21
OI809A D9H- G after e7ercise6 the amount of
o7y.en nee"e" by the muscle to chan.e lactic
aci" bac5 to .lucose.
MUS)#9 -OA9 F 1hen muscles are sli.htly
contracte" an" rea"y to &ull.
D!A$%/A0M G DomeFsha&e" muscle that
se&arates the ab"ominal an" thoracic ca@ities6
ai"s in breathin.

Summer 2005 .(22
+lattens 0hen you
,reathe in(
Summer 2005 .(2-
Summer 2005 .(22
Disor"ers an" /elate" -erminolo.y
A-/O$%8 G 3astin. a3ay of muscle "ue to lac5 of
%8$9/-/O$%8 G an increase in the size of the
muscle cell.
S-/A!A G tear in the muscle resultin. from e7cessi@e
use. Hlee"in. insi"e the muscle can result in &ain
an" s3ellin.. !ce &ac5s 3ill hel& sto& blee"in. an"
re"uce s3ellin..
MUS)#9 S$ASM (cram&* G sustaine" contraction of
the muscle6 usually because of o@eruse.
M8A#0!A G muscle &ain
%9/A!A G or.ans can &rotru"e throu.h this 3ee5
F#A- F99- (-A#!$9S* G 3ea5enin. of le. muscles
that su&&ort the arch6 "o3n3ar" &ressure on the foot
e@entually flattens out the arches. )on"ition can be
hel&e" by e7ercise6 massa.e an" correcti@e shoes.
Summer 2005 .(25
-9-AAUS (loc5:a3* G !nfectious "isease6 continuous
s&asms of @oluntary muscles6 cause" by a to7in from
the bacillus clostri"ium tetani6 enters the bo"y
throu.h &uncture 3oun". $re@ente" by an antiFto7oi"
-O/-!)O##!S (3ry nec5* G may be "ue to an
inflammation of the tra&ezius an"?or
sternoclei"omastoi" muscle.
MUS)U#A/ D8S-/O$%8 G .rou& of "iseases in
3hich muscle cells "eteriorate. Most common is
Duchenne Muscular Dystro&hy6 cause" by a .enetic
M8AS-%9A!A 0/AC!S G &ro.ressi@e muscular
3ea5ness an" &aralysis6 sometimes "eath. )ause
un5no3n. Fatal 3hen res&iratory muscles are
-9ADOA!-!S G inflammation of a ten"on
)OA-/A)-U/9 G ti.htenin. or shortenin. of a

Summer 2005 .(2!

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