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Personal Learning Profile

Hailey White
Sept 27, 2014
After doing the Discovery Wheel Assessent, ! learned that o"t of the 10 categories,
#$otivation% &as y 'iggest strength( )his eans that ! a a'le to *eep y self otivated, 'e goal
oriented and find it easy to stay on trac*( ! agree &ith this as once ! get an idea in y head, it very easy
for e to get to &here ! &o"ld li*e to 'e( )his is helpf"l, especially since starting y post+secondary
career at ,iagara( ! stay otivated to finish assignents and not have a pro'le of #not &anting to do
it% or 'eing la-y( $y &ea*ness for this assessent &as #)ests(% )his eans that ! do not do &ell &hen
'eing tested .an/iety0 or &hen it coes to preparing for the( )his is a pro'le &hen it coes to
e/as or tests &orth a lot of y grade( !t a*es e nervo"s and gives e an/iety a*ing it diffic"lt to
#1is"al% &as an o'vio"s strength for e after doing the Learning Styles assessent( )his
eans that ! ree'er the 'est 'y &hat ! see( Loo*ing at video clips, graphs, diagras and tielines
&ill 'e easier for e to ree'er opposed to hearing the inforation straight fro the teachers o"th(
2ne of y &ea*ness3s for this assessent &as #1er'al(% )his eans that ! have tro"'le learning
thro"gh &ords( !t a*es it diffic"lt to sit in a lect"re hall and listen to the teacher tal*( ! can3t f"lly
ree'er &hat the teacher says 'eca"se it doesn3t register &ell li*e it &o"ld if it &as thro"gh a
different learning style(
4or the 1ar* Assessent, one of y strengths &as #5ead6Write(% )his eans that ! a a'le to
e/cel thro"gh reading and &riting( )hings s"ch as hando"ts, te/t'oo*s, lists, dictionaries and
glossaries( ! agree &ith this 'eca"se &hen ! ta*e notes in class, ! have a voca'"lary list to help e
ree'er *ey points( )e/t'oo*s are an essential part of y post+secondary learning 'eca"se ! a a
reading and &riting learner( 2ne of y &ea*ness3s for this assessent &as #7inesthetic(% )his eans
that ! do not learn fro "sing all of y senses( ! thin* this is not a a8or &ea*ness to &orry a'o"t as
there are any other &ays to learn and cope(
Lastly, for the 4th assessent, ! fo"nd that y strength &as #!nterpersonal(% )his eans that !
a people sart( ! en8oy &or*ing aro"nd people and ! thrive off of other peoples energy, presence and
*no&ledge( )his a*es it easy for e to &or* &ith others in a gro"p &hich is a good 9"ality to have as
soe people are 'etter off &or*ing alone( $y &ea*ness for this assessent &as #Logical(% )his eans
that ! do not li*e to &or* &ith n"'ers and analy-e things( ! &o"ldn3t thrive in a atheatics or
science progra 'eca"se ! don3t li*e the siple tas* of analy-ing(

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