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Week 2: Lesson 2

Duration: 1 day
Subject: English Language Arts
Unit: The Canterbury Tales
Grade Level: 12

Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate
elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered,
how the characters are introduced and developed).

Analyze a case in which grasping a point of view requires distinguishing what is
directly stated in a text from what is really meant (e.g., satire, sarcasm, irony, or

Lesson Objectives:
Students will evaluate Chaucers view of specific Estates based on his
characterization of pilgrims from each Estate.
Students will create a selfie drawing of a pilgrim based on Chaucers
characterization of them in the text and complete a character analysis for the same

Anticipatory Set:
Instruct students to take out their iPads and open their iDo Notepad app to record
journal #5.
Todays journal will also require students to log into Google Documents and open
their copy of The Canterbury Tales Pilgrim Chart. Students will then complete the
following task in their journal:
Look at the ranking of the 29 pilgrims according to Chaucers attitude of them. Use
this information to answer the following questions:
1. Look at the pilgrims who Chaucer seems to view negatively. What
category or Estate do the majority of them fall into? What does this tell
you about Chaucers view of this Estate?
2. Look at the pilgrims who Chaucer seems to view positively. What
category or Estate do the majority of them fall into? What does this tell
you about Chaucers view of this Estate?
After students have responded to the prompt, invite them share their responses
with the class.
1. Inform students that in order to gain deeper understanding of one of the 29
pilgrims they will be creating an Instagram selfie for a pilgrim of their choice
from The General Prologue.
*Explain that they will be drawing a picture of their pilgrim (selfie),
according to Chaucers description of the pilgrim in the text. In addition to
their drawing, they will be identifying three people who would have liked
the photo, explain in a caption what the pilgrim would have been doing when
the picture was taken, and create three hashtags for the photo,
demonstrating their knowledge of the pilgrim from the text.
2. Hand out Instagram template and explain to students that they will be
drawing a selfie of their pilgrim, according to the description of the pilgrim
offered in The General Prologue.
3. Allow students the remainder of the period to work on their Instagram selfie
of the pilgrim that they have chosen.
For homework, students will complete the selfie drawing of their pilgrim, as well as
the character analysis that accompanies the Instagram selfie.
iPad (each student will need one)
iDo Notepad app
Instagram Selfie Handout
The Canterbury Tales (each student will need a copy)

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