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October 17, 2014

Dear Second Grade Parents,

Remember that we sing in our 11:00 worship serice this Sunda!
morning" #e wi$$ meet in the %uther room at 10:40 to warm&up run
through our songs' #e wi$$ be singing (rom the ba$con!' During the
ne)t congregationa$ h!mn, the chi$dren wi$$ be brought downstairs to
the sanctuar!' *t wou$d be he$p(u$ i( !our chi$d +nows where to (ind
!ou to sit with !our (ami$! when we come down'
Don,t (orget that the (irst and second grade wi$$ be running -and
wa$+ing, .ogging, s+ipping / !ou name it 0 the mi$e on 1onda!, October
(or P2' 3he 2 grades wi$$ be combined (or c$ass (rom 1:40&2:40'
1rs' Schempp is sti$$ in need o( some parents to he$p +ids
+eep trac+ o( $aps' *( !ou can he$p count -and a$so cheer
and encourage the runners0 p$ease $et me +now' She is
hoping (or 5 or 7 he$pers'
Some (ami$ies hae a$read! signed up (or our Parent63eacher
7on(erences ne)t wee+' *( !ou haen,t gotten to it !et, the sign&up
sheet is posted across (rom the schoo$ o((ice' 8$$ o( the teachers are
$isted in one, hand! to use -especia$$! i( !ou hae +ids in more than one
c$assroom0 (ormat'
9our son6daughter shou$d be bringing home their than+ !ou cards (or
the grandparents toda!' 3han+ !ou (or he$ping them with addressing
and sending them"
8 big than+ !ou goes to 1rs' :rat;e$ (or $eading our c$assroom toda!
whi$e 1rs' 2ichho$; and * were in 3ope+a sering on the Pro(essiona$
Dee$opment 7ommittee (or our <ansas District'
Spelling Words and Sentence:
person nurse dirt turn birth sere
curb cur$ s+irt purse turt$e her
enough who$e
3he pump+in pie sme$$s great"
=ae a great wee+end"
Margie Krzesinski

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