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Laboratory Safety


Know the primary and secondary exit routes from the classroom.

Know the location of and how to use the safety equipment in the classroom.

Work at your assigned seat unless obtaining equipment and chemicals.

Do not handle equipment or chemicals without the teachers permission.

Follow laboratory procedures as explained and do not perform unauthorized

Work as quietly as possible and cooperate with your lab partner.

Wear appropriate clothing, proper footwear, and eye protection.

Report to the teachers all accidents and possible hazards.

Remove all unnecessary materials from the work area and completely clean up the
work area after the experiment.

Always make safety your first consideration in the laboratory.

Safety Contract:

I will:
Follow all instructions given by the teacher.
Protect eyes, face and hands, and body while conducting class activities.
Carry out good housekeeping practices.
Know where to get help fast.
Know the location of the first aid and firefighting equipment.
Conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times in a laboratory situation.

I, _______________________, have read and agree to abide by the safety regulations as set
forth above and also any additional printed instructions provided by the teacher. I further
agree to follow all other written and verbal instructions given in class.

Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________________

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