Newsletter November 2014

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Focusing on Schools for Africa

November 4, 2014
@ Renasant Bank
6:00 p.m.

Sandra Gladney , chair
Cheryl Andrews Paula Mabry
Emily Cain Robin Pigg
Cassie Hiltpold Kim Robertson
Billie Lane Hood Glenn Schmidt

Schools for Africa, Cathy Curtis
Putting together shoeboxes for Operation
Christmas Child
Bring your supplies to fill the
NOTE: Park in the back parking
lot, enter the back door and take
the elevator to the second floor.

Zeta State

Opportunity, Wi sdom, Leadershi p
President....Donna Hopper
Vice President..Lainie Anthony
Vice President....April Dill
Recording Secretary....Marilyn Maddox
Corresponding Secretary Cathy Curtis
Treasurer.......Kathy Dawkins
Parliamentarian...Patty Newsom
Historian .... Hellen Polk



What a gracious hostess Mrs. Keenum was on
October 7! It was a special night indeed as we
initiated five new members, celebrated the
anniversaries of several members,
recommitted ourselves to the purposes of
the society, and awarded our Red Rose
Award to a most deserving lady. Many
thanks to Hellen Polk, Jackie Pruett and Billie
Lane Hood for our program as we celebrated
BOOKS! Thanks also to all members who
donated books to Starkville Reads Basket of
Books which is one of our service projects.
We now look forward to our next meeting,
November 4, at 6:00 p.m. at Renasant Bank.
Our focus for the night will be Schools for
Africa. Our own Cathy Curtis will be
presenting our program as she shares about
her twelve years of living in Africa with her
husband and three small boys. Afterwards
we will spend time within our committees
putting together the shoeboxes for Operation
Christmas Child. Remember to bring the
items you have signed up for! If you were not
at the August meeting, your committee chair
will be emailing you soon with the items you
need to bring. If you cannot come, please
send your items with a friend.
Reminders for Shoeboxes:
TOYS: Include items that children will
immediately embrace such as dolls,
toy cars, stuffed animals, kazoos,
harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes,
balls, toys that light up and make
noise (with extra batteries), etc.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: pens, pencils and
sharpeners, crayons, markers,
notebooks, paper, solar calculators,
coloring and picture books, etc.

ITEMS: toothbrushes, bar soap,
combs, washcloths, etc.

ACCESSORIES: t-shirts, socks, hats,
sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry,
watches, flashlights (with extra
batteries), etc.

DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged
items; war-related items such as toy
guns, knives or military figures;
chocolate or food; out-of-date candy;
liquids or lotions; medications or
vitamins; breakable items such as
snow globes or glass containers;
aerosol cans.

Looking forward to the night!
Donna Hopper

| Issue #14.1.3 2

Get to Know our New Members

| Issue #14.1.3 3

With the help of some of our own family members and
friends, on October 17 we helped provide Taylor Browns
first grade class professionals for her very first Career Day.
Many thanks to Edie Irvin for leading this charge in signing
up these folks for Taylor. In fact, Edie was there from start
to finish helping Taylor with the event. Thanks, Edie!
Taylors first graders were visited by an elementary
principal, a dental hygienist, an MSU athlete (football
player Gabe Myles), a veterinarian, a photographer, a
deputy sheriff, a paramedic, and a college teacher. The
students were able to interact/question each.
Taylor sincerely appreciated our help and declared the
event a success.

and one more!
Red Rose Recipient Mrs. Rhonda Keenum
with charter president, Mrs. Leota Cardwell.
Mary McCoy, on behalf of the hostesses,
presenting Mrs. Keenum with a thank you gift
for hosting us in her home.
From our October meeting
Supporting Early Educators!
| Issue #14.1.3 4

Minutes of Delta Kappa
Gamma Meeting
Alpha Kappa Chapter
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Place: MSU Presidents Home
The second 2014-2015 meeting of the
Alpha Kappa chapter was called to order
by Donna Hopper, president.
The Collect was read by Jessica Hubbard.
Next, Marilyn Maddox called roll, and
each member answered with the name of
her favorite book.
Donna expressed appreciation to Rhonda
Keenum for inviting our chapter to meet
in her home.
The initiation of new members was the
next order of business with five new
members being inducted into the chapter:
Trish Cunetto, Sarah McKinney, Marcia
Parrish, Carol Peebles, and Krista
The following members were then
recognized for their years of service:
Mitzi Alpe and Kim Robertson for five
Marty Friend, Susan James, and Jackie
Pruett for ten years;
Sally Laughlin and Tina Scholtes for
twenty years;
Lucy Kennedy, who was not present, for
twenty-five years.
Recommitment of all members followed
with a responsive recommitment reading
led by Donna Hopper.
Jackie Pruett led members in singing the
Delta Kappa Gamma Song.
Donna called Rhonda Keenum forward to
present her with the Red Rose Award.
Donna updated the members on the many
accomplishments of Rhonda, and she
then presented her with her certificate
and a McCarty rose bowl filled with red
roses to commemorate her Red Rose
Award. Rhonda graciously accepted the
award and spoke briefly about what
teachers have meant to her in her life.
At this point, a transition was made to the
regular chapter meeting.
Since the minutes had been included in
the Chapter Newsletter, Donna did not
ask for a reading, but instead asked if
there were any corrections to the minutes.
There were no corrections, and the
minutes stood approved as printed.
Officer reports were next. In the absence
of First Vice-President Lainie Anthony,
President Donna Hopper distributed the
refrigerator magnets with meeting dates
and times to new members and current
members who were not in attendance at
the last meeting. Second Vice-President
April Dill then provided current
yearbooks to these members.
Treasurer Kathy Dawkins reminded
members to pay dues and purchase
ribbons if they have not done so already.
She reported a beginning balance of
$2638.46. After deposits of an initial
$1920 in dues, $29 in World
Fellowship$.09 interest, and $360 in
additional dues, the current balance is
Committee reports followed. Sandy
Maynard informed members of the
resignation of three members: Kelli
Dawkins, Cindy Johnson, and Lucy
Kennedy. Sandy reminded those present
to let her know of any educational honors
they receive in order for their honors to
be shared at chapter meetings. As an
example, Sandy informed the group that
Fleming Rogers was recognized this
week in the Starkville Daily News as
Teacher of the Week. Sandy also
reminded members who were not at the
first meeting that she needs their updated
Member Biographical Data Sheets.
For the Educational Excellence
Committee report, Edie Irvin gave an
update on the Supporting Early-Career
Educators Project (SEE). This year,
Taylor Brown, who is first grade teacher
in her third year of teaching, has been
selected. Cards were distributed to
chapter members to obtain contact
information as well as volunteer tasks
members would be willing to do to help
Taylor as an educator or in her
classroom. Her upcoming Classroom
Career Fair that will be held on October
from 12:00-1:30 is the most
immediate area of need for volunteers.
Taylor is seeking professionals to come
to the fair to share information about
their careers with the children. She
would also like volunteers throughout the
year to read a book or listen to a child
read a book. Another opportunity for
members to encourage and support
Taylor is by remembering her on her
birthday, December 15
There was no new business. Members
were reminded that the Christmas shoe
boxes will be filled during the November
The theme of the program was reading.
Hellen Polk, president of Starkville
Reads, spoke about the work of the group
and the Baskets of Books program,
which is also one of the service projects
of this chapter. Each member brought a
book tonight to donate to this service
Next on program was Jackie Pruett, who
gave highlights from The Invisible Girls:
A Memoir by Sarah Thebarge. This book
is the Mississippi State Maroon Edition
book selection for this year.
The final person on program was Billie
Lane Hood, who discussed the DKG
Founders Award Book for 2014, Raising
Henry: A Memoir of Motherhood,
Disability and Discovery.
Mary McCoy, on behalf of tonights
hostesses, presented Ronda Keenum with
two copies of the book, The Wizard of
Oz: 75
Anniversary Editiona personal
copy and a copy to donate to a library of
her choice.
Donna gave final reminders regarding
paying dues tonight and attending
meetings regularly.
The next meeting will be on November
at 6:00 p.m. at the Renasant Bank.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marilyn Maddox
Recording Secretary

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