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Chayanne Peral

7125 Fulton Ave

North Hollywood, CA 91605
Professor Ja!"e
1#111 Nordhoff $t
Northr"d%e, CA 91&&0
'to(er 27, 201)
*ear Professor Ja!"e,
+r"t"n% th"s advert"se,ent analys"s was a ("t hard for ,e (eause - d"dn.t !now how to
e/0la"n the a00eals that were "n the advert"se,ent1 +hen th"s ass"%n,ent was announed to the
lass - !new that - was %o"n% to do o0t"on one (eause - wanted to reate an advert"se,ent on
%oal"e %loves1 - de"ded to do the advert"se,ent on %oal"e %loves (eause - wanted to use ,y
favor"te %oal"e wh"h "s 2u"ller,o 'hoa1 3efore wr"t"n% the analys"s essay - had an "dea of
what ty0es of a00eals were %o"n% to (e 0ortrayed "n the advert"se,ent1 'ne - have started "t was
a ("t eas"er (eause - had so,e reasons for the a00eals that were 0ortrayed1 4hen - was hav"n%
trou(le f"nd"n% other reasons why those a00eals were (e"n% 0ortrayed1 After - !"nd of f"%ured out
so,e other reasons - was a(le to ont"nue wr"t"n% ,y essay1
- th"n! that - deserve a #510 on the ass"%n,ent re6u"re,ents1 4he reason for th"s "s that -
d"d s ,eet so,e of the re6u"re,ents that were needed1 'n the ontent 0art of the ru(r" - th"n! -
deserve a )05501 - th"n! th"s (eause - d"d have desr"0t"ons (ut - d"dn.t really e/0la"n "n %reat
deta"ls the a00eals1 -n the or%an"7at"on 0art of the ru(r" - th"n! - deserve a 275&01 - th"n! -
deserve th"s (eause ,y narrat"ve was or%an"7ed and - had ,y 0ara%ra0hs "n order and - had
trans"t"on sentenes1 8astly, - th"n! - deserve a 7510 on ,ehan"s (eause - th"n! ,y narrat"ve
,y have a few %ra,,at"al errors1
- really en9oyed th"s 0ro%ress"on (eause of the ads we saw and how they are tar%eted at
several aud"enes and now - !now what the advert"se,ents are also try"n% to sell1
Chayanne Peral

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