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IEE 572 Fall 2000

Design of Experiments
IEE 572 Term Project
The purpose of the experimet is to !!"#$e f!ctors th!t !ffect the texture of the Rice% &e chose to
co'uct the experimet (ith ) f!ctors (hich (ere thou*ht to +e the most import!t oes% E!ch
f!ctor is ru !t t(o "e,e"s so th!t the experimet is ! 2
f!ctori!" 'esi* (ith t(o rep"ic!tes%
The experimet rus (ere r!'omi$e' !' the resu"ts (ere !!"#$e' usi* -esi* Expert
Soft(!re% This soft(!re he"pe' us i i'etif#i* the m!i effects% The the 'esi* (!s projecte' i
the si*ific!t effects to *et further isi*ht ito the f!ctors !ffecti* the texture of rice
The fi'i*s of this experimet !re e"!+or!te' i the coc"usio sectio%
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
To identify te fa!tors affe!ting te text"re of ri!e#
To !ome o"t $it a !lear re!ommendation regarding te most favora%le !om%ination tat gives ri!e a
%etter text"re#
Iiti!" -esi* Ph!se

Te experiment design details are as %elo$&
Choice of f!ctors
Poteti!" 'esi* f!ctors
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
After !aref"l analysis of vario"s fa!tors tat may effe!t te text"re' fo"r fa!tors $ere sort listed for te
experiment# All fa!tors are !onsidered at t$o levels !osen ar%itrarily as ig()* and lo$(+*# Tese fa!tors
and levels are given in te follo$ing ta%le&
3!ctor -escriptio 5o( "e,e"678 4i*h "e,e"698 T#pe
A ,ater -"antity .#00 .#50 /"meri!
0 1i!e 0rand 0asmati 2rdinary 3ategori!al
3 Amo"nt of 1i!e 2 5 /"meri!
D 3oo4ing medi"m 1i!e !oo4er 5i!ro$ave 3ategori!al
4e"' cost!t f!ctor
Se"ectio of Respose ,!ri!+"e
,ile sele!ting te response varia%le it $as ta4en into !onsideration tat tis varia%le provides "sef"l
information a%o"t te pro!ess "nder st"dy# 6en!e in tis experiment' Text"re of 1i!e $as !onsidered
to %e more appropriate# Te follo$ing fo"r levels for te text"re $ere de!ided&
. 7 8erfe!t
.#5 7 9ood
2 7 Satisfa!tory
2#5 7 0ad
Te text"re of ri!e for a parti!"lar r"n $as determined %y 5 fixed panel of :"dges and teir average
$as ta4en to determine te val"e of response varia%le#
Choice of Experimet!" -esi*
,ile !oosing te design' follo$ing points $ere !onsidered&
Sample size (/"m%er of repli!ates*& In tis experiment t$o repli!ates $ere in!orporated#
Sele!tion of s"ita%le r"n order#
Te determination of $eter or not %lo!4ing is re-"ired& Sin!e none of te fa!tors $ere
restri!ted %lo!4s $ere not !onsidered ne!essary#
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
The ideal design for this experiment would be 2
Full Factorial Design with two replicates#
Performi* the Experimet
0efore a!t"ally performing te experiment $e !ond"!ted a n"m%er of trials to !e!4 te
ade-"a!y of fa!tors to ave a ro"g idea of experimental error and a !an!e to pra!ti!e te
overall experimental te!ni-"e#

St!tistic!" !!"#sis of '!t!
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
3i'i*s: 3rom the fi*ure (e c! see th!t f!ctors A !' / !re si*ific!t%
&e see th!t the mo'e" is hier!rchic!"%
Iferece: The &!ter ;u!tit# !' Rice +r!' h!,e si*ific!t effects o the texture of rice%
2orm!"it# !ssumptio
/ormal 8ro%a%ility 8lot
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
3i'i*: The orm!" p"ot c"e!r"# p!sses the <3!t Peci" Test=
Iferece: The !!"#sis of ,!ri!ce s!tisfies 2orm!"it# !ssumptio% As there is o out"ier> (e c!
S!fe"# coc"u'e th!t experimet is o?!#%
I'epe'ece !ssumptio
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
3i'i*: The Resi'u!" Vs Rus p"ot 'oes ot re,e!" !# o+,ious p!tter i%e there is o corre"!tio
Iferece: The i'epe'ece of ,!ri!ce !ssumptio ho"'s *oo'
Cost!t V!ri!ce Assumptio
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
Resi'u!"s Vs &!ter ;u!tit#
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments

Resi'u!"s Vs Rice /r!'

Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
3i'i*: The P"ot of resi'u!"s Vs% Pre'icte'@fitte' ,!"ues is structure"ess
Iferece: The cost!t ,!ri!ce !ssumptio ho"'s *oo'
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
3i'i*: !"" the out"ier T ,!"ues !re (ithi the !ccept!+"e "imit of 7A%5 to BA%5
Iferece: The mo'e" is ! *oo' represet!ti,e of the s#stem%
2ote: .ut"ier T is ! t9st!tistic th!t tests if the c!se is cosistet (ith the other o+ser,!tios !ssumi*
this mo'e" ho"'s% The out"ier t9 ,!"ue is c!"cu"!te' +# "e!,i* the ru i Cuestio out of the !!"#sis
!' pre'icti* its respose from the rem!ii* rus%
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
A2A5YSIS .3 T4E E33ECTS I2 T4E M.-E5
3i'i*s: As see from the *r!ph the effect of (!ter Cu!tit# o the texture of the rice is hi*h
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
3i'i*: As see from the *r!ph the effect of rice +r!' o the texture of the rice is ot ,er#
Arizona State University
IEE 572 Fall 2000
Design of Experiments
After !!"#$i* the A2.VA resu"ts !' 'ifferet *r!phs> (e coc"u'e:
The ;u!tit# of &!ter !' Rice /r!' do ave effe!t on te Texture of Rice
M!i f!ctors 6A !' /8 B si*ific!t 6p B ,!"ues D E%E5 B ;5< !onfiden!e interval for 8
T$o main effe!ts' 2 fa!tor' = fa!tor and > fa!tor intera!tion effe!ts B ot si*ific!t
F5%AGH 9 varia%ility in response varia%le ITextureJ explained %y regressors A6;u!tit# of &!ter8
!' /6Rice /r!'8
3urther Stu'#:
3an %e st"died as a 2
F"ll Fa!torial Experiment $it lot more fa!tors in!l"ded
8otential fa!tors B Time !' Temper!ture of coo?i*
Arizona State University

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