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Grammar Worksheets | Copyright | www.kidslearningstation.


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Grammar Worksheet
A AA Articles rticles rticles rticles

Circle the correct article in each sentence below.

1. Dad wears a/an a/an a/an a/an old pair of shoes to work in the yard.

2. I had a/an a/an a/an a/an banana for lunch.

3. My family brought a/an a/an a/an a/an blanket to the football game.

4. Alex had a/an a/an a/an a/an birthday party for my grandfather.

5. She used a/an a/an a/an a/an exit sign to help find her way out of the building.

6. My teammates were treated to a/an a/an a/an a/an ice cream cone for winning the game.

7. Mikes new bicycle had a/an a/an a/an a/an flat tire.

8. We put the pictures in a/an a/an a/an a/an envelope to mail to my grandma in Hawaii.

9. A/An A/An A/An A/An icicle hanging from the gutter was dripping on my head!

10. My friend let me borrow a/an a/an a/an a/an jacket to wear to the parade.

Write the correct article (a or an) for each noun.

1. picnic table 6. anniversary

2. rooster 7. egg

3. kangaroo 8. apple

4. quarter 9. toothbrush

5. spoon 10. afternoon


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