Why Do People Use Yohimbe

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Company Name:Xian FineSky Technological Co.,Ltd.
-dd.ess:/oom 01%, 23ilding -, 43a5ing 6la+a, No. %1 Fengh3inanl3 /d, 4i$Tech 7e8elopment
9one, Xian City,Shaan:i,6./.China.
hy 7o 6eople ;se <ohimbe=
T.aditionally, yohimbe was 3sed in -f.ica fo. fe8e., co3ghs, lep.osy, and as an aph.odisiac. Today,
yohimbe is p.omoted fo. the following conditions:
)> *.ectile 7ysf3nction
<ohimbe ba.k e:t.acts a.e widely p.omoted online and in health food sto.es as a nat3.al
aph.odisiac to inc.ease libido and t.eat e.ectile dysf3nction. 4owe8e., the.e is no e8idence to
show that the he.bal s3pplements wo.k. ?ost clinical st3dies ha8e looked at the d.3g yohimbine
and not the he.bal e:t.act yohimbe.
<ohimbine has been fo3nd to .ela: and dilate blood 8essels in the penis, .es3lting in inc.eased
blood flow and e.ection. @t may also stim3late a.eas in the b.ain in8ol8ed in se:3al desi.e.
St3dies on the effecti8eness of yohimbine ha8e had conflicting findings. Fo. o.ganic e.ectile
dysf3nction Ae.ectile dysf3nction ca3sed by a physical p.oblem>, one small 3ncont.olled st3dy
fo3nd that yohimbine was beneficial fo. men with o.ganic e.ectile dysf3nction. -nothe. st3dy
fo3nd it was no mo.e effecti8e than a placebo.
<ohimbine appea.s to wo.k bette. fo. e.ectile dysf3nction not ca3sed by a physical p.oblem. -
Be.man st3dy e:amined whethe. (1 mg/day of yohimbine fo. C weeks wo3ld help men with
e.ectile dysf3nction not d3e to a physical p.oblem. <ohimbine was fo3nd to be mo.e effecti8e than
placebo A')D 8s C0D>.
To date, the.e ha8e been no st3dies compa.ing yohimbine to newe. d.3gs s3ch as Eiag.a.
See Nat3.al /emedies fo. *.ectile 7ysf3nction.
%> eight Loss
<ohimbine has been fo3nd to inc.ease lipolysis by inc.easing the .elease of no.epineph.ine
a8ailable to fat cells and blocking alpha$% .ecepto. acti8ation. 4owe8e., a cont.olled st3dy fo3nd
that C( mg/day yohimbe had no effect on body weight, body mass inde:, body fat, fat dist.ib3tion,
and choleste.ol le8els.
Lea.n abo3t )0 Nat3.al eight Loss S3pplements.
(> 7ep.ession
<ohimbe has been p.omoted as a he.bal .emedy fo. dep.ession, beca3se it blocks an en+yme
called monoamine o:idase. 4owe8e., this is only fo3nd in highe. doses Ao8e. 01 mg/day>, which
is potentially 3nsafe.
-lso see 7ep.ession /emedies: " Nat3.al T.eatments.
@n Be.many, yohimbe is on the Commission * Athe co3nt.yFs he.bal .eg3lato.y agency> list of
3napp.o8ed he.bs beca3se of conce.ns abo3t the he.bFs safety and effecti8eness. @n the ;nited
States, the F7- has had a n3mbe. of .epo.ts of sei+3.es and kidney fail3.e following the 3se of
<ohimbe is not .ecommended beca3se it has a 8e.y na..ow the.ape3tic inde:. The.e is a .elati8ely
small dosing .ange$$below it, the he.b doesnt wo.k and abo8e it the he.b is to:ic.
Side effects of no.mal dosages may incl3de di++iness, na3sea, insomnia, an:iety, .apid hea.tbeat,
and inc.eased blood p.ess3.e.
-s little as C1 mg a day can ca3se se8e.e side effects, s3ch as dange.o3s changes in blood
p.ess3.e, hall3cinations, pa.alysis. G8e.dose can be fatal.
2eca3se yohimbe blocks the en+yme monoamine o:idase, people taking yohimbe m3st a8oid all
ty.amine$containing foods Ae.g., li8e., cheeses, .ed wine> and o8e.$the$co3nte. p.od3cts that
contain the ing.edient phenylp.opanolamine, s3ch as nasal decongestants.
6eople with kidney o. li8e. disease, stomach 3lce.s, hea.t disease, high blood p.ess3.e, low blood
p.ess3.e, post$t.a3matic st.ess diso.de., and panic diso.de. sho3ld not take yohimbe.
<ohimbe sho3ld not be taken by p.egnant o. n3.sing women, child.en, o. elde.ly people.
<ohimbe sho3ld not be combined with antidep.essant d.3gs 3nless 3nde. the s3pe.8ision of a
About FineSky
XiFan FineSky Technological Co.,Ltd. is a Chinese man3fact3.e. dedicated to the .esea.ch and
de8elopment of nat3.al p.od3cts which is a ma.ket o.iented, technology$d.i8en high$tech
ente.p.ise. The company de8otes to the comme.ciali+ation of nat3.al p.od3cts. FineSky shows
st.ong p.od3ction ability and co3ld s3pply many kinds of plant e:t.act.G3. p.od3cts ha8e been
e:po.ted to many co3nt.ies in the wo.ld.e ha8e e:cellent /HampI7 Capabilities,St.ict J3ality
cont.ol system and e:pe.ienced team.e belie8e we ha8e the capability to s3pply p.emie.
Finesky plant e:t.act p.od3ction incl3ding hops e:t.act,a.tichoke e:t.act,g.een tea e:t.act,milk
thistle e:t.act,yohimbe ba.k e:t.act,oli8e leaf e:t.act,go5i be..y,g.een coffee bean
e:t.act,coen+yme K)1,.es8e.at.ol,g.ape seed e:t.act,soybean e:t.act,common cnidi3m e:t.act,go5i
e:t.act,go5i d.ied f.3it,.aspbe..y e:t.act,polygon3m c3spidat3m e:t.act,white willow ba.k
e:t.act,echinacea p3.p3.ea e:t.act,d$gl3cosamine 4Cl,epimedi3m e:t.act,St. LohnHM(&Is wo.t
e:t.act,mat.ine e:t.act,pomeg.anate e:t.act,k3d+3 e:t.act,t.ib3l3s te..est.is e:t.act,hawtho.n
e:t.act,angelica e:t.act,dandelion e:t.act,ga.lic e:t.act,ginseng e:t.act,.ed clo8e. e:t.act,pine ba.k
@f yo3 want to know mo.e info.mation abo3t o3. plant e:t.act,contact 3s immediately P

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