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About college :-

Birla Institute of Technology, Patna Campus was established in the year 2006 on
the initiative of ovt! of Bihar! The institute came into e"istence by Public
Private Partnership #PPP$ mode under the flagship management of BIT %esra!
&hri 'itish (umar, )*nble Chief %inister of Bihar laid the foundation stone in
+ec 200, under the able guidance of +r! )! C! Pandey, -C #.$, BIT %esra and
the patronage of Chairman %/ ! P! Birla and Chancellor %r! &yed &ibtey /a0i
#former overnor of 1har2hand$ with the motto3!
45earning is that which liberates6!
The Patna Campus of the Institute is first7of7its72ind,deicated fully to the course
of .ngineering 8 Technology! The ."pansive Campus includes ,!2, lacs s9!ft
of academic space,ade9uate hostel accomodation for :200 students and
residential facilities for staff,dispensary,playground,gymnasium and a guest
house!The institute has progressed by leaps and bounds since then and is now
been considered as one of the best institute in the state of Bihar!
; few ;chievements of the students are as follows<
Team urutva from our institute was selected by ';&;#'ational ;eronautics
8 &pace ;dministration$ to participate in the International 5unabotics %ining
Competition 20:: that was held during %ay,20:: at the (ennedy &pace
Centre,=lordia,>&;!The caterpillar Trac2ing &ystem was widely recognised by
distinct luminaries at ';&;!The Team had participated successfully in 20:2 8
20:? ';&; 5unabotics and had been appreciated for innovative mechanisms!
Team ashwa from our institute participated in B;1; &;.720:@ , it was the only
team from BI);/, which 9ualified for the main event!

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