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PPAP Guidelines

Form #6190 REV. 03 Date: 2/18/09 DAF #1784 1

GKN Rockford Supplier:
To assure our customers they are receiving products of the highest quality and reliability GKN
Rockford follows a formal Production Part Approval Process (PPAP). All products with unique
part numbers require that you, as a supplier, secure approval prior to supplying production
quantities of product. A Part Submission Warrant (PSW), signed by GKN Rockford Quality and
returned to you, is your evidence of PPAP approval.
GKN Rockford urges suppliers to utilize electronic communication in supplying PPAP
documents prior to receipt at Rockford. Realizing that pre-approval may not always be
economical or support GKN production schedules, GKN Quality allows PPAP submittal with the
first production order. You, as Supplier, must assure compliance to GKN Rockford print
requirements and you assume risk of rejection should GKN find your samples nonconforming to
our requirements.
If you are a new supplier to GKN Rockford:
You need to submit a level 4 PPAP with the parts or a level 5 PPAP may be done at your facility,
if possible. This will be indicated by a PAP4 or PAP5 designation on your Purchase Order.
If you are an existing supplier:
If the part you will make is part of a family and utilizes similar processes as parts you already
make for GKN Rockford a level 2 PPAP is required with the first production part receipt. This
will be indicated by a PAP2 designation on your Purchase Order and requires limited supporting
documentation. The Process FMEA and Control Plan need not be resubmitted. Indicate on the
PSW which part number the original PFMEA and CP were submitted and approved on.
If the part you will make is not part of a family or utilizes processes different than parts you
already make for GKN Rockford a level 3 PPAP is required with the first production part receipt.
This will be indicated by a PAP3 designation on your Purchase Order.
If you supply standard off the shelf items:
If the part being purchased is a made to industry standards, such as a bolt, then a Level 1 PPAP is
required along with a certificate of conformance. This will be indicated by a PAP1 designation on
your Purchase Order.
PPAP quantities:
A minimum run of 300 production pieces is the standard requirement for PPAP evaluation. This
allows you to statistically monitor your process and determine your capability to meet GKN
product requirements long term. Dimensional verification, in the form of an Initial Sample
Inspection Report (ISIR), is required on an agreed upon quantity of sample parts. A six piece
layout is preferred but a lesser quantity may be designated by GKN. These numbered layout
samples are supplied to GKN Quality for verification and referenced on the ISIR with
corresponding dimensional results, following a numbered print.
PPAP Guidelines
Form #6190 REV. 03 Date: 2/18/09 DAF #1784 2
Due to lower volume requirements a PPAP can be performed on production orders of less then
300 pieces. Orders of 10 pieces or less require no PPAP but you must verify compliance to GKN
Family of parts:
If you are making several parts for GKN Rockford and the process for producing these parts is
similar then you submit the process Flow Diagram, FMEA, Control Plan, SPC data, and gage
R&R once to cover all of the parts within the family. You must still submit to GKN a level 2
PPAP for each unique part number. Please indicate for which previous family part number the
initial Level 3 PPAP documentation was submitted on the Part Submission Warrant (PSW).
After a PPAP has been approved:
After successful product verification GKN Rockford will approve and sign your PSW and return
a copy to you. You must have an approved PSW for each part number you supply to GKN
Rockford. You must provide a certificate of conformance and a material certification, if
requested, with each subsequent production order.
Process capability data (Cpk) on significant characteristics may be requested on a quarterly basis.
To avoid possibility of nonconforming product, if you have any significant change in processing,
including different location, equipment, material or processes, GKN Rockford must be informed.
An additional PPAP may be requested by GKN Rockford if the changes are deemed significant.
Interim PPAP approval:
If one or more product requirements are found to violate GKN Rockford specifications, but GKN
product engineering approves the parts to be used, an interim PPAP approval is given. When you
run the next production order of parts you must document corrective actions to correct the
discrepancies and submit another PPAP. A Level 2 PPAP, with appropriate verification data on
the corrected discrepancies, is submitted to GKN Rockfords inspection department for
verification. If they have been corrected then the PPAP will be approved.
Exceptions to GKN Requirements:
If you cannot meet any GKN Rockford part requirement you must state why you cannot correct
the discrepancy and GKN Product Engineering must determine if the requirements can be revised
to allow acceptance. Before submitting PPAP samples contact your buyer for a Suppliers
Request for Material Review Board Action form. This will allow review by GKN and may result
in a temporary deviation or a specification change. Failure to request this review prior to PPAP
submittal will have a negative impact on your Supplier Rating if your PPAP is rejected.
PPAP Guidelines
Form #6190 REV. 03 Date: 2/18/09 DAF #1784 3
Levels of PPAP submission as indicated on your PO:
Level 1 PPAP consists of the following documentation being supplied before or with the initial
sample parts:
Part Submission Warrant (PSW) and Material Certification (if applicable). This level is used
when changes are made that have minimal effect on the supplier but to assure you have the most
recent drawings and documentation from GKN. The submission warrant will show you have
received and acknowledge the changes.
Level 2 PPAP consists of the following documentation being supplied before or with the initial
sample parts:
PSW, I.S.I.R. and Material Certification (if applicable).
NOTE: You must indicate on the PSW under Level 2 which previously approved family part
number the additional Level 3 supporting documents were submitted on and approved.
Level 3 PPAP consists of the following documentation being supplied before or with the initial
sample parts:
PSW, I.S.I.R., Material Certification (if applicable), Process Flow Diagram, Control Plan, Process
FMEA, Process Capability Analysis, gage R&R study.
Level 4 PPAP consists of the same documentation as a level 3 as well as additional requirements
as defined by GKN Rockford being supplied before or with the initial sample parts.
Level 5 PPAP uses the same documentation as a level 3 but is reviewed at your facility. The
processing of the part is reviewed while the supplier is performing their I.S.I.R. The GKN
representative verifies that the parts are being measured with proper inspection equipment and
verifies the dimensions to GKNs drawing. If the parts conform to requirements and the process is
deemed capable then the PSW can be signed off approving the PPAP. When the parts are
received at GKN Rockford a short inspection (appearance and documentation) is performed and
the parts sent to stock.
PPAP Guidelines
Form #6190 REV. 03 Date: 2/18/09 DAF #1784 4
Description of required documentation:
Process Flow Diagram Representation of all process elements
required to make the part.
Process Failure Analytical spreadsheet detailing potential process
Mode and Effects failure points with numerical rankings, current controls and
Analysis (FMEA) reaction plans. High risk (RPN) items must have
proposed alternative action/controls.
Control Plan Using the FMEA, detail of all significant process elements
with inspection features, responsibilities, frequencies,
sample sizes, gages and reaction plans.
Capability Studies Initial capability analysis of significant product
characteristics with 2.00 Ppk minimum requirement.
Long term capability analysis of significant product
characteristics require 1.66 Cpk minimum requirement
Gage Repeatability Analysis of gaging error by isolating operator error
and Reproducibility from equipment error.
Analysis (GR&R)
Material Detailed chemical and physical properties of material
Certification traceable to a lot or heat number, including heat treating
Numbered Items on GKN part drawing identified by number for
Part Print reference on the ISIR.
Initial Sample Detailed results of at least two samples from first
Inspection Report production lot for (numbered) drawing
(ISIR) requirements (including notes).
Sample Parts 6 identified parts of a minimum 300 piece run on
production processes (unless otherwise agreed upon).
Part Submission Warrant Warrant form used to identify the part number, revision
(PSW) level, PPAP level, reason for submission, warrantedresults
PPAP Guidelines
Form #6190 REV. 03 Date: 2/18/09 DAF #1784 5
and authorized signature. GKN signed copy is evidence of
production part approval.

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