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Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Flow Chart

Identi fy PPAP
Requi rements at
Purchase Order
Fai l Safe
Update IML Tool s SO
to Inform Shi ppi ng of
Requi rements
(QA Tech)
ID Components
Requi ri ng PPAP
Ini ti ate Tracki ng
Li st
(QA Tech)
Forward Info.
Copy to
QA & Eng.
Forward Tracki ng
Li st & PO to Insp.
Component Work
Orders ID PPAP
(Eng Cl erk)
Produce Parts
& Inspect (PROD-106)
In-Process Insp.
Rel ease Work
Order to
Manufacturi ng
Move Parts to
Inspecti on
Di mensi onal
Layout to
Drawi ng
Engi neeri ng on
Probl em Areas
Di mensi onal
Resul ts to
QA Tech
QA Tech
Revi ews for
Accuracy and
Compl eteness
Transpose Resul ts to
Proper Document
& Match Materi al
Ini ti ate Warrant
Documentati on
(QA Manager)
Assembl e PPAP i .e..
Warrant, Mat. Cert.,
Drawi ngs,
Di m. Resul ts, Control
Pl an, Fl ow Charts,
FMEA, Gage R & R's
Make Copi es
Forward Ori gi nal
to Shi ppi ng/
Mai ntai n Copy
i n Qual i ty Fi l e

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